Q. 1 سَنْبَلَ الزَّرْعُ The seed-produce put forth its سُنْبُل [or ears]; (
K;) as also أَسْبَلَ [
q. v.]: the former of the
dial. of Temeem, and the latter of that of El-Hijáz. (
A2: سَنْبَلَ ثَوْبَهُ, (
inf. n. سَنْبَلَةٌ, (
TA,) He (a man) dragged a shirt of his garment behind him; so says
Khálid Ibn-Jembeh: (
TA:) or he dragged his garment behind him or before him. (
K.) سُنْبُلٌ [Ears of corn:
n. un. with ة:
pl. سَنَابِلُ and سُنْبُلَاتٌ, the latter
pl. occurring in the
Kur xii. 43 and 46: it is said in the
M, in art. سنبل, that سُنْبُلَةٌ signifies one of the سُنْبُل of زَرْع; in the
K, in this art., that it signifies one of the سَنَابِل of زَرْع: see سَبَلٌ]. السُّنْبُلَةُ is also the name of A certain sign of the Zodiac [i.e. Virgo]; (
TA;) the sixth sign; the third of the summer signs: (
TA:) [or Spica Virginis;] a certain star in Virgo. (
Kzw.) [See, again, سَبَلٌ.]
b2: Also A certain perfume; (
M;) a certain plant of sweet odour, also called سُنْبُلُ العَصَافِيرِ, (
K,) and الرّيْحَانُ الهِنْدِىُّ; (
TA;) [spikenard, called in the present day السُّنْبُلُ الهِنْدِىُّ;] the best whereof is the سُورِىّ, (
K,) what is brought from سُور [or سُورَى?], a town, or district, of El-'Irák; (
TA;) and the weakest is the هِنْدِىّ: it is an aperient; a discutient of flatulences; (
K, *
TA;) strengthening to the brain and the spleen and the kidneys and the bowels; and diuretic; and has the property of arresting the excessive flow of blood from the womb. (
TA. [Mentioned also
voce سَبَلٌ, as called سُنْبُلُ الطِّيبِ.]) السُّنْبُلُ الرُّمِىُّ [also signifies Spikenard, or perhaps a variety thereof;]
i. q. النَّارِدِينُ.(
K.) سَنْبَلَةٌ The [kind of trees called] عِضَاه [
q. v.]. (
K.) [It is said in the
TA that the ن in this word is augmentative: but the same is held by some to be the case in other words mentioned in this art.]
قَمِيصٌ سُنْبُلَانِىٌّ A shirt ample in length, or reaching to, or towards, the ground: or so called in relation to a town, or district, in the Greek Empire. ('Abd-El-Wahháb El-Ghana wee,