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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
2102. سيح17 2103. سيخ8 2104. سيد7 2105. سير18 2106. سيرج1 2107. سيع102108. سيغ7 2109. سيف16 2110. سيل14 2111. سيم6 2112. سين9 2113. سيو1 2114. ش5 2115. شأب7 2116. شأت5 2117. شأف11 2118. شأن12 2119. شأو8 2120. شاهبلوط1 2121. شاهين2 2122. شب7 2123. شبت6 2124. شبث15 2125. شبح17 2126. شبر17 2127. شبط11 2128. شبع15 2129. شبق15 2130. شبك14 2131. شبل16 2132. شبم14 2133. شبه19 2134. شبو9 2135. شت6 2136. شتر18 2137. شتم17 2138. شتو10 2139. شث5 2140. شج3 2141. شجب17 2142. شجر20 2143. شجع17 2144. شجن16 2145. شجو10 2146. شح5 2147. شحب11 2148. شحج11 2149. شحذ14 2150. شحط16 2151. شحم16 2152. شحن16 2153. شحو7 2154. شحى3 2155. شخب14 2156. شخت10 2157. شخر10 2158. شخس10 2159. شخص19 2160. شد6 2161. شدخ12 2162. شدق16 2163. شدن12 2164. شده11 2165. شدو9 2166. شذ5 2167. شذب15 2168. شذر15 2169. شذو8 2170. شر6 2171. شرب24 2172. شرج17 2173. شرح19 2174. شرخ14 2175. شرد16 2176. شردم4 2177. شرذم11 2178. شرس18 2179. شرسف8 2180. شرط19 2181. شرع20 2182. شرف19 2183. شرق18 2184. شرقرق3 2185. شرك16 2186. شرم17 2187. شرنف5 2188. شره13 2189. شرو4 2190. شرول2 2191. شرى13 2192. شزب10 2193. شزر16 2194. شسع17 2195. ششب1 2196. شصر10 2197. شط6 2198. شطأ13 2199. شطب16 2200. شطر22 2201. شطرنج4 Prev. 100




1 سَاعَ, aor. ـِ inf. n. سَيْعٌ and سُيُوعٌ, It (water, and the سَرَاب [or mirage],) ran, and was in a state of commotion, upon the surface of the ground; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ انساع: (S:) or the latter, said of water, it ran upon the surface of the ground; as also ↓ تسيّع: and ↓ انساع, said of a thing in a congealed or solid state, signifies also it melted; became fluid, or liquid. (TA.) b2: سَاعَتِ الإِبِلُ, (Sh, K,) aor. as above, inf. n. سَيْعٌ, (Sh,) The camels were left to themselves, without a pastor; (Sh, K;) as also ساعت having تَسُوعُ for its aor. and سَوْعٌ for its inf. n. (Sh, S * and K * in art. سوع.) b3: And سَاعَ الشَّىْءَ, aor. as above, The thing became left, or neglected, or lost; or it perished. (TA.) 2 تَسْيِيعٌ The act of plastering with mud [or with سَيَاع]. (K.) You say, سَيَّعْتُ الحَائِطَ I plastered the wall with mud and chopped straw. (S.) b2: And The act of anointing with fat and the like. (K.) You say, سَيَّعَتِ المَرْأَةُ مَزَادَتَهَا The woman anointed [with fat, or the like, her leathern water-bag]. (TA.) 4 اساعهُ He left it, neglected it, lost it, or destroyed it. (TA.) [See also art. سوع.]5 تَسَيَّعَ see 1.

A2: تسيّع البَقْلُ The herbs, or leguminous plants, dried up; or became yellow. (TA.) 7 إِنْسَيَعَ see 1, in two places.

سَيْعٌ Water running upon the surface of the ground. (Lth, K.) سَيَاعٌ, (K,) or سِيَاعٌ, (S,) or both, (MF, TA,) Mud: (TA:) or mud [mixed] with chopped straw, with which one plasters. (Kr, S, K.) The saying of the poet, (S, K,) namely El-Kutámee, (K,) describing his she-camel, (TA,) فَلَمَّا أَنْ جَرَى سِمَنٌ عَلَيْهَا كَمَا طَيَّنْتَ بِالفَدَنِ السَّيَاعَا

presents an inversion, the meaning being كما طيّنت بِالسِيَّاعِ الفَدَنِ [i. e. And when fatness extended upon her, as when thou plasterest with mud and chopped straw the pavilion]; الفَدَن signifying القَصْر. (S, K: [but in the former, only the latter hemistich is cited; and in some copies of the former, and in the O, we find بَطَّنْتَ in the place of طَيَّنْتَ.]) b2: Also Fat with which a مَزَادَة [or leathern water-bag] is anointed. (K.) b3: And (tropical:) Pitch, or tar; syn. زِفْتٌ; as being likened to mud, because of its blackness. (TA.) ضَائِعٌ سَائِعٌ, mentioned in this art. in the TA: see art. سوع.

سَرَابٌ أَسْيَعُ A mirage [running upon the surface of the ground, (see 1,) and] in a state of commotion: (S, * TA:) or, as some say, [in a state of exceeding commotion; for] the form of the epithet in this case denotes مُفَاضَلَة. (TA.) مِسْيَعَةٌ A plasterer's trowel; syn. مَالَجَةٌ: (S:) a piece of wood made smooth, used by skilful plasterers with mud. (Lth, K.) مِسْيَاعٌ A she-camel that goes away in the place of pasturing: (K:) mentioned by J in art. سوع, q. v.: (TA:) or that bears, or suffers, neglect, or being left alone, (اَلَّتِى تَحْمِلُ الضَّيْعَةَ, [for the last of which words we find in some copies of the K الضَّيْعَةَ, but it is said in the TA that the former is the right reading, as is shown by its being added,]) and bad superintendence or management; (K, TA;) thus expl. by As: (TA:) or upon which one journeys and returns; (K;) thus expl. by Sgh, but this is the explanation of مِرْبَاعٌ, with which it is coupled. (TA.)
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