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2009. سلخ18 2010. سلس13 2011. سلسبل2 2012. سلط17 2013. سلطح5 2014. سلع182015. سلغ9 2016. سلف24 2017. سلق19 2018. سلك20 2019. سلم22 2020. سلهب10 2021. سلو10 2022. سلى5 2023. سم5 2024. سمت21 2025. سمج15 2026. سمح17 2027. سمحج5 2028. سمحق5 2029. سمد18 2030. سمدر7 2031. سمدع6 2032. سمذ3 2033. سمر21 2034. سمس2 2035. سمسر9 2036. سمط18 2037. سمع18 2038. سمعر1 2039. سمغ6 2040. سمق12 2041. سمك16 2042. سمل18 2043. سملق6 2044. سمن16 2045. سمندل4 2046. سمهدر4 2047. سمهر9 2048. سمو10 2049. سن4 2050. سنبق3 2051. سنبك9 2052. سنبل11 2053. سنت11 2054. سنج12 2055. سنجاب1 2056. سنح16 2057. سنخ13 2058. سند15 2059. سندر12 2060. سندس11 2061. سندق4 2062. سندل6 2063. سنر11 2064. سنط15 2065. سنف14 2066. سنق9 2067. سنم21 2068. سنه14 2069. سه3 2070. سهب14 2071. سهج9 2072. سهد13 2073. سهر17 2074. سهك11 2075. سهل17 2076. سهم20 2077. سهو10 2078. سو1 2079. سوأ16 2080. سوب5 2081. سوج14 2082. سوح13 2083. سوخ13 2084. سود25 2085. سور18 2086. سوس16 2087. سوسن3 2088. سوط17 2089. سوع15 2090. سوغ19 2091. سوف16 2092. سوق19 2093. سوك14 2094. سول15 2095. سوم17 2096. سون3 2097. سوى4 2098. سى2 2099. سيأ8 2100. سيب18 2101. سيج9 2102. سيح17 2103. سيخ8 2104. سيد7 2105. سير18 2106. سيرج1 2107. سيع10 2108. سيغ7 Prev. 100




1 سَلَعَ رَأْسَهُ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb,) inf. n. سَلْعٌ, (S, TA,) He clave, or split, his head, [i. e., the skin thereof, (see سَلْعَةٌ,)] (S, Msb, TA,) by striking it, with a staff, or stick. (TA.) A2: سَلِعَتْ, قَدَمَهُ, (S, K, *) aor. ـَ inf. n. سَلَعٌ, (S, K,) His foot became chapped, or cracked, (S, K,) in its upper part and in its under, like زَلِعَتْ. (S, TA.) [See also 5.] b2: سَلَعَ جِلْدُهُ بِالنَّارِ, [so in the L and TA, app. a mistranscription for سَلِعَ,] inf. n. سَلَعٌ, His skin became burned by fire so that the mark thereof was seen upon it. (L, TA.) b3: سَلِعَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. سَلَعٌ, He was, or became, affected with بَرَص [i. e. leprosy, particularly the white, malignant kind thereof]. (IDrd, K.) 2 تَسْلِيعٌ [inf. n. of سَلَّعَ as used in the phrase سلّع البَقَرَ, or ثِيرَانَ الوَحْشِ, (see مُسَلَّعَةٌ,)] signifies a practice which was observed in the Time of Ignorance, when the people were afflicted with drought, or barrenness of the earth; which was The hanging the [kind of tree, or plant, called]

سَلَع, with the [species of swallow-wort called] عُشَر, to wild bulls, and sending them down from the mountains, having kindled fire in the سلع and عشر; seeking thereby to obtain rain: (K, TA:) or the loading the backs of those animals with the fire-wood of the سلع and عشر, then kindling fire therein; seeking to obtain rain by the flame of the fire, which was likened to the gleaming of lightning. (TA.) [See also سَلَعٌ, where a meaning somewhat different from those above is indicated.]) 4 اسلع He (a man, TA) had a [wound in the head, such as is termed] شَجَّة, (K, TA,) i. e., a سَلْعَة: (TA:) or he had a [kind of ulcer in the belly, called] دُبَيْلَة. (TA.) 5 تسلّع عَقِبُهُ His heel became chapped, or cracked. (Sgh, K.) [See also 1; and see 7.]7 انسلع It clave, or split, or slit, in an intrans. sense. (S, K.) [See also 1, and 5.]

سَلْعٌ A chap, or crack, in the human foot: pl. سُلُوعٌ. (S, K.) b2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

سِلْعٌ A cleft, or fissure, in a mountain, (Lh, IAar, Yaakoob, S, K,) having the form of a crack; (TA;) as also ↓ سَلْعٌ, (S, K,) accord. to some: (S, TA:) pl. [of either] أَسْلَاعٌ (Yaakoob, S, K) and (of the latter, TA) سُلُوعٌ. (K.) A2: Also A like, or fellow; (AA, L, K;) and so ↓ سَلْعٌ: (L, TA:) pl. أَسْلَاعٌ. (IAar, L, K.) Yousay, هٰذَا سِلْعُ هٰذَا This is the like of this. (TA.) And غُلَامَانِ سِلْعَانِ Two boys, or young men, that are fellows, or equals in age: and غِلْمَانٌ أَسْلَاعٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) And أَعْطَاهُ أَسْلَاعَ إِبِلِهِ He gave him the likes, or fellows, of his camels. (L.) A3: And the pl. أَسْلَاعٌ signifies also The portions of flesh that cling to the نَسَيَانِ [or two sciatic veins] of a mare when she is fat. (Sgh, K.) سَلَعٌ [originally inf. n. of سَلِعَ, q. v.,] Marks left by fire upon the skin. (TA.) A2: A certain kind of bitter tree; (S, K;) which, in the Time of Ignorance, was used in one or the other of the manners described above in the explanations of تَسْلِيعٌ; (K, TA;) or they used, in the case of drought, or barrenness of the earth, to hang somewhat of this tree and of the عُشَر to the tails ذُنَابَى [a sing. used as a pl.]) of [wild] bulls or cows, then to kindle fire therein, and make them to ascend upon the mountain; and thus, they assert, they used to obtain rain: (S, TA:) the author of the K says that J has made a mistake in saying ذنابى, in the above-cited passage; that he should have said أَذْنَاب; but others had made this remark before the author of the K; and 'Abd-El-Kádir Ibn-'Omar El-Baghdádee says that the mistake is to be imputed to these, and not to J, who has only used a sing. in the sense of a pl., like as الدُّبُرَ is used in the Kur [liv. 45], for الأَدْبَارَ: (MF, TA:) AHn cites an Arab of the desert, of the سَرَاة, as saying that the سلع grows near to a tree, and then clings to it, and climbs it, with long, green, leafless shoots, twining upon the branches and interweaving themselves, and having a fruit like bunches of grapes, which is small, and, when ripe, becomes black, and is eaten only by the monkeys, or apes, not by men, nor by the beasts that are left to pasture at their pleasure; and adding, I have not tasted it, but I think that it is bitter; and when it is broken, there flows from it a viscous fluid, clear, and having strings: such is the description of the man of the سراة: (TA:) or it is a certain poisonous plant, (K, TA,) not to be tasted, like زَرْع [here meaning wheat or barley] when it first comes forth, scantily scattered in the ground, and having a small, yellow, prickly leaf, its prickles being downy; it is a herb, or leguminous plant, which spreads itself upon the surface of the ground, like [the plant called] رَاحَةُ الكَلْبِ, having no root, and it is not improbable that the ostrich may feed upon it, notwithstanding its bitterness, for it sometimes feeds upon the colocynth: (Aboo-Ziyád, TA:) or it is a species of aloes: (K:) or a herb, or leguminous plant, (K, TA,) of those termed ذُكُور [that are hard and thick, or thick, and inclining to bitterness, or thick and rough], (TA,) of bad, or nauseous, or disgusting, taste: (K, TA:) so says Aboo-Nasr: (TA:) [Forskål found this name applied in El-Yemen to the sælanthus quadragonus: (Flora Ægypt. Arab., pp. cv. and 33:) and the cacalia sonchifolia: (Ibid., p. cxix.:) and the name of سَع أَبْيَض, or سَلَع البَقَر, to the senecio hadiensis. (Ibid., pp. cxix. and 149.)]

سَلْعَةٌ A wound by which the head is broken, syn. شَجَّةٌ, (S, L, Mgh, Msb, K,) of whatever kind it be; as also ↓ سَلَعَةٌ: or that [only] cleaves the skin: (K:) pl. سَلَعَاتٌ (Msb, K, [in the CK, erroneously, سَلْعَاتٌ,]) and سِلَاعٌ, and quasi-pl. n. [or coll. gen. n.] سَلَعٌ. (K.) b2: See also what next follows.

سِلْعَةٌ [A ganglion;] a thing like the غُدَّة, that comes forth upon the body, or person; (K, * TA;) as also ↓ سَلْعَةٌ, (K,) which is the form of the word now commonly known, (TA,) and ↓ سَلَعَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ سِلَعَةٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) or an excrescence (S, Mgh, K) of flesh, (Mgh,) that arises in the body, (S, Mgh, K,) or a [kind of spontaneous swelling that comes forth upon the body, such as is termed] خُرَاج, (Msb,) like the غُدَّة, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) that moves about when moved, (S, Msb, K,) or moves to and fro between the skin and the flesh, (Mgh,) and varies from [the size of] a chick-pea to [that of] a melon; (S, K;) also termed ضَوَاةٌ: (S:) the physicians say that it is a thick tumour, not adhering to the flesh, moving about when moved, having a cyst, or case which encloses it, and capable of increase, because it is extrinsic to the flesh, wherefore the doctors of practical law allow its being cut off, when it is safe to do so: (Msb:) or a خُرَاج [vide suprà] in the neck: (K:) or a غُدَّة in the neck: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) pl. سِلَعٌ. (Msb.) b2: [Hence,] A thing [i. e. a knob] that comes forth in a tree. (AHn, TA in art. بلط.) b3: [Hence also,] A leech; (K;) because it attaches itself to the body like the غُدَّة: (TA:) pl. سِلَعٌ. (K.) A2: A commodity; an article of merchandise; (S, * Mgh, * Msb, K; *) a thing with which one trafficks: (K:) pl. سِلَعٌ. (Msb, K.) سَلَعَةٌ: see سَلْعَةٌ: b2: and سِلْعَةٌ.

سِلَعَةٌ: see سِلْعَةٌ.

سَلِيعَةٌ Nature, or disposition: so in the phrase إِنَّهُ لَكَرِيمُ السَّلِيعَةِ [Verily he is generous in respect of nature, or disposition]. (TA.) [But perhaps this may have originated from a mistranscription for سَلِيقَةٌ.]

سَوْلَعٌ The bitter aloe. (IAar, Sgh, K.) أَسْلَعُ A man having the foot chapped, or cracked: pl. سُلْعٌ. (K.) b2: A man having his skin burned by fire so that the mark thereof is seen upon it. (TA.) b3: A man affected with بَرَص [i. e. leprosy, particularly the white, malignant kind thereof]. (Mgh, K.) b4: And Humpbacked. (TA.) مُسْلِعٌ [A man having a wound in the head, such as is termed سَلْعَة: (see 4; and see also مَسْلُوعٌ:) or] having a [kind of ulcer in the belly, called] دُبَيْلَة. (TA.) مِسْلَعٌ A guide that directs aright: (Lth, K:) so called because he cleaves the desert. (TA.) بَيْقُورٌ مُسَلَّعَةٌ A number of [wild] bulls or cows having some firewood of the سَلَع hung to their tails, [with عُشَر, and then set on fire,] (S, * TA,) or having their backs laden therewith. (TA.) [See 2, and see also سَلَعٌ.]

مَسْلُوعٌ A man having [the skin of] his head cleft, or split; (Msb;) a man having [a سَلْعَة, i. e.] a شَجَّة; as also ↓ مُنْسَلِعٌ. (TA.) [See also مُسْلِعٌ.] b2: Having a سِلْعَة, i. e. [ganglion, or] thing like the غُدَّة, &c. (K.) b3: مَسْلُوعَةٌ The main part, or middle, of a road; the part of a road along which one travels; syn. مَحَجَّةٌ: (Ibn-'Abbád, L, K:) because it is cleft, or furrowed. (L.) مُنْسَلِعٌ: see مَسْلُوعٌ.
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