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91314. زِيوَر1 91315. زيوف1 91316. زَيُّون1 91317. زَيُّوَنة1 91318. زيي8 91319. س791320. س وسَوْفَ1 91321. سءب1 91322. سءت1 91323. سءد1 91324. سءر2 91325. سءف1 91326. سءل1 91327. سءم2 91328. سآ2 91329. سأ1 91330. سأَب1 91331. سأب6 91332. سَأَبَ1 91333. سَأَبَ 1 91334. سَأَبَهُ1 91335. سأبه1 91336. سأت4 91337. سأَت1 91338. سَأَتَه1 91339. سأَج1 91340. سأَد1 91341. سأد6 91342. سَأَدَ 1 91343. سأده1 91344. سأَر1 91345. سأر12 91346. سَأَرَ1 91347. سأَس1 91348. سأسأ5 91349. سَأْسَأَ1 91350. سأسا1 91351. سأسم2 91352. سأُفٍّ1 91353. سأف5 91354. سَأَفَ1 91355. سأفت1 91356. سأق1 91357. سأل14 91358. سَأَلَ1 91359. سَأَلَ 2 91360. سَأَلْتُه مَعْنَى1 91361. سألَهُ1 91362. سَأَلَهُ1 91363. سأم15 91364. سأو5 91365. سَأَوَ 1 91366. سأى1 91367. سأي1 91368. سؤال1 91369. سؤال التركيب1 91370. سؤال التّعدية1 91371. سؤال الحضرتين1 91372. سؤال وجواب1 91373. سُؤْدَد1 91374. سؤر1 91375. سؤفت1 91376. سئب1 91377. سئد1 91378. سئر1 91379. سَئِفَتْ1 91380. سئفت1 91381. سَئِمَ1 91382. سئم1 91383. سا1 91384. سَاءَ1 91385. ساءله1 91386. ساءَهُ1 91387. سائِبَةُ1 91388. سائح1 91389. سَائِحيّ1 91390. سائد1 91391. سَائِدَة1 91392. سائرٌ1 91393. سَائِر1 91394. سَائغ1 91395. سائمة1 91396. سائي1 91397. سَابّ1 91398. ساب1 91399. سَابَ1 91400. سَاب2 91401. سَابَا1 91402. سابار1 91403. ساباط1 91404. سَاباطُ كِسْرَى1 91405. سابج1 91406. سَابِحة1 91407. سابُرَآباذ1 91408. سَابِرة1 91409. سابرقاني1 91410. سابره1 91411. سابَرُّوج1 91412. سابِزَج1 91413. سَابُس1 Prev. 100


س: مختصر سؤال (بوشر).


a. An abbreviation of
which is sometimes prefixed to the aorist and gives it a future sense.

س: الصاد والسين والزاي أَسَلِيَّةٌ لأَن مبدأَها من أَسَلَةِ اللسان،

وهي مُسْتَدَقُّ طرف اللسان، وهذه الثلاثة في حيز واحد، والسين من الحروف

المهموسة، ومخرج السين بين مخرجي الصاد والزاي؛ قال الأَزهري: لا تأْتلف

الصاد مع السين ولا مع الزاي في شيء من كلام العرب.

(السِّينُ) حَرْفٌ مِنْ حُرُوفِ الْمُعْجَمِ وَهِيَ مِنْ حُرُوفِ الزِّيَادَاتِ. وَقَدْ تُخَلِّصُ الْفِعْلَ لِلِاسْتِقْبَالِ، تَقُولُ: سَيَفْعَلُ. وَقَوْلُهُ تَعَالَى: {يس} [يس: 1] كَقَوْلِهِ: الم وَحم فِي أَوَائِلِ السُّورِ. وَقَالَ عِكْرِمَةُ: مَعْنَاهُ يَا إِنْسَانُ لِأَنَّهُ قَالَ: {إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ الْمُرْسَلِينَ} [يس: 3] . 
هِيَ وَالصَّاد وَالزَّاي أسَليَّةٌ لأنّ مَبْدَأَها من أَسَلَةِ اللِّسان، وَهِي مُسْتَدَقُّ طرَفِ اللِّسان، وَهَذِه الثلاثةُ فِي حَيِّزٍ واحدٍ. والسينُ من الحروفِ المَهموسةِ، ومَخرَجُ السِّين بَين مَخْرَجَيْ الصادِ وَالزَّاي. قَالَ الأَزْهَرِيّ: لَا تَأْتَلِفُ الصادُ مَعَ السِّين وَلَا مَعَ الزَّاي فِي شيءٍ من كَلَام الْعَرَب.
1 [كلمة وظيفيَّة]: الحرف الثَّاني عشر من حروف الهجاء، وهو صوتٌ أسنانيّ لثويّ، مهموس، ساكن احتكاكيّ (رخو)، مُرقَّق. 

س2 [كلمة وظيفيَّة]:
1 - حرف يسبق الفعل المضارع المثبت دون المنفي فيخصّصه للاستقبال، فيدلّ على المستقبل القريب، وقد يدلّ على المستقبل البعيد " {فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللهُ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ} - {سَنَجْزِي الَّذِينَ يَصْدِفُونَ عَنْ ءَايَاتِنَا سُوءَ الْعَذَابِ}: دلّت السين على المستقبل البعيد".
2 - حرف غير عامل يفيد تكرار الفعل وتوكيده " {أُولَئِكَ سَيَرْحَمُهُمُ اللهُ}: أنّ الرحمة حاصلة لا محالة- {فَسَيَكْفِيكَهُمُ اللهُ}: لثبوت حصوله". 
س alphabetical letter س

The twelfth letter of the alphabet; called

سِينٌ. It is one of the letters termed مَهْمُوسَة [or non-vocal, i. e. pronounced with the breath only, without the voice]; and of the letters termed أَسَلِيَّة, as also ص and ز, because proceeding from the tip of the tongue: its place of utterance is between that of ص and that of ز: and Az says hat it is never conjoined with either of these two letters in any Arabic word: (TA:) it is a sibilant letter; and is distinguished from ص by the raising of the tongue to the palate [in the utterance of the latter], and from ز by the suppression of the voice [in the utterance of the former]. (K in art. سين.) It is one of the letters of augmentation [occurring in the form اِسْتَفْعَلَ and its derivatives]. (S and L in art. سين.) [See also سِينٌ in art. سين. It is sometimes substituted for ص; as in سَقْرٌ, for صَقْرٌ: and for ش, as in سِطْرَنْجٌ, for شِطْرَنْجٌ: (see De Sacy's Chrest. Arabe, sec.

ed., ii. 230-233: and iii. 530-532:)] and Az says that some of the Arabs substitute for it ت, (S and L and K * in art. سين,) as in the saying (S and L in art. سين) of 'Alyà Ibn-Arkam, (L ib.,) يَا قَبَحَ اللّٰهُ بَنِى السِّعْلَاتِ

عَمْرَو بْنَ يَرْبُوعٍ شِرَارَ النَّاتِ

لَيْسُوا أَعفَّآءَ وَلَا أَكْيَاتِ

[O, may God remove far from good, or from prosperity, the sons of the Sialáh, 'Amr Ibn-Yarbooa, the worst of mankind: they are not chaste, nor sharp in intellect]: he means النَّاسِ and بِأَكْيَاسِ: (S and L ib.:) and in like manner one says طَسْتٌ for طَسٌّ. (TA in art. كيت.)

b2: يٰس in the Kur [commencing ch. xxxvi.] is like آلم and حٰم at the commencement of chapters of the same; and is said by 'Ikrimeh to mean يَا إِنْسَانُ [O man]; because it is followed by the words إِنَّكَ لَمِنَ المُرْسَلِينَ: (S and L in art. سين:) or it means either thus, or يَا سَيِّدُ [O man of dignity]. (K in art. سين.)

A2: سَ is a particle peculiarly prefixed to the aor. , rendering it clearly denotative of the future, (Mughnee, and S * and L * in art. سين,) as in سَيَفْعَلُ [He will do such a thing], (S and L ib.,) and considered as forming a part thereof, for which reason it does not exercise any government upon it: it is not contracted from سَوْفَ, contrary to what the Koofees hold: nor is the extent of the future with it shorter than it is with سَوْفَ, contrary to what the Basrees hold: the analytical grammarians term it حَرْفُ تَنْفِيسٍ, by which is meant a particle of amplification; because it changes the aor. from the strait time, which is the present, to the ample time, which is the future: but plainer that their expression is the saying of Z and others, [that it is] a particle denoting the future. (Mughnee.)

Kh asserts that it corresponds [as an affirmative]

to [the negative] لَنْ. (S and L in art. سين.)

Some assert that it sometimes denotes continuance, not futurity: this is mentioned in relation to the saying in the Kur [iv. 93], سَتَجِدُونَ آخَرِينَ [as though meaning Ye continually find others]; and they adduce as an evidence thereof the saying in the same [ii. 136], سَيَقُولُ السَّفَهَآءُ مِنَ النَّاسِ مَا

وَلَّاهُمْ عَنْ قِبْلَتِهِمْ [as meaning The light-witted of the people continually say, What hath turned them away, or back, from their kibleh?]; affirming

that this was revealed after their saying مَا وَلَّاهُمْ: but this the grammarians know not; and that this verse was revealed after their saying ما ولّاهم is not a fact agreed upon: moreover, if it be conceded, still continuance is inferred from the aor. ; like as when you say, فُلَانٌ يَقْرِى الضَّيْفَ and يَصْنَعُ الجَمِيلَ, you mean that it is his custom to do thus. (Mughnee.) Z asserts that when it is prefixed to a verb signifying what is liked or disliked, it denotes that the event will inevitably happen: i. e., when it is prefixed to a verb signifying a promise or a threat, it corroborates and confirms its meaning. (Mughnee.)

A3: [As a numeral, س denotes Sixty.]
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