1 زُىَّ عَلَيْنَا, or زِىَّ, (accord. to different copies of the S, in the TA زُىَّ,) [from زَوٌّ, originally زُوِوَ, then زُوِىَ, and then زُىَّ or زِىَّ,] or it is زُوِىَ, (thus in some copies of the S,) It was decreed against us. (S.) 4 أَزْوَى, (K,) said of a man, (TA,) [from زَوٌّ,] He came having with him another: (K, and T in art. تو:) mentioned by Az and Sgh on the authority of IAar: (TA:) opposed to أَتْوَى meaning “ he came alone; by himself. ” (T in art. تو.) زَوٌّ A pair, or couple; two coupled together; (S, K, TA;) [of men, and] of ships and other things; (TA;) i. q. زَوْجٌ: (K, and T in art. تو:) opposed to تَوٌّ meaning “ one, and no more. ” (K, and TA in this art. and in art. تو.) You say, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ زَوًّا, meaning Such one came with his companion. (S.) [See also art. تو.]A2: الزَّوُّ is also the name of A ship constructed by ElMutawekkil, (K, TA,) the 'Abbásee; in which he associated in drinking with the poet El-Boh- turee. (TA.) Accord. to the S, it is the name of a mountain in El-'Irák: but Aboo-Zekereeyà EtTebreezee, and after him the author of the K, deny this, and suppose J to have been led into error in asserting such to be the case by the following saying of the poet above mentioned: وَلَا جَبَلًا كَالزَّوِّ يُوقَفُ تَارَةً
وَيَنْقَادُ إِمَّا قُدْتَهُ بِزِمَامِ [Nor have I seen a mountain like الزَّوّ, that is made stationary at one time, and becomes led on at another time if thou draw it along with a leading-rope]: J, however, does not say that he took this from the poetry of El-Bohturee. (TA. [In the CK, in the verse above cited, اِذْ ما is put in the place of إِمَّا.]) A3: [J also says that,] accord. to As, زَوُّ المَنِيَّةِ signifies What happens of decreed perdition or death: and زَوٌّ is also said to signify a decree [of God]: (S, TA:) and in the M it is said that زَوٌّ signifies perdition, or death: and زَوُّ المَنِيَّةِ, the accidents, or calamities, of destiny or death: but accord. to the T, As said زَوْءُ المَنِيَّةِ, withء (TA.)