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90100. زفى4 90101. زَفَى 1 90102. زفي4 90103. زفير1 90104. زقّ1 90105. زق390106. زَقَّ 1 90107. زقا5 90108. زقَا1 90109. زَقَا2 90110. زُقاقُ ابن واقِفٍ1 90111. زُقاقُ القنادِيلِ1 90112. زُقاقُ النارِ1 90113. زُقاق ضيقة1 90114. زَقَّالي1 90115. زقب9 90116. زَقَبَ 1 90117. زَقَبَهُ1 90118. زقح5 90119. زقد2 90120. زقر3 90121. زقزق4 90122. زُقُشْتَة1 90123. زَقْطَة1 90124. زَقَعَ1 90125. زقع6 90126. زقف6 90127. زَقَفَ1 90128. زقفل1 90129. زقفه1 90130. زقق13 90131. زَقَقَ1 90132. زقل6 90133. زَقَلَ 1 90134. زِقلابُ1 90135. زقلب1 90136. زَقَمَ1 90137. زقم15 90138. زَقُمَ 1 90139. زَقَنَ1 90140. زقن6 90141. زَقَنَ 1 90142. زُقْنُق1 90143. زقو5 90144. زقو وزقي1 90145. زَقُوَ 1 90146. زَقَوْقَا1 90147. زقُوقُو1 90148. زقى1 90149. زقي3 90150. زُقَيْحَان1 90151. زك2 90152. زَكَّ2 90153. زكّ1 90154. زكء1 90155. زكأ8 90156. زَكَأَهُ1 90157. زكا6 90158. زَكَا3 90159. زَكَاء1 90160. زكاة1 90161. زَكَّار1 90162. زَكّاري1 90163. زكاريان1 90164. زَكَان1 90165. زَكَاني1 90166. زكّانِي1 90167. زَكاوِيّ1 90168. زكب7 90169. زكبت1 90170. زكت6 90171. زَكَتَ1 90172. زِكْت1 90173. زكتْ1 90174. زَكَتَ 1 90175. زُكْتِى1 90176. زكر13 90177. زَكَرَ 1 90178. زَكْرَام1 90179. زَكْراوِي1 90180. زَكْرَم1 90181. زكره1 90182. زَكَرَهُ1 90183. زكرورة1 90184. زكرى1 90185. زَكْرِيّ1 90186. زُكْرِي1 90187. زِكْرِيّ1 90188. زُكَرِيّ1 90189. زكريا1 90190. زكريّاء1 90191. زَكَرِيَّاء1 90192. زِكْرَيَات1 90193. زَكَرِيَّة1 90194. زكرييا1 90195. زكزك3 90196. زَكْزُوم وزَكْرُون1 90197. زَكْف1 90198. زكك6 90199. زكل1 Prev. 100


الطَّائِر فرخه زقا أطْعمهُ بفمه والذبيحة سلخها من قبل رَأسهَا إِلَى رجلهَا
زِقُّ الشَّرَابِ وغَيرِه: مَعروفٌ. والمُزَقَّقَة من النُّوق: الغَلِيظةُ السَّمِينةُ.
والزَّق: غَرُّ الطائرِ فَرْخَه. والتَّزْقِيْقُ: سَلْخُ جِلْدِ الشاةِ من قَفَاها. والزُّقَاقُ: طَرِيقٌ نافِذٌ أو غَيرُ نافذٍ ضَيِّقٌ. والزُّقَّةُ: طائرٌ صَغِيرٌ من طَيْرِ الماءِ. والزُّقُّ: من أسماء الحُمَّرَةِ، وجَمْعُه زِقَقَة. والزَّقْزَاقُ والرقْزَقَةُ: تَرْقِيْصُ الصَّبِيِّ. وزَقَّ الطائرُ بسَلْحِه: إذا كان غليظاً. والزِّقْزِقُ: ضَرْبٌ من النَّمْل. والمَرْأةُ الزَّقْزَاقَةُ: الخَفِيْفَةُ في المَشي.
والمُزَقْزَقُ: كلُّ عَمَلٍ يُقْضى على سُرْعَةٍ. وزَقْزَقَ الرَّجُلُ: ضَحِكَ ضحكاً ضَعِيفاً.
والزَّقْزَقَةُ: لُغَةٌ لكَلْبٍ كأنَّها في سُرْعَةِ كلامِهم وإتْبَاع بعضِه بعضاً.
والزَّقّاقُ: الذي يَشْرَبُ الماءَ على المائدة وفي فيه طَعامٌ.


1 زَقَّ فَرْخَهُ, said of a bird, aor. ـُ (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. زَقٌّ; (M, Msb, K;) and ↓ زَقْزَقَهُ, (IDrd, M,) inf. n. زَقْزَقَةٌ; (K;) It fed its young one (S, M, K) with its mouth [or bill]; (S, M; *) it ejected food [from its bill] into the mouth of its young one. (IDrd, TA.) b2: [Hence,] one says, مَا زِلْتُ أَزُقُّهُ بِالعِلْمِ (tropical:) [I ceased not to instil into him, or to nourish him with, knowledge, or science]. (TA.) A2: زَقَّ بِسَلْحِهِ, mostly said of a bird, (M,) or زَقَّ بِذَرْقِهِ, said of a bird, (TA,) aor. as above, (M,) and so the inf. n.; (M, K, TA;) and ↓ زَقْزَقَ, (M, TA,) [بِسَلْحِهِ or] بِذَرْقِهِ, (TA,) inf. n. زَقْزَقَةٌ; (K;) He cast forth his excrement; (M;) it (a bird) muted, or dunged. (M, K, TA.) 2 زقّق, (M, TA,) inf. n. تَزْقِيقٌ, (S, TA,) He stripped off a hide, or skin, by commencing from the head, (S, M, TA,) in order to make of it a زِقّ [q. v.]. (M, TA.) The doing thus is different from the mode now practised. (S.) R. Q. 1 زَقْزَقَ, inf. n. زَقْزَقَةٌ: see 1, above, in two places. b2: [As inf. n. of the same verb,] زَقْزَقَةٌ also signifies A bird's uttering its cry, or voice, at dawn: (Lth. K:) or it is a word imitative of the cry, or voice, of the bird; (M, TA;) and he who thus explains it does not restrict it by adding “ at dawn. ” (TA.) b3: Also [as an onomatopæia] A weak laughing. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) b4: And The being light, or active, (K, and Har p. 375,) and quick. (Har ibid.) b5: Also a word of the dial. of Kelb, app. meaning The being quick in speech, (Ibn-'Abbád, K, TA,) and making one part thereof to follow close upon another. (Ibn-'Abbád, TA.) b6: And The dancing a child; (Lth, S, M, K;) as also زِقْزَاقٌ, [which is likewise an inf. n. of the same verb,] (Lth, M, K,) with kesr. (K.) زُقٌّ one of the names of Wine: (Moheet, K: *) pl., as in the Moheet, زِقَقَةٌ; but accord. to the K, زَقَقَةٌ. (TA.) زِقٌّ [A skin for holding wine &c.:] any receptacle, consisting of a skin, that is used for wine and the like: or, as some say, not thus called unless it be stripped off from the part next the animal's neck: or, accord. to AHn, one in which wine is conveyed: (M:) or a skin for water or milk; syn. سِقَآءٌ: (S, K:) or a skin of which the hair is clipped, not plucked out, (Lth, K,) for wine and the like, (Lth,) or for wine &c.: (K:) or a receptacle, (ظَرْفٌ, Msb, and Har p. 335,) of skin, in which are put clarified butter and vinegar and wine: (Har ibid.:) or, as some say, a ظَرْف smeared with زِفْت: (Msb:) AHát says that it is such as is smeared with زِفْت or with قِير: (TA:) pl. (of pauc., S) أَزْقَاقٌ (S, M, Msb, K) and أَزُقٌّ, mentioned by El-Hejeree, (M,) and (of mult., S) زِقَاقٌ (S, M, K) and زُقَّانٌ [in the CK erroneously written رُقّاقٌ]. (S, M, Msb, K, TA.) زُقَّةٌ A certain small bird; (K;) a certain aquatic bird, that remains still until it is almost seized, and then dives, and comes forth far off: pl. زُقَقٌ. (M.) زَقَاقٌ: see زَقَّاقٌ.

زُقَاقٌ A سِكَّة [meaning street]: (S, K:) or [rather a by-street, or lane;] a narrow طَرِيق [here meaning street], (M,) less than a سِكَّة, (M, Mgh, Msb,) whether a thoroughfare or not: (Mgh, Msb:) masc. (S, Msb) and fem.: (S, Msb, K:) Akh says that the people of El-Hijáz make الطَّرِيقُ and الصِّرَاطُ (S, Msb) and السَّبِيلُ (S) and السُّوقُ and الزُّقَاقُ (S, Msb) and الكَلَّآءُ, which is the market of El-Basrah, (S,) fem.; and Temeem make them masc., (S, Msb,) i. e. all of these: (S:) pl. [of pauc., but also used as a pl. of mult.,] أَزِقَّةٌ (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and [of mult.]

زُقَّانٌ. (Sb, S, M, K.) مَنْ هَدَىزُقَاقًا, occurring in a trad., means He who has guided the erring and the blind to his way. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] الزُّقَاقُ [The strait of Gibraltar;] the passage of the sea between Tanjeh and El-Jezeereh el-Khad- rà, in the west, (K, TA,) by El-Andalus; called زُقَاقُ سَبْتَةَ. (TA.) زَقَّاقٌ The maker of the [kind of skin called] زِقّ. (TA.) A2: Also, as in the copies of the Moheet and the A [and in the JK], or ↓ زَقَاقٌ, like سَحَابٌ, accord. to the K, but the former is probably the right, (TA,) One who drinks water (Moheet, A, K) at the table, (Moheet, K,) while having food in his mouth. (Moheet, A, K.) [As shown in the A, it is an epithet applied to a greedy man.]

زَقْزَاقَةٌ Light, or active, in her walk; (K, TA;) applied to a woman. (TA.) مُزَقَّقٌ A ram skinned from his head to his hind leg; (Lh, TA;) as also ↓ مَزْقُوقٌ: (Lh, K, TA:) contr. of مُرَجَّلٌ (TA) and of مَرْجُولٌ. (K, TA.) b2: And A skin of which the hair is clipped, not cut off. (K, TA.) b3: And hence, as being like such a skin, (assumed tropical:) A head of which all the hair is cut off. (K, * TA.) And (assumed tropical:) A man having all the hair of his head cut off. (TA.) b4: مُزَقَّقَةٌ A large she-camel: (Ibn-'Abbád, K:) or a she-camel whose skin is filled with fat after her fleshiness. (En-Nadr, TA.) مَزْقُوقٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مُزَقْزَقٌ Any work that is accomplished quickly. (K.)
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