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87724. رَقَنَ 1 87725. رقنت2 87726. رقه1 87727. رَقَهَ1 87728. رقّه1 87729. رقو587730. رَقَوْبل1 87731. رَقُوبِيّ1 87732. رقوبي1 87733. رقود1 87734. رَقُوش1 87735. رَقُوشَة1 87736. رَقُول2 87737. رُقول1 87738. رقى7 87739. رَقَى2 87740. رَقَى 1 87741. رقي10 87742. رَقِيَ1 87743. رُقِيّ1 87744. رُقَيَّات1 87745. رَقْيَان1 87746. رَقِيب1 87747. رَقِيب الدين1 87748. رَقِيبات1 87749. رُقَيْبَات1 87750. رُقَيَّة2 87751. رَقْيَة1 87752. رُقَيْحَان1 87753. رُقَيْدِيّ1 87754. رُقَيْش1 87755. رَقِيشي1 87756. رُقَيْشِيّ1 87757. رَقِيع1 87758. رُقَيع1 87759. رقيع1 87760. رَقِيق1 87761. رَقِيقَة1 87762. رقيقة1 87763. رَقِيم1 87764. رُقَيْم1 87765. رقيم1 87766. رَكٌّ1 87767. ركّ1 87768. رك4 87769. رَكَّ 1 87770. رَكَا1 87771. ركا7 87772. رِكا1 87773. رَكّاء1 87774. رُكَّاب العبَّارة الَّذي...1 87775. رِكابْخاناه أو رِكَبْخاناه...1 87776. رِكَابِيّ1 87777. رَكاحُ1 87778. ركاز1 87779. رَكَّاع1 87780. رَكَّالة1 87781. رُكانَةُ1 87782. رَكَايِبيّ1 87783. ركب18 87784. رَكِبَ1 87785. رَكَبَ 1 87786. رَكَبَان1 87787. رُكْبة1 87788. رِكَبْخاناه1 87789. ركبدار1 87790. رَكبه2 87791. رَكِبَهُ1 87792. رَكَبُو1 87793. ركح10 87794. رَكَحَ2 87795. رَكَحَ 1 87796. رَكَدَ1 87797. ركد17 87798. رَكَدَ 1 87799. رَكْرَاك1 87800. ركرك3 87801. ركريا1 87802. رَكَزَ2 87803. ركز19 87804. رَكَّزَ على1 87805. رَكَزَ 1 87806. رِكْزًا1 87807. ركزه1 87808. رِكْزِيَّا1 87809. رَكَسَ1 87810. ركس20 87811. رَكَسَ 1 87812. ركسه1 87813. ركشة1 87814. رَكَضَ1 87815. ركض19 87816. رَكَضَ 1 87817. رَكَعَ2 87818. ركع16 87819. رَكَعَ 1 87820. رَكْعات1 87821. رَكْعَان1 87822. رَكْعَة1 87823. رُكْف1 Prev. 100


الرقْوَةُ: فُوَيْقَ الدعْص من الرَّمْل، ويقال: رَقوٌ - بلا هاءٍ - أيضاً.
رقو: رقوة: كلمة غامضة، يقال: رقوة البئر (ابن العوام 1: 147) حيث يجب كتابة مما قبل يمنع وفقاً لما جاء في مخطوطتنا. ويرى كليمنت - موليه (1: 130): أنها يجب أن تترجم إلى الفرنسية بما معناه مخدر، انتقال الرقوة بدل انقبال الرقوة.
تَرْقُوَة: أنظرها في ترق.
(ر ق و)

الرقوة، والرقو: فويق الدعص من الرمل، واكثر مَا يكون إِلَى جَوَانِب الاودية، قَالَ:

لَهَا أم موقفة وكوب ... بِجنب الرقو مرتعها البرير

أَرَادَ: لَهَا أم مرتعها البرير، وكنى بالكوب عَن الْقلب وَنَحْوه. 
: (و} الرَّقْوُ {والرَّقْوَةُ: فُوَيُقَ الدِّعِص من الرَّمْلِ) ، وأَكْثَر مَا يكونُ إِلَى جوانبِ الأَوْدِيَةِ؛ كَمَا فِي المُحْكَم.
وأَنْكَر الأَزهرِيُّ الرَّقْو فقالَ: لَا يقالُ} رَقْو بِلا هاءٍ، وَلذَا اقْتَصَرَ الجوهرِيُّ على {الرَّقْوَةِ وقالَ: هُوَ دِعْصٌ من رَمْلٍ، ولكنْ يَشْهدُ لابنِ سيدَه قَوْل الشاعِرِ:
مِن البيضِ مبْهاجٌ كأنَّ ضَجِيعَها
يَبِيتُ إِلَى رَقْوٍ من الرَّمْلِ مُصْعبوكذا قَوْل الشاعِرِ يَصْفُ ظَبْيةً وخِشْفَها:
لَهَا أُمُّ مُوَقَّفة وكُوبٌ
بِجنب الرَّقْو مَرْتَعُها البَرِيرُ (} والتَّرْقُوَةُ) ، بالفتْح وَضم الْقَاف: (مُقَدَّمُ الحَلْقِ فِي أَعْلَى الصَّدْرِ حَيْثُما يَتَرَقَّى فِيهِ النَّفَسُ) ، قيلَ خاصّ بالإنْسان، والجَمْعُ {التَّراقِي؛ والتاءُ زائِدَةٌ عنْدَ المصنِّفِ وجماعَةٍ لأَنَّها فِي أَعْلَى البَدَنِ من رقى.
وقالَ سيْبَوَيْه وجماعَةٌ: هِيَ أَصْلِية وأَطالُوا فِي الاسْتِدلال.
وممَّا يُسْتدركُ عَلَيْهِ:
} الرَّقْوَةُ القُمْزَةُ مِن التُّرابِ يَجْتَمِع على شَفِيرِ الوادِي، جَمْعُها {الرُّقا.
} ورَقا الطائِرُ! يَرْقُو: ارْتَفَعَ فِي طَيَرانِه؛ كَذَا فِي المِصْباحِ. 


1 رَقَا, aor. ـْ inf. n. رَقْوٌ, said of a bird, It rose, or rose high, in its flight. (Msb, TA.) تَرْقُوَةٌ, mentioned in this art. in the K, as well as in art. ترق: see the latter art. رقى.1 رَقِىَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. رُقِىٌّ (JK, K, TA, [but this inf. n. is omitted in the CK,]) and رَقْىٌ, (K, TA, [but this is omitted in my MS. copy of the K,]) He ascended, إِلَيْهِ [to him, or it]; as also ↓ ارتقى, and ↓ ترقّى: (K:) or he ascended a ladder, or a stair: (JK:) or رَقِيتُ فِيهِ, (S, Msb, in the Mgh رَقِىَ فيه,) inf. n. رُقِىٌّ (S, Mgh, Msb) and رَقْىٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ ارتقيت, (S, Mgh, * Msb,) and ↓ ترقّيت; (Mgh, * Msb;) I ascended it; (S;) namely, a ladder, or a stair, (S, Mgh, Msb,) &c.: (Msb:) and رَقِيتُ الجَبَلَ (Msb,) and السَّطْحَ, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) the verb being thus trans. by itself, (Msb, TA,) without فِى (Mgh,) and likewise with فى, (TA,) I ascended, or mounted, upon the mountain, and upon the house-top: (Msb:) and ↓ ارتقى is in like manner trans. without فى; whence the saying, لَقَدِ صَعْبًا ↓ ارْتَقَيْتَ مُرْتَقًى [Thou hast indeed ascended a difficult place of ascent]. (Mgh.) b2: [Hence,] اِرْقَ عَلَى ظَلْعِكَ Ascend thou, and go, [according to thy limping, or halting, i. e.] as far as thou art able to do so, and impose not upon thyself that which thou art not able to perform. (S, TA. [Some, instead of اِرْقَ, say اِرْقَأْ; and some, اِرْقِ, from the verb mentioned in the next sentence; and some, ق: see 1 in art. رقأ; and see also art. ظلع.]) A2: رَقَاهُ, (JK, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـْ (JK, Mgh, Msb,) inf. n. رُقْيَةٌ (JK, S, Mgh, K) and رَقْى (JK, Mgh, Msb, * K) and رُقِىٌّ (K,) He charmed him, syn. عَوَّذَهُ, (JK, Mgh, Msb,) by [invoking] God: (Msb:) and (Mgh) he puffed, or sputtered, upon his charm; syn. نَفَثَ فِى عُوذَتِهِ: (Mgh, K:) [it signifies he charmed him from, or against, such a thing; (مِنْ كَذَا;) and also he enchanted him, or fascinated him; by uttering a spell; or by tying knots in a thread, or string, and puffing, or sputtering, upon them; or by both these actions combined: see the last chap. but one of the Kur-án:] the epithet applied to the performer is ↓ رَاقٍ [meaning Charming; &c.]; (S, Mgh, TA;) and ↓ رَقَّآءٌ [A charmer; &c.; or one who habitually practises charming; &c.]: (JK, K, TA:) and the epithet applied to the person who is the object of the performance is ↓ مَرْقِىٌّ [meaning Charmed; &c.]. (JK, TA.) In the saying اِرْقِ عَلَى رَأْسِى مِنَ الصُّدَاعِ, meaning Charm thou me (عَوِّذْنِى [or rather charm thou my head against the headache]), the verb is made trans. by means of على because it is as though it implied the meaning of اِقْرّأْ [i. e. “ recite thou ” a spell] and اُنْفُثْ [i. e. “ puff,” or “ sputter,”

upon knots]. (Mgh.) 2 رِقّاهُ, inf. n. تَرْقِيَةٌ, He made him to ascend; syn. صَعَّدَهُ. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse of ElAashà cited in art. ثمن, voce ثَمَانُونَ.] b2: [and hence, He elevated, or exalted, him.] b3: [Hence also,] رَقَّى عَلَيْهِ كَلَامًا, inf. n. as above, i. q. رَفَعَ [meaning He told, or related, a saying against him; he informed against him; as is indicated by what next follows, and by a meaning of ترقّى as quasi-pass. of رقّى thus used]. (S, K.) You say also, رقّى عَلَى البَاطِلَ, inf. n. as above, He brought a false accusation against me; said, against me, what was not the case; and exaggerated [in what he said against me]. (JM, TA.) 5 تَرَقَّىَ see 1, first sentence, in two places. b2: [Hence,] ترقّى فِىِ العِلْمِ He rose by degrees, or step by step, in knowledge, or science. (S, TA.) And hence, مَا زَالَ يَتَرَقَّى بِهِ الحَالُ حَتَّى بَلَغَ غَايَتَهُ The state, or condition, ceased not to rise with him until he reached the utmost point thereof. (TA.) b3: [Hence also, the verb being quasi-pass. of 2,] ترقّى إِلَيْهِ الخَبَرٌ The news, or information, came to him, or reached him. (MA.) 6 تراقى [meaning He exalted himself] is from الرُّقِىُّ signifying الصُّعُودُ and الاِرْتِفَاعُ. (Har p. 128.) 8 إِرْتَقَىَ see 1, first sentence, in three places. b2: [Hence,] ارتقى بَطْنُهُ His belly became [drawn up, i. e.] lean, or lank; syn. اِنْطَوَى: said of a camel, and of a sheep or goat. (JK.) 10 استرقاهُ He asked him, or desired him, to charm him. (S, * TA.) رُقْيَةٌ i. q. عُوذَةٌ [as meaning A charm, or spell, either uttered or written], (K, TA,) by which a person having an evil affection, such as fever and epilepsy &c., is charmed: (TA:) when it is in any other language than that of the Arabs, and one knows not what is in it, it is disapproved, lest it should involve enchantment (سِحْر) and infidelity; but in such as is from the Kur-án or any of the forms of prayer, there is no harm: (Mgh in art. تم: [see تَمِيمَةٌ:]) [but عُوذَةٌ generally signifies “ an amulet to charm the wearer against the evil eye &c. ”:] 'Orweh says, فَمَا تَرَكَا مِنْ عُوذَةٍ يَعْرِفَانِهَا وَلَا رُقْيَةٍ إِلَّا بِهَا رَقَيَانِى

[And they two left not any amulet that they knew, nor any charm, or spell, but with it they charmed me]: (TA:) [sometimes, also, it signifies anything by which one enchants, or fascinates: and hence it is said,] المَرْأَةُ رُقْيَةٌ [Woman is a thing by which one is enchanted, or fascinated]: (Msb:) pl. رُقًى. (S, Msb, K.) رُقْيَا [The act, or practice, or art, of charming: and also, of enchanting, or fascinating; i. e. enchantment, or fascination:] the subst., (Msb,) of the measure فُعْلَى, from رَقَاهُ, aor. ـْ (Msb, TA.) رُقِيَّةٌ [Ascent; or the act of ascending;] the subst. from رَقِىَ aor. ـْ (TA.) رَقَّآءٌ One who ascends mountains much or often. (TA.) A2: See also 1, last sentence but one.

رَاقٍ: see 1, last sentence but one. The saying in the Kur [lxxv. 27], مَنْ رَاقٍ [Who is one that charms?] means that there is no charmer that shall charm him and protect him: or, accord. to I'Ab, the meaning is, who is he that ascendeth with his soul? shall the angels of mercy [ascend with it] or the angels of punishment? (TA.) In the saying of a rájiz, لَقَدْ عَلِمْتَ وَالأَجَلِّ البَاقِى

أَنْ لَنْ يَرُدَّ القَدَرَ الرَّوَاقِى

[the meaning may be, Assuredly thou knowest, by the Most Majestic, the Everlasting, that the female charmers will not repel, or avert, that which is decreed; or, that the potent charmers will not &c.: for] the pl. may be that of ↓ رَاقِيَةٌ as an epithet applied to a woman, or of this same word as an intensive epithet applied to a man. (S.) رَاقِيَةٌ; pl. رَوَاقٍ (with the article الرَّوَاقِى): see what next precedes.

مَرْقًى A place of ascent; as also ↓ مُرْتَقًى; (Msb, TA;) and so ↓ مَرْقَاةٌ and ↓ مِرْقَاةٌ: (Msb:) or ↓ these last two signify a series of steps or stairs; or a ladder; syn. دَرَجَةٌ; (S, K;) and سُلَّمٌ; (M and K in art. سلم;) the former of them as being a place of ascent, and the latter of them as being likened to an instrument; (S, Msb;) and both of them are authorized by the M; (TA;) but the latter of them is disallowed by A'Obeyd, and said by him to be not of the language of the Arabs: (Msb, TA:) the pl. of ↓ مِرَقَاةٌ [and of مَرْقًى] is مَرَاقٍ. (TA.) You say جَبَلٌ لَا مَرْقَى فِيهِ and ↓ لا مُرْتَقَى (JK, TA) A mountain in which is no place of ascent. (TA.) مَرْقِيَا الأَنْفِ [in my MS. copy of the K مُرْقِيَا] The two edges [or alœ] of the nose: (K, TA:) so says Th; but the expression commonly known is مَرَقَّا الأَنْفِ, mentioned before [in art. رق]. (TA.) مَرْقَاةٌ and مِرْقَاةٌ: see مَرْقًى, in four places.

مَرْقِىٌّ: see 1, last sentence but one.

مُرْتَقًى: see مَرْقًى, in two places; and see an ex. in the first sentence of this article.
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