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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1570. رض2 1571. رضب12 1572. رضح9 1573. رضخ13 1574. رضع20 1575. رضف151576. رضو3 1577. رطب18 1578. رطل15 1579. رطم12 1580. رطن15 1581. رطى1 1582. رع3 1583. رعب15 1584. رعث11 1585. رعد17 1586. رعز10 1587. رعش13 1588. رعظ11 1589. رعف18 1590. رعن15 1591. رعو7 1592. رعى8 1593. رغب16 1594. رغث10 1595. رغد16 1596. رغس11 1597. رغف16 1598. رغم19 1599. رغو9 1600. رف6 1601. رفأ14 1602. رفت15 1603. رفث17 1604. رفد18 1605. رفس14 1606. رفض17 1607. رفع19 1608. رفغ14 1609. رفق19 1610. رفل16 1611. رفه18 1612. رفو8 1613. رفى2 1614. رق6 1615. رقأ14 1616. رقب20 1617. رقح12 1618. رقد16 1619. رقش15 1620. رقص15 1621. رقط14 1622. رقع16 1623. رقل12 1624. رقم18 1625. رقو5 1626. رك4 1627. ركب18 1628. ركد17 1629. ركز19 1630. ركس20 1631. ركض19 1632. ركع16 1633. ركل12 1634. ركم14 1635. ركن19 1636. ركو9 1637. رم6 1638. رمث16 1639. رمح15 1640. رمد17 1641. رمز19 1642. رمس18 1643. رمص14 1644. رمض15 1645. رمق14 1646. رمك15 1647. رمل21 1648. رمن15 1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح14 1655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 Prev. 100




1 رَضَفَهُ, aor. ـِ (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. رَضْفٌ, (Msb,) He cauterized him, or it, (namely, a thing, Msb,) with a heated stone. (S, Msb, K.) b2: And He roasted it (namely, flesh-meat,) upon heated stones. (Msb.) And Az says, رُبَّمَا رَضَفَتِ العَرَبُ المَآءِ بِالرَّضْفِ لِلْخَيْلِ [Sometimes, or often, the Arabs heated, or warmed, water with heated stones for the horses]. (O.) A2: رَضَفَ بِسَلْحِهِ He ejected his excrement, or thin excrement. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) A3: رَضَفَ الوِسَادَةَ He folded the pillow. (IDrd, O, K.) رَضْفٌ Heated stones (S, O, Mgh, Msb, K) with which milk is made hot, or is made to boil; (S, O, K;) [and with which one cauterizes; and upon which flesh-meat is roasted; as shown above;] as also ↓ مِرْضَافَةٌ: (O, K:) n. un. with ة. (S, O, Mgh, Msb.) It is said in a prov., خُذْ مِنَ الرَّضْفِةِ مَا عَلَيْهَا [Take thou from the heated stone what is upon it]: (S, O:) i. e. take thou what adheres, of the milk, to the heated stone when it is thrown, with others, therein, to make it hot, or to make it to boil: it is applied to the case of one's taking as spoil a thing from a niggard, though it be little, or paltry. (Meyd, O.) [Hence,] مُطْفِئَةُ الرَّضْفِ A piece of fat which, when it falls upon the heated stones, melts, and extinguishes their heat: and a serpent of which the poison, when it passes by the heated stones, extinguished their fire: (O, K:) and a lean sheep or goat, that puts out the fire and does not become thoroughly cooked: (M, L, K, all in art. حدس:) or a fat sheep or goat, that slakes the heated stones by its fat: (T and TA in that art.:) and (assumed tropical:) a calamity that makes one to forget that which was before it: (AO, O, K:) or simply (assumed tropical:) a calamity. (K in art. طفأ [q. v.].) b2: Also Certain bones in the knee, like fingers put together, holding together one another; (O, K;) above which is the دَاغِصَة [or patella]: (TA in art. دغص:) in a horse, what are between the shank and the arm: (En-Nadr, O, K:) they are certain small bones, places together, at the head of the upper part of the ذراع [app. a mistranscription for كُرَاع, i. e. shank]: (En-Nadr, O:) one thereof is termed رَضْفَةٌ and ↓ رَضَفَةٌ. (O, K.) رَضْفَةٌ n. un. of رَضْفٌ [q. v.]. (S, O, Mgh, Msb.) b2: [Hence, app.,] رَضَفَاتُ العَرَبِ an appellation of four [tribes of the Arabs], Sheybán and Teghlib and Bahrà and Iyád. (O, K.) رَضَفَةٌ A certain brand, or mark, made by burning the skin with [heated] stones. (Lth, O, K.) b2: See also رَضْفٌ, last sentence.

رَضِيفٌ Milk that is boiled by means of the heated stone [or stones]. (S, O, K.) مَرْضُوفٌ Roast meat roasted by means of heated stones: (S, O, K: *) and thoroughly cooked thereby. (K.) مرْضَافَةٌ: see رَضْفٌ, first sentence.

مَرْضُوفَةٌ A cooking-pot [in which the food is] thoroughly cooked by means of heated stones: (S:) or the stomach, or maw, of a ruminant animal, which is washed and cleansed, and carried in a journey; and when the people desire to cook, and there is no cooking-pot, they cut up the flesh-meat, and put it into the stomach, or maw, then they betake themselves to some stones, and kindle a fire upon them so that they become heated, whereupon they put them into the stomach, or maw. (O, K.) It occurs in the saying of ElKumeyt, وَمْرضُوفَةٍ لَمْ تُؤْنِ فِى الطَّبْخِ طَاهِيًا عَجِلْتُ إِلَى مُحْوَرِّهَا حِينَ غَرْغَرَا (S, O, K,) i. e. [Many a cooking-pot &c, or many a stomach, or maw, &c., has there been,] that did not impede nor delay [in the cooking the cook, to the whiteness of the froth whereof I have hastened when it made a sound in boiling, or broiling]. (S.) [This art. is wanting in the copies of the L and TA to which I have had access.]
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