Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
1630. ركس20 1631. ركض19 1632. ركع16 1633. ركل12 1634. ركم14 1635. ركن191636. ركو9 1637. رم6 1638. رمث16 1639. رمح15 1640. رمد17 1641. رمز19 1642. رمس18 1643. رمص14 1644. رمض15 1645. رمق14 1646. رمك15 1647. رمل21 1648. رمن15 1649. رمو2 1650. رمى10 1651. رن5 1652. رنب12 1653. رنج12 1654. رنح14 1655. رند12 1656. رنز8 1657. رنق15 1658. رنم16 1659. رنو8 1660. رهب18 1661. رهج13 1662. رهدن8 1663. رهط17 1664. رهف15 1665. رهق20 1666. رهل11 1667. رهم13 1668. رهن17 1669. رهو11 1670. روأ11 1671. روب16 1672. روث16 1673. روج13 1674. روح22 1675. رود15 1676. روس10 1677. روض17 1678. روع19 1679. روغ19 1680. روف5 1681. روق18 1682. رول13 1683. روم18 1684. رون8 1685. روند1 1686. روى9 1687. رى1 1688. ريأ4 1689. ريب19 1690. ريث16 1691. ريح9 1692. ريد9 1693. رير8 1694. ريس8 1695. ريش19 1696. ريط13 1697. ريع17 1698. ريغ8 1699. ريف13 1700. ريق13 1701. ريل8 1702. ريم15 1703. رين19 1704. ريه8 1705. ز5 1706. زأبر3 1707. زأبق6 1708. زأر13 1709. زأن8 1710. زا1 1711. زب4 1712. زبد19 1713. زبر20 1714. زبرج8 1715. زبرجد8 1716. زبردج3 1717. زبع12 1718. زبق12 1719. زبل18 1720. زبن17 1721. زبى5 1722. زتن7 1723. زج4 1724. زجر19 1725. زجل14 1726. زجو7 1727. زح2 1728. زحر13 1729. زحف21 Prev. 100




1 رَكَنَ إِلَيْهِ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, Msb, K;) of the dial. of the lower (سُفْلَى) [app. in territory] of Mudar, and said by Az to be not chaste [thought it, or the third, seems to be the most common of the dial. vars. here mentioned]; (Msb;) and رَكِنَ aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K;) mentioned by Az; (S;) and رَكَنَ, aor. ـَ (S, Msb, K;) which is a combination of two dial. vars., [namely, the first and second of those above mentioned,] (S, Msb,) because neither the medial nor the final radical letter is faucial; (Msb;) said to be the only instance of its kind except أَبَى aor. ـَ (T in art. ابى;) and رَكِنَ, aor. ـُ which is likewise an instance of the commixture of two dial. vars., like فَضِلَ and حَضِرَ and نَعِمَ, aor. ـْ and يَحْضُرُ and يَنْعُمُ; (TA;) inf. n. رُكُونٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and رَكَانَةٌ and رَكَانِيَةٌ; (TA;) He inclined to him, or it; syn. مَالَ: and he trusted to, or relied upon, him, or it, so as to be, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind; syn. سَكَنَ: (S, Mgh, K:) or he leaned, rested, or relied, upon him; syn. اِعْتَمَدَ عَلَيْهِ: (Msb:) or he inclined to him in the least degree; (Bd in xi. 115;) رُكُونٌ signifying slight inclining. (Ksh and Bd ibid.) It is said in the Kur [xi. 115], وَلَا تَرْكَنُوا

إِلَى الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا [And incline ye not, &c., to those who have acted wrongfully]: (S, Msb:) or, incline ye not in the least degree [&c.]: (Bd:) thus generally read; and also تِرْكَنُوا, (Ksh, Bd, TA,) accord. to the dial. of Temeem; and ↓ تُرْكَنُوا, in the pass. form, from أَرْكَنَهُ. (Ksh, Bd.) b2: رَكِنَ فِى المَنْزِلِ, aor. ـَ inf. n. رَكْنٌ, He kept tenaciously to the place of alighting, or abode, (ضَنَّ بِهِ,) and did not relinquish it. (TA.) A2: رَكُنَ, inf. n. رَكَانَةٌ (S, K) and رُكُونَةٌ (K) and رَكَانِيَةٌ, (TK,) [primarily, it seems, said of a mountain, meaning It was inaccessible, or difficult of access, having high, or strong أَرْكَان i. e. sides or angles: see Har p. 561; and see رَكِينٌ, below; and 5. b2: And hence,] (tropical:) He (a man) was, or became, firm, (Har p. 561,) still, or motionless, (TA,) grave, staid, steady, sedate; or calm. (S, K, TA.) 2 ركّن is said by Golius, as on the authority of the KL, to signify He made like, “similem fecit: ” and hence Freytag also thus explains it: but it is زكّن that has this signification. In my copy of the KL, تَزْكِينٌ (not تَرْكِينٌ) is expl. by مانند كردن.]4 اركنهُ He made him to incline [إِلَى غَيْرِهِ to another]; syn. أَمَالَهُ: [and to trust to, or rely upon, another, so as to be, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind: or to lean, rest, or rely, upon another: see 1:] whence a reading in the Kur xi. 115. (Ksh, Bd. *) See 1.5 تركّن said of a man, (TA,) [or primarily and properly, of a thing, like رَكُنَ,] He, [or it] was, or became, firm, or strong, (K, TA,) and inaccessible, or difficult of access. (TA.) b2: and [hence,] (assumed tropical:) He endeavoured, or constrained himself, to be grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm; syn. تَوَقَّرَ, (K,) and تَرَزَّنَ. (TA.) رَكْنٌ The جُرَذ [or large field-rat]: and the فَأْر [or common rat or mouse]; as also ↓ رُكَيْنٌ. (K.) رُكْنٌ The جَانِب [meaning side, or outward part,] of a thing: (Msb:) or the strongest جَانِب [i. e. side, or outward part,] (S, K, TA) of a thing (S, TA) of any kind: (TA:) the corner, or angle, (زَاوِيَة,) of a house or room or the like: (K in art. زوى:) [and this is perhaps what is meant by the “ strongest جانب; ” for the strongest outward part of the house is unquestionably the corner, or angle: thus the angle in which is the Black Stone, of the Kaabeh, is specially called رُكْنُ البَيْتِ, i. e. رُكْنُ بَيْتِ اللّٰهِ:] the رُكْن of a قَصْر [or palace, or pavilion, &c.,] is its جَانِب [or its strongest جانب], and so of a mountain: (TA: [see رَكُنَ, and رَكِينٌ:]) the pl. is أَرْكَانٌ and أَرْكُنٌ [each properly a pl. of pauc., but the former is used as a pl. of mult.]: (Msb, TA:) the أَرْكَان of anything are is جَوَانِب [or sides, or outward parts, or its corners, or angles,] upon which it rests, and by which it is supported: (TA:) and the أَرْكَان of a land are its extremities [or sides or corners]. (Ham p. 478.) b2: [Hence, (assumed tropical:) A stay, or support, of any kind: see an ex. voce مِرْجَمٌ: whence, perhaps,] one says, تَمَسَّحْتُ بِأَرْكَانِهِ, meaning تَبَرَّكْتُ بِهِ (tropical:) [i. e. I looked for a blessing by means of him, or it]. (TA.) (assumed tropical:) A thing whereby one is strengthened (مَا يُقَوَّى بِهِ [in the CK ما تَقَوَّىبه]), such as dominion (مُلْك [in the CK مَلِك]), and an army, or a military force, &c.: (K:) and thus it has been explained as occurring in the Kur [li. 39], where it is said, فَتَوَلَّى بِرُكْنِهِ, (TA,) i. e. (assumed tropical:) And he turned away from belief with his forces; because they were to him like the رُكْن [properly so termed]. (Jel.) (assumed tropical:) A man's kinsfolk; or nearer, or nearest, relations; or clan; or tribe; syn. عَشِيرَةٌ: (AHeyth, TA:) (assumed tropical:) a man's people, or party; and the higher among them; and the persons by whom he is aided and strengthened: thought by ISd to be thus called by way of comparison [to a رُكْن properly so termed]: and thus it has been explained as used in the Kur [xi. 82], where it is said, أَوْ آوِىَ رُكْنٍ شَدِيدٍ (assumed tropical:) [Or that I might have recourse to a strong people, or party, &c.]: (TA:) or it here means عَشِيرَة [explained above]. (Jel.) And (assumed tropical:) A noble, or high, person; as in the saying, هُوَ رُكْنٌ مِنْ

أَرْكَانِ قَوْمِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He is a noble, of the nobles of his people]. (TA.) And أَرْكَانُ الإِنْسَانِ means (assumed tropical:) The members, or limbs, of the man, with which things are gained or earned, or with which he works; as the hands or arms, and the feet or legs. (TA.) b3: Also (assumed tropical:) Might, and resistance: (S, K:) so in the saying, هُوَ يَأْوِى إِلَى رُكْنٍ شَدِيدٍ (assumed tropical:) [He has recourse to strong, or vehement, might and resistance]: (S:) and so it has been explained as used in the words of the Kur last cited above. (TA.) b4: And (assumed tropical:) A thing, an affair, a case, an event, or an action, of great magnitude or moment, momentous, formidable, or terrible. (AHeyth, K.) Thus AHeyth explains it as used in the saying of En-Nábighah [Edh-Dhubyánee], لَا تَقْذِفَنِّى بِرُكْنٍ لَا كِفَآءَ لَهُ [By no means reproach thou me with a momentous, or a formidable, thing or action, or an enormity, that has not its equal; though (he proceeds to say) the enemies incite thee, with companies of men aiding one another]. (TA.) b5: In the conventional language [of the schools], رُكْنُ الشَّىْءِ means (assumed tropical:) [The essence of the thing; or] that whereby the thing subsists: from التَّقَوُّمُ; because the قِوَام [or subsistence] of the thing is by its رُكْن: not from القِيَام: else it would necessarily be the case that the agent would be a رُكْن to the action; and the substance, to the accident; and the thing to which a quality is attributed, to the quality: (KT:) it is (assumed tropical:) that without which the thing has no subsistence: (Kull:) and is [also] applied to (assumed tropical:) [an essential, or essential part, of the thing; i. e.,] a part of the مَاهِيَّة [or essence] of the thing, (Kull, [and in like manner أَرْكَانُ الشَّىْءِ is explained in the Msb as meaning the parts of the ماهيّة of the thing,]) as when we say that القِيَام is a رُكْن of الصَّلَاْة; as well as to (assumed tropical:) the whole مَاهيّة [of the thing]: (Kull:) [thus] أَرْكَانُ العِبَادَاتِ means (assumed tropical:) the fundamentals [or essentials] of the services of religion, by the neglect, or non-observance, of which they are ineffectual, or null, or void: (TA:) or, as some say, رُكْنُ الشَّىْءِ means that whereby the thing is complete; and this is intrinsic therein; differing from the شَرْط [or condition] thereof, which is extrinsic thereto. (KT.) رَكِينٌ A mountain having high أَرْكَان [i. e. sides, or angles]: (S, K:) or having strong اركان: (TA:) or inaccessible, or difficult of access, having اركان. (Har p. 561.) b2: And hence, (Har ibid.,) (tropical:) A man (S, K, &c.) firm, (Har,) still, or motionless, (TA,) grave, staid, steady, sedate, or calm. (S, K, Har, TA.) رُكَيْنٌ: see رَكْنٌ.

أَرْكُونٌ A great دِهْقَان, (K, TA,) i. e. headman, or chief, of a village or town: [app. from the Greek ἄρχω ν; though it is said that] he is thus called because the people of the village or town trust to him and incline to him. (TA.) مِرْكَنٌ A kind of vessel, well known, (K, TA,) like a تَوْر [q. v.], of leather, used for water: (TA:) or i. q. إِجَّانَةٌ [q.v.], (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) in which clothes and the like are washed; (TA;) called in Pers\. تَغَارْ: (Mgh:) pl. مَرَاكِنُ and مَرَاكِينُ. (TA.) One says, زَرَعُوا الرَّيَا حِينَ فِى

المَرَاكِينِ [They sowed the sweet-smelling plants in the مراكين]. (TA.) مُرَكَّنٌ A thing having أَرْكَان [here meaning corners, or angles]. (TA.) b2: [Hence,] ضَرْعٌ مُرَكَّنٌ A great udder; as though having اركان: (S, TA:) and an udder that has opened [or expanded] in its place so as to fill the أَرْفَاغ [or groins], and is not very long. (TA.) Tarafeh says, وَضَرَّتُهَا مُرَكَّنَةٌ دَرُورُ [And her udder is great, having much milk: or,] accord. to AA, مركّنة [here] signifies مجمّعة [app. meaning collecting much]. (TA.) and you say also نَاقَةٌ مُرَكَّنَةُ الضَّرْعِ (S, TA) [A she-camel great in the udder; or] whose udder has أَرْكَان by reason of its greatness. (TA.)
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