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85248. رءم1 85249. رَءُوف1 85250. رَءُوفة1 85251. رءي2 85252. رَآهُ2 85253. رأ185254. رَأَّ 1 85255. رأَب5 85256. رأب8 85257. رَأَبَ1 85258. رَأبَ1 85259. رَأَبَ 1 85260. رأبت1 85261. رأبل5 85262. رأَبل1 85263. رأد8 85264. رأَد1 85265. رَأَدَ 1 85266. رأرأ7 85267. رَأْرَأَ1 85268. رَأرَأ1 85269. رأز2 85270. رَأس1 85271. رأس13 85272. رَأَسَ2 85273. رأَس1 85274. رَأسُ الإنسان1 85275. رأسُ الحمارِ1 85276. رأس الشهر1 85277. رَأسُ القنطرة1 85278. رَأس الكلب1 85279. رأس المال1 85280. رَأْسُ المال1 85281. رَأسُ صَليع1 85282. رَأسُ ضَان1 85283. رَأسُ عَيْنٍ1 85284. رَأْس كبِيرة1 85285. رَأس كيفا1 85286. رَأس وريسان1 85287. رَأَسَ 1 85288. رأسان1 85289. رَأْسُمَال1 85290. رَأْسِمَاليَّة1 85291. رَأسه1 85292. رأش3 85293. رَأْفٌ1 85294. رأُفٍّ1 85295. رَأَفَ1 85296. رأف12 85297. رَأَفَ 1 85298. رأفت1 85299. رأل9 85300. رَأَلَ 1 85301. رأم13 85302. رَأَمَ1 85303. رَأمٌ1 85304. رَأَمَ 1 85305. رأن2 85306. رَأنَّهُ1 85307. رأه1 85308. رأو2 85309. رأى9 85310. رأَى1 85311. رَأى على1 85312. رَأَى 1 85313. رأي8 85314. رَأْي بـ1 85315. رَأْي عن1 85316. رَأيَان1 85317. رؤؤية1 85318. رُؤاس1 85319. رُؤَافٌ1 85320. رُؤامٌ1 85321. رُؤْبٌ1 85322. رؤد1 85323. رؤف1 85324. رؤوس الآي1 85325. رُؤوس الشياطين1 85326. رَؤوف1 85327. رَؤوفة1 85328. رَؤُوفة1 85329. رُؤْيَا1 85330. رُؤيَا1 85331. رُؤْيا الْمُؤمن1 85332. رُؤْيَا عربية1 85333. رُؤْيَات1 85334. رُؤيَةُ1 85335. رؤية2 85336. رُؤَيَّتَان1 85337. رِئاسة1 85338. رِئامٌ1 85339. رئس1 85340. رَئِس1 85341. رئف1 85342. رُئم1 85343. رِئمٌ1 85344. رئم1 85345. رَئِمَ1 85346. رئي1 85347. رئيس1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 رَأْرَأَ السَّرَابُ, (Sgh, and so in a copy of the S,) or السَّحَابُ, (M, and so in a copy of the S,) or both, (K,) The mirage, or the clouds, or both, shone, or glistened. (S, M, Sgh, K.) b2: [Hence, probably,] رَأْرَأَتْ عَيْنَاهُ [app. meaning His eyes glanced] is said when one turns his eyes: (Az, S:) or رَأْرَأْتِ العَيْنُ means the eye was restless, turning [in various directions]: or was in a state of motion, or commotion, by reason of its weakness. (El-Ghooree, Har p. 85.) and رَأْرَأَ (K,) inf. n. رَأْرَأَةٌ, (M,) said of a man, (TA,) He moved about the black of his eye: (M, K, TA:) or he turned it about (K, TA) much: (TA:) and he looked sharply, or intently. (M, K, TA.) You say also, هُوَ يُرَأْرِئُ بِعَيْنَيْهِ [He moves about the blacks of his eyes: &c.]. (TA. [See also أَرْأَى, in art. رأى.]) And رَأْرَأْتْ, said of a woman, She glistened with her eyes, by reason of looking hard, or intently: (K:) or, said of a fornicatress, or an adulteress, she moved about the blacks of her eyes [as a sign] to the man seeking her: (T:) or رأرأت بِعَيْنِهَا, said of a woman, (S, M,) she glistened with her eye, by reason of looking hard, or intently: (S:) or she opened her eye wide, and looked sharply, or intently. (M.) Also, said of a woman, She looked at her face in a mirror. (K, * TA.) b3: رَأْرَأْتِ الظِّبَآءُ The gazelles wagged their tails: (K:) or so رأرأتْ بِأَذْنَابِهَا; like لَأْلَأَتْ. (T.) A2: رَأْرَأَ, (K,) or رَأْرَأَ بِالغَنَمِ, (T, M,) inf. n. رَأْرَأَةٌ, (T,) He called the sheep, or goats, to water: (T:) or he called the sheep, or goats, (M, K,) by the cry إِرّْإِرّْ or [rather, as in the present day,] إِرَّ [i. e. إِرَّ إِرَّ,] (M,) or by the cry أَرْأَرْ: (K:) accord. to analogy, the verb [derived from the cry] should be أَرْأَرْ: (M:) طَرْطَبَ بِهَا, inf. n. طَرْطَبَةٌ, signifies “ he called them [to be milked by making a sound] with his lips. ” (T.) رَجُلٌ رَأْرَأٌ and ↓ رَأْرَآءٌ, (T,) or رَأْرَأُالعَيْنِ (S, M) and ↓ رَأْرَاؤُهَا, (Kr, M,) A man who turns about the black of the eye much. (T, S, * M.) and ↓ اِمْرَأَةٌ رَأْرَآءٌ, (T, M, K,) with medd. and without ة, (T,) and رَأْرَأٌ and رَأْرَأَةٌ, (M, K,) A woman who opens her eye wide, (M,) or who glistens with her eyes, (K,) looking sharply, or intently. (M, K.) رَأْرَآءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in three places.
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