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83661. دُهَيْمَان1 83662. دهيمه1 83663. دَهِينة1 83664. دهيني1 83665. دهيه1 83666. دو283667. دَوْ1 83668. دو الفِرْق1 83669. دو الفَرِق1 83670. دو الفَقَار1 83671. دو المَكَان1 83672. دو المكَّان1 83673. دو ضِياف1 83674. دو مورجة1 83675. دو نصر1 83676. دَوَّ 1 83677. دوء1 83678. دوأ12 83679. دَوَا1 83680. دوا2 83681. دَواءود1 83682. دوائر الأزمان1 83683. دوائر العروض1 83684. دوائر تسعة1 83685. دَوَاة1 83686. دَوَاج1 83687. دَوَاجِيّ1 83688. دَوَّاح1 83689. دَوَاحِم1 83690. دَوَّاحيّ1 83691. دَوَاد1 83692. دُوَاد1 83693. دَوادار1 83694. دُوَادِميّ1 83695. دُوَّار1 83696. دَوَّار1 83697. دَوَار1 83698. دَوّار1 83699. دَوَّارُ1 83700. دُوَّارُ1 83701. دَوَّارة1 83702. دُوَّارَة1 83703. دَوَارد1 83704. دَوَارِس1 83705. دَوَّاريَة1 83706. دَوَّاس1 83707. دَوَّاشة1 83708. دواعيَ1 83709. دُوَافٌ1 83710. دَوَّاف1 83711. دَوَاليب1 83712. دَوَاليبيّ1 83713. دواليك1 83714. دوَام الْإِمْكَان وَإِمْكَان الدَّو...1 83715. دُوَّامة1 83716. دَوَّامة1 83717. دَوَّانُ1 83718. دُوَانُ1 83719. دَوَّانَة1 83720. دُوانَّة1 83721. دواه1 83722. دَوَاهم1 83723. دوايد1 83724. دَوَايري1 83725. دوب4 83726. دوبا1 83727. دُوبارة1 83728. دوبارة1 83729. دُوبانُ1 83730. دُوبَانِيّ1 83731. دوبريه1 83732. دوبل2 83733. دَوْبَلَ1 83734. دَوْبَلان1 83735. دُوبَيْت1 83736. دوبين1 83737. دَوَّة1 83738. دوث1 83739. دوَج1 83740. دَوَجَ1 83741. دوج9 83742. دَوْج1 83743. دَوْجَر1 83744. دَوْجَل1 83745. دوجل1 83746. دوجلاس1 83747. دَوَحَ1 83748. دوح15 83749. دَوَحَ 1 83750. دَوْحُو1 83751. دَوْحِيَّة1 83752. دوحيه1 83753. دَوَخَ1 83754. دَوَّخ1 83755. دوخ13 83756. دَوَخَ 1 83757. دَوْخَان1 83758. دَوْخَانة1 83759. دَوْخة1 83760. دوخل2 Prev. 100


عن الكورية بمعنى رأس ورئيس. يستخدم للذكور.
صورة كتابية صوتية من دو بمعنى صاحب.


2 دوّى He took his way in the دَوّ [q. v.]. (M, K.) And دوّى فِىالأَرْضِ He went away into the country, or in the land. (T.) Ru-beh uses the phrase دوّى بِهَا as signifying He passed by them; meaning, by them, a male [wild] ass and his she-asses. (T.) And it is said of the دَوِّيَّة that it is thus called لِأَنَّهَا تُدَوِّى صَارَ فِيهَا, i. e. Because it makes away with those who are in it. (T.) A2: See also art. دوى.

دَوٌّ and ↓دَوِّيَّةٌ (T, S, M, K, the latter [erroneously] written in the CK دَوِيَّة) A desert, or waterless desert; syn.مَفَازَةٌ, (S, M,) or فَلَاةٌ; (K;) as also ↓ دَوِّىٌّ (S) and ↓ دَاوِيِّةٌ, (S, M, K,) in which the first و which is quiescent, [in دَوِّيِّةٌ, for دَوْوِيَّةٌ,] is changed into ا because of the fet-hah before it, though this instance is not to be copied as a model, (S,) and ↓دَاوِيَةٌ: (M, K:) or دَوٌّ signifies a wide فَلَاة: (M:) or a level land; likened by Dhu-r-Rummeh to the hand of the purchaser, meaning when he strikes his hand upon that of another in token of the ratification of a bargain: and ↓دَوِّيَّةٌ, a land of which the extremities are far apart, level, and spacious; said to be so called because of the sound termed دَوِىّ that is heard in it; [and if so, these two words (the latter of which is also mentioned in art. دوى) belong to one and the same art.;] or because it makes away with those who are in it; [see 2, above;] and ↓دَاوِيَّةٌ and ↓دَاوِيَةٌ signify the same: (T:) it is also said that دَوٌّ is [in origin] a Pers\. word; as though he who traversed the دَوّ said to his companion دَوْدَوْ, meaning “ Hasten: ” (TA:) or, as some say, a certain region, four nights' journey in extent, like a shield, vacant, traversed by means of the stars, in which one feared losing his way, on the way from El-Basrah to Mekkeh, was named الدَّوُّ for this reason, from the Persians' hastening one another while crossing it by saying دَوْدَوْ. (T.) b2: [Hence,] بَنَاتُ الدَّوِّ (assumed tropical:) The wild asses. (T in art. بنى.) دَوِّىٌّ [a rel. n. from دَوٌّ;] One inhabiting a دَوّ. (S.) [Hence the saying,] مَا بِهَا دَوِّىٌّ, (S, K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, دَوِىٌّ,]) and ↓, دُوِّىٌّ (Sgh, K, TA, [in the CK, erroneously, دُوِىٌّ,]) and ↓دُوْوِىٌّ, as in the M, or ↓دَوَوِىٌّ, as in the K, (TA,) i. e. [There is not in it (meaning بِالدَّارِ in the house)] any one (S, M, K) of those who inhabit the دَوّ: like as one says مَا بِهَا طُورِىٌّ, and دُورِىٌّ. (S.) b2: See دَوٌّ, with which it is also syn. (S.) دُوِّىٌّ and دُوْوِىٌّ or دَوَوِىٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph.

دَوِّيَّةٌّ: see دَوٌّ, in two places.

دَاوِيَةٌ and دَاوِيَّةٌ: see دَوٌّ, in four places.

دَوْدَاةٌ: see art. دود.
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