1 خَزِرَتِ العيْنُ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. خَزَرٌ, (
K,) The eye was, or became, narrow and small: (
K:) or it contracted its sight, naturally: (
K:) or خَزِرَ,
aor. ـَ (
inf. n. as above, (
K,) signifies he (a man) was as though he looked from the outer angle of the eye: (
S, A: *) or he looked as though on one side: or he opened and closed his eyes; (
K;) or, his eye: (
M:) or he had a distortion (حَوَلٌ) of one of his eyes: (
K:) [or he had eyes looking towards his nose; or, looking sideways; (see أَخْزَرُ;) or, looking towards their outer angles; (see خُزْرَةٌ;) see also 2, and 6, and
Q. Q. 1.]
A2: خَزَرَهُ,
aor. ـُ (
inf. n. خَزْرٌ, (
K,) He looked at him from the outer angle of the eye; (
K, *
TA;) as one does in pride, and in light estimation of the object at which he looks. (
MF.) A poet says, لَا تَخْزُرِ القَوْمَ شَزْرًا عَنْ مُعَارَضَةٍ
[Look not thou at the people from the outer angle of the eye, askew, sideways]. (
A3: خَزَرَ [as an
intrans. v.] He affected, or pretended, to be cunning; i. e. intelligent, or sagacious; or intelligent with a mixture of craft and forecast;
syn. تَدَاهَى. (
K. [See also 2.])
A4: Also He fled. (
K.) 2 خزّر, (
inf. n. تَخْزِيرٌ, (
K,) He made narrow. (
TA.) You say, خزّر عَيْنَيْهِ He (an old man) narrowed his eyes; contracted his eyelids as though they were sewed together; to collect the light: when a young man does so, يَتَدَاهَى
بِذٰلِكَ [i. e. he affects, or pretends, thereby, to be cunning; i. e. intelligent, or sagacious; or intelligent with a mixture of craft and forecast]. (
IAar. [See also خَزَرَ: and see 6.]) 6 تخازر He looked from the outer angle of his eye. (
TA. [See also
Q. Q. 1.])
b2: He pretended, or made a show of, what is termed خَزَرٌ: [see 1.] (
TA, and
Har p. 62.)
b3: He contracted his eyelids, to sharpen the sight: (
K:) a verb similar to تعامى and تجاهل. (
S. [See also 2.])
Q. Q. 1 خَنْزَرَ He looked from the outer angles of his eyes: from the
subst. خِنْزِيرٌ, because the animal so called is أَخْزَرُ. (A. [See also 6.])
b2: Also He acted like the swine. (
TA in art. خنزر.) خَزَرٌ [commonly known only as
inf. n. of خَزِرَ or خَزِرَتِ العَيْنُ]: see خَزِيرٌ.
خَزِرُ العَيْنِ: see أَخْزَرُ.
خَزْرَةٌ: see خُزَرَةٌ.
خُزْرَةٌ A turning of the pupil towards the outer angle of the eye. (
TA. [See 1.]) خُزَرَةٌ (
K) and ↓ خَزْرَةٌ (
K) A pain in the back: (
K:) a pain in a vertebra of the back: (
S:) a pain in the slender part of the back, in [the vertebra called] فِقْرَةُ القَطَنِ: (
TA:) the
pl. of the former is خُزَرَاتٌ. (
TA.) خَزِيرٌ and ↓ خَزِيرَةٌ A kind of food like عَصِيدَة with flesh-meat; (
K;) made of flesh-meat (
TA) that has remained throughout a night, (
TA,) cut into small pieces, and put into a cooking-pot with abundance of water, (
TA,) and with salt; (
TA;) and when it is thoroughly cooked, some flour is sprinkled upon it, (
TA,) and it is stirred about with it, and seasoned with any seasoning that the maker pleases to add: (
TA:) when there is no flesh-meat, it is called عَصِيدَة: (
TA:) or a broth made with the water in which bran has been soaked, (
TA,) which water is strained, and then cooked: (
TA:) this is what is called by the Persians سَبُوسَبَا: (
Mgh:) [see also حَرِيرَةٌ:] or خَزِيرَة is flour thrown upon water or upon milk, and cooked, and then eaten with dates, or supped: it is also called سَخِينَةٌ and سَخُونَةٌ and نَفِيتَةٌ and حُذْرُقَّةٌ: حَرِيَرة is thinner: (
AHeyth, on the authority of an Arab of the desert:) and a soup made of grease or gravy (
K) and flour; (
TA;) as also ↓ خَزَرٌ: (
K:) but no one except the author of the
K mentions this last form: in the other lexicons, soup of grease or gravy is said only to be called خَزِيرٌ and خَزِيرَةٌ. (
TA.) خَزِيرَةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.
خَازِرٌ A man possessing much cunning; i. e. intelligence, or sagacity; or intelligence with a mixture of craft and forecast. (
K.) خِنْزِيرٌ [The swine; the hog; the pig;] a certain foul animal, (
Msb,) well known; (
K;) said to be forbidden [to be eaten] by every prophet: (
Msb:) [
fem. with ة:]
pl. خَنَازِيرُ: (
K:) not, as some say, خُزْرٌ: [though this is an
epithet applicable to swine:] (
accord. to some, it is of the measure فِعْلِيلٌ; because ن is not [generally] added as a second letter: but
accord. to others, of the measure فِنْعِيلٌ; because ن is sometimes added as a second letter, and because it is held to be derived from خَزِرَ, since all خنازير are خُزْر; as it is said in the
A, كُلُّ خِنْزِيرٍ أَخْزَرُ. (
b2: خَنَازِيرُ also signifies A well-known disease; (
S;) [scrofula; or glandular swellings in the neck;] ulcers, (
K,) or hard ulcers, (
S,) which arise in the neck: (
K:) or ganglions, or hard or nodous lumps beneath the skin, in the neck, and in soft parts, such as the armpits; but most frequently in the neck. (
Mgh.) خَوْزَرَى: see what next follows, in two places.
خَيْزَرَى and ↓ خَوْزَرَى A certain mode of walking, with a looseness of the joints, (
K,) as though the limbs were dislocated; (A;) as also خَيْزَلَى and خَوْزَلَى: (
S in art. خزل, and
TA:) or a limping, or halting, manner of walking: or an elegant, and a proud and self-conceited, gait, with an affected inclining of the body from side to side. (
TA.) You say, هُوَ يَمْشِى الخَيْزَرَى and ↓ الخَوْزَرَى He walks with a looseness of the joints, &c. (
A.) خَيْزُرَانٌ, (
K, &c.,) vulgarly pronounced خَيْزَرَان, (
TA,) [a
coll. gen. n., The kind of cane called rattan; so in the present day;] a kind of Indian tree, which consists of roots extending upon the ground; as also ↓ خَيْزُورٌ: (
K:) or [a kind of tree] not growing in the country of the Arabs, but only in that of the Greeks; whence the saying of En-Nábighah El-Jaadee, بِلَادُهُمْ بِلَادُ الخَيْزُرَانِ [Their lands are the lands of the kheyzurán]: it is a kind of plant with pliable and smooth twigs: (
ISd:) or a kind of tree, (
S,) the roots of the قَنَا [by which are
app. meant the canes of which spear-shafts are made]: (
pl. خَيَازِرُ. (
b2: Reed, or reeds; cane, or canes. (
b3: And hence, Musical reeds or pipes. (
b4: Spears: (
K:) because of their pliableness: (
TA:) [or because commonly made of canes:]
pl. as above. (
b5: Any pliable twig or rod; (
K;) any piece of wood that is pliable. (
AHeyth.) [Often applied in the present day to the osier; as well as to the rattan:
n. un. with ة.]
b6: The rod which kings hold in their hands, and with which they amuse themselves (يَتَعَبَّثُونَ) and make signs. (
Ham p. 710.)
b7: The pole with which a ship, or boat, is pushed or propelled, (
K,) when pliable, or bending; as also ↓ خَيْزَارَةٌ. (
b8: Also, (
K,) and with ة, (
TA,) The سُكَّان (
K) of a ship, (
K,) i. e. its كَوْثَل [meaning the rudder]: (
TA:) or,
accord. to 'Amr Ibn-Bahr, the لِجَام [
lit. the bridle and bit,
app. meaning the tiller] of a ship, by means of which the سُكَّان, which is the ذَنَب, is directed. (
TA: [but instead of التى بها يقوم السُّكّانُ وهو فى الذنب, I read الذى به يُقَوَّمُ السُّكَّانُ وهوالذَّنَبُ.]) En-Nábighah says, describing the Euphrates in the time of its increase, or fulness, يَظَلُّ مِنْ خَوفِهِ المَلَّاحُ مُعْتَصِمًا بِالْخَيْزُرَانَةِ بَعْدَ الأَيْنِ وَالنَّجَدِ [By reason of his fear, the sailor becomes in a state of cleaving, or laying fast hold, upon the خيزرانة, (which may here mean the pole above mentioned, or the rudder, or the tiller,) after fatigue and distress]. (
TA.) In a
trad. it is said that the devil, when he had been commanded by Noah to go forth from the ark, mounted upon the خيزران of the ark, i. e. its سُكَّان. (
TA.) خَيْزُورٌ: see the last paragraph above.
خَيْزَارَةٌ: see the last paragraph above.
أَخْزَرُ A man having narrow and small eyes: (
K:) or having eyes of which the sight is contracted, naturally: (
K:) or who looks from the outer angle of his eye: (
A:) or who is as though he so looked: (
S:) or who looks as though on one side: or who opens and closes his eyes; (
K;) or, his eye: (
M:) or who has a distortion (حَوَلٌ) of one of his eyes: (
K:) or whose eyes look towards his nose: (
TA:) [or whose eyes look towards their outer angles: (see خُرْرَةٌ:)] and أَخْزَرُ العَيْنِ one who looks askew, or sideways; as also العَيْنِ ↓ خَزِرُ, an
epithet applied to an enemy: (
TA:) the
fem. of أَخْزَرُ is خَزْرَآءُ: (
Msb:) and the
pl. is خُزْرٌ. (
K.) Yousay also أَعْيُنٌ خُزْرٌ [meaning Eyes that are narrow and small: &c.]. (