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77416. خَبْنِيّ1 77417. خبو9 77418. خَبُورِيّ1 77419. خَبُوشانُ1 77420. خَبُون1 77421. خبى277422. خبي4 77423. خَبيٌّ1 77424. خِبْياري1 77425. خَبِيَّان1 77426. خُبَيْبٌ1 77427. خُبَيِّبَة1 77428. خُبَيْبة1 77429. خَبِيبَة1 77430. خُبَيتٌ1 77431. خَبِيتِيّ1 77432. خبير1 77433. خَبيرٌ في1 77434. خَبِيرَة1 77435. خُبَّيْزة1 77436. خَبِيشَان1 77437. خَبِيصَة1 77438. خَبِيط1 77439. خت4 77440. خَتٌّ1 77441. خَتَّ 1 77442. ختء2 77443. ختأ4 77444. ختأه1 77445. خَتَأَهُ1 77446. خَتَا1 77447. خُتَّا1 77448. ختا2 77449. خَتَا 1 77450. خَتَاتنة1 77451. خَتَّار1 77452. ختّار1 77453. خَتَّارٍ1 77454. خَتَّاشي1 77455. خَتَّال1 77456. خَتَّالة1 77457. ختالة1 77458. خَتَّالي1 77459. خَتَّالِين1 77460. خِتام1 77461. خَتَّام1 77462. خِتَام الدين1 77463. ختام السَّادة1 77464. خَتَّان1 77465. ختب2 77466. خَتَتَ1 77467. ختت5 77468. ختذ1 77469. خَتَرَ1 77470. ختر14 77471. خَتَرَ 1 77472. خترب2 77473. خترت1 77474. خَترش1 77475. خَتْرَشَةُ1 77476. خَترع1 77477. خَترف1 77478. خترف3 77479. خَتْرَفَة1 77480. خَتْرَفَهُ1 77481. خترم1 77482. خَترم1 77483. خَتْرَمَ1 77484. ختره1 77485. خَتَرو1 77486. خُتَّشُ1 77487. خَتش1 77488. ختع7 77489. خَتَعَ1 77490. خَتع1 77491. خَتَعَ 1 77492. ختعر6 77493. ختعل1 77494. خَتعل1 77495. ختف2 77496. ختفر1 77497. خَتل2 77498. خَتَلَ1 77499. ختل14 77500. خَتَلَ 1 77501. خَتْلانُ1 77502. ختلع1 77503. خَتْلَعَ1 77504. خَتلع1 77505. خَتلم1 77506. خَتْلَمَ2 77507. ختله1 77508. خَتَلَه1 77509. خَتَمَ1 77510. ختم20 77511. خَتم1 77512. خَتَمَ اللَّهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِمْ...1 77513. ختَمَ 1 77514. خَتَمَ 1 77515. خَتْمة1 Prev. 100


(خبى) خباء وَكسَاء أخباه


ى2 خَبَّىَ see what next follows.4 اخبى, inf. n. إِخْبَآءٌ; (Ks, TA;) or اخبى خِبَآءٌ; (S, K;) and ↓ تخبّى, (Ks, TA,) or تخبّى خِبَآءً; (S, K;) and خِبَآءً ↓ خبّى, (S, * K,) inf. n. تَخْبِيَةٌ; (S;) He made a [tent such as is called] خبآء: (Ks, S, K:) and he set it up. (K.) [see also 10.] And أَخْبَيْتُ كِسَائِى I made my [garment called] كسآء to be [as] a خِبَآء. (TA.) 5 تَخَبَّىَ see 4.10 استخبى خِبَآءً He set up a [tent such as is called] خبآء, and entered into it. (S, K.) [See also 4.]

خِبَآءٌ A kind of structure; (K;) [i. e.] one of the بُيُوت [or kinds of tents] of the Arabs, (IAth, TA,) peculiarly of wool, (Yaakoob, Th,) or of camels' fur, or of wool, (IAar, S, IAth, K,) or of [goats'] hair, (K,) or not of [goats'] hair, (S,) [except in cold countries and in fertile regions, where the goats have abundant hair, for the goats of the Arabs of the desert have short hair, not long enough to be spun, (see بَيْتٌ,)] smaller than the مِظَلَّة, (IAar,) upon two poles, or three; what is above this kind being termed بَيْتٌ; (S;) or a tent having one pole; that which has more than one pole being termed بَيْتٌ: (Az, TA in art. ربع:) pl. أَخْبِيَةٌ, (S, TA,) without ء: (TA:) most of the lexicologists hold that its radical letters are خبى. (TA in art. خبأ, q. v.) b2: Sometimes, (assumed tropical:) A dwelling, such as is in a city. (TA, from a trad.) b3: Also (tropical:) A receptacle for oil or ointment. (K, TA.) b4: And (tropical:) The calyx or a flower. (TA.) b5: and (tropical:) The husk of a grain of wheat, and of a grain of barley, in the ear. (K, TA.) b6: And الخِبَآءُ signifies (tropical:) Certain round stars, [or stars in a circle,] (K, TA,) forming one of the Mansions of the Moon, [namely, the Twenty-fifth,] also called الأَخْبِيَةُ [or سَعْدُ الأَخْبِيَةِ: see سَعْدٌ]. (TA.) خَابِيَةٌ, originally خَابِئَةٌ: see art. خبأ.
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