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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11 900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 924. حفل16 925. حفن16 926. حفو10 927. حق10 928. حقب17 929. حقد16 930. حقر15 931. حقط8 932. حقف19 933. حقل16 934. حقن16 935. حقو12 936. حك7 937. حكأ9 938. حكر17 939. حكل11 940. حكم21 941. حكو4 942. حكى7 943. حل9 944. حلأ11 945. حلب19 946. حلت8 947. حلج15 948. حلز7 949. حلس16 950. حلف18 951. حلق21 952. حلقم13 953. حلقن5 954. حلك14 955. حلم19 956. حلو12 957. حلى6 958. حم6 959. حمأ12 960. حمد17 961. حمدل5 962. حمر24 963. حمز14 964. حمس18 965. حمش14 966. حمص14 967. حمض16 968. حمق17 969. حمل22 970. حملق9 971. حمن10 972. حمو8 973. حمى7 974. حن6 975. حنأ10 976. حنب9 977. حنبل5 978. حنت11 979. حنتم11 980. حنث17 981. حنجر10 982. حندر4 983. حندس10 984. حندق4 985. حنذ15 986. حنزب4 987. حنش15 988. حنط16 989. حنظل6 990. حنف20 991. حنق13 992. حنك18 993. حنو9 994. حو4 995. حوأ2 996. حوب19 Prev. 100




1 حَصُنَ, (Mgh, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (K, TA,) inf. n. حَصَانَةٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) said of a حِصْن [or fortress], (S,) or of a place, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) i. q. مَنُعَ, [for which the CK erroneously substitutes وَمَنَعَ, after كَكَرُمَ, as though the verb were حَصُنَ and حَصَنَ,] (K, TA,) [i. e.] It was, or became, مَنِيع [meaning inaccessible, or unapproachable, or difficult of access]; it was, or became, unattainable, by reason of its height; (Msb;) it was fortified, or protected against attack, so that one could not gain access to what was within it. (Mgh.) b2: Hence, (Mgh,) حَصُنَتْ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (K,) inf. n. حُصْنٌ (S, Mgh, K) and حَصْنٌ and حِصْنٌ (K) and حَصَانَةٌ; (S, * Msb, * TA;) and ↓ أَحْصَنَتْ, (S, Mgh, K,) inf. n. إِحْصَانٌ; (Mgh;) and ↓ تحصّنت; (K;) said of a woman, She was, or became, continent, or chaste; or she abstained from what was not lawful nor decorous; syn. عَفَّتْ: (S, Mgh, Msb, K:) or she was, or became, married; or she had a husband; (K;) as also حَصَنَتْ and ↓ أُحْصِنَتْ: (Ham p. 101, in which حَصُنَتْ is likewise mentioned in this sense:) or ↓ أَحْصَنَتْ signifies she was, or became, pregnant; (K;) as though pregnancy protected her from a man's going in to her. (TA.) A2: حَصَنَهُ, inf. n. حَصْنٌ, He preserved, or guarded, him, or it, in places inaccessible, or unapproachable, or difficult of access, as in a حِصْن [or fortress]. (TA.) [See also 2 and 4.]2 حصّنهُ, [inf. n. تَحْصِينٌ;] and ↓ احصنهُ; He made it, or rendered it, inaccessible, or unapproachable, or difficult of access; (Msb, K;) he made it, or rendered it, unattainable, by reason of its height; (Msb;) he fortified it, or protected it against attack, so that one could not gain access to what was within it; (Mgh;) namely, a place. (Mgh, Msb.) حَصَّنْتُ القَرْيَةَ I built a wall around the town, or village. (S.) b2: For the former verb, see also 4.

A2: And see 5.4 احصنهُ: see 2. b2: Also He, (God,) or it, (a coat of mail [or the like],) protected, or defended, him. (Fr, Mgh, * TA.) b3: العِفَّةُ تُحْصِنُ مِنَ الرِّيبَةِ [Continence, or chastity, preserves from suspicion, or evil opinion]. (Mgh.) b4: الَّتِى أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا, in the Kur [xxi. 91 and lxvi. last verse], means Who preserved her pudendum from that which is unlawful or indecorous; (Zj, Mgh, * TA;) who abstained from what is unlawful or indecorous; or was continent, or chaste. (Msb.) b5: احصن المَرْأَةَ He (her husband) caused the woman to abstain from that which is unlawful or indecorous, or to be continent or chaste; (S, Mgh, K; *) as also ↓ حَصَّنَهَا. (K.) And احصنهُ التَّزَوُّجُ [Marriage caused him to abstain from that which is unlawful &c.]. (K.) b6: [Also He married the woman; i. e. gave her in marriage.] See أُحْصِنَتْ above, in the first paragraph. In the Kur iv. 30, some read فَإِذَا أُحْصِنَّ, meaning And when they are married. (S, TA.) And a poet says, أَحْصَنُوا أُمَّهُمُ مِنْ عَبْدِهِمْ تِلْكَ أَفْعَالُ القِزَامِ الوَكَعَهْ i. e. They married [their mother to their slave: such are the deeds of the mean, the base]. (S.) A2: أَحْصَنَتْ, intrans.: see 1, in two places. b2: In the Kur iv. 30, some read فَإِذَا أَحْصَنَّ; and accord. to Ibn-Mes'ood, this, said of female slaves, means And when they are Muslimehs. (TA.) Accord. to Aboo-Haneefeh, الإِحْصَانُ in a case of stoning involves six conditions; The being a Muslimeh, and free, and of sound intellect, and of the age of puberty, and validly married, and having had her marriage consummated: and in a case of charging with adultery, the being a Muslimeh, and free, and of sound intellect, and of the age of puberty, and continent, or chaste. (Mgh.) b3: And أحْصَنَ He (a man, S, Msb) married, or took a wife. (S, Msb, K.) With the lawyers, إِحْصَانٌ meansThe act of coïtus conjugalis in a case of valid marriage; and accord. to Esh-Sháfi'ee, by a free man who has attained to puberty, and in the case of a free woman who has attained to puberty, among the Muslims and the believers in a plurality of gods; meaning, in a case of valid marriage. (Msb.) 5 تحصّن, said of the enemy, (S, TA,) [He fortified himself: or] he entered the [or a] حِصْن [or fortress]: or protected himself by it: or took it, or made it, as a place of abode. (TA.) b2: and hence, He guarded, or protected, himself in any way. (TA.) b3: See also 1. b4: Also He (a horse, TA) became a حِصَان, (K,) i. e. a stallion, or fit to cover: (TA voce رَاحَ:) or affected to be so: (Az, TA:) [and so ↓ حَصَّنَ or حُصِّنَ; for] a horse in this case is said to bear evidence of التَّحَصُّن and التَّحْصِين. (S, * K, TA.) حِصْنٌ [A fortress; a fort; a fortified place;] a place of which the interior is inaccessible; (K;) any place that is fortified, or protected against attack, so that one cannot gain access to what is within it; (Mgh;) a place that is unattainable, by reason of its height; (Msb;) a fortified city: (TA:) pl. [of mult.] حُصُونٌ (S, Msb, K) and حِصَنَةٌ and [of pauc.] أَحْصَانٌ. (K.) [Hence,] أَبُو الحِصْنِ: see أَبُو الحُصَينِ, below. [Hence, also,] خَيْلُ العَرَبِ حُصُونُهَا ذُكُرُهَا وَإِنَاثُهَا (tropical:) [The horses of the Arabs are their حُصُون; the males thereof and the females thereof]. (TA.) A man said to 'Abd-Allah Ibn-El-Hasan, “My father has left the third of his property for the حُصُون: ” and he replied “ Buy thou horses: ” so in the A: in the M, “Buy thou therewith horses, and mount [men] on them [to fight] in the cause of God. ” (TA.) b2: [Hence, also,] (tropical:) Arms. (K, TA.) Yousay, جَآءَ يَحْمِلُ حِصْنًا (tropical:) He came bearing arms. (TA.) b3: Also The [new moon; or the moon when it is termed] هِلَال: in the K, الهَلَاكُ is erroneously put for الهِلَالُ. (TA.) حَصْنَآءُ: see what next follows.

حَصَانٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ حَاصِنٌ (S, Mgh, K) and ↓ حَاصِنَةٌ (K) and ↓ حَصْنَآءُ (S, K) and ↓ مُحْصِنَةٌ (Th, S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ مُحْصَنَةٌ, (Th, S, Msb, K,) applied to a woman, Continent, or chaste; or abstaining from what is not lawful nor decorous, (Th, S, Mgh, Msb, K,) or from that which induces suspicion or evil opinion: (Sh and TA in explanation of the first of these epithets:) or married; having a husband: (K:) or حَصَانٌ has both of these significations: (Ham p. 101:) and accord. to Th, (S,) ↓ مُحْصَنَةٌ, with fet-h only, has the latter signification; (S, Mgh, * Msb; *) and means caused to be continent or chaste, or to abstain from that which is unlawful or indecorous, by her husband: (Mgh: [and the same is implied in the S:]) and this epithet is also applied to a woman emancipated: and to one having become a Muslimeh: (Az, TA:) [certain particular applications of ↓ مُحْصِنَةٌ have been implicatively shown above: see 4:] the pl. of حَصَانٌ is حُصُنٌ and حَصَانَاتٌ: and the pl. of ↓ حَاصِنٌ and ↓ حَاصِنَةٌ is حَوَاصِنُ and حَاصَنَاتٌ: the former of which (حواصن) also signifies pregnant, (K,) applied to women: (TA:) the pl. محصنات, in the first instance of its occurrence in ch. iv. [verse 28] of the Kur, is read by all ↓ مُحْصَنَات, (A 'Obeyd, TA,) meaning having husbands; (A 'Obeyd, Mgh, Msb, TA;) because when such women are made captives, their marriage-tie is cut: but in other instances, some read thus, understanding it in the sense last explained; and others read ↓ مُحْصِنَات, as meaning that have become Muslimehs: (A 'Obeyd, TA:) in the Kur iv. 29, it means free women: and in the Kur v. 7, continent, or chaste, women: (Mgh: [in the Msb, it is said to have the latter of these last two meaning in 4:25, and the former of them in 5:5:]) ↓ مُحْصَنَات is the more common in the language of the Arabs. (Fr, TA.) b2: حَصَانٌ also signifies A pearl, or a large pearl; syn. دُرَّةٌ: (K:) because it is protected in the interior of the shell that contains it. (TA.) حِصَانٌ A generous, or high-bred, horse, (Msb, K,) of whose seed one is niggardly: (K:) or a male horse: (Mgh, K:) or this latter is a secondary meaning, originating from frequency of usage: (S, Msb:) or a stallion horse; or one fit to cover: (TA voce رَاحَ:) the حِصَان is. so called because he preserves his rider: (TA:) or because his back is like the حِصْن to his rider; (Mgh, Msb;) wherefore horses are called حُصُونٌ: (Mgh:) or because one is niggardly of his seed, so that he is not made to cover any but a generous mare: (S, Mgh, Msb:) pl. حُصُنٌ. (Mgh, Msb, K.) حَصِبينٌ, applied to a place, (Msb, TA,) or to a حِصْن [or fortress], (S,) Inaccessible, or unapproachable, or difficult of access; syn. مَنِيعٌ; (Msb, K; *) [unattainable, by reason of its height; fortified, or protected against attack, so that one cannot gain access to what is within it; (see حَصُنَ, of which it is the part. n.;)] a building that protects him who has recourse to it for refuge. (Sb, TA.) b2: هُوَ الحَصِينُ أَنْ يُرَامَ, meaning مِنْ أَنْ يُرَامَ ↓ أَحْصَنُ: see (near its end) the first paragraph in art. ال. b3: دِرْعٌ (K) and حَصِينَةٌ (Sh, K) A coat of mail firmly, strongly, or compactly made: (K:) or trusty, or trusted in, having the rings [for الخلق in the L and TA, I read الحَلَق,] near together; such that weapons produce no effect upon it: (Sh, L, TA:) so called because it is [as] a حِصْن to the body. (Er-Rághib, TA.) حُصَيْنٌ dim. of حِصْنٌ. b2: Hence,] أَبُوالحُصَيْنِ The fox; syn. الثَّعْلَبُ; (S, K;) so called because of his protecting himself from causes of harm by his acuteness; (Har p. 663;) as also أَبُو

↓ الحِصْنِ. (M, K.) حَاصَنٌ and حَاصِنَةٌ: see حَصَانٌ, in four places. b2: The latter also signifies A man's wife: and so حَاضِنَةٌ. (TA.) أَحْصَنُ [More, and most, strongly fortified, or protected against attack]. (TA in art. لوم.) See also حَصِينٌ.

مُحْصَنٌ Wheat stored up. (TA in art. عسى.) b2: A man caused, by marriage, to abstain from that which is unlawful or indecorous, or to be continent or chaste; expl. by قَدْ أَحْصَنَهُ التَّزَوُّجُ. (K.) And A man married, or having a wife; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ مُحْصِنٌ: (Zj, Msb:) the former anomalous [if أُحْصِنَ be not allowable as meaning, like أَحْصَنَ, “he married,” or “ took a wife: ” but see 1 and 4]. (S, Msb.) For the fem., مُحْصَنَةٌ, and its pl., مُحْصَنَاتٌ, see حَصَانٌ, in four places.

مُحْصِنٌ: see مُحْصَنٌ: and for the fem., مُحْصِنَةٌ, and its pl., مُحْصِنَاتٌ, see حَصَانٌ, in three places.

مِحْصَنٌ A lock; syn. قُفْلٌ. (K.) b2: The piece of iron that extends upwards upon the nose of the horse, having its base in the كِعَامَة, which is the iron thing that embraces, or clasps, (تَلْتَقِمُ,) the muzzle of the horse. (IDrd in his book on the Saddle and Bridle, pp. 8-9.) [Jac. Schultens, as cited in Freytag's Lex., explains it as Ferramentum quoddam in fræno equi et frænum ipsum.]

b3: A [basket of the kind called] زَبِيل: (K:) one should not say مِحْصَنَةٌ. (TA.)
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