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Lane's Lexicon

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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
894. حشى3 895. حص7 896. حصب22 897. حصد18 898. حصر21 899. حصرم11900. حصف14 901. حصل16 902. حصن21 903. حصو4 904. حض8 905. حضأ6 906. حضر20 907. حضن17 908. حضو4 909. حط6 910. حطأ9 911. حطب16 912. حطم19 913. حظ6 914. حظر21 915. حظل11 916. حظو8 917. حف7 918. حفث9 919. حفد18 920. حفر18 921. حفز12 922. حفش13 923. حفظ16 924. حفل16 925. حفن16 926. حفو10 927. حق10 928. حقب17 929. حقد16 930. حقر15 931. حقط8 932. حقف19 933. حقل16 934. حقن16 935. حقو12 936. حك7 937. حكأ9 938. حكر17 939. حكل11 940. حكم21 941. حكو4 942. حكى7 943. حل9 944. حلأ11 945. حلب19 946. حلت8 947. حلج15 948. حلز7 949. حلس16 950. حلف18 951. حلق21 952. حلقم13 953. حلقن5 954. حلك14 955. حلم19 956. حلو12 957. حلى6 958. حم6 959. حمأ12 960. حمد17 961. حمدل5 962. حمر24 963. حمز14 964. حمس18 965. حمش14 966. حمص14 967. حمض16 968. حمق17 969. حمل22 970. حملق9 971. حمن10 972. حمو8 973. حمى7 974. حن6 975. حنأ10 976. حنب9 977. حنبل5 978. حنت11 979. حنتم11 980. حنث17 981. حنجر10 982. حندر4 983. حندس10 984. حندق4 985. حنذ15 986. حنزب4 987. حنش15 988. حنط16 989. حنظل6 990. حنف20 991. حنق13 992. حنك18 993. حنو9 Prev. 100




Q. 1 حَصْرَمَ, [inf. n. حَصْرَمَةٌ,] He braced his bow, making the string tight, or tense. (S, K.) b2: He twisted a rope strongly. (K.) b3: He filled (AHn, K) a vessel, (AHn, TA,) or a skin: (K:) or he filled a skin so that it became strait [or tense]. (TA.) b4: He pared and shaped a reed for writing. (K.) b5: [Golius has added the signification “ Excitavit,” as on the authority of the KL; but in my copy of that work, I find, as the inf. n. of the verb having this signification, حَثْحَثَةٌ, which immediately follows the significations of حَصْرَمَةٌ, and hence appears to have been omitted in the copy of the KL used by Golius.]Q. 2 تَحَصْرَمَ [تَحَصْرَمَ app. signifies It (a grape) became in the state in which it is termed حِصْرِم.

And hence,] تَزَبَّبَ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَتَحَصْرَمَ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) He did the latter part of an affair before the first; as when a man writes a book before he has qualified himself by preparatory study]: a prov. (TA.) b2: تحصرم said of butter [in the process of formation] means It became dissundered, or separated [into clots], by reason of intense cold; and did not coalesce; as also تخضرم. (TA.) حُصْرُمٌ: see the next paragraph.

حِصْرِمٌ The first of grapes, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) such as are crude and sour, (Msb,) or as long as they remain green: (K:) or grapes when hard: (Az, TA:) or, accord. to AHn, grapes when they have become organized and compacted: or, as he says on one occasion, [the n. un.] حِصْرِمَةٌ signifies a grape when it germinates. (TA.) The rubbing of the body in the bath with bruised, or pulverized, حصرم dried in the shade prevents the origination of [the cutaneous disorder termed]

حَصَف in the year in which this is done, and strengthens the body, and cools it. (K.) b2: Dates, or fruit, (تَمْرٌ, or ثَمَرٌ, accord. to different copies of the K, the latter being the reading in the M, TA,) not yet ripe. (M, K, TA.) b3: Fruit plucked from the tree called the مَظّ, (K,) i. e. the wild pomegranate. (TA.) b4: In the “ Jema et-Tefáreek,” it is said to signify Grape-stones: but this requires consideration. (Mgh.) b5: What is lean, dry, or withered, (syn. حَشَفٌ,) of anything. (Az, Msb, K.) b6: And hence, (Msb,) (assumed tropical:) A niggardly man; (ISk, S, Msb, K;) arrow in disposition; as also ↓ مُحَصْرَمٌ (S, TA) and ↓ مُتَحَصْرِمٌ: (K, * TA:) or ↓ مُحَصْرَمٌ means having little, or no, good. (TA.) b7: Short; (K;) and فَاحِش [app. as meaning evil in disposition]; as also ↓ حُصْرُمٌ. (TA.) b8: And An iron [hooked] instrument with which the bucket is extracted from a well; (K;) also called عَوْدَقٌ. (TA.) حَصْرَمَةٌ [inf. n. of Q. 1, q. v.] b2: Also Niggardliness, tenaciousness, or avarice. (K, TA.) حِصْرِمِىٌّ Omphacine. (Golius, on the authority of Meyd.)]

حِصْرِمِيَّةٌ Soup made [or flavoured] with unripe grape or dates, or with the juice thereof. (MA.) مُحَصْرَمٌ Butter dissundered, or separated [into clots], by reason of intense cold; not coalescing; (K;) [as also ↓ مُتَحَصْرِمٌ: see Q. 2.] b2: A scanty, or small, gift. (TA.) b3: Anything straitened, or scanted. (TA.) b4: See also حِصْرِمٌ, in two places.

A2: شَاعِرٌ مُحَصْرَمٌ i. q. مُخَضْرَمٌ, (K,) which is the more common term; meaning A poet that lived in the time of paganism and in that of El-Islám. (TA.) مُتَحَصْرِمٌ: see مُحَصْرَمٌ: b2: and حِصْرِمٌ.
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