1 حَشَا, (S, Mgh, Msb, TA,) aor. ـْ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. حَشْوٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) He filled, (K, TA,) or stuffed, (KL, PS,) a pillow, or cushion, [and a garment, (see حَشْوٌ, below,)] &c., (S, Mgh, * Msb, K,) with a thing, (K,) with cotton, (Msb, TA,) and the like. (TA.) [And He stuffed a lamb, or a fowl, and a vegetable, &c., with rice &c.] b2: Hence, حَشَا الغَيْظَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, (tropical:) [He stuffed wrath into a man's bosom: see an ex. in a verse cited in the first paragraph of art. حظل:] and حُشِىَ الرَّجُلُ غَيْظًا وَ كِبْرًا (tropical:) [The man was stuffed with wrath and pride], and حُشِىَ الرَّجُلُ بِالنَّفْسِ and حُشِىَ النَّفْسَ (assumed tropical:) [The man was stuffed with pride, or self-magnification, or with disdain, or scorn]. (TA.) b3: [Hence also,] صِغَارُ الإِبِلِ تَحْشُو الكِبَارَ (assumed tropical:) The young camels enter, or occupy the spaces, among the old ones. (TA.) b4: [رَسَمَ كِتَابًا وَ لَمْ يَحْشُهُ, a phrase occurring in the 1st نَوْع of the Mz, means (assumed tropical:) He sketched out a book, and did not fill it up.] b5: حَشَاهُ [also signifies He foisted it into a thing. b6: And] He hit, or hurt, his حَشًا [q. v., like حَشَأَهُ]. (K.) Yousay, حَشَاهُ سَهْمًا, inf. n. as above, He hit, or hurt, his حَشًا [with an arrow]. (TA.) 3 مَا أَجَلَّهُ وَ لَا حَاشَاهُ He gave him not a جَلِيلَة [i. e. a she-camel that had brought forth once] nor حَاشِيَة [i. e. small, or young, camels]: (K:) or ↓ مَا أَجَلَّنِى وَ لَا أَحْشَانِى He gave me not a she-camel that had brought forth once nor gave he me a young, or small, camel. (S in art. جل.) 4 أَحْشَوَ see 3.5 تَحَشَّوَ see 8. b2: تحشّى فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) He became received among the sons of such a one, and harboured, protected, or lodged, by them. (TA in art. حشى [but belonging to the present art.].) 7 إِنْحَشَوَ see 8. b2: انحشى صَوْتٌ فِى صَوْتٍ [app. (assumed tropical:) A sound became blended in a sound], and حَرْفٌ فِىحَرْفٍ [a letter in a letter]: mentioned by Az. (TA in art. حشى [but app. belonging to the present art.].) 8 احتشى It (a thing) became filled [or stuffed; as also ↓ انحشى]. (K.) And in like manner you say of a man, احتشى مِنَ الطَّعَامِ He became filled [or stuffed] with food. (TA.) And اِحْتَشَتِ الرُّمَّانَةُ بِالحَبِّ The pomegranate became filled with the grains, or seeds. (TA.) b2: اِحْتَشَتْ She (a مُسْتَحَاضَة) stuffed her vulva (نَفْسَهَا) with the [rags termed] مَفَارِم [in the CK, erroneously, مَقَارِم], (K, TA,) and the like: and in a similar sense احتشى is used as said of a man having the [disorder termed] إِبْرِدَة. (TA.) And اِحْتَشَتْ بِالكُرْسُفِ (S, Mgh, TA) and الكُرْسُفَ (Mgh, TA) She (a حَائِض, S, Mgh) stuffed her vulva with cotton, (Mgh, TA,) to arrest the blood. (S.) b3: اِحْتَشَتْ حَشِيَّةً and بِحَشِيَّةٍ She (a woman) wore a حَشِيَّة; (IAar, K;) as also ↓ تَحَشَّتْ [alone]. (Az, TA in art. حشى.) A poet says, لَا تَحْتَشِى إِلَّا الصَّمِيمَ الصَّادِقَا [She will not wear any stuffing but that which is genuine and true]: meaning that she will not wear حَشَايَا because the largeness of her posteriors renders it needless for her to do so. (IAar, TA.) حِشَةٌ, pl. حِشُونَ: see وَحْشٌ.
حَشًا The contents of the belly: (K:) or a bowel, or an intestine, into which the food passes from the stomach; syn. مِعًى: (Msb:) pl. أَحْشَآءٌ: (Msb, K:) and ↓ حُشْوَةٌ and ↓ حِشْوَةٌ signify the bowels, or intestines; [like أَحْشَآءٌ;] syn. أَمْعَآءٌ: (Msb:) or these are called البَطْنِ ↓ حُشْوَةُ and ↓ حِشْوَتُهُ: (S, TA:) or حشوة signifies all that is in the belly except the fat; so accord. to Az and Esh-Sháfi'ee: or, accord. to As, the place of the food, comprising the أَحْشَآء and the أَقْصَاب: (TA:) [see also مَحْشًى:] الحَشَا is the name of all the places of the food: (Zj in his “Khalk el-Insán:”) [see also, for other meanings, its dial. var. حَشًى, in art. حشى:] the word belongs to this art. and to art. حشى; the dual being حَشَوَانِ and حَشَيَانِ. (TA.) A2: A side, (Msb, TA,) region, quarter, or tract. (Msb.) You say, أَنَا فِى حَشَا فُلَانٍ I am in the quarter and protection of such a one: pl. as above. (Har p. 61.) [See, again, حَشًى, in art. حشى.]
حَشْوٌ, like the inf. n., (TA,) Stuffing; (PS;) [i. e.] what is put into a pillow, or cushion, &c.: (K, TA:) and [hence] cotton: and the seeds used for seasoning food, [and the rice &c.,] with which the belly of a lamb is stuffed: pl. ↓ مَحَاشٍ, deviating from rule. (TA.) b2: (tropical:) The soul of a man. (K, TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) [A parenthesis;] a redundant part, or portion, of speech, or of a sentence, (K, TA,) upon which nothing is syntactically dependent. (TA. [See Har pp. 85 and 86.]) b4: (assumed tropical:) [A digression.] b5: (assumed tropical:) The portion of either hemistich of a verse that is comprised between the first and last foot. (KT, &c.) b6: (assumed tropical:) Small, or young, camels, (S, K,) among which are no great, or old, ones; (S, TA;) as also ↓ حَاشِيَةٌ: (S, K:) so called because they enter, or occupy the spaces, among the latter; or because they go against the sides of the latter: (TA:) accord. to ISk, (S,) ↓ الحَاشِيَتَانِ signifies [the camel termed] اِبْنُ المَخَاضِ and [that termed] اِبْنُ اللَّبُونِ: (S, and K in art. حشى:) the pl. [of حَاشِيَةٌ] is ↓ حَوَاشٍ. (TA.) It is said in a trad. respecting the poorrate, أَمْوَالِهِمْ ↓ حُذْ مِنْ حَوَاشِى, i. e., accord. to IAth, (assumed tropical:) Take thou of the small, or young, of their camels; such as those termed ابن المخاض and ابن اللبون. (TA. [But see another explanation of this saying voce حَاشِيَةٌ in art. حشى.]) b7: and حَشْوٌ and ↓ حَاشِيَةٌ signify also (assumed tropical:) The like of mankind; (S;) [i. e.] حَاشِيَةٌ signifies (tropical:) the lower or lowest, baser or basest, meaner or meanest, sort, or the rabble, or refuse, of mankind, or of the people; (TA in art. حشى, and Har p. 61;) as also حَشْوٌ [which is of frequent occurrence in this sense]; (KL;) and ↓ حِشْوَةٌ; (S, TA;) such as servants and the like. (Har ubi suprà, in explanation of حاشية. [See also this word in art. حشى.]) You say, ↓ جَآءَ فُلَانٌ مَعَ حَاشِيَتِهِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one came with those who were in his quarter and protection: but this may be from حَشًا signifying “a region, quarter, or tract;” servants and followers being in the quarter and protection of their master. (Har ubi suprà.) And فُلَانٌ بَنِى فُلَانٍ ↓ مِنْ حِشْوَةِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is of the lower or lowest, &c., of the sons of such a one. (S.) b8: See also حُشْوَةٌ.
A2: Also A stuffed garment. (Mgh.) أَرْضٌ حَشَاةٌ (tropical:) Black land, in which is no good. (K, TA.) حُشْوَةٌ and حِشْوَةٌ: for each, see حَشًا, in two places: b2: and for the latter, see also حَشْوٌ, in two places. b3: You say also, مَا أَكْثَرَ حُشْوَةَ أَرْضِهِ and حِشْوَةَ ارضه, i. e. ↓ حَشْوَهَا and دَغَلَهَا [app. meaning (tropical:) How many are the thickets, or the like, that obstruct the tracts of his land!]. (Lh, K, TA.) حَشِىٌّ Herbage that has become dry in its lower part, and rotten: (IAar, K:) or dry: (As, S, K:) like خَشِىٌّ [q. v.]. (S, TA.) حَشِيَّةٌ A stuffed bed: (K:) pl. حَشَايَا. (TA.) ['Antarah says that a saddle was to him what the حَشِيَّة, or stuffed bed, is to others: see EM p. 229.] b2: Also, (K,) and ↓ مِحْشًى, (S, K,) A pillow, (K,) or the like, (S,) with which a woman makes her posteriors (S, K) or her body (K) to appear large: (S, K:) pl. of the former as above; (TA;) and of the latter مَحَاشٍ. (S, TA. [In the S, it is only said of the former that it is the sing. of حَشَايَا.]) b3: [Also the former, The pad of a رَحْل (or camel's saddle): see مِرْبَطَةٌ.]
حَاشِيَةٌ, and its dual and pl.: see حَشْوٌ, in six places. b2: See also art. حشى.
مَحْشًى The place of the food in the belly. (K.) [See also حَشًا, and مَحْشَاةٌ.]
مِحْشًى: see حَشِيَّةٌ.
مَحْشَاةٌ [The rectum;] the lowest of the places of the food, (As, TA,) [i. e.] the portion of the intestines which is the lowest of the places of the food, (IAth, TA,) leading [immediately] to the place of egress; (As, TA;) in a beast, i. q. مَبْعَرٌ: (TA: [explained in the K in art. حش, to which it does not belong:]) pl. مَحَاشٍ. (IAth, TA.) Hence, إِيَّاكُمْ وَ إِتْيَانَ النِّسَآءِ فِى مَحَاشِيهِنَّ فَإِنَّ كُلَّ مَحْشَاةٍ حَرَامٌ. (TA.) مِحْشَاةٌ A coarse [garment of the kind called]
كِسَآء, (As, S, TA,) that abrades the skin: (TA:) pl. مَحَاشٍ. (As, S.) [But accord. to some, a garment of this kind is called مِحْشَأٌ or مِحْشَآءٌ.]
مَحْشُوٌّ and مَحْشِىٌّ Filled, or stuffed..]
مَحَاشٍ pl. of مِحْشًى, (S, TA,) and of مَحْشَاةٌ, (IAth, TA,) and of مِحْشَاةٌ, (As, S,) and irreg. pl. of حَشْوٌ, q. v. (TA.)