حَذى النَّبِيْذُ اللِّسَانَ: قَرَصَه. والحُذَيّا والحُذْيا: هَدِيَّةٌ البِشَارَةِ، وأحْذَيْتُه: أعْطَيْتُه، والحُذَايَةُ: الحُذْياءُ. وأعْطَيْتُه حِذْيَةً من اللَّحْمِ: أي فِلْذَةً ويُقال: حِذْوَة.
وحَذَأْتُ الشَّيْءَ: قَطَعْتَه. وما بِجِلْدِه حَذْيَةٌ لا وَذْيَةٌ: أي قُطَعٌ.
الحَاذُ: شَجَرٌ عِظَامٌ، الواحِدَةُ: حاذَةٌ. والحاذَانِ: أدْبارُ الفَخِذَيْنِ، والجَميعُ: الأحْوَاذُ. وقيل: هو الظَّهْرُ. وفلانٌ خَفْيْفُ الحاذِ: أي الحالِ والمؤُوْنَةِ. وهُما بحاذَةٍ واحِدَةٍ: أي بَحَالَةٍ واحِدَةٍ. وحاذَ يَحُوْذُ حَوْذاً: في مَعْنَى حاطَ يَحُوْطُ. واسْتَحْوَذَ علسه الشَّيْطانُ: غَلَبَ عليه، واسْتَحَاذَ مِثْلُه.
وهو يَسْتَحْوِذُ في الشَّيْءِ: يَعْمَلُه بِعْجَلَةٍ. ورَجُلٌ أحْوَذِيٌّ: نَسِيْجُ وَحْدِه. والأحْوَذُ: الخَفِيْفُ الماضي. وأحْوَذَ الرَّجُلُ ثَوْبَه: إذا ضَمَّه إليه. والحَوْذُ والإحْوَاذُ: السَّيْرُ الشَّديدُ.
حَذى النَّبِيْذُ اللِّسَانَ: قَرَصَه. والحُذَيّا والحُذْيا: هَدِيَّةٌ البِشَارَةِ، وأحْذَيْتُه: أعْطَيْتُه، والحُذَايَةُ: الحُذْياءُ. وأعْطَيْتُه حِذْيَةً من اللَّحْمِ: أي فِلْذَةً ويُقال: حِذْوَة.
وحَذَأْتُ الشَّيْءَ: قَطَعْتَه. وما بِجِلْدِه حَذْيَةٌ لا وَذْيَةٌ: أي قُطَعٌ.
الحَاذُ: شَجَرٌ عِظَامٌ، الواحِدَةُ: حاذَةٌ. والحاذَانِ: أدْبارُ الفَخِذَيْنِ، والجَميعُ: الأحْوَاذُ. وقيل: هو الظَّهْرُ. وفلانٌ خَفْيْفُ الحاذِ: أي الحالِ والمؤُوْنَةِ. وهُما بحاذَةٍ واحِدَةٍ: أي بَحَالَةٍ واحِدَةٍ. وحاذَ يَحُوْذُ حَوْذاً: في مَعْنَى حاطَ يَحُوْطُ. واسْتَحْوَذَ علسه الشَّيْطانُ: غَلَبَ عليه، واسْتَحَاذَ مِثْلُه.
وهو يَسْتَحْوِذُ في الشَّيْءِ: يَعْمَلُه بِعْجَلَةٍ. ورَجُلٌ أحْوَذِيٌّ: نَسِيْجُ وَحْدِه. والأحْوَذُ: الخَفِيْفُ الماضي. وأحْوَذَ الرَّجُلُ ثَوْبَه: إذا ضَمَّه إليه. والحَوْذُ والإحْوَاذُ: السَّيْرُ الشَّديدُ.
ى1 حَذَتِ الشَّفْرَةُ النَعْلَ, [aor. and inf. n. as below,] The shoemaker's knife cut the sandal, or sole. (S.) And حَذَى يَدَهُ He cut, or cut off, his arm, or hand, (T, S, K,) with a knife. (S.) And حَذَى أُذُنَهُ He cut off a piece of his ear. (TA.) b2: حَذَى الجِلْدَ, aor. ـْ He, or it, wounded the skin. (TA.) And حَذَى الإِهَابَ, (K,) inf. n. حَذْىٌ, (TA,) He rent, or tore, much, or he made many holes in, the skin, or hide. (K, TA.) b3: حَذَى لِسَانَهُ, (S, Mgh, K,) and فَاهُ (S) or فَمَهُ, (TA,) aor. as above, (S, Mgh, Msb,) and so the inf. n., (S, TA,) (tropical:) It, namely, vinegar, and wine, or beverage, (S, Mgh,) and [sour] milk, (Mgh, K,) &c., (K,) bit his tongue, (S, Mgh, K,) and his mouth; (S, TA;) had a burning effect upon it, like cutting. (Mgh.) b4: حَذَى فُلَانًا بِلِسَانِهِ (tropical:) He spoke evil of such a one, saying of him what would grieve him if he heard it; reviled, vilified, or vituperated, him; (K, TA;) [as though] he cut him with his tongue. (TA.) A man who does so is termed ↓ مِحْذَآءٌ. (K, TA.) A2: See also what next follows.4 احذاهُ; (S, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ حَذَاهُ, first Pers\. حَذَيْتُ; (Mgh;) He gave him a thing, or somewhat: (Mgh:) he gave him a portion, or share, of spoil. (S, Mgh, K.) [See also 4 in art. حذو.] b2: [Hence,] أَحْذَيْتُهُ طَعْنَةً (tropical:) [I gave him a thrust, piercing thrust, or stab;] I thrust, pierced, or stabbed, him. (Lh, TA.) 6 تحاذى القَوْمُ فِيمَا بَيْنَهُمْ (tropical:) The party, or campany of men, divided among themselves (K, TA) water equally; like تصافنوا. (TA.) b2: See also 6 in art. حذو.حِذْىٌ: see حِذْيَةٌ.
حُذْيَةٌ, with damm, The diamond with which stones are cut and bored. (TA.) حِذْيَةٌ A piece cut lengthwise (As, S, K) of flesh-meat: (As, S:) or a small piece (K) thereof. (TA.) [See also حِذْوَةٌ, in art. حذو.] Hence the saying in a trad., إِنَّمَا فَاطِمَةُ حِذْيَةٌ مِنِّى يَقْبِضُنِى
مَا يَقْبِضُهَا (assumed tropical:) [Fátimeh is only a piece of me: what distresses, or grieves, her, distresses, or grieves, me]. (TA.) b2: جآءَا حِذْيَتَيْنِ They two came side by side: (K, TA:) and so جَآءَا, mentioned in art. حذو. (TA.) A2: A gift; as also ↓ حِذْىٌ (TA) and ↓ حُذْيَا, (Mgh, and Ham p. 596,) or ↓ حُذَيَّا, (TA in art. حذو,) and حِذْوَةٌ. (K in that art., and Ham ubi suprà.) [See also حُذَيَّا.]
حُذْيَا: see what next precedes. b2: Also A share, or portion, of spoil; (S, K;) and so ↓ حُذَيَّا and حُذَاية (K) and ↓ حَذِيَّةٌ (S, K) and حِذْوَةٌ. (S.) حِذَآءٌ The gathering of the crop of grapes: or the time thereof: syn. قِطَافٌ. (K.) A2: See also art. حذو.
حُذَايَةٌ: see حُذْيَا.
حَذِيَّةٌ: see حُذْيِا.
حُذَيَّا A gift, or present, for bringing good news. (K, TA.) See also حِذْيَةٌ. You say, أَخْذَهُ بِيْنَ الحُذَيَّا وَالخُلْسَةِ He took it as something between a gift and a thing carried off by force. (ISd, K.) b2: See also حُذْيَا.
A2: هُوَ حُذَيَّاكَ: see حِذَآءٌ, in art. حذو.
مِحْذًى A large, or broad, knife; or such as is used by a shoemaker or maker of sandals. (TA.) مِحْذَآءٌ: see 1.