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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
533. ثجر15 534. ثخن17 535. ثدأ7 536. ثدو4 537. ثدى3 538. ثرب19539. ثرد18 540. ثرم14 541. ثرو9 542. ثرى8 543. ثط3 544. ثعب17 545. ثعد9 546. ثعل10 547. ثعلب13 548. ثغر15 549. ثغم13 550. ثغو9 551. ثفاً1 552. ثفر14 553. ثفرق8 554. ثفل19 555. ثفن12 556. ثفو4 557. ثفى5 558. ثقب19 559. ثقف19 560. ثقل17 561. ثكل15 562. ثل4 563. ثلب14 564. ثلث18 565. ثلج15 566. ثلط13 567. ثلم15 568. ثم3 569. ثمت3 570. ثمد16 571. ثمر17 572. ثمل17 573. ثمن18 574. ثن2 575. ثنتان1 576. ثنى11 577. ثو1 578. ثوأ3 579. ثوب20 580. ثوخ7 581. ثور18 582. ثول17 583. ثوم11 584. ثوى8 585. ثى1 586. ثيب7 587. ثيتل3 588. ثيخ2 589. ثيل8 590. ج19 591. جأ1 592. جأب7 593. جأر13 594. جأش9 595. جأل7 596. جأن4 597. جاثليق1 598. جام3 599. جاموس2 600. جاه2 601. جاورس2 602. جب7 603. جبأ11 604. جبت12 605. جبذ15 606. جبر21 607. جبرئيل1 608. جبس13 609. جبل21 610. جبن15 611. جبه20 612. جث6 613. جثل11 614. جثم20 615. جح3 616. جحر14 617. جحش16 618. جحظ12 619. جحف17 620. جحفل10 621. جد7 622. جدب14 623. جدث15 624. جدح13 625. جدر20 626. جدع15 627. جدف18 628. جدل20 629. جدو6 630. جدى3 631. جذ5 632. جذب16 Prev. 100



1 ثَرَبَهُ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. ثَرْبٌ, (TK,) [probably, in its primary sense, He stripped it of its ثَرْب: see 2:

b2: and hence,] (assumed tropical:) He stripped him of his garment; namely, a sick man. (K.)

b3: See also 2, in three places.

2 تَثْرِيبٌ, in its primary sense, is The removing of the ثَرْب, i. e., the fat that forms the integument of the stomach of a ruminant: so says Z. (Har p. 197.)

b2: And hence, (tropical:) The act of blaming; reproving; and punishing, or chastising, for an offence, or a crime: (Har ubi suprà:) or (tropical:) severe

blaming or reproving, that rends reputations, and takes away the brightness of countenances: (Z in Har ubi suprá:) which last meaning it has in the Kur xii. 92: (Bd:) or لَا تَثْرِيبَ عَلَيْكُمْ

there means (assumed tropical:) No evil, or mischief, shall come upon you: (Zj, T:) or (assumed tropical:) your offences, or crimes, shall not be mentioned: (Th, M:) تثريب signifies (assumed tropical:) the act of blaming, or reproving; (S, Mgh;) or doing so severely, or angrily; or, with the utmost severity or harshness: the act of upbraiding, or reproaching: and the going to the utmost length in blaming or reproving: one says, لَا تَثْرِيبَ عَلَيْكَ (assumed tropical:) [No blame, &c., shall be laid on thee]: and it is from الثَّرْبُ [as explained above]. (S.) You say, ثرّب and ↓ ثَرَبَ and ↓ اثرب, meaning (assumed tropical:) He blamed, or reproved; or did so severely, or with the utmost severity; or reproached, or upbraided: (T:) and ثرّب عَلَيْهِ, (S, M, K,) and ثّربهُ; (A, K;) and ↓ ثَرَبَهُ, [and ثَرَبَ عليه,] aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. ثَرْبٌ; (TK;) and ↓ اثربهُ; (A, K;) (assumed tropical:) he blamed him, or reproved him; upbraided him, or reproached him, (M, A, K,) with, or for, his offence, or crime; (M, K;) and reminded him thereof; (M;) he showed him his deed to be foul, abominable, or bad: (As, S:) or عليه ↓ ثَرَبَ, aor. ـِ signifies (assumed tropical:) he blamed him, or reproved him; and, as Suh says, ثرّب عليه, (assumed tropical:) he blamed him, or reproved him, much. (Msb.)

b3: Also (assumed tropical:) The acting ill, or corruptly; doing evil, or mischief; creating

confusion, or disorder. (TA.)

A2: It is also said in the K to be syn. with طَىٌّ, which means The building [or casing a well] with stones: but [SM says,] I fear that this is a mistranscription for تَثْوِيبٌ, with و. (TA.)

4 أَثْرَبَ He (a ram) increased in his fatness: (K:) or acquired a ثَرْب, having increased in fatness. (TA.)

A2: See also 2, in two places.

ثَرْبٌ A thin integument of fat that covers the stomach of a ruminant and the bowels or intestines; (Lth, T, S, M, Msb, K;) the fat that is spread over the bowels, or intestines: (T:) pl. (of mult., TA) ثُرُوبٌ (M, K) and (of pauc., TA)

أَثْرُبٌ, and pl. pl. أَثَارِبُ. (K.) Hence, صَارَتِ

الشَّمْسُ كَالْأَثَارِبِ The sun [upon the ground] became like the integuments above-mentioned: i. e., scattered; being upon one place and not upon another, towards sunset: a phrase occurring in a trad., in which it is said that when this is the case, it is forbidden to perform the afternoonprayer: and in another trad. occurs the phrase, صَارَتِ الشَّمْسُ كَثَرْبِ النَّاقَةِ [The sun upon the ground became like the ثرب of the she-camel]. (TA.)

b2: And [hence,] (assumed tropical:) A land of which the stones are such as those of the حَرَّة [q. v.], save that they are white. (L.)

ثَرَبَاتٌ, (K,) or ثَرِبَاتٌ [like تَرِبَاتٌ, with which it is nearly, or perhaps exactly, syn.], (M,) The fingers. (M, K.)

أَثْرَبُ, (TA,) fem. ثَرْبَآءُ, (T, K,) A sheep having a large ثَرْب; (T, TA;) i. e. (TA) a fat sheep. (K, TA.)

مُثْرِبٌ (assumed tropical:) One who gives little, (K, TA,) reproaching for that which he has given. (TA.)

مُثَرِّبٌ Upbraiding [&c.: see the verb, 2]: (M:) or acting ill, or corruptly; doing evil, or mischief; creating confusion, or disorder. (M, K.)
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