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Lane's Lexicon

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الصفحة الرئيسية للكتاب
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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
619. جحف17 620. جحفل10 621. جد7 622. جدب14 623. جدث15 624. جدح13625. جدر20 626. جدع15 627. جدف18 628. جدل20 629. جدو6 630. جدى3 631. جذ5 632. جذب16 633. جذر18 634. جذع18 635. جذف10 636. جذل15 637. جذم18 638. جذمر4 639. جذو11 640. جر7 641. جرأ11 642. جرب17 643. جرث7 644. جرثم11 645. جرح19 646. جرد17 647. جردب7 648. جردبيل1 649. جردق3 650. جردم7 651. جرذ16 652. جرذق3 653. جرذم4 654. جرز20 655. جرس20 656. جرش14 657. جرض10 658. جرع16 659. جرف19 660. جرل10 661. جرم24 662. جرموق1 663. جرن20 664. جرو9 665. جرى7 666. جز5 667. جزأ12 668. جزر17 669. جزع18 670. جزف16 671. جزل15 672. جزم14 673. جزى8 674. جس4 675. جسأ8 676. جسد15 677. جسر16 678. جسم16 679. جسو6 680. جش5 681. جشأ13 682. جشب11 683. جشر15 684. جشع14 685. جشم15 686. جشن8 687. جص4 688. جظ3 689. جعب14 690. جعد15 691. جعر17 692. جعس10 693. جعف10 694. جعفد2 695. جعفر6 696. جعل17 697. جعمس4 698. جف5 699. جفأ12 700. جفر16 701. جفل14 702. جفن16 703. جفو11 704. جل5 705. جلب21 706. جلح17 707. جلد17 708. جلس15 709. جلسد4 710. جلف16 711. جلق9 712. جلم15 713. جلمح2 714. جلمد8 715. جلنار1 716. جله10 717. جلهق5 718. جلو11 Prev. 100




1 جَدَحَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. جَدْحٌ, He mixed anything. (L.) جَدَحَ السَّوِيقُ, (S, A, Mgh, L, K,) وَنَحْوَهُ, aor. and inf. n. as above; and ↓ جدّحهُ, inf. n. تَجْدِيحٌ; (L;) and ↓ اجتدحهُ, (S, L, K,) and ↓ اجدحهُ; (K;) He stirred about the سويق [or meal made of parched barley or wheat], and the like, with water, [or milk, (see what follows,) or clarified butter, or fat of a sheep's tail, &c., (see لَتَّ,)] until the whole became of a uniform consistence: (L:) or he stirred it about with a مِجْدَح: (A, L:) or he stirred about the سويق in milk, and the like, with a مجدح, until it became mixed: (Lth, TA:) or he beat and mixed the سويق with a مجدح: (Mgh:) i. q. لَتَّهُ: (S, K:) and ↓ جدّحهُ, inf. n. تَجْدِيحٌ, he mixed it; in the K, لَطَخَهُ; but the right reading is خَلَطَهُ, as in the L and other lexicons: (TA:) and ↓ اجتدحهُ he drank it (شربه [but this is perhaps a mistranscription for ضَرَبَهُ he beat it]) with the مجدح. (L, TA.) 2 جَدَّحَ see 1, in two places.4 أَجْدَحَ see 1. b2: احدح الإِبِلَ He branded the camels on their thighs with the mark called مِجْدَح. (K.) 8 إِجْتَدَحَ see 1, in two places.

المُجْدَحُ: see the next paragraph.

مِجْدَحٌ The instrument with which سَوِيق is stirred about with water &c.; (S, A, K, &c.;) which is a piece of wood the end whereof has several sides; (S, L;) or a piece of wood at the head of which are two cross pieces of wood; (A, Mgh, L;) and sometimes having three prongs: (IAth, TA:) pl. مَجَادِحُ. (L.) b2: It is sometimes used tropically, as relating to evil, or mischief. (L.) [Thus it means (tropical:) A stirrer-up of evil or mischief; or a thing that stirs up, or whereby one stirs up, evil or mischief.] b3: Also (assumed tropical:) Any one of the مَجَادِيحُ السَّمَآءِ [or stirrers-up of the sky, or of rain]; (L;) these being the أَنْوَآءٌ [or stars, or asterisms, which, by their auroral settings or risings, were believed by the Pagan Arabs to bring rain &c.]; (S, L, K;) of those انواء that seldom or never failed [to bring rain], accord. to the Arabs: (Mgh:) the ى in the pl. is added to give fulness to the sound of the kesreh; for the regular pl. is مَجَادِحُ, and the sing. of مجاديح should by rule be مِجْدَاحٌ. (A, IAth, Mgh.) One says, ارْسَلَتِ السَّمَآءَ مَجَادِيحُهَا (L) or مَجَادِيحُ الغَيْثِ (A) (assumed tropical:) [Its stirrers-up, or the stirrers-up of rain, or the stars or asterisms which were the bringers of it, sent forth rain]. It is related of 'Omar, that he ascended the pulpit to pray for rain, and, having only offered a prayer for forgiveness, descended; whereupon it was said to him, “Thou hast not prayed for rain; ” and he replied, لَقَدِ اسْتَسْقَيْتُ بِمَجَادِيحِ السَّمَآءِ (assumed tropical:) [I have indeed prayed for rain by words which are the stirrers-up of rain]; making the prayer for forgiveness to be a prayer for rain, in allusion to a passage in the Kur, lxxi. 9 and 10; and meaning thereby to deny the efficacy of the انواء. (A, * Mgh, * L.) المِجْدَحُ, also pronounced ↓ المُجْدَحُ, (S, K,) thus pronounced by El-Umawee, (S,) is moreover the name of (assumed tropical:) A particular star or asterism, one of those which the Pagan Arabs asserted to be bringers of rain: (L:) said to be الدَّبَرَانُ [the Hyades; or the five chief stars thereof; or the brightest star thereof, a of Taurus]; (S, A, L, K;) [which is called by this name of الدبران] because it rises latterly [with respect to the Pleiades], (S,) or because it follows (يَدْبُرُ, i. e. يَتْبَعُ,) the Pleiades: (T in art. دبر:) [whence] it is also called حَادِى النُّجُومِ [“ the urger of the stars,” properly, “with singing ”], (S,) or حَادِى النَّجْمِ [“ the urger of the asterism,”

meaning, “of the Pleiades ”], and تَالِى النَّجْمِ [“ the follower of the asterism,” or, “of the Pleiades ”], (Kzw,) and التَّالِى and التَّابِعُ [“ the follower ”]: (Sh:) or it is a small star or asterism, between الدبران and الثُّرَيَّا [or the Pleiades]: (IAar, K:) [perhaps meaning the four stars that are the chief stars of the Hyades exclusively of a Tauri:] or three stars, (Mgh, TA,) like the three stones upon which a cooking-pot rests, (TA,) likened to a three-pronged مِجْدَح; (Mgh, TA;) on the [auroral] rising of which, heat is expected: (TA:) the Arabs regarded it as one of the انواء which [by their auroral setting] foretokened rain. (IAth.) المِجْدَحَانِ is a name by which some of the Arabs called (assumed tropical:) The two wings of الجَوْزَآء [or Orion]. (Sh, TA.) b4: مِجْدَحٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) A certain mark made with a hot iron upon the thighs of camels. (K.) مُجَدَّحٌ Beverage, or wine, (شَرَاب,) stirred about: (S, K:) and in like manner, blood, when it is stirred about in the body of a gored animal by the goring horn. (L.) مَجْدُوحٌ Blood drawn from a vein, used in times of dearth, or drought, (S, K,) in the Time of Ignorance: (S:) or blood which was mixed with something else, and eaten in times of dearth: (TA:) or a kind of food of the Pagan Arabs, being blood obtained by opening a vein of a she-camel, which blood was received in a vessel, and drunk. (T, TA.)
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