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60347. بَيُّومي1 60348. بَيُّوومي1 60349. بَيْوِيطُ1 60350. بيى1 60351. بيي6 60352. ت560353. تءد1 60354. تءر1 60355. تءق1 60356. تءم1 60357. تآثوا1 60358. تآخيا1 60359. تآدى1 60360. تآزف1 60361. تآزيا1 60362. تآسوا1 60363. تَآكَلَ1 60364. تَآمَرُوا1 60365. تآنسا1 60366. تآوبا1 60367. تآووا1 60368. تأ1 60369. تأَب1 60370. تأب2 60371. تأبب بِهِ1 60372. تأبد1 60373. تأبر1 60374. تأبش1 60375. تأبض1 60376. تأبط1 60377. تأبق1 60378. تأبلت1 60379. تأبن1 60380. تأبه1 60381. تأبى2 60382. تأتأ7 60383. تَأْتَأَ1 60384. تَأْتَأة1 60385. تأتبت1 60386. تأتى1 60387. تأثث1 60388. تأثر1 60389. تَأَثَّر إلى درجة1 60390. تأثَّرَ لـ1 60391. تَأَثَّر من1 60392. تأثفت1 60393. تأثل1 60394. تأثم1 60395. تَأْثِير1 60396. تأثير الوصف1 60397. تأججت1 60398. تأجل1 60399. تأجم1 60400. تَأَخّر1 60401. تَأَخُّر أداة النفي عن «كاد»...1 60402. تَأَخَّر تأخيرًا1 60403. تَأَخَّرَ على1 60404. تأخى1 60405. تَأْخِير أداوت الاستفهام...1 60406. تأخير الظلامة، إلى يوم القيامة...1 60407. تَأْخِير العدد عن المعدود ومطابقته ...1 60408. تأد2 60409. تأدب1 60410. تأدد1 60411. تأدى1 60412. تأدية الأمانة، في قوله – سبحانه وتع...1 60413. تَأذن1 60414. تأذى بِهِ1 60415. تأر6 60416. تَأَرَ1 60417. تأَر1 60418. تَأَرَ 1 60419. تأرب1 60420. تأرثت1 60421. تأرجت1 60422. تَأَرْجَحَ1 60423. تأرض1 60424. تأرق1 60425. تأرى1 60426. تأزَ1 60427. تأز3 60428. تأزبوا1 60429. تأزح1 60430. تأزر1 60431. تأزز1 60432. تأزق1 60433. تأزل1 60434. تأزم1 60435. تأزى1 60436. تأزير الحائط1 60437. تأس1 60438. تأسد1 60439. تَأَسَّسَت المدرسة1 60440. تأسف عَلَيْهِ1 60441. تأسل1 60442. تَأَسْلَمَ1 60443. تأسممت1 60444. تأسن1 60445. تأسى1 60446. تَأَسَّى بـ1 Prev. 100



ت: التاء من الحروف المهموسة، وهي من الحروف النَّطْعِيَّة، والطاء والدال والثاء، ثلاثة في حيز واحد.

المُثَنَّاة الفَوْقِيَّة من الْحُرُوف المهموسة، وَهِي من الْحُرُوف النِّطْعِيَّة، الطاءُ والدالُ والتَّاءُ، ثَلَاثَة فِي حَيِّزٍ وَاحِد. وأَكثرُهم يتكلَّم على إِبدالها من بقيَّة الْحُرُوف، لاِءَنها من حُرُوف الْإِبْدَال. انْظرْهُ فِي شرح شَيخنَا.


a. Ta The third letter of the alphabet. Its numerical value is Four Hundred, (400).

a. A servile letter. In the Preterite
it is used as a suffix in the 1st and 2nd pers. mas.
& fem. sing.; & in the 3rd pers. fem. sing. In the
Aorist it is used as prefix in the 2nd pers. mas. & fem.
sing., du. & pl.; & in the 3rd pers. fem. sing. &
du. As a verbal suffix it is always long (ت).
ت (a. Prefixed to the noun in oaths ), By —!. —
( for
أَتِي ) Come!
a. Is suffixed to nouns, adjectives & c. to indicate the fem. sing.

تَا (a. demons. pron. fem. ), This.
التاءُ: حَرْفُ هجاءٍ، وقصيدةٌ تاوِيَّةٌ وتَيَوِيَّةٌ.
وتَيَّيْتُ تاءً حَسَنَةً: كَتَبْتُها. والتاءُ المُفْرَدَةُ محرَّكةٌ في أوائِلِ الأسْماءِ، وفي أواخِرِها، وفي أواخِرِ الأفْعالِ، ومُسَكَّنَةٌ في أواخِرِها. والمُحَرَّكةُ في أوائِلِ الأسْماءِ حَرْفُ جَرٍّ للقَسَمِ، ويَخْتَصُّ بالتَّعَجُّبِ، وباسْمِ اللهِ تعالى، ورُبَّما قالوا: تَرَبِّي، وتَرَبِّ الكَعْبَةِ، وتالرَّحْمَنِ. والمحرَّكةُ في أواخِرِها حَرْفُ خِطابٍ: كأنْتَ وأنْتِ. والمُحَرَّكةُ في أواخِرِ الأفْعالِ ضميرٌ: كقُمْتُ. والساكِنَةُ في أواخِرِها عَلامَةٌ للتأنيثِ: كقامَتْ، ورُبَّما وُصِلَتْ بِثُمَّ ورُبَّ، والأكْثَرُ تَحْرِيكُها مَعَهُما بالفتح.
وتا: اسْمٌ يُشارُ به إلى المُؤَنَّثِ، مِثْلُ: ذَا وتِهْ وذِهْ، وتانِ للتَّثْنِيَةِ، وأُولاءِ للجمعِ، وتصغيرُ تا: تَيَّا، وتَيَّاكَ وتَيَّالِكَ. ويَدْخُلُ عليها ها، فيقال: هاتا، فإِن خُوطِبَ بها، جاءَ الكافُ، فقيلَ: تِيكَ وتاكَ وتِلْكَ وتَلْكَ، بالكسر، وبالفتح رَدِيَّةٌ، وللتَّثْنِيَةِ: تالِكَ وتانِكَ، وتُشَدَّدُ، والجمعُ: أُولئِكَ وأولاكَ وأُولالِكَ.
وتَدْخُلُ الهاءُ على تِيكَ وتاكَ، فيقالُ: هاتِيكَ وهاتاكَ.
 ت alphabetical letter ت

The third letter of the alphabet: called تَآءٌ and تَا

[respecting which latter see the letter ب]: the pl. [of the former is تَآءَاتٌ; and of the latter,] أَتْوَآءُ. (TA in باب الالف الليِنّة.) It is one of the letters termed مَهْمُوسَة [or non-vocal, i. e. pronounced with the breath only, without the voice], and of those termed نِطَعِيَّة [and نِطْعِيَّة and نَطَعِيَّة and نَطْعِيَّة pronounced by pressing the tip of the tongue against the upper gums and suddenly withdrawing it with an emission of the breath]: these latter are ط and د and ت, three letters that are among those which are changed into other letters. (TA at the commencement of باب التآء.)

A2: It is one of the augmentative letters: (S:) and is movent when added at the beginning of a noun, and at the end of a noun, [and at the beginning of a verb,] and at the end of a verb, and is also quiescent at the end of a verb. (Mughnee, K.)

A3: Added at the beginning of a noun, it is a preposition, or particle governing the gen. case, significant of swearing, (S, * Mughnee, K,) and denoting wonder; (Mughnee, K;) and [accord. to general usage] it is peculiarly prefixed to the name اللّٰه; (S, Mughnee, K;) as in تَاللّٰهِ لَقَدْ كَانَ

كَذَا [By God, verily it was thus, or verily such a thing was]; (S;) and تَاللّٰهِ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا [By God, I will assuredly do such a thing]: (TA:) but sometimes they said, تَرَبِّى [By my Lord], and تَرَبِّ الكَعْبَةِ [By the Lord of the Kaabeh], and تَالرَّحْمَانِ [By the Compassionate], (Mughnee, K,) as is related on the authority of Akh; deviating from common usage. (TA.) Thus used, it is a substitute for و, (S, Mughnee,) as it is also in تَتْرَى and تُرَاثٌ and تُجَاهَ and تُخَمَةٌ [&c.]; (S;) and the و is a substitute for ب; (S, Mughnee;) but the ت has the additional meaning of denoting wonder: so says Z. (Mughnee.)

A4: Added at the end of a noun, it is a particle of allocution: (Mughnee, K:) it is thus added in أَنْتَ [Thou], (S, Mughnee, K,) addressed to a male, (TA,) and أَنْتِ [Thou], (Mughnee, K,) addressed to a female; (TA;) uniting with the noun, as though the two became one; not being an affixed noun governed in the gen. case. (S.

[See أَنْ.])

A5: It is added in [the beginning of] the second person of the future, (S,) [i. e.,] in the beginning of the aor. , (TA,) [as a particle of allocution,] as in أَنْتَ تَفْعَلُ [Thou dost, or wilt do]. (S, TA.)

b2: It is also added, as a sign of the fem. gender, in the beginning of the future, [or aor. ,] as in هِىَ تَفْعَلُ [She does, or will do]. (S, TA.)

b3: It is also added in the beginning of the third person [fem.] of the [aor. used as an] imperative, [as a sign of the fem. gender,] as in لِتَقُمْ هِنْدُ

[Let Hind stand]. (TA.)

b4: And sometimes it is added in the beginning of the second person of the [aor. used as an] imperative, [as a particle of allocution,] as in the phrase in the Kur [x. 59, accord. to one reading], فَبِذٰلِكَ فَلْتَفْرَحُوا [Therefore therein rejoice ye]: and in the saying of the rájiz, تِئْذَنْ فَإِنِّى حَمْؤُهَا وَجَارُهَا قُلْتُ لِبَوَّابٍ لَدَيْهِ دَارُهَا

[explained in art.اذن]: and [thus] it is added in the beginning of [the second person of] the [aor. used as an] imperative of a verb of which the agent is not named, as in لِتُزْهَ يَا رَجُلُ [Be thou proud, vain, boastful, or self-conceited, O man], from زُهِىَ: but Akh says that the adding of the ل in the beginning of the second person of the [aor. used as an] imperative [except in the case of a pass. verb or a verb of which the agent is not named] is a bad idiom, because the ل is not needed. (S, TA.)

A6: The movent ت added at the end of a verb is a pronoun, as in قُمْتُ [I stood], (Mughnee, K,) and قُمْتَ [Thou stoodest, addressed to a male], and قُمْتِ [Thou stoodest, addressed to a female]: (Mughnee:) thus added in the first and second persons of the pret., it is a pronoun denoting the agent. (S.)

b2: The quiescent ت added at the end of a verb is a sign of the fem. gender, (Mughnee, K,) i. e., a particle applied to denote the fem. gender, (Mughnee,) as in قَامَتْ

[She stood]. (Mughnee, K.) J says [in the S]

that, when thus added at the end of the pret., it is a pronoun: but IB says [correctly] that it is a particle. (TA.)

A7: It is also, sometimes, affixed to ثُمَّ and رُبَّ; and in these cases it is most commonly movent with fet-h, (Mughnee, K,) so that one says ثُمَّتَ and رُبَّتَ. (TA.) [See arts.

ثم and رب.]

A8: تِ is an imperative of أَتَى. (M in art. اتى.)

A9: [As a numeral, ت denotes Four hundred.]
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