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عدد المواضيع في هذا الكتاب 4953
231. بدو8 232. بدى3 233. بذ4 234. بذأ11 235. بذخ12 236. بذر17237. بذق8 238. بذل13 239. بذو6 240. بر5 241. برأ16 242. بربخ5 243. بربط8 244. برثن10 245. برج17 246. برجم12 247. برح19 248. برد20 249. بردع4 250. برذع9 251. برذن12 252. برز18 253. برزخ14 254. برسم11 255. برش14 256. برص18 257. برطل12 258. برع14 259. برعم9 260. برغث8 261. برق22 262. برقش11 263. برقع11 264. برك20 265. برم21 266. برن12 267. برنس13 268. برنك3 269. بره15 270. برهن11 271. برو7 272. برى5 273. بز4 274. بزخ9 275. بزر16 276. بزغ18 277. بزق14 278. بزل15 279. بزم14 280. بزو12 281. بس7 282. بسأ9 283. بست7 284. بسذ4 285. بسر21 286. بسط20 287. بسق17 288. بسل19 289. بسم15 290. بسمل10 291. بسن11 292. بش4 293. بشر19 294. بشع14 295. بشق11 296. بشم14 297. بشنين1 298. بص4 299. بصر24 300. بصط5 301. بصع10 302. بصق12 303. بصل14 304. بصم9 305. بصن5 306. بض3 307. بضع21 308. بط4 309. بطأ11 310. بطح18 311. بطخ13 312. بطر15 313. بطرق11 314. بطرك5 315. بطش17 316. بطق9 317. بطل16 318. بطم10 319. بطن18 320. بطو2 321. بظر17 322. بعث17 323. بعثر15 324. بعج14 325. بعد21 326. بعر16 327. بعض17 328. بعق13 329. بعل21 330. بغت16 Prev. 100




1 بَذَرَ, (T, S, A, Msb,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. بَذْرٌ, (T, Msb, K,) He sowed seed; (S, TA;) he cast grain upon the ground to sow it; (Msb;) he cast grain upon the ground, scattering it; (A;) he scattered seed (T, MF) upon the ground; as also ↓ بذّر, [but app. in an intensive sense,] (MF,) inf. n. تَبْذِيرٌ (T, MF) and تَبْذِرَةٌ: (T:) this is the primary signification. (MF.) b2: Also, (M,) inf. n. as above, (M, K,) He sowed land; (M, L, K;) and so ↓ بذّر, (M, L,) inf. n. تَبْذِيرٌ. (L, K.) b3: Also, (M,) inf. n. as above, (M, K,) He scattered, or dispersed, (M, K,) a thing; (M;) and so ↓ بذّر, [or rather he scattered, or dispersed, much,] inf. n. تَبْذِيرٌ. (K.) b4: بَذَرَ اللّٰهُ الخَلْقِ, (M, A,) inf. n. as above, (M,) God scattered, or dispersed, mankind (M, A) in the earth. (A.) b5: بَذَرَ الكَلَامَ (tropical:) He disseminated, scattered, or diffused, talk, or speech, (Msb, TA,) بَيْنَ النَّاسِ among the people, or mankind, like as seed is scattered: (TA:) and ↓ بذّرهُ he did so much. (Msb.) b6: بَذَرَتِ الأَرْضُ, (M, A,) aor. as above, (M,) and so the inf. n., (M, K,) (tropical:) The land put forth its plants, or herbage, (As, M, A, K,) in a scattered state: (As, M, A:) or put forth its بَذْر. (M.) A2: بَذُرَ, aor. ـُ inf. n. بَذَارَةٌ, (tropical:) He divulged what was secret; he revealed what he had heard. (T, L.) A3: بَذِرَ, [aor. ـَ inf. n. بَذَرٌ, He talked much; was loquacious. (M.) 2 بَذَّرَ see 1, in four places. b2: بذّر, inf. n. تَبْذِيرٌ, also signifies He was extravagant in expenditure; and so ↓ باذر, inf. n. مُبَاذَرَةٌ: (TA:) or the former, he dissipated, or squandered, (his wealth, or property, S, M, and any other thing, M, TA,) by extravagant expenditure, (S, M, K, TA,) and destroyed, consumed, wasted, or ruined, it: (M, K, TA: [in the CK, جَرَّبَهُ is here put for خَرَّبَهُ: in the M it is أَفْسَدَهُ:]) or he expended his wealth, or property, so largely as not to leave of it that whereby he might subsist: or he expended it in acts of disobedience: (TA:) or he dissipated, or squandered, his wealth, or property, in a way that was not right: (Msb:) or in a way that did not behoove: it includes the meaning of أَسْرَفَ in common, or conventional, acceptation, and is used in the proper sense of this latter verb: or, as some say, تَبْذِيرٌ denotes excess in respect of the right objects of expenditure, which is ignorance of the [right] manner, and of things that should prevent it; and إِسْرَافٌ denotes excess with respect to quantity, and is ignorance of the values of the right objects. (MF.) [See also بَذَارَّةٌ.]3 بَاْذَرَ see 2.5 تبذّر It became scattered or dispersed; or much scattered or dispersed. (A.) b2: (tropical:) It (talk, or speech,) became much disseminated or scattered or diffused. (Msb.) بَذْرٌ (S, M, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ بُذْرٌ, (M,) the former either an inf. n. used as a proper subst. or of the measure فَعْلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ, (Msb,) Grain that is set apart for sowing; (Lth, M, K;) any seed, or grain that is sown; as also بِزْرٌ or بَزْرٌ: (Kh, Msb:) or grain such as wheat, that is sown; distinguished from بزر, which is applied to the seed of sweet-smelling plants and of leguminous herbs: and this distinction commonly obtains: (Msb:) or [so accord. to the M, but in the K “and,”] the first that comes forth, of seed-produce and of leguminous and other plants, (M, K, *) as long as it has but two leaves: (M:) or بَذْرٌ signifies any plant, or herbage, when just come forth from the earth: (M:) or such as has assumed a colour, (M, K,) or shown its kind or species: (M:) pl. بُذُورٌ and بِذَارٌ. (M, K.) b2: [Hence,] بَذْرٌ signifies also (tropical:) Progeny; (T, M, K;) and so ↓ بُذَارَةٌ. (M, K.) One says, أِنَّ هٰؤُلَآءِ لَبَذْرُ سَوْءٍ (tropical:) Verily these are a progeny of evil, or an evil progeny. (T, A. *) بُذْرٌ: see بَذْرٌ.

تَفَرَّقُوا شَذَرَ بَذَرَ and ↓ شِذَرَ بِذَرَ They dispersed, or became dispersed, in every direction: (S, M, K:) [namely, men: and] the like is said of a man's camels: (S:) بذر is an imitative sequent to شذر: (S:) some say that the ب in the former is a substitute for م [in مَذَرَ or مِذَرَ]; but others hold that in each case the word is an original. (TA.) بَذِرٌ: see تِبْذَارَةٌ. b2: Also, (M, K,) and ↓ بَيْذَارٌ and ↓ بَيْذَارَة and ↓ تِبْذَارٌ and ↓ بَيْذَارَانِيٌّ, (K,) (tropical:) A man who talks much; loquacious; (M, K;) and so ↓ هُذَرَةٌ بُذَرَةٌ (IDrd, M) and ↓ هَيْذَارَةٌ بَيْذَارَةٌ: (M:) irrationally, or vainly, or frivolously, loquacious; a great babbler. (TA.) b3: See also بَذُورٌ. b4: طَعَامٌ بَذِرٌ [Wheat, or food,] in which is بُذَارَة, i. e. increase, redundance, exuberance, plenty, or abundance. (T, * M, L, K. *) شِذَرَ بِذَرَ: see شَذَرَ بَذَرَ, above.

هُذَرَةٌ بُذَرَةٌ: see بَذِرٌ.

البُذُرَّى What is false, vain, or ineffectual; syn. البَاطِلُ: (Seer, M, L, K:) [like الحُذُرَّى:] the radical idea denoted by it is that of dispersion. (M, L.) بَذُورٌ (S, M, A, K) and ↓ بَذِيرٌ (M, K) (tropical:) A man who divulges secrets; (S, M, A;) as also ↓ بَذِرٌ, of which the fem. is with ة: (L:) or one who cannot keep his secret: (T, K:) pl. of the first بُذُرٌ. (T, S, M.) b2: Also, both the first and second, (tropical:) A calumniator; a slanderer: (K, TA:) pl. of the former as above. (TA.) بَذِيرٌ is [said to be] an imitative sequent to كَثِيرٌ; (M, K;) like بَثِيرٌ, of which it is [held to be] a dial. var., or a corruption occasioned by mispronunciation. (Fr, S.) [But I think it is more probably syn. with ↓ مَبْذُورٌ, as signifying Scattered, or dispersed, like نَثِيرٌ in the sense of مَنْثُورٌ, &c.; and that for this reason it is used as a corroborative of كثير.]

A2: See also بَذُورٌ.

بَذَارَةٌ: see بَذَارَّةٌ.

بُذَارَةٌ Increase, redundance, exuberance, plenty, or abundance, in wheat, or food. (Lh, * T, * M, L, K. *) You say, طَعَامٌ كَثِيرُ البُذَارَةِ Wheat, or food, in which is much increase, &c. (T, TA.) b2: See also بَذْرٌ.

بَذَارَّةٌ, and sometimes ↓ بَذَارَةٌ, (Lh, M, K,) and ↓ يَبْذَرَةٌ, (AA,) and ↓ نَبْذَرَةٌ, with ن, (T, K,) i. q. تَبْذِيرٌ, (M, K,) The dissipating, or squandering, of wealth, or property, in a way that is not right. (T, TA.) بَيْذَرَةٌ: see what next precedes.

بَيْذَرَانِىٌّ: see بَذِرٌ.

بَيذَارٌ: see بَذِرٌ.

بَيْذَارَةٌ: see تِبْذَارَةٌ: b2: and see also بَذِرٌ, in two places.

تِبْذَارٌ: see بَذِرٌ.

تِبْذَارَةٌ A man who dissipates, or squanders, his wealth, or property, by extravagant expenditure, and consumes, destroys, wastes, or ruins, it; (Az, S, M, K;) as also ↓ مُبَذِّرٌ and ↓ مُبَاذِرٌ and ↓ بذِرٌ and ↓ بَيْذَارَةٌ. (TA.) مُبَذِّرٌ: see what next precedes.

أَرْضٌ مِبْذَارٌ النَّبَاتِ [or more probably مِبْذَارٌ لِلنَّبَاتِ] (tropical:) Land that yields increase. (A.) مَبْذُورٌ: see بَذِيرٌ. b2: (tropical:) Many; much; abundant: (K, TA:) water that is abundant; or blessed with abundance, plenty, or increase. (A.) مُبَاذِرٌ: see تِبْذارَةٌ.

نَبْذَرَةٌ: see بَذَارَّةٌ.
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