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10266. اضطهده1 10267. اضم1 10268. اضْماكَّ1 10269. اضْمَحَلَّ2 10270. اضمحل2 10271. اط110272. اطا1 10273. اطاف1 10274. اطباه1 10275. اطر2 10276. اطراح1 10277. اطِّراد1 10278. اطربال1 10279. اطرجل1 10280. اطرَحهُ1 10281. اطْرَخَم1 10282. اطرد1 10283. اطْرَغَشَّ1 10284. اطْرَغَشَّ 1 10285. اطْرَغَمَّ1 10286. اطرف1 10287. اطْرِيفُل واطريفال1 10288. اطط1 10289. اطعمت1 10290. اطعنا1 10291. اطفح1 10292. اطفر1 10293. اطل1 10294. اطلبه1 10295. اطلع1 10296. اطَّلَعَ1 10297. اطلق1 10298. اطلمس1 10299. اطْلَنْسَى1 10300. اطْلَنْسى1 10301. اطلى1 10302. اطم2 10303. اطْمَأَن1 10304. اطْمَأَنَّ لـ1 10305. اطْمَحَرَّ1 10306. اطْمَخَرَّ1 10307. اطْمَخَر1 10308. اطمر1 10309. اطمل1 10310. اطناب1 10311. اطنى1 10312. اطهر1 10313. اطوى1 10314. اطيط1 10315. اظأرت1 10316. اظفر1 10317. اظلم1 10318. اظنه1 10319. اعْ1 10320. اع1 10321. اعاراطس1 10322. اعانة1 10323. اعْتَادَ على1 10324. اعتاده1 10325. اعتاص1 10326. اعتاض1 10327. اعتاطت1 10328. اعتاف1 10329. اعتاقه1 10330. اعتام1 10331. اعتان1 10332. اعتبأ1 10333. اعتبار2 10334. اعْتِبَاطِيَّة1 10335. اعتبده1 10336. اعْتبر1 10337. اعْتَبَر1 10338. اعتبط1 10339. اعتتب1 10340. اعتثم1 10341. اعتثه1 10342. اعتجر1 10343. اعتجن1 10344. اعْتد1 10345. اعْتَدَّ بنفسه1 10346. اعتدل1 10347. اعْتَدُوا1 10348. اعْتدى1 10349. اعتذار2 10350. اعتذب1 10351. اعتذر1 10352. اعْتَذَر عن1 10353. اعْتَذَر عن الحضور1 10354. اعْتَذَر لـ1 10355. اعتذل1 10356. اعتر1 10357. اعتراض1 10358. اعتراض الكلام1 10359. اعتراه1 10360. اعترش1 10361. اعترص1 10362. اعْترض1 10363. اعْترف1 10364. اعترق1 10365. اعتركوا1 Prev. 100




1 أَطَّ, (S, K,) aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. أَطِيطٌ (S, K) and أَطٌّ, (TA,) It produced, made, gave, emitted, or uttered, a sound, noise, voice, or cry; (S, K;) [and particularly, it creaked; and it moaned;] said of a camel's saddle, (S, * K, [in the CK, الرَّجُلُ is put by mistake for الرَّحْلُ ]) [and particularly of a new camel's saddle,] and the like, (K,) such as a [plaited or woven girth called]

نِسْع and of everything of which the sound resembles that of a new camel's saddle, (TA,) and of a palm-trunk, and of a tree of the kind called سِدْر, (S TA,) or of the kind called سَرْح, (TA,) and of a cane or reed on the occasion of its being straightened, [in which instance it is said to be tropical, but if so it is tropical in several other instances,] and of a bow, (TA,) and of the belly by reason of emptiness, (S,* TA,) and, in a trad. of Aboo-Dharr, (tropical:) of heaven, or the sky, notwithstanding there being [really] no أَطِيط in this instance, for it is meant to denote [the presence of] multitude, and confirmation of the majesty of God. (TA.) [It is also said of other things, as will be shown by phrases here following, and by explanations of أَطِيطٌ below.] You also say, أَطَّتِ الإِبِلُ, (K,) aor. as above, inf. n. أَطِيطٌ, (TA,) The camels moaned by reason of fatigue, or uttering their yearning cry to their young, (K, TA,) and sometimes by reason of fulness of their udders with milk. (TA.) And لَا آتِيكَ مَا أَطَّتِ الإِبِلُ I will not come to thee as long as camels utter cries [or moan] by reason of the heaviness of their loads. (S.) And لَا أَفْعَلُ ذٰلِكَ مَا أَطَّتِ الإِبِلُ, meaning I will not do that ever. (TA.) And مَا لَنَا بَعِيرٌ يَئِطُّ We have not a camel that moans, or cries; meaning we have not any camel; for the camel cannot but do so. (TA, from a trad.) [See also أَطِيطٌ, below.] And أَطَّتْ لَهُ رَحِمِى (tropical:) [My feeling of relationship, or sympathy of blood,] became affected with tenderness, or compassion, and became moved, [or rather pleaded,] for him [or in his favour]: (K, TA:) and hence ↓التَّأَطُّطُ [inf. n. of the verb in the syn. phrase تَأَطَّطَتْ لَهُ رَحِمِى]. (Sgh, TA.) And أَطَّتْ بِكَ الرَّحِمُ [The feeling of relationship, or sympathy of blood, pleaded, or hath pleaded, in thee;] i. e., inclined thee to favour. (Ham p. 765.) [See another ex. voce حَاسَّةٌ.]5 تَاَطَّّ see 1, near the end.

أَطٌّ: see أَطِيطٌ, below.

نُسُوعٌ أُطَّطٌ [pl. of آطٌّ, part. n. of 1,] Creaking [plaited, or woven, thongs]. (K.) أَطِيطٌ [as explained in what here follows seems to be properly an inf. n., though, like all inf. ns., it may be used as a subst.:] The sounding, or the like, or the sound, or the like, [and particularly the creaking, or creaking sound, and the moaning, or moaning sound,] of a camel's saddle (S, K, TA) when new; (TA;) and so ↓أَطٌّ of the litters and saddles of camels when the riders are heavy thereon; and the former, also, of a door; said, in a trad., of the gate of paradise, by reason of its being crowded; (TA;) and of a plaited or woven thong when stretching; (Ez-Zejjájee, TA;) and of the back [when strained]; (K;) and of the bowels, (TA,) and of the belly, or inside, by reason of hunger, (K,) or by reason of vehement hunger; (TA;) and of camels, (S, K,) by reason of their burdens, (K,) or by reason of the heaviness of their burdens; (S;) and the prolonging of the cries of camels: (TA:) but 'Alee Ibn-Hamzeh says that the cry of camels is termed رُغَآءٌ, and that أَطِيطٌ signifies the sounding, or sound, of their bellies, or insides, by reason of repletion from drinking. (IB, TA.) أَهْلٌ صَهِيلٍ

ؤَأَطِيطٍ, occurring in a trad., means (assumed tropical:) Possessors of horses and of camels. (TA.) b2: Also (assumed tropical:) Hunger, (K, TA,) itself, as well as the sound of the bowels or belly by reason thereof: from EzZejjájee. (TA.) أَطَّاطٌ Sounding much; noisy; (K, TA;) having a sound: applied [to any of the things mentioned above in the explanations of أَطَّ and أَطِيطٌ; and] to a hide; and to a camel repleted with drink; and to a road: fem. with ة: which, applied to a woman, signifies one whose فَرْج has a sound إِذَا جُومِعَتْ. (TA.)
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