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8472. اخواصت1 8473. اخَيْفٌ1 8474. اخيليا1 8475. اخينو1 8476. اخينوس1 8477. اد18478. ادارءا1 8479. ادارس1 8480. ادارك1 8481. ادان1 8482. ادب1 8483. ادبس1 8484. ادحوى1 8485. ادخره1 8486. ادخل1 8487. ادخنت1 8488. ادر1 8489. ادرأ1 8490. ادراك1 8491. ادرت1 8492. ادْرسوا وزملاؤكم1 8493. ادرع1 8494. ادْرَعَبَّتِ1 8495. ادْرَعَشَّ1 8496. ادْرَعَفَّتِ2 8497. ادْرَغَشِّ 1 8498. اِدَّرَكَ1 8499. ادرمج1 8500. ادْرَمَّجَ1 8501. ادْرَنْبى1 8502. ادْرَنْفَقَ1 8503. ادرنقع1 8504. ادرهم1 8505. ادسع1 8506. ادعم1 8507. ادْعَنْكَرَ1 8508. ادّعى1 8509. ادَّعَى بـ1 8510. ادغام1 8511. ادغمه1 8512. ادفأ1 8513. ادفن1 8514. ادكر1 8515. ادْلِ1 8516. ادلام1 8517. ادلث1 8518. ادَّلَجَ1 8519. ادلع1 8520. ادْلَعَبَّ1 8521. ادْلَعَفَّ1 8522. ادلمس1 8523. ادْلَنْظَى1 8524. ادْلَنْفَقَ1 8525. ادْلَهَمَّ1 8526. ادلهم2 8527. ادْلَهَنَّ1 8528. ادلهن1 8529. ادلولى1 8530. ادم1 8531. ادمج1 8532. ادمل1 8533. ادهاس1 8534. ادهام1 8535. ادهان1 8536. ادْهَضَتِ1 8537. ادهقت1 8538. ادهم1 8539. ادهن1 8540. ادو2 8541. ادوى1 8542. ادى1 8543. اذ1 8544. اذا1 8545. اذْبَحْ1 8546. اذخر1 8547. اذذ1 8548. اذر1 8549. اذْرَعَفَّتِ2 8550. اذريون1 8551. اذكره1 8552. اذْلَعَبَّ2 8553. اذْلَوْلَى1 8554. اذْمَقرَّ1 8555. اذْمَقَرَّ1 8556. اذن1 8557. اذْهَب وأبوك1 8558. اذى1 8559. ار1 8560. اراقيطون1 8561. ارانوش1 8562. ارانيوس1 8563. ارب1 8564. ارباث1 8565. ارباد1 8566. اربانه1 8567. اربث1 8568. اربد1 8569. اربس1 8570. ارتأدت1 8571. ارتأس1 Prev. 100




1 أَدَّتَّةُ دَاهِيَةٌ, aor. ـُ (T, S; M, K) and اَدِّ, (M, K,) but this latter is strange, [anomalous,] and unknown, (TA,) and اَدَّ, (M, K,) mentioned by Lh, whence it seems that he made the pret. to be of the measure فَعِلَ, or that it is co-ordinate to أَبَى, aor. ـْ (M,) inf. n. أَدُّ, (T, S, M,) A calamity befell him. (M, K.) And in like manner, أَدَّهُ أَمْرٌ, aor. and inf. n. as above, An event befell him: (M:) or oppressed him, distressed him, or afflicted him. (Bd in xix. 91.) A2: See also 5.5 تأدّد; (T, K;) and ↓ أَدَّ, inf. n. أَدُّ; (TA;) i. q. تَشَدَّدَ [He acted, or behaved, with forced hardness, firmness, strength, vigour, &c.]. (T, K.) أَدُّ (S, M, K) and ↓ إِدُّ (T, K) and ↓ آدُّ (K) Strength; power; force: (S, M, K:) superior power or force or influence; mastery; conquest; predominance. (M, K, TA.) b2: See also إِدُّ, in two places. b3: Also, the first, The sound of treading. (T.) إِدُّ: see أَدُّ. b2: Also, and ↓ إِدَّةٌ, A wonder, or wonderful thing: (M, L, K:) a very evil, abominable, severe, thing, or affair: (S, M, A, L, K:) a calamity; (S, A, L, K,) or thus the former word signifies; (M;) as also ↓ أَدُّ, (as in the copies of the K,) or ↓ آدُّ, [originally آدِدً] of the measure فَاعِلْ: (so in the S and L:) pl. (of إِدُّ M, TA) إِدادُ (K, TA,) or أَدَادُ (T, CK, [but this, if correct, is a quasi-pl. n.,]) or آدَادُ (M,) and (of إِدَّةٌ, S, M) إِدَدٌ (T, S, M, K.) You say also أَمْرْإِدُّ [meaning as above], using إِدُّ as an epithet, accord. to Lh. (M.) And ↓ دَاهِيَةٌ إِدَّةٌ [A very evil, abominable, or severe, calamity]. (A.) Hence the saying in the Kur [xix. 91], لَقَدْ جِئْتُمْ شَيْئًا إِدًّا Verily ye have done a very evil, or abominable, thing: (S, M: *) or, accord. to one reading, ↓ أَدُّا; both meaning great, or grievous: and some of the Arabs say, ↓ بِشَىْءٍ آدٍّ, which means the same. (T, TA.) إِدَّةٌ: see إِدُّ in two places.

آدُّ: see أَدُّ: b2: and see إِدُّ in two places.
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