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8020. اتْلَعَبَّ1 8021. اتلعت1 8022. اتله2 8023. اتم1 8024. اتْمَهَلَّ1 8025. اتن18026. اتهب1 8027. اتهص1 8028. اتهمه2 8029. اتو1 8030. اتونس1 8031. اتى1 8032. اتييه1 8033. اث1 8034. اثأر1 8035. اثاقل1 8036. اثبأج1 8037. اِثْبُتْ1 8038. اثبجر1 8039. اثْبَجَرَّ1 8040. اثج1 8041. اثر1 8042. اثْرَنْبَجَ1 8043. اثعَنْجَحَ1 8044. اثْعَنْجَحَ1 8045. اثعنجر1 8046. اثغر1 8047. اثف1 8048. اثكل2 8049. اثل1 8050. اثم1 8051. اثمج1 8052. اثمد1 8053. اثن1 8054. اِثْنِ1 8055. اثْنَا عشر1 8056. اثْنَا عشرة1 8057. اثْنَتَا عَشَرَة1 8058. اثْنَتَا عشرَة1 8059. اثنى1 8060. اثني عشر صندوقًا أُخْرى...1 8061. اثْنَيْن اثنين1 8062. اثْنَيْن كيلو متر1 8063. اثْنَيْن مليون1 8064. اج1 8065. اجتأفه1 8066. اجتاب1 8067. اجتاحت1 8068. اجْتَاحَت موجةَ حرٍّ...1 8069. اجتاز1 8070. اجتاس1 8071. اجتافت1 8072. اجتافه1 8073. اجتال1 8074. اجتب1 8075. اجتباه1 8076. اجتبته1 8077. اجتبذه1 8078. اجتبر1 8079. اجتبه1 8080. اجتث1 8081. اجتحر1 8082. اجتحف1 8083. اجتحى1 8084. اجتداه1 8085. اجتدث1 8086. اجتدح1 8087. اجتدر1 8088. اجتدل1 8089. اجتذب1 8090. اجتذل1 8091. اجتر1 8092. اجترأ1 8093. اجترح1 8094. اجترش1 8095. اجترع1 8096. اجترفه1 8097. اجترم1 8098. اجترن1 8099. اجتز1 8100. اجتزأ1 8101. اجتزاه1 8102. اجتزر1 8103. اجتزعه1 8104. اجتزف1 8105. اجتزم1 8106. اجتسرت1 8107. اجتسه1 8108. اجتشأته1 8109. اجتشت1 8110. اجتعف1 8111. اجتعل1 8112. اجتف1 8113. اجتفأ1 8114. اجتفاه1 8115. اجْتَفَتَ1 8116. اجتفر1 8117. اجتل1 8118. اجتلب1 8119. اجتلدوا1 Prev. 100




1 أَتَنَ بِالمَكَانِ, (S, M, Msb, K, *) aor. ـُ (Msb,) or ـِ (K,) inf. n. أُتُونٌ (M, Msb, K) and أَتُنٌ, (K,) He remained, continued, stayed, or abode, in the place; (S, M, Msb, K; *) or became fixed, or settled, therein. (M.) 10 استأتن [lit.] He (an ass) became a she-ass. (M.) The saying, كَانَ حِمَارَّا فَاسْتَأْتَنَ, said of a man, [lit.] signifies [He was a he ass,] and he became a she ass; meaning (assumed tropical:) he was mighty, or of high condition, [like the wild he-ass,] and he became base, abject, or vile. (S, TA.) b2: Also, (S, TA,) or استأتن أَتَانَّا, (M,) He (a man) purchased a she-ass; (S;) he took for himself a she-ass. (S, M.) أَتَانٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ إِتَانٌ, (K,) but one should not say أَتَانَةٌ, (ISk, S, Msb,) or this is of rare occurrence, (K,) occurring in certain of the trads., (IAth,) A she-ass [domestic or wild]: (S, M, Msb, K:) pl. (of pauc., T, S, Msb) آتُنٌ and (of mult., T, S, Msb) أُتُنٌ (T, S, M, Msb, K) and أُتْنٌ and (quasi-pl. n., M) ↓ مَأْتُونَآءُ. (S, M, K.) b2: Hence, أَتَانٌ signifies (tropical:) A foolish and soft or weak woman; as being likened to a she-ass. (TA.) b3: Also The station of the drawer of water at the mouth of the well; (S, M, K;) and so ↓ إِتَانٌ. (M, K.) And A rock, or great mass of stone, (AA, T, S, M,) in water; (AA, T, M;) or, as some say, at the bottom of the casing of a well, so that it is next the water. (AA, T.) and A large, round mass of rock, which, when it is in shallow water, is called أَتَانُ الضَّحلِ; and a she camel is likened thereto, in respect of her hardness: (S:) or أَتَانُ الضَّحلِ signifies a large mass of rock projecting from the water. (T:) or a mass of rock, (M, K, TA,) large and round, in the water, (TA,) at the mouth of the well, overspread with [the green substance called] طُحْلُب, so that it is smooth, (M, K, TA,) more smooth than other parts: (M, TA:) or a mass of rock, part of which is immerged (غَامِرٌ, M, K) in the water, (K,) and part apparent. (M, K.) and أَتَانُ الثَّمِيلِ signifies A large mass of rock in the interior of the water-course, which nothing raises or moves, of the measure of the stature of a man in length and likewise in breadth. (ISh.) b4: Also The [piece of wood called] قَاعِدَة [which is one of four forming the support] of the فَوْدَج [more commonly called هَوْدَج, q. v.]: pl. آتُنٌ, (K, TA,) with medd. (TA: [but in the CK اُتُنٌ.]) إِتَانٌ: see أَتَانٌ, in two places.

أَتُونٌ (T, M, Mgh, Msb, K) and أَتُّونٌ, (K,) or, accord. to J, (Msb,) it is thus, with teshdeed, but pronounced without teshdeed by the vulgar, (S, Msb,) A certain place in which fire is kindled, (S, Mgh,) called in Persian كُلَخْن [or كُلْخَنْ], pertaining to a bath: and metaphorically applied to (tropical:) that in which bricks are baked, and called in Persian تُونَقْ and دَاشُوزَنْ [or simply تُونْ and دَاشْ]: (Mgh:) accord. to Az, (Msb,) it is that of the bath, and of the place in which gypsum is made: (T, Msb:) or the trench, hollow, or pit, of the جَيَّارَ [or lime-burner, (in the CK, erroneously, the خَبّاز,]) and of the preparer of gypsum; (M, K, TA;) and the like: (K:) the pl. [said in the TA to be of the latter, but it is implied in the T and M and Mgh that it is of the former,] is أَتَاتِينُ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K, [in the CK, erroneously, اَتانِيْنُ,]) by common consent of the Arabs, (Mgh,) with two تs, (T,) accord. to Fr, who says that they sometimes double a letter in the pl. when they do not double it in the sing., (T,) and accord. to IJ, who says that it seems as though they changed أَتُونٌ to أَتُّونٌ; (M;) and [of أَتُونٌ, as is said in the TA and implied in the M,] أُتُنٌ. (M, K.) [J says that] it is said to be post-classical; (S;) [and ISd says,] I do not think it to be Arabic. (M.) مَأْتُونَآءُ: see أَتَانٌ.
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