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145030. وَضْيَان1 145031. وَضِيحَة1 145032. وَضِيع1 145033. وضيعة1 145034. وَضِيف1 145035. وط2145036. وَطَّ 1 145037. وطء2 145038. وَطَأَ1 145039. وطأ16 145040. وَطَأ1 145041. وطأَ1 145042. وَطَأَ 1 145043. وطؤ1 145044. وطئ2 145045. وَطِئ على1 145046. وطِئَهُ1 145047. وَطَّاس1 145048. وَطَّاسِيّ1 145049. وَطَّاف1 145050. وطاق1 145051. وَطِبَ1 145052. وطب12 145053. وطّب1 145054. وَطَبَ 1 145055. وطث7 145056. وَطَحَ1 145057. وطح9 145058. وَطَحَ 1 145059. وطحه1 145060. وطخ2 145061. وَطَدَ2 145062. وَطَّد1 145063. وطد13 145064. وَطَدَ 1 145065. وطده1 145066. وطر14 145067. وَطَرَ1 145068. وطس17 145069. وَطَسَ1 145070. وَطَسَ 1 145071. وطش8 145072. وَطَشَ 1 145073. وطط8 145074. وَطِفَ1 145075. وطف11 145076. وَطف1 145077. وَطَفَ 1 145078. وَطْفَا1 145079. وَطْفَاء1 145080. وَطَفَة1 145081. وطق1 145082. وطم7 145083. وطمه1 145084. وَطِنَ1 145085. وَطن3 145086. وطن14 145087. وَطَن الإقامة1 145088. وطَن السُّكنى1 145089. وَطَنَ 1 145090. وَطْنَة1 145091. وَطَنِيّ1 145092. وَطَنِيّة1 145093. وطواط1 145094. وَطْوَطَ1 145095. وطوط7 145096. وَطِيّ1 145097. وطي5 145098. وَطِيف1 145099. وَطِيفَة1 145100. وطيىء1 145101. وظّ1 145102. وَظَبَ1 145103. وظَبَ1 145104. وظب14 145105. وَظَبَ 1 145106. وظر3 145107. وظِرَ1 145108. وَظَفَ1 145109. وظف17 145110. وَظَفَ 1 145111. وَظْفَة1 145112. وظفه1 145113. وظم2 145114. وَظِيفيّ1 145115. وع2 145116. وَعَّ 1 145117. وَعَا1 145118. وعا1 145119. وِعَاب1 145120. وَعَّابِيّ1 145121. وُعال1 145122. وَعّالة1 145123. وَعاهُ1 145124. وَعَبَ1 145125. وعب14 145126. وَعَبَ 1 145127. وعَبَهُ1 145128. وعبه1 145129. وَعَثَ1 Prev. 100


الْمحمل (يوط) وطا صر والوطواط صات


1 وَطٌّ, [an inf. n., of which the verb is وَطَّ, aor. , accord. to rule, وَطِّ, but accord. to the TK, وَطُّ,] The crying of the وَطْوَاط. (Sgh, K.) b2: The creaking of the [kind of vehicle called] مَحْمِل. (Sgh, K.) R. Q. 1 وَطْوَطَةٌ, [inf. n. of وَطْوَطَ,] The uttering speech, or words rapidly, or near together. (K.) [See وَطْوَاطٌ.] b2: (assumed tropical:) The being weak. (K.) R. Q. 2 تَوَطْوَطَ He (a child) cried out. (Ibn 'Abbád, Sgh, K.) وُطُطٌ: see the last sentence of the next paragraph.

وَطْوَاطٌ The bat; syn. خُفَّاشٌ: (As, S, K:) or the large خُفَّاش: (Msb:) or the swallow; syn. خُطَّافٌ; (S, Msb;) this is thought by A'Obeyd to be, more probably than the first, the correct meaning; (S;) or the last may be right, but the first is that which is commonly known: (IB:) or it has the first signification, and also signifies a species of the swallows (خَطَاطِيف) of the mountains, (K, TA,) black and likened to a species of the خَشَاشِيف [or bats], because of its [frequent] receding and turning aside [in its flight]: (TA:) [Golius says, as on the authority of the K, “pec. genus montanum et. vocale, quod a>/pous dicitur; i. e. the swift:] pl. وَطَاوِيطُ, (Msb,) or وَطَاوِطُ, (S,) or both, (Kr, K,) but the latter, which is irreg., only allowable in poetry, in cases of necessity. (Kr.) It is used in the first of these senses in the proverb, أَبْصَرُ فِى اللَّيْلِ مِنَ الوَطْوَاطِ [More clear-sighted in the night than the bat]. (S, Msb.) b2: Clamorous; (Lh, K;) applied to a man: (Lh:) and one who utters his speech, or words, rapidly, or near together; (Lh, K;) as though his voice were the voice of bats: so they assert it to mean: (Lh:) fem. with ة: (K:) and [in like manner]

↓ وَطْوَاطِىٌّ signifies loquacious; a great talker; a babbler. (K *, TA.) b3: (assumed tropical:) A man weak in intellect and judgment: (ISh:) or weak and cowardly; (A 'Obeyd, S K;) in the opinion of A'Obeyd, as being likened to the flying thing so called; (S;) as also ↓ وَطْوَاطِىٌّ: (K:) and ↓ وُطُطٌ, (IAar, K,) of which وَطْوَاطٌ is the sing., (TA,) men (IAar) weak in intellects and bodies. (IAar, K.) وَطْوَاطِىٌّ: see وَطْوَاطٌ, in two places.
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