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143861. وثء1 143862. وثأ12 143863. وَثَأَ1 143864. وَثَأَ 1 143865. وثئت1 143866. وثا1143867. وَثائِقَ1 143868. وَثَائِقيّ1 143869. وَثَّاب1 143870. وَثَانِيهمَا1 143871. وثب15 143872. وَثَبَ1 143873. وَثَبَ 1 143874. وثبه1 143875. وثث2 143876. وثج8 143877. وَثَجَ 1 143878. وثخ3 143879. وَثِر1 143880. وَثَرَ1 143881. وثر16 143882. وَثَرَ 1 143883. وَثَرَهُ1 143884. وثَغَ1 143885. وثغ9 143886. وثَفَ1 143887. وثف6 143888. وثق18 143889. وَثِقَ2 143890. وَثِقَ من1 143891. وَثَقَ 1 143892. وثل8 143893. وَثَلَ 1 143894. وَثْلان1 143895. وثلة1 143896. وَثْلة1 143897. وثله1 143898. وثم9 143899. وَثَمَ1 143900. وَثمّ2 143901. وَثَمَ 1 143902. وَثْمان1 143903. وثمت1 143904. وثَمَهُ1 143905. وثن17 143906. وَثَنَ1 143907. وَثَنَ 1 143908. وَثِنَة1 143909. وثنت1 143910. وثوث1 143911. وَثُوق1 143912. وُثُوق1 143913. وثى1 143914. وثي4 143915. وَثِيب1 143916. وَثْيَة1 143917. وَثِيَّة1 143918. وَثِير1 143919. وَثِيلان1 143920. وَثِينَة1 143921. وج2 143922. وَجٌّ1 143923. وَج1 143924. وَجَّ 1 143925. وجء2 143926. وَجأ1 143927. وجأ13 143928. وَجَأَ1 143929. وَجَأَهُ1 143930. وجا1 143931. وَجاء1 143932. وُجَاء1 143933. وجاه1 143934. وجاهة1 143935. وَجَاهَت1 143936. وجاي1 143937. وَجْب1 143938. وَجِب1 143939. وَجب3 143940. وجب17 143941. وَجَبَ3 143942. وَجَبَ 1 143943. وَجب 2 143944. وَجْبا1 143945. وَجَبات1 143946. وَجَبت1 143947. وجبرينُ قُوْرَسْطايَا...1 143948. وَجِبي1 143949. وَجْبي1 143950. وَجث1 143951. وجج8 143952. وَجَجَ1 143953. وَجج1 143954. وَجَجُو1 143955. وَجِجو1 143956. وَجح1 143957. وجح10 143958. وَجَحَ1 143959. وَجَحَ 1 143960. وَجَحْمَظْتُ 1 Prev. 100




1 وَثَأَتْ يَدُهُ, aor. ـَ inf. n. وَثْءٌ; (Az;) and وَثِئَتْ, (a form disapproved by some, TA,) aor. the same, inf. n. the same and وَثَأْ, (K, TA,) or وَثَآءٌ; (CK and a MS. copy) and وَثُؤَتْ; and وُثِئَتْ, (S, K,) like عُنِىَ, [i. e., pass. in form, but neut. in signification,] (K,) which is the chaste form of the verb; and to the inf. ns. are added, on the anthority of the Wá'ee, وَثُوْءٌ and وَثْأَةٌ; (TA;) [but it is not said to which form or forms of the verb these belong;] His hand became affected by what is termed وَثْءٌ. (K.) b2: وَثَأَ يَدَهُ (S, K) and ↓ اوثأ, (K,) He caused his hand to be affected by what is termed وَثْءٌ. (S, K.) b3: اللّٰهُمَّ ثَأَيَدَهُ [O God, bruise his hand! &c.] is a form of curse used by the Arabs. (IAar.) b4: وَثَأَ اللّٰحْمَ He, or it, (i. e. a blow,) deadened the flesh. (K.) الوَتَدَ b5: وَثَأَ (tropical:) i. q. شَعَّثَ, q. v. (A.) 4 أَوْثَاَ see 1.

وَثْءٌ and وَثْأَةٌ A breaking of the flesh without separation of the parts, (وَصْمٌ,) not reaching to the bone, (K,) producing a swelling: (TA:) or a pain in the bone, without fracture: (IKoot, K:) or a dislocation (K, TA) and concussion of the joints, which affects the hand, without fracture: (TA:) or [an injury] resembling dislocation; in the flesh as a fracture in a bone: (AM:) or a bruising or breaking of the flesh without breaking the bone: (IAar.:) or a bruising of the skin and flesh, reaching to the bone, without its breaking: (TA:) or a bruising of the bone, without breaking: (Lth, S:) in which last sense, Lth uses also the word وَثَأٌ. (TA.) The وَثُاَ in وَثْءٌ is sometimes omitted, and the word is written وَثٌ, like يَدٌ and وَثْىٌ .دَمٌ is condemned as vulgar. وَثٌ is authorized by As; but وَثْىٌ (which is said by the vulgar, S, [and is disallowed in the K,]) and وَثْوٌ are disallowed by him. (TA.) وَثِئٌ Having a broken hand: (TA: [but see وَثْءٌ:]). b2: يَدٌ وَثِئَةٌ, and ↓ وَثِيْئَةٌ, (K,) and ↓ مَوْثُوْءَةٌ, (S, K,) A hand affected by what is termed وَثْءٌ. (K.) وَثِيئَةٌ and مَوْثُوْءَةٌ: see وَثِئٌ.

مِيثَأَةٌ A mallet with which pegs, or stakes, or tent-pins, are driven. (TA.)
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