1 مَشَى He walked, went, or went along; (
KL;) [in its primary sense] He went any pace upon his feet, afoot, or on foot; he footed; whether quickly or slowly: (
Msb:) he removed from place to place at pleasure: (
Er-Rághib:) walked; went along, marched; travelled; trod; paced; stepped. See 5.
b2: مَشَى also signifies He went on, or continued, in his course of action, &c. (
Mughnee voce أَنْ, in explanation of this verb as used in
Kur xxxviii. 5.)
b3: [مَشَى (assumed
tropical:) It (money) passed; was, or became, current.
b4: (assumed
tropical:) It (a calumny) was, or became, current. See مِئْبَرٌ.]
b5: مَشَى بَنْطُهُ [His belly became moved, or in motion; it discharged itself.] (
K, art. طلق; &c.) 2 مَشَّىَ see 4.
3 مَاشَاهُ He walked, or went on foot, with him: he kept pace with him. See an
ex. voce الأَحْصَّانِ.
4 أَمْشَىَ الدَّوَآءُ بَطْنَهُ (
K, art. حدر,) [The medicine moved, or purged, his bowels; made his belly to discharge itself:] and البَطْنَ ↓ مَشَّى. (
TA, art. طوس, &c.) 5 تَمَشَّى
i. q. مَشَى: (
TA:) [or, properly, and
accord. to general usage, he walked with slow steps: so I have rendered it
voce دَلَفَ, &c.:] he walked heavily, with an effort. (
TK voce تَزَحَّفَ.) [One says in the present day, خَرَجْتُ
أَتَمَشَى I went forth taking a walk; and تَمَشَّى He walked; walked about.]
b2: [Hence the saying,] تَمَشَّتْ فِيهِ حُمَيَّا الكَأْسِ [The intoxicating influence of the cup of wine pervaded him, or] crept in him. (
TA.) See also تَفَشَّى.
6 تَمَاشَوْا They walked, or went on foot, one towards, or to, another. (
TA.) 10 اِسْتَمْشَى بِالدَّوَآءِ [He used the medicine as a laxative or purgative. (IbrD.)] (
Az in
L, art. عقر.)
b2: اِسْتَمْشَى بِهِ, referring to a plant, (
K in art. صع,) He drank its water (i. e. infusion or the like) for moving the bowels. (
TA ibid.) مَشَّآءٌ [That goes with energy; a good or strong goer;] strong to walk, or go, or go on foot. (
TA voce رِجِيلٌ.) دَوَآءُ المَشِىِّ Medicine that moves, or purges, the bowels. (
TA in art. طوس.) مَاشِيَةٌ A she-camel having numerous offspring. (
b2: Hence, and مَوَاشٍ, as ominous of good, Camels, and cows, and sheep or goats that are for breeding and gain. (
Mgh.) مَمْشَى A passage, or way, by a place; (
TA;) [a walking-place: the gangway of a ship?]