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126631. لرفش1 126632. لرق1 126633. لُرقَةُ1 126634. لُرْقَةُ1 126635. لَرْيَش1 126636. لز3126637. لزّ1 126638. لَزَّ 1 126639. لزء1 126640. لزأ7 126641. لَزَأَ 1 126642. لَزَأَهُ1 126643. لَزَّاب1 126644. لِزَاب1 126645. لِزَام1 126646. لَزِبَ1 126647. لزب16 126648. لَزَبَ 1 126649. لزة1 126650. لَزَّة1 126651. لِزَّة1 126652. لُزْتُ1 126653. لَزِجَ1 126654. لزج14 126655. لَزِجَ 1 126656. لزح4 126657. لزز8 126658. لَزَزَ1 126659. لززه1 126660. لَزْغَب1 126661. لَّزَغْلِيّ1 126662. لزق15 126663. لَزِقَ1 126664. لَزِقَ 1 126665. لَزْقَع1 126666. لزقونة1 126667. لزك4 126668. لَزِكَ1 126669. لَزِكَ 1 126670. لَزِمَ1 126671. لزم16 126672. لزم إتْمَام نفل شرع فِيهِ قصدا...1 126673. لَزِمَ 1 126674. لُزَمَة1 126675. لَزِمَه2 126676. لزن10 126677. لَزَِنَ1 126678. لَزَنَ 1 126679. لزه1 126680. لَزَّهُ1 126681. لَزْهَر1 126682. لزورد2 126683. لزومُ1 126684. لزوم1 126685. لُزُوم1 126686. لُزُوم الْكفْر لَيْسَ بِكفْر...1 126687. لُزوم الوقف1 126688. لُزُوم مَا لَا يلْزم...1 126689. لزومية1 126690. لَزِيق1 126691. لِسْ1 126692. لس3 126693. لَسَّ 1 126694. لِسَّا1 126695. لسا1 126696. لَسا1 126697. لسان1 126698. لِسان1 126699. لِسَان الْحق1 126700. لسان الحق1 126701. لِسَان الحق1 126702. لِسَان الدِّين1 126703. لَسَبَ1 126704. لسب12 126705. لَسَبَ 1 126706. لَسَبَتْهُ1 126707. لسبته1 126708. لسج1 126709. لسح1 126710. لَسَدَ1 126711. لَسْد1 126712. لسد9 126713. لَسَدَ 1 126714. لسس7 126715. لسع12 126716. لَسَعَ1 126717. لَسَعَ 1 126718. لَسَعَتِ1 126719. لسعته1 126720. لسْعَدِيَّة1 126721. لَسْعَى1 126722. لسف1 126723. لسق7 126724. لَسِقَ1 126725. لَسِقَ 1 126726. لَسْكَر1 126727. لَسُلَامَى1 126728. لِسلامِيّ1 126729. لسَلَّامِيّ1 126730. لَسْلَسَى1 Prev. 100




1 لَزَّ الشَّىْءُ بِالشَّىْءِ, (TK,) [aor., app. لَزِّ,] or لَزَّهُ, aor. ـُ (so in a copy of the Msb,) inf. n. لَزٌّ, (Msb, K,) The thing clave to the thing: (Msb, K, * TK:) it stuck, or adhered, to it. (TA.) See also 8. b2: [Hence,] لَزَزْتَ بِى يَا فُلَانُ (tropical:) [Thou hast importuned me, or wearied me by thine importunity, O such a one]. (A.) A2: لَزَّهُ, (S, K,) aor. ـُ (S,) inf. n. لَزٌّ (S, K) and لَزَزٌ, (K, and so in a copy of the S,) or لَزَازٌ, (L, and so in a copy of the S,) He fastened it, or made it fast; or he bound it, or tied it; syn. شَدَّهُ: and he stuck it, or made it to adhere; (S, K;) as also ↓ الزّهُ, (K,) inf. n. إِلْزَازٌ. (TA.) [But it is afterwards said in the TA, that, accord. to the TS, أَلْزَزْتُ بِهِ in the sense of أَلْصَقْتُ بِهِ was disallowed by As.]) You say also, لَزَّهُ بِهِ, (TK,) inf. n. لَزٌّ, (K,) He made it to cleave to it; (K, * TK;) like the لِزَاز of a house or chamber. (Lth, TA.) and لُزَّا They (two camels) were tied together: and they (the two shanks of a camel) were straitly connected in the shackles. (TA.) b2: He fastened it, namely a door, with a لِزَاز, or bar; he barred it. (K, * TA.) b3: He thrust or pierced him [with a spear or the like]. (K, * TK.) b4: لَزَّهُ إِلَى كَذَا (tropical:) He necessitated him, or constrained him, to have recourse to, or to do, such a thing. (A, TA.) 2 لَزَّزَهُ He (God) caused him to be compact and strong in make. (S, K.) 3 لَا زَزْتُهُ, (inf. n. لِزَازٌ, TA,) I associated with him; became his companion. (S, * K, * TA.) 4 الزّهُ: see 1.8 التزّ بِهِ It became coupled with it, and stuck to it. (A.) See also 1.

رَجُلٌ كَزٌّ لَزٌّ A niggardly, tenacious, man: (Az, TA:) or the latter epithet is an imitative sequent. (S, K.) b2: لَزُّ شَرٍّ: see لِزَازُ شَرٍّ.

لِزٌّ شَرٍّ: see لِزَازُ شَرٍّ.

لَزَزٌ: see لِزَازٌ.

A2: Straitness, difficulty, distress; or the like; syn. شِدَّةٌ. (TA.) b2: A state of crowding together of people in a narrow compass. (Msb.) b3: عَيْشٌ لَزَزٌ A strait, or difficult, life (Msb.) لِزَازٌ A piece of wood with which a door is fastened; the bar of a door; (A, * K, * TA;) as also ↓ لَزَزٌ. (K.) [Said in the S, where it is not explained, to be from لِزَازُ خَصْمٍ, q. v. infra.; but accord. to the A, it is proper, not tropical.]

A2: هُوَ لِزَازُ مَالٍ (tropical:) He is one who [by close and constant attention] takes good care of camels, or other property. (A, TA.) [Hence,] جَعَلْتُكَ لِزَازًا لِفُلَانٍ (tropical:) I have made or appointed thee [to be a manager of such a one;] not to suffer such a one to disobey or oppose. (A, * TA.) b2: هُوَ لِزَازُ خَصْمٍ (tropical:) [He is one who cleaves to an adversary in contention or litigation]. (S, A.) b3: إِنَّهُ لِزَازُ خُصُومَةٍ (tropical:) Verily he is pertinacious in contention or litigation; commissioned and able to manage it. (TA.) b4: فُلَانٌ لِزَازُ شَرٍّ, (TA,) and شَرٍّ ↓ لَزِيزُ, and شَرٍّ ↓ لِزُّ, (K,) and لَزُّ شَرٍّ, (TA,) (tropical:) Such a one is one who pertinaciously adheres to evil or mischief. (K, TA.) لَزُوزٌ an imitative sequent to عَجُوزٌ. (K.) لَزِيزُ شَرٍّ: see لِزَازٌ.

مِلَزٌّ, applied to a man, and in like manner, without ة, to a woman, (tropical:) Vehement, or pertinacious, in adhering. (TA.) b2: Vehement in contention or litigation; (S, K;) pertinacious in adhering to that which he desires, or seeks, to obtain. (S.) مُلَزَّزٌ, (S, K,) or مُلَزَّزُ الخَلْقِ, (A,) A man (A, TA) compact and strong in make; (S, * K, * TA;) having a well-knit frame. (A.)


3 لَازَّهُ i. q. ضَايَقَهُ. (TA, voce ذَاقَنَهُ.) لَزٌّ i. q. زُرْفِينٌ. (A, K.) In the CK, وَلَزَزٌ قَيْنٌ is a mistake for وَاللَّزُّ الزُّرْفِينُ.
اللَز: لُزُوْمُ الشيْءِ بالشَّيْءِ؛ كَلِزَازِ البابِ. ورَجُل مِلَزُّ في خُصُوْمَتِهِ. وهو لِزَاز ُخَصْمٍ. ويزَازُ مالٍ: أي حَسَنُ القِيَام عَليه. والمِلَزُ: السًرِيْعُ الشدِيدُ الذيَ يَلُزُّ الدَّوَابَّ عِنْدَ الرَّكْضِ أي يزينها وقيل: هو الشدِيدُ العَضَلِ والخَلْقِ. لأنه لَكَزٌ لَزٌّ: تَاْكِيْدٌ. ومُلَزَزُ الخَلْقِ: مُجْتَمِعٌ. واللز: الطَعْنُ، لَزه لَزاً. والزِّرْفِيْنُ، وكذلك اللزَازُ. والتَزَائزُ: جَمْص، لَزِيْزَةٍ؛ وهي مُجْتَمَعُ اللحْمِ فَوْقَ الزَّوْرِ. والتَلَزْلُزُ: التَحَرُّكُ، ما تَلَزْلَزَ من مَكَانِهِ.
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