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126589. لِدِّيَّة1 126590. لدِّيَّة1 126591. لديك1 126592. لَدِينَا1 126593. لدينا نداءين1 126594. لذ3126595. لذَّ1 126596. لَذَّ 1 126597. لَذَا1 126598. لذا2 126599. لذَبَ1 126600. لذب6 126601. لذَّة1 126602. لذة1 126603. لَذَجَ1 126604. لذج4 126605. لذجه1 126606. لَذَذَ1 126607. لذذ12 126608. لذذه1 126609. لذع14 126610. لَذَعَ2 126611. لَذَعَ 1 126612. لذغ1 126613. لذق1 126614. لذلذ2 126615. لذم7 126616. لَذِمَ 1 126617. لذمه1 126618. لَذِمَه1 126619. لذن3 126620. لذُو1 126621. لذو1 126622. لذى2 126623. لذِي2 126624. لذي3 126625. لرامترا1 126626. لِرْبَاش1 126627. لرت1 126628. لُرْتُ1 126629. لرج1 126630. لرز1 126631. لرفش1 126632. لرق1 126633. لُرقَةُ1 126634. لُرْقَةُ1 126635. لَرْيَش1 126636. لز3 126637. لزّ1 126638. لَزَّ 1 126639. لزء1 126640. لزأ7 126641. لَزَأَ 1 126642. لَزَأَهُ1 126643. لَزَّاب1 126644. لِزَاب1 126645. لِزَام1 126646. لَزِبَ1 126647. لزب16 126648. لَزَبَ 1 126649. لزة1 126650. لَزَّة1 126651. لِزَّة1 126652. لُزْتُ1 126653. لَزِجَ1 126654. لزج14 126655. لَزِجَ 1 126656. لزح4 126657. لزز8 126658. لَزَزَ1 126659. لززه1 126660. لَزْغَب1 126661. لَّزَغْلِيّ1 126662. لزق15 126663. لَزِقَ1 126664. لَزِقَ 1 126665. لَزْقَع1 126666. لزقونة1 126667. لزك4 126668. لَزِكَ1 126669. لَزِكَ 1 126670. لَزِمَ1 126671. لزم16 126672. لزم إتْمَام نفل شرع فِيهِ قصدا...1 126673. لَزِمَ 1 126674. لُزَمَة1 126675. لَزِمَه2 126676. لزن10 126677. لَزَِنَ1 126678. لَزَنَ 1 126679. لزه1 126680. لَزَّهُ1 126681. لَزْهَر1 126682. لزورد2 126683. لزومُ1 126684. لزوم1 126685. لُزُوم1 126686. لُزُوم الْكفْر لَيْسَ بِكفْر...1 126687. لُزوم الوقف1 126688. لُزُوم مَا لَا يلْزم...1 Prev. 100


لذ: اللَّذُّ واللَّذِيْذُ: في الشَّرَابِ، يَلَذُّه لَذَاذَةً. واللَّذّاتُ: جَمْعُ اللَّذَّةِ.
واللَّذُّ: النَّوْمُ.
والألِذَّةُ: الَّذِيْنَ يأْخُذُوْنَ لَذَّتَهم.
واللَّذْلاذُ: الخَفِيْفُ السَّرِيْعُ.
الشَّيْء لذاذا ولذاذة صَار شهيا فَهُوَ لذ ولذيذ يُقَال عَيْش لذ وشراب لذ (ج) لذ ولذاذ وَهِي لَذَّة وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {وأنهار من خمر لَذَّة للشاربين} وَالشَّيْء وبالشيء لذا وجده لذيذا


1 لَذَّ, (T, M, L, Msb, K,) second per. لَذِذْتَ, (Msb,) aor. ـَ (T, Msb,) inf. n. لَذَاذَةٌ (A, L, Msb) and لَذَاذٌ (Msb) and لَذَّةٌ; (A;) and ↓ التذّ, inf. n. إِلْتِذاذٌ; (A;) It (a thing) was, or became لَذِيذ [i. e. pleasant, delightful, delicious, luscious, sweet, or savoury; see لَذَّةٌ, below; and see طَابَ]; (T, M, L, Msb, K;) an object of desire, or a thing desired. (L.) b2: لَذَّهُ, (M, L, K,) first Pers\. لَذِذْتُ, (T, S, Msb,) aor. ـَ (T, M, L, Msb,) inf. n. لَذٌّ (M, L) and لَذَّةٌ (Msb) and لَذَاذٌ and لَذَاذَةٌ, (S, M, L, K,) He found it لَذِيذ [i. e. pleasant, delightful, delicious, luscious, sweet, or savoury; he delighted in it; he took pleasure, or delight, in it]; (S, L, Msb, K;) as also لَذَّ بِهِ, and ↓ التذّهُ, and بِهِ ↓ التذّ, and ↓ استلذّهُ: (M, K:) or he counted, accounted, reckoned, or esteemed, it pleasant, &c.; (L;) as also لَذَّ به, and ↓ التذّهُ, and به ↓ التدّ, (A, L,) and ↓ استلذّهُ: (S, L, Msb:) لَذِذْتُ الشَّىْءَ and لَذِذْتُ به and إِسْتَلْذَذْتُهُ are syn.; (En-Nadr, T, L;) and so are به ↓ إِلْتَذَذْتُ and به ↓ تَلَذَّذْتُ. (S, L, Msb.) b3: ذَا مِمَّا يَلُذُّنِى, and ↓ يُلَذِّذُنِى, [and يُلِذُّنِى, (see an ex. of its act. part. n. voce مُرِذٌّ, in art. رذ,) This is of the things that please, or delight, me]. (A.) 2 لَذَّّ see 1.3 لاذّ الرَّجُلُ امْرَأَتَهُ, inf. n. مُلَاذَّةٌ and لِذَاذٌ, [The man gave pleasure, or delight, or enjoyment, to his wife, receiving the same from her,] on the occasion of contact in the act of concubitus. (A.) See also 6.4 أَلْذَ3َ see 1.5 تَلَذَّذْتُ [I became pleased, or delighted; or I pleased, or delighted, myself]. (A.) b2: See also 1.6 تَلَاذَّا [They (a husband and his wife) gave each other pleasure, or delight, or enjoyment,] on the occasion of contact in the act of concubitus. (A.) See also 3.8 إِلْتَذَ3َ see 1.10 إِسْتَلْذَ3َ see 1. b2: [استلذّ also signifies He experienced pleasure, or delight.]

لَذٌّ Sleep. (IAar, T, S, L, K.) b2: See also لَذَّةٌ and لَذِيدٌ.

لَذَّةٌ Pleasure; delight; contr. of أَلَمٌ; (M, L, K;) so explained because it happens not save to one who is of sound constitution, free from pains; syn. with شَهْوَةٌ [in one of the senses of this latter word], or nearly so: (TA:) pleasantness; delightfulness; deliciousness; lusciousness, sweetness: (the Lexicons passim: see the intrans. v. لَذَّ, of which it is an inf. n.) pl. لَذَّاتٌ. (S, L, Msb, K.) b2: ↓ لَذْوَى, of the measure فَعْلَى, also signifies the same as لَذَّةٌ, and is formed by the change of one of the two dháls into و; [in the L ى;] a change similar to that in تَقَضَّى. (L.) It occurs in a trad. of 'Áïsheh, relating to the present world, قَدْ مَضَى لَذْوَاهَا وَبَقِىَ بَلْوَاهَا [Its pleasure, or delight, or pleasantness, or delightfulness, hath passed away, and its probation remaineth]. (L.) b3: Also لَذَّةٌ and ↓ لَذَاذَةٌ and ↓ لَذِيذٌ and ↓ لَذْوَى The eating and drinking in a state of ease, comfort, or pleasure, and competence. (IAar, T, L.) b4: See لَذِيذٌ.

لَذِيذٌ and ↓ لَذٌّ are used in the same manner, as epithets, (Lth, T, L,) from the intrans. v. لَذَّ, (L,) signifying Pleasant, delightful, delicious, luscious, sweet, or savoury; (the Lexicons passim;) desirable, or desired: (L:) pl. of both, لِذَاذٌ; and of the latter, [or of both,] لُذٌّ. (M, K.) b2: شَرَابٌ لَذِيذٌ, and ↓ لَذٌّ, (S, M, L,) and كَأْسٌ لَذَّةٌ, (M, L,) and شَىْءٌ لَذِيذٌ, and ↓ لَذٌّ, (A,) A pleasant, delightful, delicious, luscious, sweet, or savoury, beverage, or wine, and cup of beverage, or wine, and thing]. b3: [You say] ↓ لَهُ عَيْشٌ لَذٌّ [He has a pleasant, or delightful, life]: and مِنْ ↓ هُوَ فِى لَذٍّ

عَيْشٍ [He is in a pleasant, or delightful, state of life]. (A.) b4: ↓ رَجُلٌ لَذٌّ A man of pleasant, or delightful, conversation, or discourse. (A.) b5: A man in the enjoyment of pleasure, or delight: (M, L:) and أَلِذَّةٌ [pl. of لَذٌّ] Those who take their pleasures, or delights. (K.) b6: اللَّذِيذُ and ↓ اللَّذَّةُ Wine: pl. لُذٌّ and لِذَاذٌ. (K.) b7: See لَذَّةٌ.

لَذَاذَةٌ: see لَذَّةٌ, and 1.

لَذْوَى: see لَذَّةٌ.

ذَا أَطْيَبُ وَأَلَذُّ [This is more. or most. pleasant and delightful, &c.] (A.) مَلَذٌّ A place of لَذَّة [i. e. pleasure, or delight]: pl. مَلَاذُّ. It is said in a trad. إِذَا رَكِبَ أَحَدُكُمُ الدَّابَّةَ فَلْيَحْمِلْهَا عَلَى مَلَاذِّهَا [When any one of you rides the beast of carriage, let him urge it to run upon the places that are pleasant to it]; i. e. let him make it run upon plain, or even, not rugged, ground, (L.) اَللَّذْ and اَللَّذِ [thus written with two láms] dial. forms of الَّذِى: dual اللَّذَا, with the ن elided: pl. الَّذِينَ; and sometimes, in the nom. case, الَّذُونَ. (S.) Their proper art. is لذى. (IB, K.) [See an ex. in a verse cited voce تَزَبَّى.]
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