قَضَمَ(n. ac. قَضْم)
a. see infra
قَضِمَ(n. ac. قَضْم)
a. Nibbled, munched, crunched.
b.(n. ac. قَضَم), Had black, decayed teeth.
c. Were black, decayed (teeth).
d. Was blunted, pointless (sword).
قَاْضَمَa. Bought retail.
أَقْضَمَa. Fed with oats (animal).
b. see X
إِسْتَقْضَمَa. Provided himself with little provision ( in
قُضْمَةa. Dry, hard food.
قَضَمa. Notch.
b. Sword.
قَضِمa. see 14
a. Notched, jagged, jaggy.
قَضَاْمa. see 3t
قَضَاْمa. [ coll. ], Roasted chick-peas.
قَضِيْمa. see 3t
أَقْضَمُc. (pl.
قَضَم), Parchment.
d. Leather mat.
مَا ذُقْتُ قُضْمَة
مَا ذُقْتُ قَضَامًا
مَا ذُقْتُ مَقْضَمًا
a. I have not tasted a bit.