قَطَا(n. ac. قَطْو)
a. Walked slowly.
تَقَطَّوَa. Was behindhand; dawdled.
b. Temporized.
c. Sat on the crupper of ( a horse ).
إِقْطَوْطَى [إِقْطَوْطَوَ]
a. see I (a)
قَطَاة [] (pl.
قَطًا [ ]a. قَطَوَات ), A species of partridge
( ardea stellaris ).
b. Crupper ( of a horse ).
قَطَْوَان [قَطْوَاْنُ]
a. Slow walker.
ذَهَبَوا فِي الأَرْضِ
a. They scattered in various directions.