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116015. فُصَيَّة1 116016. فَصِيح1 116017. فَصِيح الرب1 116018. فَصِيصُ1 116019. فَصِيليّ1 116020. فض5116021. فَضَّ النزاعَ1 116022. فَضَّ 1 116023. فضأ3 116024. فَضَا2 116025. فضا7 116026. فَضَائِلِيّ1 116027. فَضّاضة1 116028. فُضَاضة1 116029. فُضَالة1 116030. فَضَّالة1 116031. فُضَالِيّ1 116032. فَضَّالِيّ1 116033. فَضَايِلِيّ1 116034. فِضَّة1 116035. فَضَّة1 116036. فِضّة الله1 116037. فضَّة مَحْض1 116038. فَضَجَ1 116039. فضج6 116040. فَضَجَّ1 116041. فَضَح1 116042. فَضَحَ1 116043. فضح13 116044. فَضَحَ 1 116045. فَضَحَهُ1 116046. فضحه1 116047. فَضَخَ1 116048. فضخ15 116049. فضخَ1 116050. فَضَخَ 1 116051. فَضَخَهُ1 116052. فَضَضَ1 116053. فضَض1 116054. فضض12 116055. فضَض 2 116056. فضع3 116057. فَضَعَ1 116058. فضغ5 116059. فَضَغَ1 116060. فَضْفَضَ1 116061. فضفض5 116062. فضل20 116063. فُضُل1 116064. فُضَّل1 116065. فَضْل1 116066. فَضُلَ1 116067. فضل الدور1 116068. فَضْل الدين1 116069. فَضْل الرحمان1 116070. فَضْل الكريم1 116071. فَضْل الله1 116072. فَضْل الهدى1 116073. فَضل دين1 116074. فَضْل شاه1 116075. فَضَلَ 1 116076. فَضْلاً على1 116077. فضْلاً عن1 116078. فُضَلاء1 116079. فَضْلَة2 116080. فُضَلة1 116081. فَضله1 116082. فَضْلوا1 116083. فَضْلوني1 116084. فُضْلَى1 116085. فُضُلِيّ1 116086. فَضْليّ1 116087. فضو9 116088. فُضُوّ1 116089. فضو وفضى1 116090. فُضُول2 116091. فَضُول1 116092. فَضُولِيّ1 116093. فَضّولِي1 116094. فضولي1 116095. فَضَى 1 116096. فِضِّي1 116097. فَضِّي1 116098. فضي3 116099. فَضِّيَّة1 116100. فِضِّيَّة1 116101. فَضِيح1 116102. فُضَيْخ1 116103. فَضِيخ1 116104. فضيخ1 116105. فَضِيضِيّ1 116106. فُضَيْل1 116107. فَضِيل1 116108. فَضِيلات1 116109. فُضَيْلان1 116110. فُضَيْلة1 116111. فَضِيلة1 116112. فَضِيلة الشوك1 116113. فُضَيْلِيّ1 116114. فَضِيليّ1 Prev. 100


الفَضُّ: كسر الشيء والتّفريق بين بعضه وبعضه، كفَضِّ ختم الكتاب، وعنه استعير:
انْفَضَّ القومُ. قال الله تعالى: وَإِذا رَأَوْا تِجارَةً أَوْ لَهْواً انْفَضُّوا إِلَيْها
[الجمعة/ 11] ، لَانْفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ [آل عمران/ 159] ، والفِضَّةُ اختصّت بأدون المتعامل بها من الجواهر، ودرع فَضْفَاضَةٌ، وفَضْفَاضٌ: واسعة.
الشَّيْء فضا فرقه يُقَال فض الْقَوْم فرقهم وفض المَال على الْقَوْم فرقه وقسمه عَلَيْهِم وَخَاتم الْكتاب كَسره وفكه وَيُقَال فض الْكتاب وفض الْخَاتم عَن الْكتاب وَالْمَاء صبه واللؤلؤة وَنَحْوهَا خرقها وَيُقَال فض عذرة الْمَرْأَة وَمَا بَينهمَا قطع وَيُقَال فض الْأَمر قطعه وَيُقَال فض الله فَاه نشر أَسْنَانه وَكسرهَا (فِي الدُّعَاء عَلَيْهِ) وَفِي الدُّعَاء لَهُ (لَا يفضض الله فَاه)
فض: الفَضُّ: تَفَرّّقُّ النّاسِ بَعْدَ اجْتِمَاعِهم، فَضَضْتُهم فانْفَضُّوا. والفَضَاضُ: ما تَفَضَّضَ من عَظْمٍ وغَيْرِه؛ أي تَكَسَّرَ. وفَضَضْتُ الخاتَمَ أفُضُّهُ فَضّاً: كَسَرْته. ويقولون: لا يَفْضُضِ اللهُ فاكَ. والفَضَضُ: ما انْفَضَّ من نُطْفَةِ الرَّجُلِ. ومنه قَوْلُ عائشةَ رضِيَ اللهُ عَنها لِمَرْوَانَ: " وأنَْ في صُلْبِه فَضَضٌ " أي مَُرَدِّدٌ فيه. وقال الحُسِيْنُ بن عليٍّ رضِيَ اللهُ عنهما لِمَرْوَانَ: " أنَّما أنْتَ فَضَضٌ من لَعْنَةٍ ". وفي حَدِيثِ عُمَرَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عنه: خَرَجَ من فضَضِ الحَصى ". والفِضَّةُ: مَعْرُوْفَةٌ. والفّضْفَضَةُ: سَعَةُ الثَّوْبِ، دِرْعٌ فَضْفَاضَةٌ. وبَطْنٌ فَضَفَاضٌ. وتَفَضْفَضَ بَوْلُ الناقَةِ: أي تَفَرَّقَ. وفَضْفَضْتُ الماءَ: هَرَقْته. والتَّفَضْفُضُ: التَّفَرُّقُ. والفُضَافِضُ: الواسِعُ، بمنزِلةِ الفَضْفَاضِ. والفَضَضُ: ماءٌ عَذْبٌ تَصِيْبُه ساعَتَئِذٍ، تقول: افْتَضَضْتُه. وفَضَاضٌ: اسْمُ رَجُلٍ. والفَضَّةُ: الحَرَّةُ الشاهِقَةُ، وكذلك الفِضَّةُ، والجميع فِضَضٌ وفِضَاضٌ. وفِضَاضُ الجِبَالِ: الًَّصخْرُ المَنْثُوْرُ بعضُه على بَعضٍ. والفاضَّةُ: الداهِيَةُ، وجَمْعُها فَوَاضُّ؛ كأنَّها تَفُضُّ ما أصابَتْ وتَهُدُّه.
فض: فض المجلس، رفع الجلسة، أنهى الجلسة، أنهى الاجتماع. (بوشر).
لافض فوك: دعاء له بعدم كسر أسنانه ونثرها، لأن كلمة فم في هذه العبارة معناها أسنان. (الحريري ص138، المقري 1: 311).
فض: هزم العدو (مثل كسر) ففي حيان (ص78 ق): وفصل سلطانهم- بغزوته إلى الفاسق بحصن بلاى ففضه وفتح الحصن وفيه (ص85 ق): ثم استظهر أهل العسكر عليهم فقصوهم (ففضوهم) وأجحروهم ونصبوا المنجنيق عليهم. وفيه (ص94 ق) فهزمه وفض جمعه فض أمرا أو فض الحساب: أنجز أمرا وقضاه وسدد الحساب. (بوشر).
فض: بت، أنهى، أنجز، أتم، أكمل. (هلو).
فض: فرق المال وقسمه، يقال: فض على القوم (لين) وفض في القوم (عباد 1: 251). فض: صب الدموع. المقري 2: 230).
تفضض: طلي بالفضة. (فوك، بوسييه).
انفض المجلس: تفرق المجتمعون، انتهى الاجتماع رفعت الجلسة. (بوسر) ويقال: أنفض الديوان (ألف ليلة 1: 14).
فضة: وبالعامية فضة وهي البارة. (محيط المحيط). بوشر، لين عادات 2: 419، ألف ليلة 2: 85، برسل 9: 280) وفي طبعة ماكن: درهم. ويقال أيضا: نصف فضة (بوشر).
فضي: لازوردي، سمنجوني، ما كان بلون السماء، سماوي اللون، (هلو) رطل فضى: عيار لوزن الفضة والذهب والجوهر والأحجار الكريمة، مقداره اثنا عشر أونسا أي كيلو و497 غراما. (بوسييه، روزيه 3: 106).
فضية: نبات اسمه العلمي gnaphaleum أو cotonniere.
( بوشر ابن البيطار 2: 258) فضيات (جمع): أواني فضية. (بوشر) فضاضي= فضة. (ميهرن ص32).
فضاض: بليد، أبله، غبي، مجنون. (باين سميث 1341).


1 فَضَّهُ, (S, Mgh, O, Msb,) aor. ـُ (S, O, Msb,) inf. n. فَضٌّ, (S, A, Mgh, O, Msb, K.) He broke it; namely, the seal (A, Mgh, Msb, K) of a letter; (A, K;) and any other thing; (TA:) he broke it asunder, or into several pieces; he dissundered it; (S, Mgh, O, K;) for instance, the seal from a letter. (S, O.) فَصَّ الخَاتَمَ is also a metonymical phrase, meaning (tropical:) (??): (TA.) [or rather, i. a.] فَضّ البَكَارَةَ (tropical:) he destroyed the virginity: the virginity being likened to a seal, or this phrase is from فَضَضْتُ اللُّؤْلُؤَةَ I bored, or perforated, the pearl. (Msb.) [See also 8.] Yousay also, فَضَّ اللّٰهُ فَاهُ, (Msb, TA,) and, accord. to IKtt, ↓ أَفَضَّهُ, which J disallows, (TA,) God broke, or may God break, his teeth: (TA;) or God scattered, or may God scatter, his teeth. (Msb.) The phrase لَا يَفْضُضِ اللّٰهُ فَاكَ, (S, A.) meaning May God not break thy teeth, (TA,) occurs in a trad.: (S, A:) and J says. (TA,) you should not say ↓ يُفْضِض; (S, TA; [but in one copy of the S, I find يَفْضِض;]) though some allow it: and some say that إِفْضَاء [evidently a mistake for إِفْضَاض] means the falling out of the teeth from above and below; but the former explanation is the more common. (TA.) b2: He separated it; dispersed it; scattered it; broke it up; (S, A, Msb, TA;) namely, a thing; (Msb;) or a party of men; (S, O;) or a ring of men, (A, TA,) after they had collected together. (TA.) You say also, فَضَّ المَالَ عَلَى القَوْمِ (Mgh, * TA) He distributed the property among the people, or party of men. (Mgh, TA. *) b3: فَضَضْتُ مَا بَيْنَهُمَا I cut [the tie, or bond, that was between them]. (TA.) b4: فَضَّ المَآءَ, [aor. and] inf. n. as above, He poured out, or forth, the water; (TA;) and so الدُّمُوعَ the tears. (Har p. 57.) [See also 8.]

A2: فَضَّ المَآءُ, [aor., accord. to rule, يَفِضُّ,] The water flowed: (TA:) and الدُّمُوعُ ↓ انفضّت The tears poured forth. (Har p. 57.) 2 فَضَّّ [فضّض He silvered a thing: he ornamented a bit or bridle with silver: from فِضَّةٌ: see the pass. part. n., below.]4 أَفْضَ3َ see 1, in two places. b2: افضّ العَطَآءَ He made the gift large. (TA.) 5 تَفَضَّّ see 7.

A2: تَفَضَّيْتُ from الفِضَّةُ, for تَفَضَّضْتُ, has been mentioned by Sb; but ISd says, I know not what he meant thereby; whether I took for myself, or acquired, فِضَّة, [i. e. silver], or I made use of it. (TA.) 7 انفضّ It broke; or became broken; (S, Mgh;) said of a seal, (Mgh,) or thing. (S.) b2: انفضّ مِمَّا صُنِعَ بِابْنِ عَفَّانَ, occurring in a trad., means His connections became cut, or sundered, [so that he became clear] from what was done to ['Othmán] Ibn-'Affán, through grief and regret: (O, TA:) but accord. to one relation, the verb is [انقضّ,] with ق. (TA.) b3: انفضّ also signifies It became separated, dispersed, scattered, or broken up; or it separated, dispersed, or scattered, itself, or it broke up; (S, Mgh, O, Msb;) said of a thing, (Msb,) and of a party of men; (S, Mgh, O, Msb;) as also ↓ تفضّض, said of a thing, (S,) and of a party of men. (TA.) One says, انفضّ المَجْلِسُ [The assembly of persons sitting together broke up]. (Msb in art. جلس.) b4: See also 1 last sentence.8 افتضّها He devirginated her: (O, K:) and so اقتضّها, with ق. (O, TA.) [See also 1, second sentence.] b2: افتضّ المَآءَ He poured out, or forth, the water by little and little, successively: (O, K:) or he obtained the water at the time of its coming forth (S, O, K,) from the spring or from the clouds. (TA.) [See also 1, near the end.] b3: افتضّتِ said of a woman, She broke [i. e. ended] her عِدَّة, (O, K, TA,) meaning a widow's عدّة [during which she may not marry again, nor use perfumes &c., and] which is a period of four months and ten nights, but was before the Prophet's time a year: (TA:) this she did by touching perfume, or by some other act, (K, TA,) such as paring the nail, or plucking out the hair from the face: (TA:) or she rubbed her body with [or against] a beast, (K, TA,) i. e. an ass, or a sheep or goat, (O in art. حفش,) thereby to quit the state of the عدّة: or it was customary with them for her to wipe her قُبُل with a bird, and to throw it away; in consequence of which it hardly ever, or never, lived: (K, TA:) she used to enter a حِفْش [or small tent], and wear the worst of her clothing until a year passed, when a beast or bird was brought to her, and by means thereof she broke her عدّة; then she went forth, and a بَعْرَة [or piece of camel's or similar dung] was given to her, and she threw it: (TA: [see 1 in art. بعر:]) she used not to wash herself, nor to touch water, nor to pare a nail, nor to pluck out hair from her face; then she would go forth, after the year, with the foulest aspect, and break her عدّة by means of a bird, wiping her قُبُل with it, and throwing it away. (O, TA.) The verb, thus used, occurs in a trad., but, as some relate it, with ق and ب [i. e. saying تَقْبِضُ instead of تَفْتَضُّ]; and Az mentions that EshSháfi'ee related this trad. [in like manner] pronouncing the word with ق and ض, from القبض. (TA.) R. Q. 1 فَضْفَضَ He made a garment, and a coat of mail, wide, or ample. (TA.) A2: [Also, probably, It (a garment, and a دِرْع and (assumed tropical:) the means of subsistence,) was, or became, wide, or ample: see فَضْفَضَةٌ, below.] R. Q. 2 تَفَضْفَضَ بَوْلُ النَّاقَةِ The urine of the she-camel became sprinkled upon her thighs. (TA.) فَضٌّ, (K,) or فَضٌّ مِنَ النَّاسِ, (O, TA,) A small number of men (نَفَرٌ) in a state of dispersion. (O, K, TA.) And تَمْرٌ فَضٌّ Dates in a separate state, not sticking together. (IAar. [See also فَثٌّ.]) And حَرِيرٌ فَضٌّ Silk scattered, strewn, or thrown dispersedly. (A, TA.) [See also فَضَضٌ, and فُضَاضٌ.]

فَضَّةٌ: see the next paragraph, in two places.

فِضَّةٌ [Silver;] a certain thing well known: (S, O, K:) or wrought silver: (IAar, T and K voce تِبْرٌ, q. v.:) pl. فِضَضٌ. (TA.) The phrase قَوَارِيرَ مِنْ فِضَّةٍ, in the Kur [lxxvi. 16], means Such [flasks] as, notwithstanding their clearness, or transparency, will be secure from being broken, and capable of being restored to a sound state if broken, (Az, O, K,) like silver: (Az, O,) being, as Zj says, originally of silver, yet transparent, so that what will be within them will be seen from without; whereas the قوارير of this world are originally from sand. (Az, O.) [See also art. قر.]

A2: Also An elevated [stony tract such as is termed]

حَرَّة; and so ↓ فَضَّةٌ: pl. فِضَضٌ and فِضَاضٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) b2: And فِضَاضُ الجِبَالِ signifies Rocks scattered (مَنْثُور, in the CK مَنْشُور), one upon another: (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K:) sing. ↓ فَضَّةٌ. (TA.) فَضَضٌ What is separated, dispersed, or scattered; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ فَضِيضٌ; (O, K, TA;) of rain-water, and of hail, and of sweat: (TA:) and sprinkled: (K:) and particularly what is sprinkled, of water, when one performs ablution with it, (A, O, K,) and what flows upon the limbs on that occasion; (A;) as also ↓ فَضِيضٌ. (K.) The saying of 'Áïsheh to Marwán, فَأَنْتَ فَضَضٌ مِنْ لَعْنَةِ اللّٰهِ, (A, O, K,) or ↓ فَضِيضٌ, (A,) or ↓ فُضُضٌ, or ↓ فُضَاضٌ, accord. to different relations, (K,) means So thou art a part [of the object] of the curse of God: (Sh, A, O, K:) for the Apostle of God had cursed the father of Marwán, the latter being at the time [essentially] in his father's loins: (A:) or it means that he came forth in sprinkled seed from his father's loins: (Th, S, * TA:) or, accord. to another relation, she said فُظَاظَةٌ [see فَظِيظٌ]. (TA.) [See also فَضٌّ and فُضَاضٌ.]

فُضُضٌ: see فَضَضٌ [and فَضِيضٌ].

فُضَاضٌ What is separated, dispersed, or scattered, of a thing, when it is broken; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ فِضَاضٌ; (O, K;) and ↓ فُضَاضَةٌ. (TA.) You say, طَارَتْ عِظَامُهُ فُضَاضًا His bones became scattered in fragments on the occasion of the blow. (TA.) See also فَضَضٌ.

فِضَاضٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

فَضِيضٌ: see مَفْضُوضٌ: b2: and see فَضَضٌ, in three places. b3: Also What is cast forth from the mouth, of date-stones. (TA.) b4: And Sweet water: (S, O, K:) or flowing water: (A'Obeyd, S, O, K:) or fresh water when it comes forth from the spring or from the clouds: (O:) or water such as is termed غَرِيضٌ: pl. فُضُضٌ. (TA in art. فظ.) And a place abounding with water. (TA.) b5: نَاقَةٌ كَثِيرَةُ فَضِيضِ اللَّبَنِ A she-camel having much milk: and رَجُلٌ كَثِيرُ فَضِيضِ الكَلَامِ a man of much speech or talk. (TA.) A2: And accord. to El-Khattábee and others, [and among them the author of the K,] A طَلْع [or spadix of a palmtree] when it first comes forth: but this is a mistranscription; correctly غَضِيضٌ, with غ (O, TA.) فُضَاضَةٌ: see فُضَاضٌ.

فَاضَّةٌ A calamity; a misfortune: (Fr, S, O, K:) as though breaking and demolishing that which it befalls: (O, TA:) pl. فَوَاضُّ. (O, K.) فَضْفَضَةٌ Wideness, or ampleness, of a garment, and of a دِرْع [see فَضْفَاضٌ], and (assumed tropical:) of the means of subsistence. (S, O, K.) [See R. Q. 1.]

فَضْفَاضٌ Wide, or ample: (S, O, K:) in this sense applied to a garment; (S, O;) and to a دِرْع; (O, K;) the درع [or shift] of a woman, and the درع [i. e. coat of mail] used in war; (O;) as also فَضْفَاضَةٌ, (S, A, O, K,) and ↓ فُضَافِضَةٌ; (TA;) and (assumed tropical:) to the means of subsistence: (S:) also much, or abundant, and ample: (TA:) and [in this sense] applied to water. (TA.) فَضْفَاضُ الرِّدَآءِ وَالبَدَنِ, in a trad. of Sateeh, means (tropical:) Liberal, or generous, in disposition: or a large giver: (TA:) and رَجُلٌ فَضْفَاضٌ means (tropical:) a man who gives much; likened to water to which the same epithet is applied. (TA.) You say also, جَارِيَةٌ فَضْفَاضَةٌ A fleshy, corpulent, tall, girl. (O, K.) And سَحَابَةٌ فَضْفَاضَةٌ A cloud abounding with rain. (TA.) And أَرْضٌ فَضْفَاضٌ Land overspread with water from abundance of rain. (O, TA.) فُلَانٌ فَضْفَاضَةُ وَلَدِ أَبِيهِ, accord. to Lth, means Such a one is the last of the children of his father; but Az says that the word known in this sense is نَضْنَاضَة, with ن. (TA.) فُضَافِضَةٌ: see فَضْفَاضٌ.

مِفَضَّةٌ A thing with which clods of earth are broken; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ مِفْضَاضٌ. (O, K.) مُفَضَّضٌ A thing silvered: (TA:) a bridle (لِجَام) ornamented with silver. (S, TA.) مِفْضَاضٌ: see مِفَضَّةٌ.

مَفْضُوضٌ Broken; as also ↓ فَضِيضٌ. (TA.)
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