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115304. فردع1 115305. فردم1 115306. فردن1 115307. فردو1 115308. فرْدَوْس1 115309. فردوس1115310. فِرْدَوْس1 115311. فردوك1 115312. فردون1 115313. فَرْدون1 115314. فَرْدَى1 115315. فَرْدَين1 115316. فرديناند1 115317. فرديناندو1 115318. فرذع2 115319. فرذل1 115320. فَرَرَ1 115321. فرر13 115322. فَرَّراج1 115323. فَرَزَ1 115324. فرز15 115325. فَرَزَ 1 115326. فَرْزا1 115327. فَرّزَاذ1 115328. فَرْزَامِيثَن1 115329. فرزان1 115330. فِرْزانُ1 115331. فرزانه1 115332. فِرْزَة1 115333. فَرْزة1 115334. فرزج3 115335. فرزجة1 115336. فرزدق7 115337. فرزع1 115338. فَرْزَغي1 115339. فرزل3 115340. فرزلة1 115341. فرزم3 115342. فرزمثن1 115343. فَرَزَن1 115344. فرزن5 115345. فَرَزَه عن1 115346. فرزوم1 115347. فَرْزين1 115348. فَرَّزِين1 115349. فَرَسٌ2 115350. فَرَسَ1 115351. فرسٌ2 115352. فَرْسٌ1 115353. فَرَس1 115354. فرس20 115355. فرس الْبَحْر1 115356. فَرَسَ 1 115357. فَرْسَاباذ1 115358. فِرْسَان1 115359. فُرْسَانُ1 115360. فِرْسَانُ1 115361. فَرَسَانُ1 115362. فرسبذ1 115363. فَرَسة1 115364. فرسح2 115365. فَرْسَخَ1 115366. فَرسَخ2 115367. فرسخ9 115368. فَرسَخ 1 115369. فَرْسَخَتِ1 115370. فرسطون1 115371. فرسق2 115372. فَرْسَكَ1 115373. فرسك6 115374. فرسكر1 115375. فرسل1 115376. فَرْسَنَ1 115377. فرسن8 115378. فَرْسُون1 115379. فَرَشَ2 115380. فرش18 115381. فَرَشَ 1 115382. فَرْشابُور1 115383. فَرْشَاني1 115384. فُرْشة1 115385. فَرْشة1 115386. فِرْشتَه1 115387. فَرْشَحَ1 115388. فرشح12 115389. فرشخ3 115390. فرشخانة1 115391. فرشد1 115392. فَرْشَدَ2 115393. فَرْشَطَ1 115394. فرشط4 115395. فرشو1 115396. فِرْشَوْطُ1 115397. فَرْشِيَّة1 115398. فَرْشيَّة1 115399. فَرَصَ1 115400. فَرْص1 115401. فرص20 115402. فَرَصَ 1 115403. فَرْصة1 Prev. 100




Q. 1 فَرْدَسَهُ, (O, K,) inf. n. فَرْدَسَةٌ, (Kr, M, O,) He threw him down, prostrate, on the ground, (Kr, M, O, K,) in an evil, or abominable, manner: (Kr, M, O:) and flung him upon the ground; lit., smote with him the ground. (O, K.) b2: And فَرْدَسَ الجُلَّةَ He filled, or stuffed, compactly, the [receptacle for dates, termed] جُلَّة. (AA, O, * K.) فَرْدَسَةٌ Width; amplitude: (M, O, Msb, K:) whence is derived the word فِرْدَوْسٌ, (Msb, K,) accord. to Fr. (Msb.) فِرْدَوْسٌ A garden: (S, Msb:) so in the Greek language παράδεισος]: (M:) or a garden comprising everything that is in gardens: (Zj, M, A, O, K:) such is the proper signification; (Zj, M, O;) and so with the people of every language: (Zj, M:) and containing grape-vines: (Fr, O, K:) or a garden in which are grape-vines: (IAmb, M, Msb:) or a place in which are grape-vines: (TA:) or an ample, beautiful garden: (A:) or a garden comprising grape-vines and palm-trees: (Bd in xviii. 107:) or with the Arabs it signifies a valley abounding with herbage, like a garden: (M:) or a valley, (Zj, Msb,) or valleys, (O, K,) producing various sorts of plants or herbage: (Zj, O, Msb, K:) in the K, for الأَوْدِيَةُ الَّتِى تُنْبِتُ, we should read مِنَ الأَوْدِيَةِ الَّتِى تُنْبِتُ; (TK;) [or rather, مِنَ الأَوْدِيَةِ مَا يُنْبِتُ, as in the Msb:] or a meadow; syn. رَوْضَةٌ: (Seer, M:) and the greenness of grapes (أَعْنَاب), (so in a copy of the M,) or of herbs (أَعْشَاب): (so in the TA:) masc. and fem.: (Msb:) sometimes the latter; (K;) as in the Kur xxiii. 11, because, by الفِرْدَوْسَ is there meant الجَنَّةَ: (O, TA:) it is an Arabic word, (S, O, Msb, K,) accord. to Fr, (S, O, Msb,) occurring in a verse cited voce ثَوَابٌ, which is by Hassán Ibn-Thábit, (O,) derived from فَرْدَسَةٌ, meaning “ width ” or “ amplitude,” (Msb, K, *) accord. to Fr: (Msb:) or it is Greek, (Zj, O, Msb, K,) transferred to the Arabic language; (Zj, O, Msb;) [i. e., arabicised: but as it occurs in the Kur (xviii. 107 and xxiii. 11), this is contr. to the opinion of Esh-Sháfi'ee and others, who deny that any arabicized word occurs therein: (see سُنْدُسٌ:)] or it is Syriac: (Zj, O, K:) the pl. is فَرَادِيسُ; (A, TA;) which is applied by the people of Syria to gardens and grape-vines. (TA.) b2: Hence, (Bd in xviii. 107,) الفِرْدَوْسُ [Paradise: or] a garden of trees, or walled garden, (حَدِيقَةٌ,) in الجَنَّة [or Paradise]: (S:) or the highest of the stages of الجَنَّة: (Bd, ubi suprà:) or the middle and highest part of الجَنَّة. (Jel, ibid.) فُرْدُوسٌ Increase (نَزَل, in the CK نُزُل,) that is in طَعَام [i. e. wheat]: (O, K:) mentioned by IDrd, as heard from some persons of ElBahreyn. (O.) فُرَادِسٌ A man big in the bones. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) مُفَرْدَسٌ A trellised grape-vine; syn. مُعَرَّشٌ. (Lth, S, M.) b2: A wide breast. (O, K.) b3: Widebreasted; having a wide breast. (M.) b4: And [A thing] filled, or stuffed, compactly. (O.)
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