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115028. فدور1 115029. فَدُور1 115030. فَدُوري1 115031. فَدُّوني1 115032. فَدْوَى1 115033. فدى8115034. فدي8 115035. فَدَيَ 1 115036. فدية1 115037. فُدَيْر1 115038. فَدِير1 115039. فُدَيْكٌ1 115040. فُدَيْمة1 115041. فَدِيمة1 115042. فديو1 115043. فذ4 115044. فَذَّ 1 115045. فَذايا1 115046. فذج1 115047. فذح2 115048. فَذَحَ 1 115049. فذخَ1 115050. فَذَخَ1 115051. فَذَذَ1 115052. فذذ11 115053. فذفذ1 115054. فَذَلِك1 115055. فذلك4 115056. فَذْلَكَ1 115057. فَذْوَرْد1 115058. فَذْيَانَكَث1 115059. فر5 115060. فَرَّ 1 115061. فرء1 115062. فَرَأَ1 115063. فرأ11 115064. فَرَا1 115065. فرا5 115066. فَرَاء1 115067. فِرَاء1 115068. فَرَّاء1 115069. فِرَاءً ثمينًا1 115070. فَرَائِد1 115071. فَرَائِس1 115072. فرائض1 115073. فَرَائِضي1 115074. فَرَابُ1 115075. فَرّابُ1 115076. فُرَات1 115077. فرّات1 115078. فُرَاتي1 115079. فَرَّاث1 115080. فَرَّاج1 115081. فَرَاج1 115082. فَرَّاج الدين1 115083. فَرَّاجة1 115084. فراجة1 115085. فَرَّاجي1 115086. فُراح1 115087. فَرَّاحة1 115088. فَرَاحتيّ1 115089. فَرَّاخة1 115090. فَرّاد1 115091. فراد2 115092. فَرَّادة1 115093. فراديس1 115094. فَرَار1 115095. فَرَارْجي1 115096. فَرَّازات1 115097. فَرَّازة2 115098. فَرَّازِيّ1 115099. فرازيني1 115100. فِرَاسٌ1 115101. فِرَاس1 115102. فَرَّاسات1 115103. فَرَاسة1 115104. فراسة1 115105. فراسر1 115106. فِرَاسيّ1 115107. فَرَّاسيّ1 115108. فراسيون1 115109. فِراش1 115110. فراش1 115111. فَرَاشَا1 115112. فَرَاشَات1 115113. فَرَّاشة1 115114. فَرَاشَة1 115115. فَرَاشِيّ1 115116. فَرَّاشي1 115117. فِرَاشيّ1 115118. فَرّاصٌ1 115119. فِرَاص1 115120. فَرَّاص1 115121. فَرَّاصي1 115122. فِرَاصيّ1 115123. فِرَاضٌ1 115124. فُرَاطة1 115125. فَرَّاطة1 115126. فَرَّاع1 115127. فِرَاغٌ1 Prev. 100


(فدى) : الَّلهُمَّ فَدِّ عَلَينا بفُلان: الَّلهُمُ عافِه، الَّلهُمَ اَئْتِنا به.
ف د ى: (الْفِدَاءُ) بِالْكَسْرِ يُمَدُّ وَيُقْصَرُ وَبِالْفَتْحِ يُقْصَرُ لَا غَيْرُ. وَ (فَدَاهُ) وَ (فَادَاهُ) أَعْطَى فَدَاءَهُ فَأَنْقَذَهُ. وَ (فَدَاهُ) بِنَفْسِهِ وَ (فَدَّاهُ تَفْدِيَةً) قَالَ لَهُ: جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ. وَ (تَفَادَوْا) فَدَى بَعْضُهُمْ بَعْضًا. وَ (افْتَدَى) مِنْهُ بِكَذَا. وَ (تَفَادَى) فُلَانٌ مِنْ كَذَا تَحَامَاهُ وَانْزَوَى عَنْهُ. وَ (الْفِدْيَةُ) وَ (الْفِدَى) وَ (الْفِدَاءُ) كُلُّهُ بِمَعْنًى. 
الفِدَى: جَمْعُ فِدْيَةٍ. والفِدَاءُ: ما تَفْدِي به وتُفَادي. والفِعْلُ: الافْتِدَاءُ. وفَداه تَفْدِيَةً: قال له أفْدِيْكَ.
وفادَيْتُه: أي جازَيْته.
وتَفَادى القَوْمُ تَفَادِياً: اسْتَتَرَ بَعْضُهم ببَعْضٍ مَخَافَةً. وهو النِّفَارُ أيضاً. وتَفَديْتُه أتَفَدّاه: أي فَدَيْتُه. والفَدَاءُ: جَمَاعَةُ الطَعَامِ من البُر والشعِيرِ وغَيْرِهِما. وهو الأنْبَارُ، وجَمْعُه أفْدِيَةٌ. وقد أفْدَيْنا لتَمْرِنا فَدَاءً؛ وهو المِسْطَحُ الذي يُجَففُ فيه التَّمْرُ.
وخُذْ على هِدْيَتِكَ وفِدْيَتِكَ: أي فيما كُنْتَ فيه.
[فدى] الفِداءُ إذا كسر أوَّله يمدُّ ويقصر، وإذا فتح فهو مقصور. يقال: قُمْ فِدًى لك أبي. ومن العرب من يكسر فِداءً للتنوين إذا جاور لام الجرّ خاصَّةً، فيقول: فِداءً لك، لأنه نكرة، يريدون به معنى الدعاء. وأنشد الأصمعيّ للنابغة: مهلاً فِداءٍ لك الأقوامُ كُلُّهُمُ * وما أُثَمِّرُ من مالٍ ومن ولدِ ويقال: فَداهُ وفاداهُ، إذا أعطى فداءه (*) فأنقذه. وفداه بنفسه. وفداه تَفْدِيَةً، إذا قال له جُعلت فداءك. وتفادوا، أي فدى بعضه بعضاً. وافْتَدى منه بكذا. وتفادى فلانٌ من كذا، إذا تحاماه وانزوى عنه. وقال :

تفادى الاسود الغلب منه تفاديا * والفدية والفدى والفِداءُ، كله بمعنى. والفَداءُ بالفتح: الأنبار، وهو جماعة الطعام من البر والتمر والشعير. وقال يصف قرية بقلة الميرة: كأن فداءها إذ جردوه * وطافوا حوله سلك يتيم
فدى: فدى (بالتشديد): يقال: فداه بأبيه (ديوان الفرزدق).
فدى بعم وخال: فداك عمي وخالي. (ديوان الهذليين ص182).
فدى فلاناً: يمكن أن تترجم أحياناً بمخاطبة الآخر بكلمات رقيقة عذبة، ففي حيان (ص93 و) مثلاً: فإذا بها تغنيه وهو يفديها ويستسقيها. فأدى، ويقال: فأدى فلاناً بغيره، فمثلاً: لا بأس أن يفادي أسرار المسلمين بإسراء المشركين. ومن هذا يقال في الكلام عن أسير من العدو يطلق مقابل إطلاق أسير مسلم: فودي به، وهذا اختصار فودي به غيره. ويقال أيضا: فادي بأسير العدو على مال أو أسير مسلم. (معجم البلاذري).
أفدى: فك رهناً، خلص الشيء المرهون (ألكالا). تفأدى من: تحامى. تخلى عن، عدل عن، أقلع عن، تنازل عن. (تاريخ البربر 255:2).
انفدي المملوك: تحرر بعد دفعه الفدية. (ألكالا) فداوة: زاد يقدم للمسافر. (دوماس حياة العرب ص143).
فداوي: مغتال، إسماعيلي، من فرقة الإسماعيلية. (مونج ص124، لين عادات 161:2، المقدمة 122:1).
فداوي: رجل قوي، شديد، أضلع. (بوشر).
فداوي: فارس مغامر، جريء، جسور، شجاع،. بطل، مقدام. (بوشر، لين) ويذكر كاتميرا أمثلة منقولة من مؤلفات فارسية وفيها فداوي وفدايي بمعنى شجاع بل ومغامر أيضا.
فداوي: قصاص، مؤلف حكايات، (دوماس حياة العرب ص263، بوسييه).
[فدى] فيه: تكرر "الفداء"، هو بالكسر والمد والفتح مع القصر: فكاك الأسير، فداه يفديه فداءً وفدى وفاداه يفاديه- إذا أعطى فداءه وأنقذه، وفداه بنفسه وفدّاه- إذا قال له: جعلت فداك، والفدية: الفداء، وقيل: المفاداة أن يفتك الأسير بأسيرٍ مثله. ن: فطال علينا العزوبة ورغبنا في "الفداء"، أي احتجنا إلى الوطىء وخفنا من الحبل فتصير أم ولد فيمتنع بيعها وأخذ الفداء فيها. نه: وفيه: فاغفر "فداء" لك ما اقتفينا؛ وهو مجازٌ عن التعظيم لأنه إنما يفدي من المكاره من تلحقه، ويروى بالرفع على الابتداء والنصب على المصدر.
ك: هو بكسر فاء وفتحها مدًا وقصرًا، ويستعمل في مكروه يتوقع حلوله بشخص فيختار آخر تفديته منه، وهو مجاز عن الرضاء أو هو خطاب لسامع الكلام. ن: ولكن إطلاقه عليه تعالى يتوقف على السماع ولو مجازًا. ومنه: جعلنا الله "فداءك"- بسكر فاء ومد، أي نقيك المكاره. ومنه: "فدى" لكن أبي وأمي، هو بقصر وكسر فاء وفتحها، والظاهر أنه من كلام بلال. ك: فدى، خبر لأبي وأمي، ويجوز نصبه. وح: ما رأيته "يفدي" رجلًا بعد سعد، هو بتشديد دال، وقد فدى الزبير فلعل عليا لم يسمعه، والتفدية منه صلى الله عليه وسلم دعاء، وقيل: إنما فدى بأبويه لما ماتا عليه من الكفر، والحق أن كناية عن الرضاء كأنه قال: ارم مرضيًا عنك.
الفِدَى والفِدَاءُ: حفظ الإنسان عن النّائبة بما يبذله عنه، قال تعالى: فَإِمَّا مَنًّا بَعْدُ وَإِمَّا فِداءً
[محمد/ 4] ، يقال: فَدَيْتُهُ بمال، وفديته بنفسي، وفَادَيْتُهُ بكذا، قال تعالى: إِنْ يَأْتُوكُمْ أُسارى تُفادُوهُمْ
[البقرة/ 85] ، وتَفَادَى فلان من فلان، أي: تحامى من شيء بذله. وقال:
وَفَدَيْناهُ بِذِبْحٍ عَظِيمٍ [الصافات/ 107] ، وافْتَدى: إذا بذل ذلك عن نفسه، قال تعالى:
فِيمَا افْتَدَتْ بِهِ
[البقرة/ 229] ، وَإِنْ يَأْتُوكُمْ أُسارى تُفادُوهُمْ [البقرة/ 85] ، والمُفَادَاةُ: هو أن يردّ أسر العدى ويسترجع منهم من في أيديهم، قال: وَمِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ لَافْتَدَوْا بِهِ [الرعد/ 18] ، لَافْتَدَتْ بِهِ [يونس/ 54] ، ولِيَفْتَدُوا بِهِ [المائدة/ 36] ، وَلَوِ افْتَدى بِهِ [آل عمران/ 91] ، لَوْ يَفْتَدِي مِنْ عَذابِ يَوْمِئِذٍ بِبَنِيهِ [المعارج/ 11] ، وما يقي به الإنسان نفسه من مال يبذله في عبادة قصّر فيها يقال له: فِدْيَةٌ، ككفّارة اليمين، وكفّارة الصّوم.
نحو قوله: فَفِدْيَةٌ مِنْ صِيامٍ أَوْ صَدَقَةٍ
[البقرة/ 196] ، فِدْيَةٌ طَعامُ مِسْكِينٍ [البقرة/ 184] .


ى1 فَدَاهُ, (T, S, M, &c.,) aor. ـْ (Msb, K,) inf. n. فِدَآءٌ (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) [omitted in my copy of the Msb, probably by inadvertence,]) and فَدًى, (Mgh,) or فِدًى, (so in the M, accord. to the TT,) or also both of these, (Fr, T, S, Msb, K,) the latter of them said by Fr, on one occasion, to be the more common, (T, TA,) [which is the case when it is a subst., like فِدْيَةٌ,] but 'Alee Ibn-Suleymán El-Akhfash [i. e. El-Akhfash El-Asghar] is related to have said that this is not allowable except by poetic license, and El-Kálee says that الفِدَى was used by the Arabs in conjunction with الحِمَى, [see حِمَآءُ, in art. حمى,] but other forms were used in other cases [among which he seems to mention فَدَآء, with fet-h and the lengthened alif, but the words in which I find this expressed are somewhat ambiguous, and are also rendered doubtful by an erasure and an alteration]; (TA;) and ↓ افتداهُ, (M,) [whence an ex. in a verse which will be found in what follows,] or بِهِ ↓ افتدى (K, TA) and مِنْهُ, (TA,) [but I do not know افتدى in either of these phrases as having any other than the well-known meaning of فَدَى نَفْسَهُ, which is strangely omitted in the K;] and know ↓ فادِاهُ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, TA,) inf. n. مُفَادَاةٌ and فِدَآءٌ; (Msb, TA;) but some explain this differently [as will be shown in what follows]; (T, Mgh, Msb, TA;) He gave his ransom; (S;) he gave a thing, (K, TA, [اَعْطاهُ in the CK being a mistake for أَعْطَى, without the affixed pronoun,]) or a captive, for him, (TA,) and so liberated him; (K, TA;) [i. e. he ransomed him;] or he liberated him, or ransomed him, مِنَ الأَسْرِ [from captivity]: (Mgh, Msb:) or ↓ فاداهُ signifies he loosed him, or set him free, and took his ransom: (Mgh, Msb, TA:) or مُفَادَاةٌ signifies the giving a man and taking a man [in exchange]: and فِدَآءٌ, [as inf. n. of فَدَاهُ,] the purchasing him [from captivity or the like]: (Mbr, T, Mgh, Msb, TA:) or the preserving a man from misfortune by what one gives by way of compensation for him; as also فَدًى: (Er-Rághib, TA:) you say, فَدَيْتُهُ بِمَالِى I purchased [i. e. ransomed] him with my property, and بِنَفْسِى with myself: (T:) or, accord. to Nuseyr Er-Rázee, the Arabs say, الأَسِيرَ ↓ فَادَيْتُ [I ransomed the captive], and فَدَيْتُهُ بِأَبِى وَ أُمِى [I ransomed him in a tropical sense with my father and my mother], and بِمَالٍ [with property], as though thou purchasedst him and freedst him therewith, when he was not a captive; and you may say, فَدَيْتُ الأَسيرَ meaning I freed the captive from the state in which he was, though ↓ فَادَيْتُ is better in this sense: as to the reading تَفْدُوهُمْ [in the Kur ii. 79], Aboo-Mo'ádh says, it means Ye purchase them from the enemy and liberate them; but the reading ↓ تُفَادُوهُمْ, he says, means ye contend with them who are in your hands respecting the price and they so contend with you: (T, TA:) [that ↓ افتداهُ is syn. with فَدَاهُ is shown by what here follows:] a poet says, يُفْتَدَى لَفَدَيْتُهُ فَلَوْ كَانَ مَيتٌ بِمَا لَمْ تَكُنْ عَنْهُ النُّفُوسُ تَطِيبُ [And if a person dead were to be ransomed, assuredly I would ransom him with what minds would not be willing to relinquish]. (M, TA.) b2: [The inf. ns. of the first of these verbs are much used in precative phrases:] they said, فَدًى لَكَ [for فَدَاكَ فَدًى, and therefore virtually meaning فُدِيتَ Mayest thou be ransomed; the ل being لِلتَّبْيِينِ i. e. “ for the purpose of notifying ” the person addressed]: (TA:) and بِى أَ فَدًى لَكَ [ for فَدَاكَ أَبِى بِنَفْسِهِ فَدًى, and therefore virtually meaning simply فَدَاكَ أَبِى بِنَفْسِهِ May my father ransom thee with himself; so that it may be well rendered may my father be a ransom for thee]: (S:) and فِدَآء, with tenween, some of the Arabs pronounce with kesr [to the ء, i. e. they pronounce فِدَآء with the tenween of kesr], peculiarly when it is next to [meaning immediately followed by] the preposition ل, saying فِدَآءٍ لَكَ, because it is indeterminate; they intending thereby the meaning of a prayer; and As has cited [as an ex. thereof] the saying of En-Nábighah [Edh-Dhubyánee], مَهْلًا فِدَآءٍ لَكَ الأَقْوَامُ كُلُّهُمُ وَمَا أُثَمِرُ مِنْ مَالٍ وَمِنْ وَلَدِ [Act gently: may the peoples, all of them, and what I make to be abundant of wealth and of offspring, give themselves as a ransom, or be a ransom, for thee: فِدَآءٍ being app. assimilated to an indeterminate imperative verbal noun such as صَهٍ in the phrase صَهٍ يَا رَجُلُ, which is as though one said اُسْكُتْ سُكُوتًا يَا رَجُلُ; thus meaning here لِيَفْدِكَ: but De Sacy mentions, in his “ Chrest. Arabe,” see. ed., vol. ii., p. 460, three allowable readings (not the foregoing reading) in this verse, namely, فدآءٌ and فدآءً and فدآءٍ; and adds that what here follows is said by a commentator to be, of several explanations, that which is the right: والقول الآخر وهو الصحيح ان فدآءِ بمعنى ليُفدِكَ فبناه كما بنى الامر وكذلك تَراكِ و دَراكِ لانه بمعنى اترك و ادرك: this, it will be observed, is similar to the explanation which I have offered of فِدَآءٍ لك; for ليُفدِك is app. a typographical mistake for ليَفدِك: and I incline to think that فدآءِ, though supposed to be correct and therefore likened to تَراكِ and دَراكِ, is a mistake of a copyist for فدآءٍ; and the more so because I find in Ahlwardt's “ Divans of the Six Ancient Arabic Poets ” the three readings فِداءٌ and فِداءً and فِداءٍ, but not فِداءِ]. (S, TA.) b3: وَفَدَيْنَاهُ بِذِبْحٍ [in the Kur xxxvii. 107] means And we made an animal prepared for sacrifice to be a ransom for him, and freed him from slaughter. (T, TA.) b4: فَدَتْ نَفْسَهَا مِنْ زَوْجِهَا and ↓ افتدت [alone] mean She gave property to her husband so that she became free from him by divorce. (Msb, TA.) b5: See also what next follows.2 فدّاهُ, (S, * K,) or فدّاهُ بِنَفْسِهِ, (S, * TA,) [or both, for both are correct,] inf. n. تَفْدِيَةٌ; (S, K;) and بنفسه ↓ فَدَاهُ, (S, TA, *) aor. ـْ inf. n. فِدَآءٌ; (TA;) He said to him ↓ فِدَاكَ جُعِلْتُ [May I be made thy ransom, i. e. a ransom for thee]. (S, K, TA.) 3 فَاْدَىَ see 1, former half, in five places. b2: In the saying respecting bloodwits, وَإِنْ أَحَبُّوا فَادَوْا, the meaning is, [And if they like,] they free the slayer, or his next of kin who is answerable for him, and accept the bloodwit; because this is a substitute for the blood, like as the ransom is a substitute for the captive. (Mgh.) 4 افداهُ الأَسِيرَ [in the CK (erroneously) الاسيرُ] He accepted from him the ransom of the captive. (M, K.) Hence the saying of the Prophet to Kureysh, when 'Othmán Ibn-'Abd-Allah and El-Hakam Ibn-Keysán had been made captives, لَا نُفْدِيكُمُو هُمَا حتَّى يَقْدَمَ صَاحِبَانَا [We will not accept from you the ransom of them two until our two companions shall come], meaning [by the two companions] Saad Ibn-Abee-Wakkás and 'Otbeh Ibn-Ghazwán. (M.) b2: افدى فُلَانٌ Such a one danced, or dandled, his child: (K, TA:) because of his [often] saying, فَدِى لَكَ أَبِى وَ أُمِى [May my father and my mother be ransoms for thee]. (TA.) A2: افدى also signifies He made for his dried dates a store-chamber. (K.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) He became large in his body; (IAar, T, K, TA;) as though it became like the فَدَآء [q. v.]. (TA.) b3: And He sold dates. (IAar, T, K.) 6 تفادوا They ransomed one another. (S, TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) They guarded themselves, one by another; as though every one of them made his fellow to be his ransom. (Msb, TA.) b3: And تفادى مِنْهُ (tropical:) He guarded against it, or was cautious of it, and kept aloof from it. (S, K, * TA.) 8 إِفْتَدَىَ see 1, first quarter, in two places; and again, near the middle of the paragraph. b2: As intrans., افتدى signifies [He ransomed himself;] he gave a ransom for himself. (Er-Rághib, TA.) You say, افتدى مِنْهُ بِكَذَا [He ransomed himself from him with such a thing]. (S.) Hence the usage of the verb in the Kur ii. 229. (TA.) See 1, last sentence but one.

فَدًى and ↓ فِدًى and ↓ فِدَآءٌ and ↓ فِدْيَةٌ all signify the same, (S, K,) i. e. [A ransom;] a thing, (K, TA,) or a captive, (TA,) that is given for a man, who is therewith liberated: (K, TA:) [the first three are also inf. ns. (and have been mentioned as such in the first paragraph); therefore when you say فَدًى لَكَ أَبِى and فِدًى لك ابى, the words فَدًى and فِدًى may be either inf. ns. or substs.: as substs., the second and third are more common than the first:] فِدْيَةً [is also sometimes expl. as an inf. n., but accord. to general usage] signifies as above; (K, TA;) or property given as a substitute [or a ransom] for a captive: (Mgh, Msb, TA:) and property by the giving of which one preserves himself from evil in the case of a religious act in which he has fallen short of what was incumbent, like the expiation for the breaking of an oath and of a fast; and thus it is used in the Kur ii. 180 and 192: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and its pl. is فِدًى and فِدَيَاتٌ. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) فِدًى: see the next preceding paragraph. [Hence the phrase] جُعِلْتُ فِدَاكَ: see 2. It is also a pl. of its syn. فِدْيَةً. (Mgh, Msb, TA.) فِدْيَةٌ: see فَدًى.

A2: خُذْ عَلَى هِدْيَتِكَ وَ فِدْيَتِكَ, accord. to the K, but in the S, خُذْ فِى هِدْيَتِكَ وَقِدْيَتِكَ, mentioned in art. قدى, is a saying meaning [Take thou to] that [course] in which thou wast: the author of the K seems to have followed Sgh, who has mentioned it here: (TA in the present art.:) فِدْيَهٌ and قِدْيَهٌ are dial. vars. (TA in art. قدى.) فَدَآءٌ An أَنْبَار, (K, TA,) i. e. (TA) a collection, of wheat: (M, K, * TA:) or it signifies, (K,) or signifies also, (M,) a collection of food, consisting of barley and dates and the like: (M, K:) or an أَنْبَار, i. e. a collection, of food, consisting of wheat and dates and barley: (S:) and it is said to signify a place in which dates are spread and dried, in the dial. of 'Abd-El-Keys. (M.) b2: And The حَجْم [or protuberant, or prominent, part, or perhaps the bulk,] of a thing (M, K) of any kind. (M.) فِدَآئٌ: see فَدًى.

الفِدَاوِيَّةُ is the appellation of A class, or rect, of the خَوَارِج of the دُرْزِيَّة [or دُرُوز, whom we call the Druses; it is a coll. gen. n., of which the n. un. is فِدَاوِىُّ; the و being a substitute for ء: it is used to signify those who undertake perilous adventures, more particularly for the destruction of enemies of their party; as though they offered themselves as ransoms or victims; and hence it is applied to the sect called in our histories of the Crusades “ The Assassins ”]. (TA.) مَفْدِىٌّ, originally مَفْدُوىٌ. In the saying بِنَفْسِى

فُلَانٌ مُفْدِىٌّ With my soul, or myself, may such a one be ransomed, مَفْدِىٌّ is often suppressed; being meant to be understood.]
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