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114694. فثى4 114695. فثي1 114696. فُثَيْرَان1 114697. فجّ1 114698. فَجٍّ1 114699. فج4114700. فَجٌّ1 114701. فَجُّ الرَّوْحاء1 114702. فَجُّ حَيْوَةَ1 114703. فَجّ زَيْدَانَ1 114704. فَجَّ 1 114705. فجء1 114706. فَجَأَ1 114707. فجأ13 114708. فَجْأَة1 114709. فجأه1 114710. فَجَأَهُ1 114711. فَجّا1 114712. فُجَّا1 114713. فَجَا1 114714. فِجَا1 114715. فجا7 114716. فُجَاء الموت1 114717. فِجَاجيّ1 114718. فَجَاجيّ1 114719. فجاجي1 114720. فجار1 114721. فجاه1 114722. فَجَّة1 114723. فَجَجَ1 114724. فجج13 114725. فجح1 114726. فَجَرَ1 114727. فجر20 114728. فَجْر1 114729. فَجْر الإسلام1 114730. فَجْر الدين1 114731. فَجَرَ 1 114732. فجرم3 114733. فجره1 114734. فَجَرِيّ1 114735. فَجْرِيّ1 114736. فَجَرِيَّة1 114737. فَجْرِيَّة1 114738. فَجْز1 114739. فجز5 114740. فجس8 114741. فَجَسَ 1 114742. فجش5 114743. فَجَشَه1 114744. فجع12 114745. فَجْع1 114746. فَجَعَ 1 114747. فجعن1 114748. فَجَعَهُ1 114749. فجعه1 114750. فَجْفَجَ1 114751. فجفج3 114752. فَجْكَشُ1 114753. فَجِلَ1 114754. فُجْل1 114755. فَجِل1 114756. فجل12 114757. فَجَلَ 1 114758. فَجِلة1 114759. فُجْلة1 114760. فَجِليّ1 114761. فُجْلي1 114762. فجليرة1 114763. فجم5 114764. فَجَمَ 1 114765. فجن6 114766. فَجَنَ 1 114767. فجو10 114768. فَجَوَ 1 114769. فجور1 114770. فُجُوري2 114771. فجى1 114772. فُجِّي1 114773. فِجِّي1 114774. فَجِّيّ1 114775. فجي3 114776. فَجِيَ1 114777. فَجْياني1 114778. فِجِّيّة1 114779. فَجِّية1 114780. فَجِيج1 114781. فُجَيْج1 114782. فَجِيد1 114783. فح4 114784. فَحَّ 1 114785. فَحَا1 114786. فحا5 114787. فَحَّات1 114788. فَحَّاد1 114789. فحاد1 114790. فَحَّاش1 114791. فِحَالة1 114792. فحت2 114793. فَحَث2 Prev. 100


فجا باعد بَين رجلَيْهِ والقوس باعد بَين وترها وكبدها وَالْأَرْض شقها شقا بَالغا

(فج) الرجل وَالدَّابَّة (كمل) فججا وفجيجا تبَاعد مَا بَين قدميهما والقوس بعد وترها عَن كَبِدهَا فَهُوَ أفج وَهِي فجَاء (ج) فج
فج: فج، وجمعه فجوج: تل، ربوة. (فوك، ألكالا) فج: عامية فج وهي الفجاجة أي ما لم ينضج من الفواكه (محيط المحيط).
خطاب فج: خشن، كلام جارح. (بوشر) ويقال: قول فج (قلائد الذهب (ص50) طبعة باربييه دي مينار.).
كلام فج: خشن جارح (بوشر).
أخلاط فجة: أخلاط لم تهضم، سوء هضم (بوشر).
فج: تشنج في وجه وهذه عامية في وجهه. (فوك).
فجاجة: قلة النضج، يقال: فجاجة النبيذ أي حموضته، وفجاجة الفاكهة: قلة نضجها (بوشر).
فجاجة: تحمض الطعام في المعدة. (بوشر).
فجاجة: تعنى غير النضيج من الفاكهة وقد ذكرها أبو الوليد (ص238 رقم 82) مع جمعها فجاجات. ولذلك فإن شك لين لا مبرر له.
أفج. فرس أفج اليدين: فرس أصدف وهو الذي أقبلت إحدى ركبته على الأخرى حين المشي. (بوشر) ويقال للأنثى فجاء لداخل أيضا. (دوماس حياة العرب ص189).
الفَجُّ: الطَّرِيْقُ الواسِعُ في قُبُل جَبَلٍ، والجميع الفِجَاجُ. والإِفْجِيْجُ: الفَجُّ من الجَبَل، وجَمْعُه أفَاجِيْجُ. والفُجَاجُ - بالضمِّ -: الفَجُّ، وجَمْعُه أفِجَّةٌ. وافْتَجَّ البَعِيرُ: أخَذَ في الفَجِّ.
والفَجَجُ: أقْبَحُ من الفَحَج، رَجُلٌ أفَجُّ.
والنَّعَامَةُ تَفِجُّ: إِذا رَمَتْ بصَوْمِها.
والفُجَّةُ: الفُرْجَةُ، وجَمْعُها فُجَجٌ.
وفَجَّجَ بَيْنَ القَوْم: إِذا فَرقَ بينهمِ. وفَجَجْتُ القَوْسَ أفُجُّها: إِذا رَفعْتَ وتَرَها عن كَبِدِها، وقَوْسٌ فَجّاءُ ومُنْفَجَّةٌ.
وأفِجَّ عَنّا: أي تَنحَّ.
والإِفْجَاجُ والمُفَاجَّة: المُبَاعَدَةُ بين الشَّيْئَيْن. وأفَجَّ الشَّيْءُ إفْجَاجَاً: اتَّسَعَ، ومنه: مُفجُّ الحَوامي.
وفاجَّ عن ذلك الأمْرِ: أي رَجَعَ عنه.
وفَجَّ الأرْضَ بالفَدّانِ: أي شَقَّها شَقَاً مُنْكَراً.
ويُقال للبِطِّيْخ الذي لم يَنْضَجْ: فَجَاجَةٌ.
ويُقال للرَّجُل الصَّيّاح: إنَّه لَفَجْفَاجٌ بَجْبَاجٌ. وكذلك المَأْفُوْنُ. والفُجَافِجُ: الكَثيرُ الكلام.


1 فَجَّ, (TA,) [see. Pers\. فَجِجْتَ, aor. ـَ inf. n. فَجَجٌ, (S, * O, * K, * TA,) He had the feet wide apart: or, said of a man, he had the knees wide apart: and, said of a beast, or quadruped, he had the hocks wide apart: (TA:) ↓ فَجَجٌ is more ugly than what is termed فَحَجٌ. (S, O, K.) b2: See also 7. b3: فَجَّ رِجْلَيْهِ, (TA,) and فَجَّ مَا بَيْنَ رِجْلَيْهِ, (S, O, K, TA,) aor. ـُ inf. n. فَجٌّ, (S, O, TA,) He opened [or parted] his legs (S, O, K, TA) widely; [i. e. he straddled;] (TA;) and so ↓ افجّ, (K,) or افجّ رِجْلَيْهِ, he parted his legs widely, said of a man and of a beast; (O;) so too ↓ فاجّ [alone], and فَجَا; (TA;) and one says also ↓ تفاجّ [meaning the same], of one walking, (S, K, TA,) and meaning he did thus to make water, (Mgh, TA,) as also ↓ فاجّ, inf. n. فِجَاجٌ and مُفَاجَّةٌ, both of these verbs said of a man; but ↓ تفاجّ signifies he parted his legs very widely; (TA;) and ↓ تفاجّت is said of a she-camel, (A, O,) لِلْحَلْبِ [to be milked]; (A;) and of a sheep or goat (شَاة). (O.) وَلَا يَبُولُ ↓ مَا شَىْءٌ يُفَاجُّ [What is a thing that straddles and will not make water?] is an enigma: it is a thing like a couch, having four legs. (A, TA.) الفَجُّ in the language of the Arabs is The making an opening, or interval, between two things. (TA.) b4: And فَجَجْتُ القَوْسَ, (S, O, K,) aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. فَجٌّ, (TA,) I raised the string of the bow [so as to make it distant] from its كَبِد[q. v.]; (S, O, K;) like فَجَوْتُهَا. (S, O.) b5: فَجَّ الأَرْضَ, (so in the O,) or الارضَ ↓ افجّ, (so in the K,) He clave the ground, or earth, with the plough, in a manner not approved. (O, K.) A2: فَجَّ said of a horse &c., He purposed, or desired, to run. (TA.) A3: See also فَجَاجَةٌ.2 تَفْجِيجٌ The making [a thing] to be crude [or not thoroughly cooked]. (KL.) [See فِجٌّ.]3 فَاْجَّ see 1, in three places.4 افجّ: see 1, former half. b2: Also, (L,) or أَفَجَّتْ, (S, O, L, K,) He, or she, (i. e. an ostrich) muted.

A2: And, the former, He travelled a road such as is termed فَجّ; (O, L, K;) said of a man; (O;) as also ↓ افتجّ. (L.) b2: And He, (a man, S, O,) or it, (a thing, Msb,) hastened, went quickly, or was quick; (S, O, Msb, K;) mentioned by IAar. (S.) A3: See also 1, near the end.6 تَفَاْجَّ see 1, in three places.7 انفجّت القَوْسُ, (A,) inf. n. اِنْفِجَاجٌ, (O,) The bow had its string distant from its كَبِد [q. v.]; (A, O;) [and so, app., ↓ فَجَّت, for] ↓ فَجَجٌ, in a bow, signifies the state of having the string distant from the كَبِد thereof. (S, O.) 8 إِفْتَجَ3َ see 4.

فَجٌّ A wide road between two mountains; (S, A, O, K;) and ↓ فُجَاجٌ signifies the same: (O, K:) or, in a mountain: (AHeyth, TA:) or, in the anterior part of a mountain, wider than a شِعْب [q. v.]: (TA:) or a depressed road: (Th, TA:) or a conspicuous and wide road: (Msb:) or a far-extending beaten track or road: (AHeyth, TA: [see an ex. in a verse cited voce عِمْقٌ:]) or, accord. to ISh, [a track] as though it were a road; and sometimes it is a road between two mountains, (L, TA,) or having on either side what is termed a فَأْو [a word variously explained], (so in the L,) or between two walls (حَائِطَيْنِ), (so in the TA,) and extending to the distance of two days' journey, or three, if a road or not a road; and if a road, abounding with herbage: (L, TA:) pl. [of mult.] فِجَاجٌ (Th, S, O, Msb) and [of pauc.]

أَفِجَّةٌ, which is extr. [with respect to analogy], (Th, TA,) and أَفُجٌّ. (Msb.) A2: See also the next paragraph, in two places.

فِجٌّ, with kesr, The Syrian بِطِّيخ [i. e. melon or water-melon], (S, A, O, K,) which the Persians call the Indian. (S, A, O.) b2: And فِجٌّ, (so in the S and A and K,) or ↓ فَجٌّ, (thus in the O, and by implication in the Msb, [and thus pronounced in the present day,]) signifies Unripe; (S, A, O, Msb, K;) applied to fruit (A, Msb, K) of any kind, (A,) &c; (Msb;) to anything of melons (بِطِّيخ) and of other fruits; (S, O;) and so ↓ فَجَاجَةٌ; (O, K;) but ↓ فَجٌّ and ↓ فَجَاجَةٌ are not mentioned by Ed-Deenawaree [i. e. AHn; and the latter (which see below) I think doubtful in the sense expl. above]. (O.) فُجَّةٌ An opening, or intervening space, (O, K, TA,) between two mountains. (TA.) فَجَجٌ an inf. n.: (TA:) see 1, first sentence: b2: and see also 7.

فُجُجٌ [a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned] i. q. ثُقَلَآءُ [Such as are heavy, slow, sluggish, &c.], (IAar, O, K,) of men. (IAar, O.) فُجَاجٌ: see فَجٌّ.

فِجَاجٌ A male ostrich which [they assert, like as they say of the domestic cock, (see عُقْرٌ,]) lays one egg. (TA.) فَجَاجَةٌ [app. an inf. n., of which the verb is ↓ فَجَّ, sec. Pers\. فَجُجْتَ,] The state of being unripe, or not sufficiently cooked. (TA.) b2: See also فِجٌّ, in two places.

فَجَّانٌ The stem (عُود) of the raceme of a palmtree: mentioned by ISd; and held by him to be of the measure فَعْلَانٌ because this is more common than the measure فَعَّالٌ. (TA.) فَجْفَجٌ and فُجْفُجٌ: see فَجْفَاجٌ.

فَجْفَجَةٌ Loquacity, or much talking: or frivolous babbling: or much talking, and boasting of abundance which one does not possess: or clamouring: or great and disorderly talking. (TA.) فَجْفَاجٌ, applied to a man, Loquacious; a great talker: (S:) or a frivolous babbler: (TA:) or, as also ↓ فَجْفَجٌ (O, K) and ↓ فُجْفُجٌ (K) and ↓ فُجَافِجٌ, (O, but there written فَجَافِجٌ,) a great talker, who boasts of abundance which he does not possess: (O, K:) or clamourous: or a great and disorderly talker: fem. with ة. (TA.) The poet Aboo-'Árim El-Kilábee applies the first of these epithets to palm-trees (نَخِيل) [as meaning (assumed tropical:) Promising much fruit, but not fulfilling the promise]. (L, TA.) فُجَافِجٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

أَفَجُّ A man having his legs wide apart; who straddles; (S, * O, * L, K, * TA;) as also ↓ مُفِجُّ السَّاقَيْنِ; (L, TA;) [and ↓ مُفَاجٌّ, for] one says يَمْشِى مُفَاجًّا he walks with his legs wide apart, or straddling: (S, A, K:) or أَفَجُّ signifies having his thighs wide apart. (IAar, TA.) b2: And قَوْسٌ فَجَّآءُ A bow of which the curved ends are elevated so that its string is distant from the part where it is grasped by the hand: (L:) or of which the string is distant from its كَبِد [q. v.]; (S, O, K;) as also ↓ مُنْفَجَّةٌ: (A, O, K:) and so قَوْسٌ فَجْوَآءُ. (S, O.) إِفْجِيجٌ A valley: (O, K:) or a wide valley: (K:) or a narrow and deep valley, (IDrd, O, K,) in the dial. of the people of El-Yemen, but others apply this appellation to any valley. (O.) مُفِجُّ السَّاقَيْنِ: see أَفَجُّ. b2: حَافِرٌ مُفِجٌّ A solid hoof that is round like a cupola, syn. مُقَبَّبٌ, (S, O, K, TA,) [and] hard: (TA:) such is approved. (S, O.) مُفَاجٌّ: see أَفَجُّ.

قَوْسٌ مُنْفَجَّةٌ: see أَفَجُّ. b2: أَرْضٌ مُنْفَجَّةٌ Ground, or earth, that is cleft [app. with the plough, in a manner not approved: see 1, near the end]. (TA.)
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