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114669. فُتَيْلي1 114670. فُتَيْنَة1 114671. فَتِينَة1 114672. فُتَيْنِيّ1 114673. فَتِينِيّ1 114674. فث4114675. فَثَّ 1 114676. فثء1 114677. فَثَأَ2 114678. فثأَ1 114679. فثأ10 114680. فَثَأَ 1 114681. فثئ1 114682. فثث7 114683. فثج9 114684. فَثَجَ 1 114685. فثح1 114686. فثد3 114687. فَثَرَ1 114688. فثر9 114689. فَثَرَ 1 114690. فثغ5 114691. فَثَغَ1 114692. فثفد1 114693. فثل2 114694. فثى4 114695. فثي1 114696. فُثَيْرَان1 114697. فجّ1 114698. فَجٍّ1 114699. فج4 114700. فَجٌّ1 114701. فَجُّ الرَّوْحاء1 114702. فَجُّ حَيْوَةَ1 114703. فَجّ زَيْدَانَ1 114704. فَجَّ 1 114705. فجء1 114706. فَجَأَ1 114707. فجأ13 114708. فَجْأَة1 114709. فجأه1 114710. فَجَأَهُ1 114711. فَجّا1 114712. فُجَّا1 114713. فَجَا1 114714. فِجَا1 114715. فجا7 114716. فُجَاء الموت1 114717. فِجَاجيّ1 114718. فَجَاجيّ1 114719. فجاجي1 114720. فجار1 114721. فجاه1 114722. فَجَّة1 114723. فَجَجَ1 114724. فجج13 114725. فجح1 114726. فَجَرَ1 114727. فجر20 114728. فَجْر1 114729. فَجْر الإسلام1 114730. فَجْر الدين1 114731. فَجَرَ 1 114732. فجرم3 114733. فجره1 114734. فَجَرِيّ1 114735. فَجْرِيّ1 114736. فَجَرِيَّة1 114737. فَجْرِيَّة1 114738. فَجْز1 114739. فجز5 114740. فجس8 114741. فَجَسَ 1 114742. فجش5 114743. فَجَشَه1 114744. فجع12 114745. فَجْع1 114746. فَجَعَ 1 114747. فجعن1 114748. فَجَعَهُ1 114749. فجعه1 114750. فَجْفَجَ1 114751. فجفج3 114752. فَجْكَشُ1 114753. فَجِلَ1 114754. فُجْل1 114755. فَجِل1 114756. فجل12 114757. فَجَلَ 1 114758. فَجِلة1 114759. فُجْلة1 114760. فَجِليّ1 114761. فُجْلي1 114762. فجليرة1 114763. فجم5 114764. فَجَمَ 1 114765. فجن6 114766. فَجَنَ 1 114767. فجو10 114768. فَجَوَ 1 Prev. 100


الْحَار بالبارد فثا كَسره وسكنه ووعاء التَّمْر نثر تمره
باب الثاء والفاء ف ث يستعمل فقط

فث: الفثُّ: نبت يؤكل في الجذب.
فث: الفَثُّ: نَبْتٌ له ثَمَرٌ صِغَارٌ، والواحِدَةُ فَثَّةٌ، ويُخْبَزُ منها، ورَجُلٌ فَثّاثٌ: يَجْني الفَثَّ. وهي أيضاً: شُجَيْرَةٌ على الأرْضِ ليستْ بضَخْمَةٍ، وقيل: حَبٌّ مِثْلُ الجاوَرْسِ.
وفَثَّني فلانٌ عن كذا فَثّاً؛ فانْفَثَثْتُ: أي انْكَسَرْتُ.
وفَثَثْتُه عن الأمْرِ: كَشَفْته.
وفَثَّ جُلَّتَه: إذا نَثَرَها.
ووُجِدَ لبَني فلانٍ مَفَثَّةٌ: أي كَثْرَةٌ.
وتَمْرٌ فَثٌّ: أي مُنْتَثِرٌ.


1 فَثَّ جُلَّتَهُ, (T, O, K,) [aor. ـُ inf. n. فَثٌّ, (T,) He scattered the dates of his جُلَّة [or receptacle made of palm-leaves]. (T, O, * K.) b2: and فَثَّ المَآءَ الحَارَّ بِالبَارِدِ, aor. ـُ (M, TA,) inf. n. فَثٌّ, (TA,) He abated, or allayed, the heat of the hot water by means of the cold: from Yaakoob. (M, TA.) [See also فَثَأَ.]7 انفثّ, inf. n. اِنْفِثَاثٌ, i. q. اِنْكَسَرَ [accord. to the TK used in its proper sense as signifying It broke, or became broken: but for this I find no authority]. (T, O, K.) So in the saying, انفثّ الرَّجُلُ مِنْ هَمٍّ أَصَابَهُ [The man became broken in spirit, or languid, from anxiety, or solicitude, that befell him]. (T, O.) 8 مَا افْتُثَّ بَنُو فُلَانٍ قَطُّ means The sons of such a one have not been overcome, or subdued, hitherto, or ever. (AA, O, K. *) فَثٌّ A certain plant, the grain of which is made into bread, (S, M, O, K,) and eaten, (S, M, O,) in the time of drought, or dearth: (S, M, O, K:) in some of the copies of the K, يُخْتَبَأُ is put for يُخْتَبَزُ: (M, F:) the bread made of it is coarse, or thick, resembling the bread that is baked in hot ashes [which is generally made in the form of thick round cakes]: (S, O:) a grain resembling [the species of millet called] جَاوَرْس, which is made into bread, and eaten: (IAar, T:) it is a wild grain, which the Arabs of the desert take, in the times of hunger, and pound, or bruise, and make into bread; and it is a bad kind of food, but sometimes, or often, they are content with it for days: (T:) or, as some say, it is [a plant] of the species called نَجِيل, growing in salt lands, of the [plants termed] حُمُوض [pl. of حَمْض], of which bread is made: [a coll. gen. n.:] n. un. فَثَّةٌ: (Th, M:) Aboo-Ziyád El-Kilábee says, the فَثّ, like the دُعَاع, is a herb (بَقْلَة) in which comes forth grain, and each of them spreads [upon the ground], not growing up high; and when they become dry, the people collect what is dry thereof, then pound, or bruise, it, and winnow it, and take forth from it a sort of black grain, with which they fill sacks, and lade the camels: it is a black sort of grain like the شَهْنِيز [q. v.], and they make bread of it, and make عَصِيدَة (يَعْتَصِدُونَ): (O:) in the Bári' it is said to be a species of tree or plant (شَجَرٌ) growing in the plain, or soft, lands, and on the [eminences called] آكَام, having a sort of grain like the حِمَّص [or chick-peas], of which are made bread and سَوِيق. (Msb.) b2: And accord. to IF, الفَثُّ signifies The هَبِيد, (O, Msb,) meaning the pulp of the colocynth, شَحْمُ الحَنْظَلِ, (O,) or the colocynth-plant, شَجَرُ الحَنْظَلِ. (Msb: and this is one of the meanings assigned to الفَثُّ in the K. [In the TK, شَحْمُ الحَنْظَلِ is said to be the correct explanation: but from what will be seen voce هَبِيدٌ, I think it most probable that the right meaning is The seeds of the colocynth.]) b3: IF also says that it signifies The فَسِيل [i. e. shoot, or shoots, of the palm-tree,] which is, or are, plucked forth [entire,] from the base thereof. (O.) A2: تَمْرٌ فَثٌّ Dates that are scattered; (Lth, Kr, M, K;) not in a provision-bag or other receptacle; like بَثٌّ: (Kr, M:) or dates that are separate, each one from others; not sticking together; (T, O;) and so فَذٌّ and بَذٌّ and فَضٌّ. (T.) مَفَثَّةٌ Multitude: (T, O, K:) so in the saying, وُجِدَ لِبَنِى فُلَانٍ مَفَثَّةٌ [Multitude was found to be attributable to the sons of such a one] when they were numbered: (T, O:) and مَقَثَّةٌ signifies the same. (K and TA in art. قث.) b2: And [i. q.

نُزُلٌ:] one says, مَا رَأَيْنَا جُلَّةً أَكْثَرَ مَفَثَّةً مِنْهَا, meaning نُزُلًا [i. e. We have not seen a receptacle made of palm-leaves, for dates, having more food prepared for the guest than it]: (T, O:) and كَثِيرُ مَفَثَّةٍ means كَثِيرُ نُزُلٍ [i. e. Abundant in respect of food prepared for the guest]. (So in some copies of the K: in other copies نَزَلٍ. [The TA gives the latter reading; and so, therefore, does the TK, which explains it as meaning “ increase,” and adds that one says طعام كثير مفثة, an ex. app. without any authority; for what I have cited from the T and O shows, I think, that the former reading, and not the latter, is unquestionably right.])
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