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113145. غضنت2 113146. غَضَنْفَر1 113147. غضنفر2 113148. غَضَنْفَرِيّ1 113149. غَضَنَهُ1 113150. غضو3113151. غضو وغضى1 113152. غضور1 113153. غَضْوَرُ1 113154. غَضَوَّرُ1 113155. غَضُون1 113156. غُضُون1 113157. غَضَوِيّ1 113158. غضى2 113159. غُضَيّ1 113160. غضي6 113161. غَضْيانُ1 113162. غُضَيْب1 113163. غَضِيب1 113164. غُضَيْبَان1 113165. غُضَيْبَة1 113166. غَضِيبَة1 113167. غَضِيبي1 113168. غُضَيْبي1 113169. غُضَيبي1 113170. غَضِّيَة1 113171. غُضَيَّة1 113172. غَضْيَة1 113173. غضيت1 113174. غَضِيَّت1 113175. غَضِيَتْ1 113176. غُضَيْر1 113177. غُضَيْفٌ1 113178. غطّ1 113179. غط5 113180. غَطَّ 1 113181. غطا5 113182. غَطَا3 113183. غَطَّار1 113184. غِطَاس1 113185. غَطَّاس1 113186. غِطَانيّ1 113187. غَطَّانيّ1 113188. غطاه1 113189. غَطَّايني1 113190. غطب1 113191. غطر5 113192. غطرب2 113193. غِطْرِس1 113194. غَطْرَسَ1 113195. غطرس10 113196. غَطْرَشَ1 113197. غطرش5 113198. غطرف15 113199. غَطْرَفَ1 113200. غَطَسَ1 113201. غَطْس1 113202. غطس13 113203. غَطَسَ 1 113204. غطسه1 113205. غَطَشَ1 113206. غطش16 113207. غَطَشَ 1 113208. غطط12 113209. غَطَطُ1 113210. غَطَطَ1 113211. غطغط1 113212. غطغطت1 113213. غطف13 113214. غَطَفَ1 113215. غَطَفَ 1 113216. غَطْفَر1 113217. غطل9 113218. غَطَلَ 1 113219. غَطَلَتِ1 113220. غطلس1 113221. غطم9 113222. غَطَمَ 1 113223. غطمش7 113224. غَطمّشُ 1 113225. غطمط6 113226. غَطَّهُ1 113227. غطو5 113228. غطو وغطى1 113229. غَطَوَ 1 113230. غَطَّوْا في النوم1 113231. غَطُوس1 113232. غَطُوسِي1 113233. غَطَى1 113234. غطى3 113235. غَطَّى الأنباءَ1 113236. غَطَّى النفقات1 113237. غطي6 113238. غِطِيش1 113239. غُطَيِش1 113240. غُطَيفٌ1 113241. غطيل1 113242. غظ1 113243. غظرب1 113244. غظغظ1 Prev. 100




غَضَا(n. ac. غَضْو)
a. Was dark, gloomy, murky.
b.(n. ac. غُضُوّ
[غُضُوّ]), Was entire, whole, sound, in good condition.

a. ['Ala], Shut his eyes to, winked at; overlooked.
b. [acc. & 'An], Turned ( his eyes ) away
c. [La], Disliked.
d. see I (a)
a. ['An], Looked away from; ignored, pretended not to see;
disregarded, neglected.
غَضًاa. A species of tamarisk (tree).

غَاضٍ [ ]غَاضِيَة [] ( pl.

غَوَاضٍ [] )
a. Dark, gloomy, murky (night).
b. Copious.
c. Bright.

غُضُوّa. Intense darkness.
b. Muchness, copiousness.

مُغْضٍ [ N. Ag.
a. IV]
see 21 (a)
الْغَيْن وَالضَّاد وَالْوَاو

غضوت على الشَّيْء، واغضيت: سكت. وَقَول الطرماح:

غضى عَن الْفَحْشَاء يقصر طرفه ... وَإِن هُوَ لَاقَى غَارة لم يهلل

يجوز أَن يكون من غضى، وَأَن يكون من اغضى كَقَوْلِهِم: عَذَاب اليم، وَضرب وجيع، وَالْأول اجود. وغضا الرجل، واغضى: اطبق جفنيه على حدقته.

واغضى عينا على قذى: صَبر على أَذَى.

واغضى عَنهُ طرفه: سَده أَو صده، انشد: ثَعْلَب:

دفعت إِلَيْهِ رسل كوماء جلدَة ... واغضيت عَنهُ الطّرف حَتَّى تضلعا

وغضا اللَّيْل غضوا، واغضى: البس كل شَيْء.

وَلَيْلَة غاضية: شَدِيدَة الظلمَة.

ونار غاضية: عَظِيمَة مضيئة.

وَرجل غاض: طاعم كاس مكفي.

وَقد عضا يغضو.
غضو and غضى 1 غَضَا, aor. ـْ and غَضَى, aor. ـْ see 4; the former, in three places.

A2: غَضَا, (K, TA, aor. ـْ thus in the M, (TA,) inf. n. غُضُوٌّ. (K, * TK,) He, i. e. a man, [and app. it. i. e. a thing,] was, or became, such as is termed غَاضٍ

[q. v.]. (K, TA. [In the TK it is mentioned only as said of a thing but the context in the K indicates that it is said of a man, and app. of a thing also.])

A3: [See also غُضُوٌّ below]

A4: غَضِيَتِ

الإِبِلُ, inf. n. غَضًا, The camels had a complaint (M, K, TA) of their bellies (K, TA) from eating of the trees called غَضًا. (M, K, TA.)

b2: and غَضِيَتِ الأَرْضُ The land abounded with the trees called غَضًا. (IKtt, TA.)

4 اغضى, (K,) inf. n. إِغْضَآءٌ, (S,) He contracted his eyelids; drew them near together; (S, K;)

like غَضَّ; (TA in art. غض;) [and] so اغضى عَيْنَهُ; said of a man: (Msb:) or he closed his eyelids upon his iris; so in the M; as also ↓ غَضَا, a dial. var. of اغضى, likewise mentioned by ISd; and ↓ غَضَى, aor. ـْ is also a dial. var. thereof: (TA:) or he made one of his eyelids to cleave to the other, that he might not see a thing, by reason of shame: (Har p. 19:) or he put one of his eyelids upon the other from dislike of a thing. (Id.

p. 492.) [See also 6.]

b2: Hence it is used in relation to forbearance: so that one says, أَغْضَى

عَلَى القَذَى He held, or refrained, notwithstanding annoyance, spontaneously, without being asked, or without constraint: (Msb, TA:) or اغضى عَلَى

قَذًى he bore annoyance patiently. (M, TA.) and اغضى عَنْهُ He feigned himself neglectful of it; [he closed his eyes from it;] he connived at it; as also اغمض عنه. (TA in art. غمض.) And [sometimes] الإِغْضَآءُ means The abstaining from proceeding to extremities. (Mgh in art. جوز.)

b3: Hence also, اغضى عَلَى الشَّىْءِ He was silent respecting the thing; and so ↓ غَضَا, aor. ـْ (K, TA.)

b4: And اغضى عَنْهُ طَرْفَهُ means He closed, or turned away, from him, or it, his eye, or eyes; syn. سَدَّهُ [in the CK شَدَّهُ], or صَدَّهُ: (K, TA:) so in the M. (TA.)

A2: اغضى اللَّيْلُ The night was, or became, dark; (S, Msb, K;) and covered everything (K, TA) with its darkness; from ISd; (TA;) as also ↓ غَضَا, aor. ـْ (K, TA. [See also غُضُوٌّ.])

6 تغاضى He contracted, or put together, his eyelids, that he might not see an evil, or unseemly, thing. (Har p. 473. [See also 4.])

b2: and [hence,] تغاضى عَنْهُ i. q. تَغَافَلَ [i. e. He was, or he feigned himself, unmindful, &c., of him, or it]: (K, TA:) like تَغَابَى عنه: mentioned by Az. (TA. [See, again, 4.])

غَضًا, said by Th to be written [thus] with ا but ISd says, I know not why this is; (TA;)

[the latter, it seems, holding its last letter to be originally ى, not و;] A species of trees, (S, Msb, K,) well known, (K,) the wood of which is of the hardest of wood, and therefore there is hardness in its charcoal; (Msb;) it is of the plants of the sands, and has [sprigs, or foliage, of the kind termed] هَدَب [q. v.], like that called أَرْطًى; (TA;) and its fire is of long continuance: (Har p. 60:) [see also رِمْثٌ: Mr. Palgrave (in his Travels, i. 38,) describes it as a shrub believed by him to be peculiar to the Arabian Peninsula, “ of the genus Euphorbia, with a woody stem, often five or six feet in height, and innumerable round green twigs, very slender and flexible, forming a large feathery tuft, not ungraceful to the eye, while it affords some kind of shelter to the traveller, and food to his camels: ”] the sing. [or rather n. un.] is غَضَاةٌ: (K:) and AHn says that sometimes غَضَاتٌ is a pl. [of the n. un.]. (TA.)

b2: Hence, ذِئْبُ غَضًا [A wolf of trees, or shrubs, called غَضًا]; (S, K;) or, as in the handwriting of Aboo-Zekereeyà ذِئْبُ الغَضَا; and such is the most abominable, or malignant, or noxious, of wolves; for he comes not into close proximity to men save when he desires to attack: or this means the wolf of the covert of trees: for

b3: غَضًا signifies also A covert of trees: (TA:) and a غَيْضَة [i. e. thicket; or collection of tangled, or confused, or dense, trees; &c.]. (K, TA.)

b4: أَهْلُ الغَضَا is an appellation of the people of Nejd, (K, TA,) because of the abundance of [the trees called] غضا there. (TA.)

بَعِيرٌ غَضٍ A camel having a complaint of his belly from eating of the trees called غَضًا: and إِبِلٌ غَضِيَةٌ and غَضَايَا [camels having such a complaint]; (S, K;) like رَمِثَةٌ and رَمَاثَى. (S.)

غَضْيَا: see غَضْيَآءُ.

b2: Also, (K, TA,) determinate, and imperfectly decl., like [its syn.] هُنَيْدَةُ, (TA,) A hundred camels: (IAar, K, TA:) held

by ISk to be so called as being likened to a place producing [an abundance of] غَضًا [i. e. the trees thus called]: AA has mentioned it with the article ال, saying that الغَضْيَا signifies a hundred. (TA.)

غَضْيَآءُ A land (أَرْضٌ) abounding with the trees called غَضًا. (S, K.)

b2: And, as also ↓ غَضْيَا, A place in which is a collection of the trees called غَضًا; (K, TA;) a place where they grow. (TA.)

b3: And the former, Rugged land or ground. (TA.)

غُضُوٌّ Intense darkness of the night. (IKtt, TA.

[Perhaps in this sense an inf. n. of which the verb is غَضَا: see 4, last sentence.])

b2: And The eating of the trees called غَضًا. (IKtt, TA. [App. in this sense an inf. n. of which the verb is غَضَا.])

A2: And A state of muchness, abundance, copiousness, fulness, or completeness, or a thing. (K. [See also 1, second sentence.])

رَجُلٌ غَضِىٌّ عَنِ الخَنَا or عَنِ الفَحْشَآءِ [A man who refrains from taking notice of that which is foul, abominable, unseemly, or obscene,] may be from غَضَا; or it may be from أَغْضَى, similar to أَلِيمٌ and وَجِيعٌ; but the former derivation is the better. (TA.)

غَضَوِىٌّ a rel. n. from الغَضَا [the trees thus called], and applied to a camel [app. as meaning That is fond of, or wont to feed upon, the trees called غَضًا]. (S.)

غَضْيَانَةٌ A herd of camels of generous race: (K, TA:) mentioned by Az, from AA. (TA.)

غَاضٍ Dark; applied to night (لَيْل); as also ↓ مُغْضٍ, but this latter is rare: (S, Msb:) and so غَاضِيَةٌ, (S, K,) applied to a night (لَيْلَة): (S:) or, thus applied, accord. to Az, intensely dark. (TA.)

b2: And غَاضِيَةٌ signifies also Bright, or shining brightly; (S, K;) applied to a night, (thus in one of my copies of the S,) or to fire (نَار): (so in other copies of the S and in the TA:) thus

having two contr. meanings. (S, K.)

b3: and Great; applied to a fire (نار): a signification said by Az to be taken from the fire of the tree called غَضًا, which is of the best of firewood. (TA.)

A2: بَعِيرٌ غَاضٍ A camel that eats the trees called غَضًا: and إِبِلٌ غَاضِيَةٌ and غَوَاضٍ [camels that eat those trees]. (S, K.)

A3: شَىْءٌ غَاضٍ A thing that is much in quantity, abundant, copious, full, or complete. (K.)

b2: And رَجُلٌ غَاضٍ A man having food and clothing; or having a good state, or condition, in respect of food, and having clothing; sufficed, or satisfied. (K.)

مُغْضٍ: see the next preceding paragraph.
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