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113083. غُصْون1 113084. غصي1 113085. غُصَيُبِيّة1 113086. غَضَّ1 113087. غضّ1 113088. غض5113089. غَضَّ 1 113090. غُضّا1 113091. غضا3 113092. غُضَا شَجَر1 113093. غَضَا 1 113094. غُضَاب1 113095. غَضَّاب1 113096. غُضار1 113097. غضار1 113098. غَضَّاي1 113099. غضب18 113100. غَضِب1 113101. غَضَب1 113102. غَضْب1 113103. غَضِبَ1 113104. غَضِبَ من1 113105. غَضَبَ 1 113106. غَضْبَان2 113107. غَضْبَانًا1 113108. غَضْبانة1 113109. غَضْبَانُون1 113110. غَضْبَانِيّ1 113111. غضبر1 113112. غضت2 113113. غضث1 113114. غضد1 113115. غَضَرَ1 113116. غضر14 113117. غَضَرَ 1 113118. غضرب1 113119. غَضْرَبٌ1 113120. غَضْرَبٌ 1 113121. غضرس3 113122. غضرف7 113123. غَضْرَفَ1 113124. غضرم4 113125. غضروف1 113126. غضز1 113127. غضس2 113128. غضض13 113129. غَضَضَ1 113130. غضط1 113131. غضغض2 113132. غَضْغَضَ1 113133. غضف14 113134. غَضَفَ2 113135. غَضَفَ 1 113136. غَضَفَة1 113137. غضفر9 113138. غضفه1 113139. غضل5 113140. غَضَلَ 1 113141. غضم1 113142. غَضَنَ1 113143. غضن13 113144. غَضَنَ 1 113145. غضنت2 113146. غَضَنْفَر1 113147. غضنفر2 113148. غَضَنْفَرِيّ1 113149. غَضَنَهُ1 113150. غضو3 113151. غضو وغضى1 113152. غضور1 113153. غَضْوَرُ1 113154. غَضَوَّرُ1 113155. غَضُون1 113156. غُضُون1 113157. غَضَوِيّ1 113158. غضى2 113159. غُضَيّ1 113160. غضي6 113161. غَضْيانُ1 113162. غُضَيْب1 113163. غَضِيب1 113164. غُضَيْبَان1 113165. غُضَيْبَة1 113166. غَضِيبَة1 113167. غَضِيبي1 113168. غُضَيْبي1 113169. غُضَيبي1 113170. غَضِّيَة1 113171. غُضَيَّة1 113172. غَضْيَة1 113173. غضيت1 113174. غَضِيَّت1 113175. غَضِيَتْ1 113176. غُضَيْر1 113177. غُضَيْفٌ1 113178. غطّ1 113179. غط5 113180. غَطَّ 1 113181. غطا5 113182. غَطَا3 Prev. 100


الغَضُّ الغَضِيْضُ: الطَّري، بَيِّنُ الغَضَاضَةِ والغُضُوضَةِ. وامْرَأةٌ غاضَّةٌ: طَرِيَّةٌ غَضَّةٌ.
والغَضَاضَةُ: فُتُورٌ في الطَّرْفِ، غَضَّ وأغْضى: إذا دانى بَيْنَ جَفْنَيْه ولم يُلاقِ.
والغَضُّ: وَزْعُ العَذْل.
والغَضْغَضَةُ: الغَيْضُ.
وما غَضَضْتُكَ شَيْئاً: أي ما نَقَصْتُك، وأنا أغُضُّه، والاسْمُ الغُضَّة.
ورَجُلٌ غَضِيْضٌ من قَوْمٍ أغِضَّةٍ وأغِضّاء: وهم الأذِلَّةُ.
وغَضَضْتُ الغُصْنَ: إذا كَسَرْتَه، فلم تُنْعِمْ كَسْرَه.
وغَضَضْتُ عنه: كَفَفْت عنه.
والغَضِيْضُ: الطَّلْعُ.
الغَضُّ: النّقصان من الطّرف، والصّوت، وما في الإناء. يقال: غَضَّ وأَغَضَّ. قال تعالى:
قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصارِهِمْ
[النور/ 30] ، وَقُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِناتِ يَغْضُضْنَ
[النور/ 31] ، وَاغْضُضْ مِنْ صَوْتِكَ
[لقمان/ 19] ، وقول الشاعر:
فَغُضَّ الطّرفَ إنّك من نمير
فعلى سبيل التّهكّم، وغَضَضْتُ السّقاء:
نقصت ممّا فيه، والْغَضُّ: الطّريّ الذي لم يطل مكثه.
باب الغين والضاد غ ض، ض غ مستعملان

غض: الغَضُّ والغَضيضُ: الطري. والغَضُّ والغَضاضة: الفتور في الطرف، وغَضّ غَضّاً، وأَغْضَى إِغضاءً أي: دانى بين جفنيه ولم يلاق. والغَضُّ: وزع الملامة ، قال:

غُضَّ الملامة إني عنك مشغول

وقال جرير:

فَغُضَّ الطرف إنك من نمير ... فلا كعبا بلغت ولا كلابا

والغَضْغَضَةُ: الغيض، قال جرير:

وجاشَ بتيار يدافع مزبدا ... أواذي من بحر له لا يغضغض

وهذا مثل يقول: جاش بشعر كأنه تيار يدافع موجا آخر وهو الماء.

ضغ: الضَّغْضَغَةُ: لوك الدرداء. وتقول: أقمت عنده في ضَغيغِ دهره أي قدر تمامه.
الْغَيْن وَالضَّاد

الغَضُّ، والغَضِيض: الطري.

وَالْأُنْثَى: غَضّة، وغَضِيضة.

وَقَالَ اللَّحياني: الغَضّة من النِّسَاء: الرقيقة الجِلد الظَّاهِرَة الدَّم.

وَقد غَضَّت تَغَضّ، وتَغِضُّ، غَضاضة، وغُضوضة.

ونَبْتٌ غَضُّ: ناعم.

وَقَوله: فصَبَّحَتْ والظِّلُّ غَضٌّ مَا زَحَلْ أَي: انه لم تُكدِّره الشَّمْس، فَهُوَ غَضُّ، كَمَا أَن النَّبت إِذا لم تُدركه الشَّمْس كَانَ كَذَلِك.

والغَض: الحِبْنُ من حِين يَعْقد إِلَى أَن يسود ويَبيض.

وَقيل: هُوَ بعد أَن يَحْدُر إِلَى أَن ينضج.

والغضيض: الطَّلْع حِين يَبْدُو.

والغَضُّ، من أَوْلَاد الْبَقر، الحديثُ النِّتَاج.

وَالْجمع: الغِضاض، قَالَ أَبُو حَيّة النُّميري:

حَبأ نَ بهَا الغُنَّ الغضَاض فأصبحتْ لهنّ مَراداً والسِّخالُ مَخابئا

وغض بصرَه، يغُضُّه غَضًّا، وغِضاضا، وغَضاضة، فَهُوَ مَغضوض وغَضيض: كَفَّه وكَسره وخَفضه.

وَقيل: هُوَ إِذا دانى بَين جُفونه ونَظر. وَقيل: الغَضيض: الطَّرف المُسترخي الاجفان.

وغضَّه يّغُضه غضاًّ: نَقَصه.

وَلَا أغُضّك دِرْهماً، أَي: لَا أنْقُصك.


أيامَ أسحب لمِتَّى عَفَرَ المَلاَ وأغُضُّ كُلَّ مُرَجَّلِ رَيّان

قيل: يَعني بِهِ الشَّعَر، فالمُرجَّل على هَذَا، المَمْشوط. والرَّيّان: المُرْتوي بالدُّهن. وأغُضّ: اكُفّ مِنْهُ.

وَقيل: إِنَّمَا يَعْنِي بِهِ الزِّقَّ، فالمُرجل، على هَذَا، الَّذِي يُسلخ من رجل وَاحِدَة. والريان: الملآن.

وَمَا عَلَيْك بِهَذَا غَضَاضَة، أَي: نقص وَلَا انكسار.

والغَضغضة: النَّقص.

وغَضغض المَاء، فغَضَغض وتَغَضْغض: نَقَصه فنَقَص.

وبحر لَا يُغَضْغض وَلَا يُغَضْغِض، أَي: لَا يُنْزَح.

وَفِي الْخَبَر: إِن أحد الشُّعَرَاء، الَّذين استعانت بهم سَليط على جَرير لما سمع جَرِيرًا يُنشد: يَتْرك اصفان الخُصَى جَلاجلاَ قَالَ: علمت انه بَحر لَا يُغضغَض، أَو يُغَضْغض.

ومطر لَا يُغَضْغض، أَي: لَا يَنْقطع.

والغَضغَضة: أَن يتَكَلَّم الرجلُ فَلَا يُبين.

والغَضاض، والغُضاض، مَا بَين العِرنين وقُصاص الشّعْر.

وَقيل: مَا بَين اسفل رَوْثة الْأنف إِلَى اعلاها، وَقيل: هِيَ الرَّوْثة نَفسهَا، قَالَ: لما رَأَيْت العَبْد مُشْرَحِفّا للشًّرّ لَا يُعطي الرِّجال النِّصفا اعْدمتُه غضاضه والكَفّا وَرَوَاهُ يَعْقُوب فِي " الْأَلْفَاظ ": غُضَاضة، وَقد تقدم.

وَقيل: هُوَ مقدم الرَّأْس وَمَا يَلِيهِ من الْوَجْه.


1 غَضَّ طَرْفَهُ, (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (Msb, * TA,) [and يَغْضُضْ may be used, in the dial. of El-Hijáz, instead of its contracted form يَغُضَّ,] imp. غُضَّ, (S, A,) in the dial. of Nejd, (S,) and اُغْضُضْ, in the dial. of El-Hijáz, (S,) inf. n. غَضٌّ (Msb, K) and غِضَاضٌ, with kesr, (A, K,) and غَضَاضٌ and غَضَاضَةٌ, with fet-h, (K,) He lowered his eye, or eyes; (S, A, Msb, K;) as also غَضَّ مِنْ طَرْفِهِ; (Msb;) [the من being redundant, accord. to some; but see what is said on this point below:] and he contracted his eye, or eyes; syn. كَسَرَهُ; [so as to wrinkle the lids;] or he blinked; i. e. he contracted his eyelids, or drew them near together, and looked: [this signification is very common:] and he contracted (كَسَرَ) his eye, or eyes, and looked towards the ground, not opening his eye [or eyes]: and sometimes it indicates a state of abasement. (TA.) Also غَضَّ alone, inf. n. غَضَاضَةٌ, He contracted his eyelids; like أَغْضَى: he looked languishingly. (TA.) It is said in the Kur [xxiv. 30], قُلْ لِلْمُؤْمِنِينَ يَغُضُّوا مِنْ أَبْصَارِهِمْ, in which some of the grammarians hold من to be redundant; but the meaning is obvious, i. e. [Say thou to the believers] that they shall abridge their look, or view, from what is prohibited to them: (Sgh:) or that they shall restrain somewhat of their look, or view. (TA.) b2: [And hence,] (assumed tropical:) He bore with forgiveness and silence what was disagreeable, or hateful, or evil. (S, A, K.) b3: غَضَّ صَوْتَهُ, (Msb,) or مِنْ صَوْتِهِ, (S, TA,) or both, (Msb,) in like manner signifies He lowered his voice. (S, Msb.) It is said in the Kur [xxxi. 18], وَاغْضُضْ مِنْ صَوْتِكَ, (S, A,) i. e. And lower thy voice: or diminish the loudness of thy voice. (TA.) b4: غَضَّ مِنْ لِجَامِ فَرَسِهِ He lowered the rein of his horse, in order to lessen his sharpness of temper. (A, TA. *) b5: غَضَّ مِنْهُ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. ـُ (S, TA,) inf. n. غَضٌّ (Msb, TA) and غَضَاضَةٌ, (Msb,) He lowered and lessened his estimation, dignity, or rank: (S, K, TA:) or he detracted from his reputation; or attributed or imputed to him, charged him with, or accused him of, a vice, fault, or the like: (Msb:) and, inf. n. غَضَاضَةٌ, he disdained it, or scorned it; as also مِنْهُ ↓ اغتضّ. ('Alee Ibn-Hamzeh, TA.) b6: Also غَضَّهُ, (K,) aor. as above, inf. n. غَضٌّ, (TA,) He lessened it, diminished it, or made it defective or deficient; (K, TA;) and so ↓ غَضْغَضَهُ, (K,) inf. n. غَصْغَضَةٌ. (TA.) You say غَضَضْتُ السِّقَآءَ I lessened, diminished, or made defective or deficient, [the contents of] the skin. (Msb.) and المَآءَ ↓ غَضْغَضْتُ I lessened, &c., the water. (S.) And ↓ فُلَانٌ بَحْرٌ لَا يُغَضْغَضُ Such a one is a sea, or great river, that will not be lessened, &c.: (S:) or that will not become exhausted. (Har p. 418.) [See also R. Q. 1 below, and R. Q. 2.] and [you make the former verb doubly trans., saying,] مَا غَضَضْتُكَ شَيْئًا I have not abridged thee, deprived thee, or defrauded thee, of anything. (TA.) and لَا أَغُضُّكَ دِرْهَمًا I will not abridge thee, deprive thee, or defraud thee, of a dirhem. (TA.) You also say, غَضَّ مِنَ الشَّعَرِ He shortened the hair. (M in art. قصر.) And [in like manner] one says, غَضَّ مِنْ رَأْسِهِ, i. q. طَمَّ رَأْسَهُ. (K voce طَمَّ, q. v.) b7: Also He broke it (i. e. a branch, or stick, or the like,) but did not break it thoroughly; (L, K, TA;) and so ↓ غضّضهُ. (L, TA.) b8: And غَضَضْتُهُ also signifies I withheld, restrained, or prevented, it; whatever it were. (S.) [Hence the phrase in the Kur xxiv, 30, accord. to an explanation given above.] You say غَضَّ العَذْلَ, or المَلَامَةَ, aor. as above, inf. n. غَصٌّ, He withheld blame. (Lth.) And you say to a rider, in asking him to stop a little where you are, غُضَّ سَاعَةً, (TA,) and اُغْضُضْ لِى سَاعَةً, (A, TA,) i. e. Restrain for me thy beast, and stop, or pause, where I am, a while. (A, TA.) A2: غَضَّ, [first Pers\. غَضَضْتُ,] aor. ـِ (Msb;) or the first Pers\. is غَضِضْتُ and غَضَضْتُ, (S, K,) and the aor. of each is يَغَضُّ; (K;) or, accord. to the T, some say غَضِضْتَ, aor. ـَ and some say غَضَضْتَ, aor. ـَ (IB, TA;) but the latter of these requires consideration; (TA;) inf. n. غُضُوضَةٌ (IAar, S, K) and غَضَاضَةٌ; (S, K;) or the former only, accord to Alee Ibn-Hamzeh; but the saying بَضَاضَةٌ and بُضُوضَةٌ, to denote the quality of that which is termed بَضٌّ, strengthens what J says [in the S] with respect to غَضَاضَةٌ; (IB;) It (a thing) was, or became, fresh, juicy, sappy, moist, not flaccid. (S, Msb:) or flourishing and fresh; or luxuriant: (IAar:) or beautiful and bright: (K:) and غَضَّتْ, aor. ـِ and تَغَضُّ, inf. n. غَضَاضَةٌ and غُضُوضَةٌ, said of a woman, (tropical:) she was, or became, fine-skinned, or thin-skinned, so that the blood appeared [through the skin]. (Lh, TA.) 2 غضّض: see 1, latter half.

A2: Also, inf. n. تَغْضِيضٌ, He ate what is termed غَضّ, (K, TA,) i. e. the طَلْع [or spadix of a palm-tree]: (TA:) or he became thin-skinned, and plump, and soft, or tender: (O, K:) or he became affected with languor and abasement; (K, TA;) or, as in the Tekmileh, with softness, or tenderness. (TA.) 7 انغضّ الطَّرْفُ i. q. انْغَمَضَ: (S, TA:) [or the former more probably signifies The eye, or eyes, became contracted: and the latter, the eye, or eyes, became closed.]8 إِغْتَضَ3َ see 1, near the middle. R. Q. 1 غَضْغَضَهُ, inf. n. غَضْغَضَةٌ: see 1, near the middle, in three places.

A2: عَضْغَضَ [inf. n. as above] is also intrans. (TA.) See R. Q. 2. b2: It likewise signifies It (for instance a sea, or a large river, TA) became scanty, or little in quantity, and sank into the earth, or disappeared in the earth; or became scanty, or little in quantity; or decreased: (K, TA:) or went away. (TA.) In the TS, the inf. n. is expl. by غَيْظ, which is an abominable mistake for غَيْض. (TA.) b3: and غَضْغَضَةٌ also signifies A man's speaking indistinctly. (TA.) b4: And The boiling of a cooking-pot. (IKtt, TA.) R. Q. 2 تغَضْغَضَ It (water, and a sea, or great river, S) decreased, diminished, lessened, or became defective, or deficient; (S, K;) as also ↓ غَضْغَضَ, (TA,) inf. n. غَضْغَضَةٌ. (Msb.) Yousay, مَاتَ فُلَانٌ بِبِطْنَتِهِ لَمْ يَتَغَضْغَضْ مِنْهَا شَىْءٌ Such a one died with his property abundant, (S,) or complete; nothing thereof having been given away by him; a prov. relating to the death of the niggard. (A 'Obeyd.) And 'Amr Ibn-El-'As said, alluding to the death of Ibn-'Owf. خَرَجْتَ مِنَ الدُّنْيَا بِبِطْنَتِكَ وَلَمْ تَتَغَضْغَضْ مِنْهَا شَيْئًا, meaning Thou hast died with thy religion unimpaired: (A 'Obeyd:) i. e. he had not been occupied with any office of authority or administration where by his recompense might be diminished. (Az.) Yousay also مَطَرٌ لَا يَتَغَضْغَضُ Rain that will not cease (TA.) غَضٌّ Fresh; juicy; sappy: moist; not flaccid; (S, Msb, K;) applied to a thing, (S, Msb,) whatever it be; (TA;) as also ↓ غَضِيضً. (S. K,) Hence the trad. مَنْ سَرَّهُ أَنْ يَقْرَأُ القُرْآنَ غَضًّا كَمَا نَزَلَ فَلْيَقْرَأْ قِرَآءَةَ ابْنِ أَمِّ عَبْدٍ [He who is rejoiced or pleased, to read the Kur-an freshly, who as it descended, let him read according to the reading of Ibn-Umm-'Abd]. (TA.) b2: A calf recently born: pl. غِضَاضٌ. (K.) b3: Anything (S) beautiful and bright; (S, K;,) as (assumed tropical:) youth, and the like: (S;) or غَضٌّ applied to youth, and غَضَّةٌ applied to a woman, (tropical:) i. q. بَضٌّ and بَضَّةٌ thinskinned, or fine-skinned, and plump: &c. j: (A:) or the latter, applied to a woman, (tropical:) thin-shinned, or fine-skinned, so that the blood appears [though the skin]; (Lh:) and ↓ غَضِيضَةٌ also is thus applied like غَضَّةٌ. (TA.) You say also, شَىْءٌ بَضٌّ غَضٌّ, and ↓ بَاضٌّ غَاضٌّ A thing fresh, &c., and beautiful and bright; [in a flourishing condition;] not changed, or altered [for the worse]. (TA.) and نَبْتُ غَضٌّ A [fresh and flourishing and] tender plant. (TA.) And ظِلٌّ غَضٌّ (assumed tropical:) Shade which the sun has not reached; like a plant which the sun has not reached. (TA.) b4: The spadix of a palm-tree; syn. طَلْعٌ; as also ↓ غَضِيضٌ: (IAar:) or both signify a tender طَلْع: (K:) or a tender طَلْع when it appears: (TA:) or the latter, a طَلْع when it appears: (As, S:) or the same, fruit when it first comes forth. (TA.) غُضَّةٌ: see غَضَاضَةٌ.

A2: Also A sufficiency of the means of subsistence; like غُبَّةٌ. (TA in art. غب.) غَضِيضٌ, applied to an eye, or eyes, (طَرْف,) Lowered: (A, TA:) contracted: having the lids contracted, or drawn near together, and so looking: contracted, and looking towards the ground: (TA:) languishing: (K, TA:) and so ↓ مَغْضُوضٌ, in all these senses: (TA:) and the former, so applied, [and app. the latter also,] having the eyelids relaxed, or flaccid. (TA.) You say, ظَبْىٌ غَضِيضُ الطَّرْفِ A gazelle having languishing eyes. (S.) And إِنَّكَ لغَضِيضُ الطَّرْفِ نَقِىُّ الظرْفِ, meaning (assumed tropical:) [Verily] thou art faithful, not treacherous; by الظَّرْف being meant وِعَاؤُهُ. (TA.) b2: [Lowered and lessened in estimation, dignity, or rank: (see غَضَّ مِنْهُ:)] defective or deficient [in good qualities]; (K;) and, in consequence thereof, (TA,) low, mean, or vile: (A, K:) pl. أَغِضَّةٌ (K) and أَغِضَّآءُ. (TA.) b3: Lessened; diminished; made defective or deficient. (TA.) A2: See also غَضٌّ, in three places.

غَضَاضَةٌ, [an inf. n., of which the verb is not mentioned in senses agreeing with those here following,] (S, A, K,) and ↓ غَضِيضَةٌ and ↓ مَغَضَّةٌ (IAar, K) and ↓ غُضَّةٌ, (Ibn- 'Abbád, K,) A defect, an imperfection, a fault, a vice, or the like: and lowness, meanness, or vileness: (S, A, Mgh, K:) and the first, [or all,] languor, or want of power. (TA.) You say, لَيْسَ عَلَيْكَ فِى هٰذَا الأَمْرِ غَضَاضَةٌ There is not, or will not be, charged against thee, in, or with respect to, this affair, lowness, &c.; or any defect, &c.; (S, TA;) or languor, or want of power. (TA.) And ↓ مَا أَرَدْتُ بِدٰلِكَ غَضِيضَةَ فُلَانٍ, and ↓ مَغَضَّتَهُ, I desired not, or meant not, thereby, to attribute any defect, imperfection, fault, vice, or the like, to such a one. (IAar.) غَضِيضَةٌ: see غَضَاضَةٌ, in two places.

غَاضٌّ: see غَضٌّ.

مَغَضَّةٌ: see غَضَاضَةٌ, in two places.

مَغْضُوضٌ: see غَضِيضٌ.
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