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112384. غجم2 112385. غجن1 112386. غجو1 112387. غدّ1 112388. غَد1 112389. غد4112390. غَدَّ 1 112391. غَدَا2 112392. غدا6 112393. غَدا1 112394. غَدَّاء1 112395. غَدَاء2 112396. غَدَائِي1 112397. غُدابة1 112398. غَدَاة1 112399. غَدَّار1 112400. غَدّار1 112401. غدار1 112402. غَدَّارة1 112403. غُدَارة1 112404. غَدَّالِي1 112405. غَدَالِي1 112406. غَدَامِسُ1 112407. غدامسيّ1 112408. غَدَانُ1 112409. غُدَانِيّ1 112410. غَدَانِيّ1 112411. غداه1 112412. غَدَاوَد1 112413. غَدَاوِي1 112414. غَدَّاي1 112415. غَدَّايَة1 112416. غَدَاير1 112417. غدب4 112418. غُدَّة1 112419. غَدَدَ1 112420. غدد10 112421. غَدْرُ1 112422. غُدَرُ1 112423. غَدَرَ1 112424. غدر20 112425. غَدِرَ1 112426. غَدِر1 112427. غَدَر1 112428. غَدْر1 112429. غَدَرَ 1 112430. غُدْرَان1 112431. غدروف1 112432. غُدَرِيَّة1 112433. غَدْريَّة1 112434. غدس2 112435. غُدَشْفَرْد1 112436. غدف19 112437. غَدَفَ1 112438. غَدَفَ 1 112439. غِدْفَان1 112440. غَدْفَان1 112441. غِدْفَة1 112442. غُدْفَة1 112443. غدفل4 112444. غِدَفْلٌ 1 112445. غدفن1 112446. غدق16 112447. غَدَقَ1 112448. غَدَقَ 1 112449. غدقت1 112450. غدل3 112451. غُدَم1 112452. غدم3 112453. غدمس1 112454. غدن11 112455. غَدَنَ 1 112456. غدو10 112457. غَدَوَ 1 112458. غَدْوَان1 112459. غُدْوَة1 112460. غَدُورَة1 112461. غَدُومِيّ1 112462. غَدُونِيّ1 112463. غَدَوِيّ1 112464. غُدْوِي2 112465. غُدُوَّيْنِيّ1 112466. غدي3 112467. غَدِّيّ1 112468. غُدِّي1 112469. غَدِيّ2 112470. غُدَيَّة1 112471. غَدِيَّة1 112472. غُدَيْرٌ1 112473. غَدِيرٌ1 112474. غُدَيْر2 112475. غَدِير2 112476. غُدَيْرة2 112477. غَدِيرَة2 112478. غَدِيرِي1 112479. غَدِيفات1 112480. غُدَيْفات1 112481. غُدّيْفِيّ1 112482. غُدَيْق1 112483. غَدِيْق1 Prev. 100


غَدَّتِ الإِبلُ: صارَ لها بَيْنَ الجِلْدِ واللَّحم غُدَدٌ من داءٍ أو غيرِه.
وأغَدَّ إغدَاداً: إذا انْتَفَخَ من الغَضَب. والمُغِدَّة والمِغْدَادُ من النساء: الغَضْبى.
ومن أمثالهم: " أغُدَةٌ كغُدَّةِ البعير ومَوْتٌ في بَيْتِ سَلُوليَّة في الظُّلْم.
وليَ في هذا المال غُدَّةٌ: أي نَصِيْبٌ وحَقٌ. والغَدَائدُ: الأنْصِباءُ.
باب الغين والدال غ د، د غ مستعملان

غد: أَغَدَّتِ الإبلُ أي صار لها غُدَدٌ بين الجلد واللحم من داء، الواحدةُ غُدَّةٌ. ويكون في الشحم وغيره، قال:

لا برئت من أغَدّا

دغ: الدَّغْدَغَةُ في البضع، قال الشاعر:

علي إني لست بالمدغدغ  
الْغَيْن وَالدَّال

الغُدّة، والغُدَدَة: كُل عُقدة فِي جَسد الْإِنْسَان اطاف بهَا شَحم. والغُدّة، والغُدَدَة: كُل قِطْعَة صُلبة بَين العَصب.

والغُدّة: السّلْعَة يركبهَا الشَّحْم.

والغُدّة: مَا بَين الشَّحْم والسَّنام.

والغُدّة، والغُدَدُ: طاعون الْإِبِل.

وغُدَّ البعيرُ، واغَدّ، فَهُوَ مُغِدّ، وَالْأُنْثَى: مُغَدٌّ، بِغَيْر هَاء.

وَلما مَثل سِيبَوَيْهٍ قَوْلهم: أغُدّةً كغُدة الْبَعِير، قَالَ: أغَدُّ غُدّةً، فجَاء بِهِ على صِيغة فعل الْمَفْعُول.

واغَدّ القومُ: أَصَابَت إبلهم الغُدّة.

واغدّت الإبلُ: صَارَت لَهَا غُددٌ بَين اللَّحْم وَالْجَلد.

واغد عَلَيْهِ: انتفخ وَغَضب، واصله من ذَلِك.

وَعَلِيهِ غُدّة من مَال، أَي: قِطعة.

وَالْجمع: غدائد، كحرة، وحرائر، ويروى بيتُ لبيد:

تَطِير غَدائدُ الأشراك شَفعاً ووِتْراً والزَّعَامةُ للغُلامِ

والاعرف: عدائد.


1 غُدَّ and غَدَّ, said of a camel: see 4.2 غُدِّدَ: see 4.

A2: غَدَّدَ, inf. n. تَغْدِيدٌ, He took his [غُدَّة, i. e.] lot, portion, or share. (K.) 4 أَغَدَّ (S, A, O, L, Msb, K) and أُغِدَّ, (O, L, K,) and ↓ غُدَّ, (Az, O, L, K,) this last heard by Az from the Arabs, (L,) [in the CK ↓ غَدَّ, but (though the phrase غُدَّتْ إِبِلُهُمْ occurs there afterwards) غُدَّ may be less correct than غَدَّ, for the part. n. of the former was disallowed by As,] and ↓ غُدِّدَ, (Az, O, K,) He (a camel) had the disease termed غُدَّة [q. v.]; (Az, S, O, L, Msb, K;) or had غُدَد [pl. of غُدَّةٌ] between the flesh and the skin. (L.) b2: Hence, (A,) أَغَدَّ signifies also (tropical:) He (a man, As, S, A, O) was, or became, angry, (As, S, O, L,) or swollen by reason of anger, as though he were a camel having the disease termed غُدَّة: (A:) and أَغَدَّ عَلَيْهِ he was angry with him; (K;) or he swelled against him and was angry with him. (L.) b3: And أَغَدَّ القَوْمُ The people, or party, had their camels affected with the disease termed غُدَّة. (S, O, L, K.) غَدٌ: see art. غدو.

غُدَّةٌ (IDrd, S, O, L, Msb, K) and ↓ غُدَدَةٌ (S, O, L, K) [A ganglion; i. e.] any hard lump in the tendinous parts; (L, K;) [a lump of] flesh arising from disease, between the skin and the flesh, which may be made to move about: (Msb:) and any small nodous lump (عُقْدَة) in the body (IDrd, O, L, K) of a man, (IDrd, O, L,) surrounded by fat: (IDrd, O, L, K:) pl. غُدَدٌ [properly pl. of غُدَّةٌ, and also a coll. gen. n. of which غُدَدَةٌ is the n. un.]: (S, O, L, Msb, K:) غُدَّةٌ [is applied in the present day to a ganglion: and a bubo: and a wen: and all these may be meant by its being said that it] also signifies a [swelling such as is termed] سِلْعَة, (L, K,) overspread by fat. (L.) b2: And غُدَّةٌ signifies likewise The plague, or pestilence, (طَاعُون,) in camels; (As, S, O, L, K;) as also ↓ غَدَدٌ: (K:) or the same in camels as the طاعون in man: (Msb:) it attacks them in the groins, and seldom do they recover from it: (L:) or it is only in the belly; (K, TA;) and when it extends to the camel's نَحْر [or part where he is stabbed, or stuck, when he is slaughtered], and to his groin, or arm-pit, the epithet دَابِرٌ [so in the TA, but in the O دَارِئٌ, which I believe to be the right reading,] is applied to him: so says IAar: (TA:) or it is also in the fat parts; (Lth, O, L;) and between the flesh and the skin. (L.) b3: and What is between the fat and the hump [of the camel]. (K.) A2: Another signification of غُدَّةٌ is A part, or portion, of property; (L, K;) as in the saying, عَلَيْهِ غُدَّةٌ مِنْ مَالٍ [He owes a part, or portion, of some property]: (L:) pl. غَدَائِدُ, (L, K,) and, in some of the copies of the K, غِدَادٌ. (TA.) And [these two pls.] غَدَائِدُ and غِدَادٌ signify also Lots, portions, or shares: (L, K:) thus, accord. to Fr, the former of them means in a verse of Lebeed cited and expl. voce عَدِيدَةٌ; but the reading better known is عَدَائِدُ: accord. to Az, غَدَائِدُ in this instance signifies redundances. (L.) غَدَدٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

غُدَدَةٌ: see غُدَّةٌ. b2: [The pl.] غَدَدَاتٌ is expl. by AHeyth as signifying Redundances of fatness: and redundances of goodly [fur, such as is termed]

وَبَر. (L.) غَادٌّ: see مُغِدٌّ, in two places.

مُغَدٌّ: see the paragraph here following.

مُغِدٌّ A camel having the disease termed غُدَّةٌ; (As, Az, S, O, L, K;) as also ↓ مُغَدٌّ (L) and ↓ مَغْدُودٌ, (Az, L, K,) or this is not said, (As, O, K,) but it was heard by Az from the Arabs, (O, L,) and ↓ مُغَدَّدٌ (Az, L) and ↓ غَادٌّ: (O, L, K:) مُغِدٌّ, without ة, is also applied to a she-camel: and its pl. is مَغَادُّ: (L:) the pl. of ↓ غَادٌّ is غِدَاذٌ. (O, L, K. *) b2: [Hence,] (tropical:) An angry man: (As, S, L:) or swollen by reason of anger, (A, L,) as though he were a camel having the disease termed غُدَّة. (A.) One says, رَأَيْتُ فُلَانًا مُغِدًّا and ↓ مُسْمَغِدًّا (tropical:) I saw such a one swollen with anger. (L.) مُغَدَّدٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

مِغْدَادٌ (assumed tropical:) A man, (S, O, L, K,) and a woman, (O, L, K,) much, or often, in anger: (S, O, L, K:) or always angry: (O, K:) or angry in disposition or nature. (O, L.) مَغْدُودٌ: see مُغِدٌّ.

مُسْمَغِدٌّ: see مُغِدٌّ.
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