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105163. طَمِيم1 105164. طُمَيْم1 105165. طِمِّينُ1 105166. طِمِّينيّ1 105167. طنّ1 105168. طن5105169. طَنّ1 105170. طُنّ1 105171. طِنّ1 105172. طَنَّ 1 105173. طنء1 105174. طنأ8 105175. طنئ1 105176. طنا1 105177. طَنَا1 105178. طَنَّاب1 105179. طَنَاحِيّ1 105180. طناز1 105181. طَنَّاز1 105182. طَنَانُ1 105183. طَنَّانَة1 105184. طَنَّانُو1 105185. طَنَايِب1 105186. طُنُبٌ1 105187. طَنِبَ1 105188. طُنب3 105189. طنب13 105190. طَنَبَ 1 105191. طِنَبَة1 105192. طنبذ1 105193. طُنْبُذُ1 105194. طَنْبَذَةُ1 105195. طنبر9 105196. طُنْبُر1 105197. طَنْبَرِيْزٌ1 105198. طنبز1 105199. طنبق1 105200. طَنْبَلَ1 105201. طنبل2 105202. طُنْبُوة1 105203. طَنَّة1 105204. طَنْتُ1 105205. طَنْتَثَنَا1 105206. طنتر1 105207. طَنْثَرَ1 105208. طنثر3 105209. طَنْجُ1 105210. طنج7 105211. طَنْجاوِي1 105212. طَنْجَةُ1 105213. طَنجر1 105214. طنجر4 105215. طَنْجَرَة1 105216. طنجرة1 105217. طنجش1 105218. طنجهارة1 105219. طَنْجوانِي1 105220. طَنْجِي1 105221. طَنْجِيَّة1 105222. طنح3 105223. طَنْحَان1 105224. طَنِحَت1 105225. طَنِخَ1 105226. طنخ7 105227. طنخَ1 105228. طَنَخَ 1 105229. طنخه1 105230. طَنْز1 105231. طنز11 105232. طَنْزَةُ1 105233. طَنَس1 105234. طنس3 105235. طنش1 105236. طَنْط1 105237. طَنْطَا1 105238. طَنْطَانَة1 105239. طَنْطَاوِيّ1 105240. طَنْطَبَشْت1 105241. طنطر1 105242. طنطل1 105243. طنطن4 105244. طَنْطَوِي1 105245. طنف13 105246. طَنَفَ1 105247. طَنَفَ 1 105248. طَنِفَة1 105249. طَنْفَسَ2 105250. طنفس10 105251. طنفش4 105252. طنفلو1 105253. طنق1 105254. طُنْقُول1 105255. طنم2 105256. طنن13 105257. طَنِنَ1 105258. طِنَه1 105259. طنو1 105260. طَنُّوبَرَةُ1 105261. طَنُوز1 105262. طَنُّوس1 Prev. 100


عن الانجليزية القديمة إحدى صيغ الاسم طاني بمعنى عامل جلود ودباغ. يستخدم للذكور.
طنا وطنينا صَوت ورن يُقَال طن الذُّبَاب وَطن النّحاس وَطن الْعود وطنت الْأذن والمقطوع كَانَ لَهُ صَوت عِنْد قطعه
الطَنُ: ضَرْب من التمْرِ. والطنُ: حُزْمَة من قَصَبٍ. والشَّخْصُ. والجِسْمُ. والعِلاوَةُ التي تُوْضَعُ بَيْنَ الجُوَالِقَيْنِ.
وهويَقُومُ بطُن نَفْسِه: أي بكِفَايَتِها. وطَن الرجُلُ: إذا ماتَ. وطَنَتْ يَدُه: أي طَرتْ. وأطَنها اللهُ. والطَّنِيْنُ: صَوْتُ الأذُنِ والطسْتِ ونَحْوِه. وطَن الذُّبَابُ: صاح. والطنْطَنَةُ: كَثْرَةُ الصَّوْتِ والكَلامِ. والإطْنَانُ: سُرْعَةُ القَطْعِ، ضَرَبْتُه فَاطْنَنْتُ ذِرَاعَه. والوطن: أمُّ رَأسِ بَعِيرٍ أو قِطْعَةُ لَحْمٍ تُعَلقُ لصَيْدِ النمِرِ. وطَنتْ من العُوْدِ طِنة: أي شَطْبَةٌ.
باب الطاء والنون ط ن مستعمل فقط

طن: الطُّنُّ: ضربٌ من التَّمْر. والطُّنُّ: الحُزْمةُ من القَصَب والحطب. والطَّنينُ: صَوْتُ الأُذُن والطَّسْت، ونحوه. وطَنَّ الذُّباب، إذا طار فَسَمِعْتَ لِطَيَرانِهِ صوتاً، قال :

كذُبابٍ طار في الجَوِّ فَطَنّ

والطَّنْطَنةُ في الصّوت: الكلام الكثير. والإطنانُ: سُرْعة القطع، [يُقال] : ضربتُهُ بالسّيفِ فأَطْنَنْت ذراعَهُ، وقد طنت ذراعُه يحكي بذلك صوتَها حين قُطِعَتْ.


1 طَنَّ, (MA, Msb, K, TA,) aor. ـِ (Msb, TA,) inf. n. طَنِينٌ [q. v. infrà], (MA, Msb,) It made a sound [of a continued or a reiterated kind, and either low or sharp]; (MA, Msb, K, TA;) as also ↓ طنّن, and ↓ طَنْطَنَ. (K.) Yousay, طَنَّ الذُّبَابُ [and ↓ طَنْطَنَ, as also دَنَّ and دَنْدَنَ,] The flies made a [humming, or buzzing,] sound. (MA, Msb.) And in like manner طَنَّ is said of other things than flies. (Msb.) [Thus,] طَنَّ الطَّسْتُ, (MA,) or طَنَّتِ الطَّسْتُ, (S,) The basin of brass or other metal made a [ringing, or tinkling,] sound. (S, MA.) And البَطَّةُ تَطِنُّ The duck, or goose, utters a sound or sounds [i. e. quacks]. (S.) b2: [Hence,] one says also, طَنَّ ذِكْرُهُ فِى البِلَادِ (assumed tropical:) [His fame resounded through the countries]. (TA.) b3: And طَنَّت الإِبِلُ (assumed tropical:) The camels thirsted [app. because thirst is often attended with a ringing, or tingling, in the ears]. (TA.) b4: And طَنَّتْ سَاقُهُ (tropical:) His shank was quickly cut off: the verb being imitative of the sound of the shank in its falling. (TA.) b5: And طَنَّ (assumed tropical:) He (a man, TA) died: (S, K:) so in the “ Musannaf ” [of Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee]. (S.) b6: And (assumed tropical:) He licked his finger. (TA.) 2 طَنَّّ see the foregoing paragraph, first sentence.4 اطنّ الطَّسْتَ He caused the basin of brass or other metal to make a [ringing, or tinkling,] sound. (S, K.) b2: And اطنّ سَاقَهُ (S, K) (tropical:) He cut off his shank (S, K, TA) quickly; (TA;) or اطنّ يَدَهُ he made his arm, or hand, to fall off; (so in a copy of the S;) by a stroke [of a sword or the like]; the verb being meant to imitate the sound of the cutting, (S,) or the sound of the limb in its falling; and in like manner one says أَتَنَّهَا [and أَطَرَّهَا] and أَتَرَّهَا, meaning the same. (TA.) 8 هُوَ يُطَّنُّ بِكَذَا, meaning He is suspected of such a thing, is originally يُظْتَنُّ; as also يُظَّنُّ. (TA.) R. Q. 1 طَنْطَنَ: see 1, first and second sentences.

طَنٌّ [accord. to the CK طِنٌّ, being there said to be with kesr, but not so in other copies of the K, nor in the TA,] Fresh, ripe, red dates, very sweet, (K, TA,) and having much flowing juice; as also ↓ طُنٌّ, with damm. (TA.) A2: Also, [if not a mistranscription for طُنٌّ,] A half-load, such as is borne on one side of a beast, of cotton that has been separated, or loosened, and cleared of its seeds: from El-Hejeree. (TA.) طُنٌّ A bundle of reeds or canes, (S, M, K,) or (so accord. to the Msb, but in the TA “ and ”) of firewood: (Msb, TA:) thought by IDrd to be not genuine Arabic: and pronounced by the vulgar طِنّ, with kesr: (TA:) n. un. with ة; (K;) [i. e.] ↓ طُنَّةٌ signifies a single reed or cane [or piece of firewood] of a bundle: (S:) and the pl. is أَطْنَانٌ: (Msb:) [or,] accord. to AHn, a طُنّ of reeds or canes, and of fresh branches, is a وريقة [app. meaning a leafy bundle] put together and bound round, and having flowers, or blossoms, and plucked fruits put in the interior thereof. (TA.) b2: And A thing that is put between the two half-loads that are upon the sides of a beast. (AHeyth, K.) b3: And The stature [of a man]: or, accord. to IAar, (TA,) the body of a man and of any animal: pl. أَطْنَانٌ and طِنَانٌ: (K, TA:) whence, he says, the saying, فُلَانٌ لَا يَقُومُ بِطُنِّ نَفْسِهِ فَكَيْفَ بَغَيْرِهِ [Such a one will not rise with his own body: how then with another?]: but accord. to IDrd, this is a saying of the vulgar; and he does not think it to be genuine Arabic. (TA.) A2: See also طَنٌّ.

طُنَّةٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

طِنَّةٌ: see ظِنَّةٌ.

طُنِّىٌّ A large-bodied man. (K, TA.) طَنِينٌ an inf. n.: (MA, Msb: [see 1:]) [as a simple subst.,] The sound of flies [i. e. a humming, or buzzing]: and of a basin of brass or other metal [i. e. a ringing, or tinkling]: (S, K, TA:) and of the ear [i. e. a ringing, or tingling]: and of a mountain: and of a hard thing [of any kind]: and ↓ طَنْطَنَةٌ has a similar meaning. (TA.) قَصِيدَةٌ طَنَّانَةٌ [A sonorous ode.] (TA.) طَنْطَنَةٌ: see طَنِينٌ. It is an onomatopœia, meaning The sound of the [kind of mandoline called] طُنْبُور, and the like, (K, TA,) such as the lute. (TA.) And Low, faint, or soft, speech. (TA.) And Loquacity, and a sounding utterance of speech. (TA.) رَجُلٌ ذُو طَنْطَانٍ A clamorous man. (K.)
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