طَرَّ(n. ac. طَرّ)
a. Drove (animals).
b.(n. ac. طَرّ
طُرُوْر), Sharpened, polished.
c. Restored, renovated; plastered over (
building ).
d. Carried off, snatched away.
e. Cut, clipped, cut off.
(n. ac.
طَرّ), Sprouted, shot forth, grew.
g. Fell, tumbled off.
أَطْرَرَa. Threw down.
b. [acc. & 'Ala], Incited, urged to.
c. Cut off.
طَرّa. Down, hair.
طَرَّةa. Flank, side.
b. Impregnation.
طُرّa. Band, troop.
طُرَر طِرَاْر)
a. Side, edge, border, margin.
b. Streak, stripe; striæ; striges.
c. Curl; fringe, frontlet.
d. Signature, initials; flourish of the pen.
طَرِيْرa. Sharpened.
b. Goodly, comely.
طَرَّاْرa. Cut-purse.
a. All, in a body.