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104227. طخمرت1 104228. طخمرث1 104229. طخمل1 104230. طخَمل1 104231. طَخْمُوْرَت1 104232. طخو3104233. طخَو1 104234. طخو وطخى1 104235. طَخُورَذُ1 104236. طخى1 104237. طَخَى 1 104238. طَخِّيّ1 104239. طخَي1 104240. طخي3 104241. طدا1 104242. طَدَانُ1 104243. طدو2 104244. طدي1 104245. طر4 104246. طرّ1 104247. طَرّ مُزَنَّج1 104248. طَرَّ 1 104249. طرء1 104250. طُرْآن1 104251. طَرَأَ3 104252. طرأَ1 104253. طرأ13 104254. طرأه1 104255. طرؤ1 104256. طَرا1 104257. طَرَا1 104258. طرا5 104259. طُرَا1 104260. طَرَائِفُ1 104261. طَرَّابَة1 104262. طرابزوني1 104263. طرابل1 104264. طَرابُلُسُ1 104265. طَرَابلس1 104266. طرابُلْس1 104267. طَرَابُلُسُ1 104268. طَرَابُلُسُ الشّام1 104269. طَرَابُلْسيّ1 104270. طَرَابُنُش1 104271. طِرَابية1 104272. طَرَّابية1 104273. طَرَابيَة1 104274. طَرابِيَةُ1 104275. طَرَابِيشيّ1 104276. طرابيشيّ1 104277. طَرَاحِي1 104278. طِرَاحِي1 104279. طَرَّاحِيّ1 104280. طِرَاد1 104281. طَرَّاد1 104282. طُرّاد1 104283. طَرَّادَات1 104284. طِرَاديّ1 104285. طَرَّادِيّ1 104286. طُرَارَبَنْد1 104287. طِرَارِي1 104288. طَرّارِي1 104289. طَرَاز1 104290. طِرَازُ1 104291. طَرَّازِيّ1 104292. طِرَازيّ1 104293. طراشنة1 104294. طِرَاف1 104295. طَرَّاف1 104296. طِرَاقُ1 104297. طَرَّاقَة1 104298. طِرَانُ1 104299. طراه1 104300. طَرِب1 104301. طَرَب1 104302. طَرِبَ1 104303. طرب18 104304. طَرَبَ 1 104305. طِرْباج وطِرْبيج1 104306. طَرْباكة1 104307. طِرْبَال1 104308. طَرْبَان1 104309. طَرْبَج وطَرْبش1 104310. طربد1 104311. طربروب1 104312. طربزين1 104313. طِرْبس1 104314. طربش3 104315. طَرْبَش1 104316. طربغانة1 104317. طربق1 104318. طربل10 104319. طَرْبَلَ1 104320. طربلس2 104321. طَربُلْسِي1 104322. طُرْبَنطي1 104323. طَرْبوش1 104324. طَرْبُوش1 104325. طَرْبُوشِيّ1 104326. طربوق1 Prev. 100




طَخَا (n. ac.
طَخْو [ ]طُخُوّ [] )
a. Was dark (night).
طَخَآء []
a. Cloud.
b. Dejection, despondency.

a. Darkness, obscurity.

a. Cock.
: (و ( {الطَّخْوَةُ) : أَهْمَلَهُ الجوهريُّ.
وَفِي المُحْكم: هِيَ (السَّحابَةُ الرَّقيقَةُ) .
وممَّا يُسْتدركُ عَلَيْهِ:
} طَخا اللّيْلُ {طَخْواً} وطُخُواً: أَظْلَمَ.
وليْلَةٌ {طَخْواءُ: مُظْلمةٌ.
طخو and طخى 1 طَخَا اللَّيْلُ, [aor. ـُ inf. n. طَخْوٌ and طُخُوٌّ; and طَخَى [of which the aor. is app. 1َ2ِ3َ, and the inf. n. طَخْىٌ]; The night was, or became, dark. (TA. [The former of these verbs, with the latter of its inf. ns., is mentioned by Golius as on the authority of J; but I do not find it in either of my copies of the S.])

b2: And طَخَى, inf. n. طَخْىٌ, He was, or became, foolish, stupid, or unsound [as though obscured] in intellect or understanding. (TA.)

4 أَطْخَتِ السَّمَآءُ The sky became overspread with طَخَآء, meaning clouds, and darkness. (TA.)

طَخْىٌ: see طَخْيَآءُ.

طَخْوَةٌ: see the next paragraph.

طَخْيَةٌ Darkness; as also ↓ طُخْيَةٌ and ↓ طِخْيَةٌ: (ISd, K:) and so ↓ طَخَآءٌ. (TA.)

b2: And A portion of clouds; like طَحْيَةٌ: (K:) or a thin cloud; (M, TA;) and so ↓ طَخْوَةٌ: (M, K, TA: [see also طَخَآءٌ:]) but, (TA,) accord. to Lh, one says, ↓ مَا فِى السَّمَآءِ طُخْيَةٌ, with damm, meaning There is not in the sky aught of clouds. (S, TA.)

b3: Also Foolish; stupid, or unsound [as though obscured] in intellect or understanding: pl. طَخْيُونَ. (Az, ISd, K.)

طُخْيَةٌ: see the next paragraph above, in two places.

طِخْيَةٌ: see طَخْيَةٌ.

طَخْوَآءُ: see the next following paragraph.

طَخْيَآءُ The darkness of clouds. (Lth, Mgh, TA.)

b2: And لَيْلَةٌ طَخْيَآءُ (S, * ISd, Mgh, K *) A dark night; (S, K;) as also ↓ لَيْلَةٌ طَخْوَآءُ: (TA:) or a night intensely dark, (ISd, Mgh, TA,) in which the clouds have concealed the moon: (ISd, TA:) and ↓ لَيْلٌ طَاخٍ and طخى [app. ↓ طَخْىٌ, as inf. n. used as an epithet,] dark night: and لَيَالٍ

↓ طَاخِيَاتٌ dark nights. (TA.)

b3: And كَلِمَةٌ

طَخْيَآءُ [A sentence, or an expression,] not understood. (S, K. *)

b4: And [hence, perhaps,] one

says [of a he-goat], كَانَ ذٰلِكَ فِى طَخْيَائِهِ, meaning فى هِبَابِهِ [i. e. That was in his state of rattling at rutting-time]. (JK. [See a similar phrase in art. طحو and طحى; in which طَحْيَائِهِ is probably a mistranscription for طَخْيَائِهِ.])

طَخَآءٌ: see طَخْيَةٌ.

b2: Also Clouds: (TA:) or high, or elevated, clouds; (A'Obeyd, Az, S, K;) as also طَهَآءٌ: (TA:) or, accord. to the M, thin clouds: [see also طَخْيَةٌ:] and Lth says that مِنٌ غَيْمٍ ↓ طَخَآءَةٌ signifies any round portion of cloud that excludes the light of the moon. (TA.)

b3: And Any covering, or envelope, of a thing: one says, عَلَى قَلْبِهِ طَخَآءٌ, and ↓ طَخَآءَةٌ, Upon his heart is a covering: (M, TA:) the طَخَآء of the heart is said to be a covering thereof like that of the moon: (TA:) or طَخَآءٌ signifies كَرْبٌ, (K,) or the like thereof, (S,) [i. e. grief, or anxiety, that presses heavily,] upon the heart; (S, K;) as in the saying, وَجَدْتُ عَلَى قَلْبِى طَخَآءً [I experienced, upon my heart, grief, or anxiety, that pressed heavily]: (S:) or it signifies heaviness: or rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite. (T, TA.)

طَخَآءَةٌ: see the next paragraph above, in two places.

طَاخٍ, and the fem. pl.: see طَخْيَآءُ. You say also ظَلَامٌ طَاخٍ (S, K) Intense darkness; (K, TA;) [in like manner] expl. in some of the copies of the S as meaning حِنْدِسٌ. (TA.)
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