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103693. ط س1 103694. طءر1 103695. طءطأ1 103696. طآ2 103697. طآء1 103698. طأ1103699. طَأَ 1 103700. طأر2 103701. طأَر1 103702. طَأْطَأَ2 103703. طأطأ9 103704. طأمن1 103705. طأو2 103706. طُؤْرِيٌّ1 103707. طَئيّةُ1 103708. طا1 103709. طَائِرات1 103710. طَائِع1 103711. طَائِلة1 103712. طابُ1 103713. طَابَ1 103714. طابَ1 103715. طَاب الله1 103716. طابانُ1 103717. طابَةُ1 103718. طابِث1 103719. طابِخَة1 103720. طابَرَانُ1 103721. طَابِع1 103722. طَابَع1 103723. طَابِع البَرِيد1 103724. طَابِع التُّقَى1 103725. طَابَعْجِي1 103726. طابق1 103727. طَابَقُ1 103728. طابَق1 103729. طَابِق1 103730. طَابَقِي1 103731. طَابَك1 103732. طَابِلة1 103733. طَابِليّ1 103734. طابنه1 103735. طابه1 103736. طابَو1 103737. طَابُور1 103738. طابور1 103739. طابوس1 103740. طَابُونَة1 103741. طَابِية1 103742. طَابِيَّة1 103743. طابية1 103744. طاتويت1 103745. طَاجِن1 103746. طاح2 103747. طاحَ1 103748. طَاحّ1 103749. طَاحَّان1 103750. طَاحَّة1 103751. طَاحِن1 103752. طَاحّو1 103753. طَاحُون1 103754. طَاحُونَة1 103755. طَاحُونِيَّة1 103756. طاحية1 103757. طاخَ1 103758. طاخ1 103759. طاد2 103760. طاذ1 103761. طار2 103762. طَار2 103763. طَارَ صَوَابُه1 103764. طارء1 103765. طَارء1 103766. طَارِئِي1 103767. طارَابُ1 103768. طارانُ1 103769. طارَبَنْد1 103770. طارحه1 103771. طارده1 103772. طَارِس1 103773. طَارِش1 103774. طَارِشِي1 103775. طارطقة1 103776. طارِفُ1 103777. طارق1 103778. طَارِق1 103779. طَارق1 103780. طَارقِيّ1 103781. طَارِك1 103782. طارَنْتُ1 103783. طَارُوب1 103784. طاروس1 103785. طَارُوسة1 103786. طَارِي1 103787. طاس2 103788. طَاسَّا1 103789. طاسَبَنْدَا1 103790. طَاسَّة1 103791. طاسَة1 103792. طاسة1 Prev. 100





R. Q. 1 طَأْ طَأَ, inf. n. طَأْطَأَةٌ, He lowered, or depressed, a thing. (TA.) You say, طأطأ رَأْسَهُ He lowered his head; (S, K, TA;) and so ↓ تَطَأْطَأَ, alone. (TA.) And طأطأ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ He lowered his head from the thing. (TA.) and لَهُمْ تَطَأُطُؤَ الدُّلَاةِ ↓ تَطَأْطَأْتُ, (S, TA,) occurring in a trad. of 'Othmán, (TA,) I stooped, or lowered myself, [or bent myself down,] to them, like as do the drawers of water with the bucket. (S, TA.) And لَهَا تُخْطِئْكَ ↓ تَطَأْطَأْ, a prov., (Meyd, TA,) meaning Stoop thy head to it, i. e. to an accident, or a calamity, and it will [miss thee, or] pass by thee: applied in relation to the abstaining from exposing oneself to evil. (Meyd.) And طَأْطَأَتْ سِتْرَهَا (tropical:) She (a woman) lowered her veil, or curtain. (TA.) And طأطأ يَدَهُ بِالعِنَانِ He lowered his hand with the rein, for the purpose of [the horse's] running and hastening. (K, * TA.) And [hence, perhaps,] طأطأ فَرَسَهُ He struck his horse with his thighs, to make him go quickly. (K, * TA.) And طأطأ مِنْ فُلَانٍ (assumed tropical:) He lowered the reputation, or estimation, or dignity, of such a one. (TA.) b2: He hastened, or was quick. (TA.) You say, طأطأ فِى مَالِهِ He hastened, and exceeded the usual bounds, in the expenditure of his property. (A, K, TA.) And طأطأ فِى قَتْلِهِمْ He hastened, and exceeded the usual bounds, in their slaughter. (TA.) b3: And He filled up a hollow, or cavity, dug in the ground. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَطَأْطَأَ It was, or became, low, or depressed. (S, O.) It (the head) was, or became, lowered. (K.) See also the first paragraph, in three places. One says also, تَطَاوَلَ عَلَىَّ فَتَطَأْطَأْتُ مِنْهُ [app. meaning (assumed tropical:) He domineered over me, or exalted himself above me, and I humbled, or abased, myself to him: see طأْطَأَ مِنْ فُلَانٍ, above]. (TA.) طَأْطَآءٌ A low, or depressed, place, (S, O, K,) of the ground, that conceals him who is within it: (K:) or, as some say, a narrow, depressed place; also called صَاعٌ and مِعًى. (TA.) b2: And A short, short-necked, camel. (O, K.)
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