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103607. ضوم4 103608. ضُومة1 103609. ضون7 103610. ضَوَنَ 1 103611. ضوو1 103612. ضوى3103613. ضَوَى1 103614. ضوي9 103615. ضُوَيّ1 103616. ضَوِيَ 1 103617. ضُوَيَّة1 103618. ضَوِّيَّة1 103619. ضويت1 103620. ضُوَيْحِك وضاحك1 103621. ضُوَيْد1 103622. ضُوَيْر1 103623. ضُوَيْرِي1 103624. ضُوَيْعِن1 103625. ضُوَيْعِي1 103626. ضُوَيْمِر1 103627. ضُوَيْن1 103628. ضيّ1 103629. ضيأ4 103630. ضَيَّأَتِ1 103631. ضِيَا1 103632. ضِيَاء1 103633. ضياء2 103634. ضِيَاء الحسن1 103635. ضِيَاء الدين1 103636. ضِيَائِي1 103637. ضياش1 103638. ضِيَاع1 103639. ضَيَّاوي1 103640. ضيب5 103641. ضَيْبَان1 103642. ضَيْبَرُ1 103643. ضيثم1 103644. ضيج4 103645. ضَيَحَ1 103646. ضيح11 103647. ضَيَحَ 1 103648. ضَيَخَ1 103649. ضيخ2 103650. ضيد1 103651. ضَيْدان1 103652. ضَيِرَ1 103653. ضير14 103654. ضَيَرَ 1 103655. ضيز10 103656. ضَيَزَ 1 103657. ضيزى1 103658. ضِيزَى1 103659. ضيس4 103660. ضيط6 103661. ضَيْطَنَ1 103662. ضيع16 103663. ضَيِعَ1 103664. ضَيَعَ 1 103665. ضَيْعان1 103666. ضَيْعَة1 103667. ضيعة الرجل1 103668. ضيعه1 103669. ضيف21 103670. ضَيِفَ1 103671. ضَيْف1 103672. ضَيْف الله1 103673. ضَيَفَ 1 103674. ضَيْفَةُ إيرٍ1 103675. ضيق15 103676. ضَيِّق1 103677. ضيق النّفس1 103678. ضَيَقَ 1 103679. ضَيِّقَة1 103680. ضيقه1 103681. ضيك4 103682. ضَيَكَ 1 103683. ضَيَلَ1 103684. ضيل8 103685. ضَيَلَ 1 103686. ضيم11 103687. ضِيمُ1 103688. ضَيَمَ 1 103689. ضِينٌ1 103690. ضِيْنٌ1 103691. ضين4 103692. ط7 103693. ط س1 103694. طءر1 103695. طءطأ1 103696. طآ2 103697. طآء1 103698. طأ1 103699. طَأَ 1 103700. طأر2 103701. طأَر1 103702. طَأْطَأَ2 103703. طأطأ9 103704. طأمن1 103705. طأو2 103706. طُؤْرِيٌّ1 Prev. 100


(ضوى) ضوى ضعف وهزل أَو دق
ضوى: ضوى: هو في لغة العامة بمعنى ضاء أي أنار وأشرق (بوشر، زيشر 9: 683 رقم 4).
ضَوّى: له: أضاء له، أنار له، جاءه بالضوء والنور (بوشر، همبرت ص200، هلو).
أضوى: جعله ضاوياً ومنيراً ومشرقاً (معجم ابن جبير).
ضوى: نوع من البرواق عند أهل بيت المقدس (ابن البيطار 1: 54) (وعند سونثيمر نقص كبير هنا).
ضوّى: مُشِعل، من يشعل الشموع والقناديل والمصابيح (بوشر) والضوية: حملة المشاعل والفوانيس (المقري 2: 713) وقد كتبت الضوية في طبعة بولاق. ويذكر دوكا: الضوئية. (ألف ليلة 2: 477، 4: 707).
أَضْوَأ: أكثر ضوءً وإشراقاً (المقري 2: 554، أبو الوليد ص227).
مِضْواءً: (ذكرت في المعجم اللاتيني - العربي بهذا الضبط) أو مَضْوَى (الكالا، ابن جبير) وجمعها مَضاو: نافذة، كوّة، منور، كوّة مستديرة أو بيضة، ولوح زجاج صغير مستدير يجعل في سقف البيت (المعجم اللاتيني - العربي، الكالا، معجم ابن جبير) وفي المستعيني: حجر الطلق: ينحل إلى طاقات صغار ويُجعل منه على مضاوى الحمامات فيقوم مقام الزجاج. وقد وردت نفس هذه الكلمات تقريباً عند (ابن البيطاء) 2: 161، أماري ص159، أبو الوليد ص600، 601، 734).


ى1 ضَوِىَ, aor. ـْ inf. n. ضَوًى, He (a child, Msb) was, or became, lean, or emaciated, (S, Msb, K,) and small in body: (Msb:) or slender in the bones, and spare of body, naturally. (M, K.) [See also 4.]

A2: ضَوَى إِلَيْهِ, (S, M, K,) aor. ـْ (S, K,) inf. n. ضُوِىٌّ (S, M, K) and ضَىٌّ, (M, K,) He adjoined himself, got him or got himself, betook him or betook himself, repaired, or resorted, to him; syn. اِنْضَمَّ; (S, M, K;) as also ↓ انضوى; (Har p. 73;) and he had recourse, or betook himself, to him for protection, or refuge. (S, * M, K.) b2: And ضَوَى إِلَىَّ مِنْهُ خَيْرٌ, inf. n. ضَىٌّ and ضُوِىٌّ, i. q. سَالَ [i. e. Bounty flowed to me from him]: (M, TA:) accord. to the copies of the K, ضوى الى خَبَرِهِ سأل; which is wrong. (TA. [In my MS. copy of the K, الى خَيْره سَألَ.]) b3: And ضَوَى signifies also It came by night: (M, K:) you say, ضَوَى إِلَيْنَا خَبَرُهُ The news, or tidings, of him, or it, came to us by night. (M, TA.) A3: ضُوِىَ, said of a camel, He was, or became, affected with the tumours termed ضَوًى, (Lth, TA,) or with what is termed ضَوَاةٌ [q. v.]. (M.) 4 اضوى He (a man, TA) was, or became, slender (K, TA) in his body. (TA. [See also ضَوِىَ.]) And اضوى القَوْمُ The people's cattle became lean, or emaciated; like اصوى القوم. (IKtt, TA in art. صوى.) b2: And He (a man) had offspring such as is termed ضَاوِىّ born to him: and in like manner اضوت is said of a woman [as meaning she brought forth such offspring]; (M;) or she brought forth a boy such as is so termed. (K.) اِغْتَرِبُوا وَلَا تُضْوُوا, (S, M, Msb,) occurring in a trad., (S,) means Marry ye among women that are remote in respect of relationship, (S, M, Msb, *) and not among the relations of your paternal uncles, (S,) or and not among your near relations, lest your offspring be such as is termed ضَاوِىّ: (M, Msb:) for the Arabs assert that a man's offspring from his near relation is meagre, though generous, of the nature of his people. (S, Msb.) A2: اضواهُ He rendered it weak. (S, Msb, K *) You say, اضوى الأَمْرَ (tropical:) He rendered the affair weak; (S, TA;) did not render it firm, or sound; or did not perform it in a firm, or sound, manner. (S, K, TA.) b2: And اضواهُ حَقَّهُ (assumed tropical:) He curtailed him, or defrauded him, of his right, or due. (IAar, M, K. *) A3: اضواهُ اللَّيْلُ إِلَيْهِ The night made him to have recourse, or to betake himself, to him for protection, or refuge. (TA.) 7 إِنْضَوَىَ see 1, second sentence.

ضَوًى inf. n. of ضَوِىَ [q. v.]. (S, M, &c.) A2: See also the next paragraph.

ضَوَاةٌ [mentioned in the TA as from the K, but not in the CK, and in my MS. copy of the K inserted in the margin,] A ganglion (غُدَدَةٌ, M, or غُدَّةٌ, K, TA) beneath the lobe of the ear, above the نَكَفَة [q. v.]: (M, K, TA:) or, accord. to Az, [a thing] resembling a غُدَّة. (TA.) And A tumour occurring in the fauces of camels and other animals: pl. ↓ ضَوًى: (M:) or this latter [is properly termed a coll. gen. n., of which ضَوَاةٌ is the n. un., and] signifies tumours accidental to the camel, in his head, having an overpowering effect upon his eyes, and rendering it difficult to attach to him the [halter called] خِطَام; and sometimes it is in the side of the mouth. (Lth, TA.) And (M, TA) A سِلْعَة [or ganglion] (S, M, TA) in a camel, (S,) or in any part of the body. (M, TA.) b2: Also A certain thing, or small thing, (هَنَةٌ,) that comes forth from the she-camel's vulva before the coming forth of the fœtus. (M, K, TA.) ضَاوٍ: see the next paragraph.

A2: Also Coming by night; syn. طَارِقٌ [which Golius here explains as meaning “ Lucifer,” and supposes to be for ضَاوِئٌ]. (M, K.) ضَاوِىٌّ, (S, M, Msb, K,) of the measure فَاعُولٌ, [originally ضَاوُوىٌ,] (S, Msb,) and ↓ ضَاوٍ, (Msb, TA,) applied to a boy, (S, M, K,) and with ة applied to a girl, (S, Msb, K,) Lean, or emaciated, (S, Msb, K,) and small in body: (Msb:) or slender in the bones, and spare of body, naturally: (M, K:) and likewise applied to any species of animal: (M:) accord. to the T, the offspring of an incestuous union. (TA.) الضَّاوِىُّ, (T, TA,) not without teshdeed, as the text of the K implies it to be, (TA,) was the name of A certain horse, (T, K, TA,) belonging to Ghanee. (T, TA.) b2: Also the former, disordered, or diseased, and near to dying: [so I render حَارِضٌ, q. v.:] and weak; in a bad, or corrupt, state. (TA.) فِيهِ ضَاوِيَّةٌ In him is leanness or emaciation [&c.]: (S:) i. q. ضَوًى [the inf. n. of ضَوِىَ, used as a subst.]. (TA.) مَضْوِىٌّ, applied to a camel, part. n. of ضُوِىَ [q. v.]. (Lth, TA.)
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