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103547. ضَهِيَ 1 103548. ضهيأ1 103549. ضهيت1 103550. ضَهْيَدُ1 103551. ضُهَيْرِي1 103552. ضو1103553. ضَو1 103554. ضُوء1 103555. ضوء3 103556. ضَوْء1 103557. ضَوْء البيت1 103558. ضَوْء النعيم1 103559. ضَوُأَ1 103560. ضوأ13 103561. ضَوَأَ 1 103562. ضَوَا1 103563. ضوا3 103564. ضَوَاحِي1 103565. ضَواحِي1 103566. ضَوّاط1 103567. ضوب5 103568. ضَوَبَ 1 103569. ضَوْتٌ2 103570. ضوت3 103571. ضوَج1 103572. ضَوَجَ1 103573. ضوج8 103574. ضَوَجَ 1 103575. ضَوْجِيَّة1 103576. ضوح3 103577. ضوخ2 103578. ضود4 103579. ضَوَرَ1 103580. ضور13 103581. ضَوَرَ 1 103582. ضَوْرَانُ1 103583. ضَوْراني1 103584. ضوز8 103585. ضَوَزَ 1 103586. ضوس2 103587. ضوض3 103588. ضَوَضَ 1 103589. ضوضأ2 103590. ضَوْضَاء عَالِية1 103591. ضَوْضَو1 103592. ضوضو1 103593. ضوضى1 103594. ضوضي1 103595. ضوط8 103596. ضَوَطَ 1 103597. ضوطر1 103598. ضوع13 103599. ضَوَعَ1 103600. ضَوَعَ 1 103601. ضوعه1 103602. ضوف5 103603. ضوك4 103604. ضَوْكَعَ1 103605. ضول3 103606. ضولمة1 103607. ضوم4 103608. ضُومة1 103609. ضون7 103610. ضَوَنَ 1 103611. ضوو1 103612. ضوى3 103613. ضَوَى1 103614. ضوي9 103615. ضُوَيّ1 103616. ضَوِيَ 1 103617. ضُوَيَّة1 103618. ضَوِّيَّة1 103619. ضويت1 103620. ضُوَيْحِك وضاحك1 103621. ضُوَيْد1 103622. ضُوَيْر1 103623. ضُوَيْرِي1 103624. ضُوَيْعِن1 103625. ضُوَيْعِي1 103626. ضُوَيْمِر1 103627. ضُوَيْن1 103628. ضيّ1 103629. ضيأ4 103630. ضَيَّأَتِ1 103631. ضِيَا1 103632. ضِيَاء1 103633. ضياء2 103634. ضِيَاء الحسن1 103635. ضِيَاء الدين1 103636. ضِيَائِي1 103637. ضياش1 103638. ضِيَاع1 103639. ضَيَّاوي1 103640. ضيب5 103641. ضَيْبَان1 103642. ضَيْبَرُ1 103643. ضيثم1 103644. ضيج4 103645. ضَيَحَ1 103646. ضيح11 Prev. 100




R. Q. 1 ضَوْضَوْا, [inf. n. ضَوْضَاةٌ and ضَوْضَآءٌ, (see the next paragraph,)] They cried out, shouted, or clamoured; first Pers\. sing. ضَوْضَيْتُ, the [second] و being changed into ى. (S, TA.) ضَوَّةٌ [in the CK erroneously written ضَواة] A crying out, shouting, or clamouring; (S, K;) so says As, and Az says the like; (S;) as also ↓ ضَوْضَاةٌ (S, K) and ↓ ضَوْضَآءٌ, (TA in art. ضوض, [these two there mentioned as inf. ns., on the authority of IKtt,]) and ↓ ضَوْضًى. (K in art. ضوض.) One says, سَمِعْتُ ضَوَّةَ القَوْمِ [I heard the crying out, shouting, or clamouring, of the people, or party]. (As, Az, S.) ضَوْضًى and ضَوْضَآءُ and ضَوْضَاةٌ; see the next preceding paragraph.

ضُوَاضٍ Large, big, or bulky; thick; or large in body; syn. ضَخْمٌ, (K, TA,) and عَظيمٌ. (TA.) ضُوَاضِيَةٌ: see what next follows.

ضُوَيْضِيَةٌ, (K, TA,) in the dim. form, (TA,) A calamity, or misfortune; (K, TA,) because of its greatness; (TA;) as also ↓ ضُوَاضِيَةٌ. (K, TA.) b2: And A stallion [camel] excited by lust. (Sgh, K.) مُضَوْضٍ A man crying out; shouting, or clamouring; (K and TA in art. ضوض; [in the CK erroneously written مُضَوْضِىّ;]) like مُضَوْضِئٌ. (TA in that art.)
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