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103540. ضهل8 103541. ضَهَلَ 1 103542. ضَهَّهُ1 103543. ضهه1 103544. ضهو4 103545. ضهى3103546. ضهي6 103547. ضَهِيَ 1 103548. ضهيأ1 103549. ضهيت1 103550. ضَهْيَدُ1 103551. ضُهَيْرِي1 103552. ضو1 103553. ضَو1 103554. ضُوء1 103555. ضوء3 103556. ضَوْء1 103557. ضَوْء البيت1 103558. ضَوْء النعيم1 103559. ضَوُأَ1 103560. ضوأ13 103561. ضَوَأَ 1 103562. ضَوَا1 103563. ضوا3 103564. ضَوَاحِي1 103565. ضَواحِي1 103566. ضَوّاط1 103567. ضوب5 103568. ضَوَبَ 1 103569. ضَوْتٌ2 103570. ضوت3 103571. ضوَج1 103572. ضَوَجَ1 103573. ضوج8 103574. ضَوَجَ 1 103575. ضَوْجِيَّة1 103576. ضوح3 103577. ضوخ2 103578. ضود4 103579. ضَوَرَ1 103580. ضور13 103581. ضَوَرَ 1 103582. ضَوْرَانُ1 103583. ضَوْراني1 103584. ضوز8 103585. ضَوَزَ 1 103586. ضوس2 103587. ضوض3 103588. ضَوَضَ 1 103589. ضوضأ2 103590. ضَوْضَاء عَالِية1 103591. ضَوْضَو1 103592. ضوضو1 103593. ضوضى1 103594. ضوضي1 103595. ضوط8 103596. ضَوَطَ 1 103597. ضوطر1 103598. ضوع13 103599. ضَوَعَ1 103600. ضَوَعَ 1 103601. ضوعه1 103602. ضوف5 103603. ضوك4 103604. ضَوْكَعَ1 103605. ضول3 103606. ضولمة1 103607. ضوم4 103608. ضُومة1 103609. ضون7 103610. ضَوَنَ 1 103611. ضوو1 103612. ضوى3 103613. ضَوَى1 103614. ضوي9 103615. ضُوَيّ1 103616. ضَوِيَ 1 103617. ضُوَيَّة1 103618. ضَوِّيَّة1 103619. ضويت1 103620. ضُوَيْحِك وضاحك1 103621. ضُوَيْد1 103622. ضُوَيْر1 103623. ضُوَيْرِي1 103624. ضُوَيْعِن1 103625. ضُوَيْعِي1 103626. ضُوَيْمِر1 103627. ضُوَيْن1 103628. ضيّ1 103629. ضيأ4 103630. ضَيَّأَتِ1 103631. ضِيَا1 103632. ضِيَاء1 103633. ضياء2 103634. ضِيَاء الحسن1 103635. ضِيَاء الدين1 103636. ضِيَائِي1 103637. ضياش1 103638. ضِيَاع1 103639. ضَيَّاوي1 Prev. 100


الضهياء من النساء: التي لم تحض قط، ضهيت تضهى ضهىً وضهواً، وجمعها ضهو، وهي الضهياء - أيضاً - على فعللة. وهي التي لا تنبت ثدياها. والضهيأة - مهموز -: مثل السيأل، وجمعها ضهياء، تنبت بالحجاز، ضخمةٌ.
[ضهى] الضَهْياء ممدودٌ: شجر. والضَهْياءُ أيضاً: المرأة التي لا تحيض. وحكى أبو عمرو: امرأةٌ ضَهْياةٌ وضَهْياهٌ، بالتاء والهاء، قال: وهي التي لا تَطمُث. وهذا يقتضي أن يكون الضَهْيا مقصوراً. والمُضاهاة: المشاكلة، تهمز ولا تهمز. يقال: ضاهيت. وقرئ: (يضاهون قول الذين كفروا) . وهذا ضهئ هذا، على فعيل، أي شبيهه.


ى1 ضَهِيَتْ, aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَهًى, She was, or became, such as is termed ضَهْيَآء. (K.) 3 ضاهاهُ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. مُضَاهَاةٌ, (S, Msb,) He resembled, or conformed with, him, or it; syn. شَاكَلَهُ; (S, Msb, K;) like ضَاهَأَهُ [q. v.]: (S, Msb:) and, like the latter, he imitated him. (Msb, TA. *) It is said in a trad., أَشَدُّ النَّاسِ عَذَابًا يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ الَّذِين يُضَاهُونَ خَلْقَ اللّٰهِ i. e. [The most severely punished of mankind on the day of resurrection will be] those who imitate by what they make [the creation of God]; meaning the sculptors or limners or the like. (Msb.) b2: Also, [or ضَاهَى بِهِ, like ضَاهَأَ به, q. v.,] He was, or became, gentle, tender, or courteous, or he acted, or behaved, gently, &c., with him, or to him; namely, a man, and other than a man. (TA.) 4 اضهى He married, i. e. took to wife, a woman such as is termed ضَهْيَآء. (AA, K.) A2: And He pastured his camels upon the species of tree called ضَهْيَآء. (K.) ضَهْيًا: see the next paragraph, in four places.

ضَهْيَآءُ A woman that does not menstruate: pl. ضُهْىٌ; which necessarily implies that the former is [as above, i. e.] with the long ا: but AA mentions ↓ ضَهْيَاةٌ and ↓ ضَهْيَاهٌ, with ة and with ه, as having this meaning; which necessarily implies that ضهيا is with the short ا [i. e., accord. to a general rule, ↓ ضَهْيًا, with tenween, like ضَهْيَأٌ, q. v. in art. ضهيأ, though (accord. to a general rule) this should be regarded as a masc. epithet]: (S) or ضَهْيَآءُ, and also with the short ا [app. ↓ ضَهْيًا, as above, not ضَهْيَا, or, as I rather incline to think, ضَهْيَأٌ (which is mentioned in art. ضهيأ) may be here meant], signify a woman that does not menstruate nor become pregnant; (K, TA;) so that she is as though she resembled a man: (TA: [see 3:]) or that menstruates but does not become pregnant: (K, TA:) or that does not bring forth, though she menstruate: (TA:) or whose breasts do not grow forth; (K, TA;) and when this is the case, she does not menstruate: or the former signifies that does not menstruate, being pregnant. (TA.) b2: And (assumed tropical:) Land that does not give growth to anything; as also with the short ا [i. e. ↓ ضَهْيًا or ضَهْيَأٌ]. (K. [In the TA this meaning is restricted, app. without reason, to the form with the short ا.]) A2: Also, (S, K,) and with the short ا [i. e. ↓ ضَهْيًا or ضَهْيَأٌ], (K,) A species of tree (S, K) of the kind called عِضَاه, (K,) having a بَرَمَة [q. v.] and a pod (عُلَّفَة) [which succeeds the بَرَمَة], and many thorns. (TA. [For further descriptions thereof, see ضَهْيَأٌ, in art. ضهيأ.]) ضَهْيَاةٌ and ضَهْيَاهٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ضَهِىٌّ, (S, K,) of the measure فَعِيلٌ, (S,) The like of another [thing or person]: (S, K:) one says, هٰذَا ضَهِىُّ هٰذَا This is the like of this: (S:) or هُوَ ضَهِيُّكَ He is the like of thee. (K.)
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