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102918. ضَجَنَانُ1 102919. ضجو1 102920. ضَجُور1 102921. ضجى1 102922. ضَجِّي1 102923. ضح2102924. ضَحَّ 1 102925. ضَحَا2 102926. ضُحَا1 102927. ضحا7 102928. ضَحَاء1 102929. ضَحَّاك1 102930. ضَحْجَرْتُ1 102931. ضَحَحَ1 102932. ضحح9 102933. ضَحْضَحَ2 102934. ضحضح4 102935. ضَحِكَ2 102936. ضحك17 102937. ضَحِكَ على1 102938. ضَحِكَ 1 102939. ضحكة1 102940. ضِحْكَة صَفْراء1 102941. ضحكه1 102942. ضَحَلَ1 102943. ضحل15 102944. ضَحَلَ 1 102945. ضَحْنٌ1 102946. ضحن4 102947. ضحو10 102948. ضحو وضحى1 102949. ضَحُوك1 102950. ضحى4 102951. ضَحَى 1 102952. ضحي2 102953. ضَحْيَا1 102954. ضَحْيَانُ1 102955. ضَحْيَاه1 102956. ضَحِيَّة1 102957. ضْحَيْوة1 102958. ضُحَيْوِيّ1 102959. ضخ2 102960. ضَخَّ 1 102961. ضخا1 102962. ضخَخَ1 102963. ضخخ4 102964. ضخر1 102965. ضخز1 102966. ضَخَزَ1 102967. ضَخَّمَ1 102968. ضخم11 102969. ضخَم2 102970. ضَخُمَ 1 102971. ضخمه1 102972. ضخى2 102973. ضد5 102974. ضَدَّ 1 102975. ضدأ3 102976. ضَدِئَ1 102977. ضَدَا1 102978. ضدا1 102979. ضَدَادُ1 102980. ضدان1 102981. ضدج1 102982. ضدد9 102983. ضدن4 102984. ضَدَنَهُ1 102985. ضَدْنَى1 102986. ضِدّه1 102987. ضدو1 102988. ضَدَوانِ1 102989. ضَدَوَانُ1 102990. ضَدِيَ1 102991. ضدي2 102992. ضَدَيَان1 102993. ضرّ1 102994. ضر5 102995. ضَرَّ 1 102996. ضرء1 102997. ضَرَأَ2 102998. ضَرأَ1 102999. ضرأ4 103000. ضرا5 103001. ضَرَّابِي1 103002. ضِرَابِي1 103003. ضِرَاحٌ1 103004. ضَرَّاح1 103005. ضِراح1 103006. ضراح1 103007. ضَرَّار1 103008. ضِرَار1 103009. ضِرَاسٌ1 103010. ضَرَّاس1 103011. ضِراس1 103012. ضَرَّاع1 103013. ضُرَاعَةُ1 103014. ضَرَاغِمَة1 103015. ضِرَافٌ1 103016. ضَرَّانِي1 103017. ضراه1 Prev. 100


الضِّحُّ والضِّيْحُ: ضَوْءُ الشَّمْسِ. والضَّحْضَاحُ من الماءِ: ما لا غَرَقَ فيه. والضَّحْضَحَةُ: من السراب. وغَنَمٌ ضَحْضَاحٌ: كَثِيرٌ. وهو القَليلُ أيضاً. والضِّحُّ: ما وَقَعَتْ عليه الشَّمسُ. والفَضَاءُ. يُقال: جاءَ بالضَِّحِّ والرِّيْحِ أي بالشيء الكثير.


R. Q. 1 ضَحْضَحَ, [inf. n. ضَحْضَحَةٌ, which see below,] said of the سَرَاب [or mirage], It was, or became, in a state of commotion; or moved to and fro; as also ↓ تَضَحْضَحَ. (S, K.) b2: And, (K, TA,) said of an affair, (TA,) It was, or became, manifest, evident, or apparent. (K, * TA.) R. Q. 2 see the preceding paragraph.

ضِحٌّ The sun: (S, O, K:) and (K) the light of the sun, (Lth, A, O, K,) when it has possession of the ground: (Lth, O, TA:) or the light of the sun upon the surface of the ground; sunshine; contr. of ظِلٌّ: (AHeyth, T, O, TA:) accord. to AHeyth, originally وِضْحٌ, the و being rejected and a ح added to the radical ح; but correctly, it is originally ضِحْىٌ, from ضحيت الشمس [app. a mistranscription for ضَحِيتُ لِلشَّمْسِ]: (TA; as from the T:) also land, or ground, that lies open and exposed (K, TA) to the sun: (TA:) and what is shone upon, or smitten, by the sun: (K, TA:) it has no pl. in any of these senses. (ElFihree, TA.) It is said in a trad., لَا يَقْعُدَنَّ

أَحَدُكُمْ بَيْنَ الضِّحِّ وَالظِّلِّ فَإِنَّهُ مَقْعَدُ الشَّيْطَانِ (S, A) (tropical:) [None of you shall sit between the sunshine and the shade, for it is the sitting-place of the devil]; meaning half of him in the sun and half of him in the shade. (TA.) And one says, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ بِالضِّحِّ وَالرِّيحِ (tropical:) Such a one came with, or brought, that upon which the sun had risen, and that upon which the wind had blown; (S, K, TA;) meaning, abundance, or much; (S, A;) or much property, or many cattle: (TA:) [F asserts that] one should not say بالضِّيحِ, (K,) i. e. بِالضِّيحِ وَالرِّيحِ: (TA:) this the vulgar say, but [J affirms that] it is nought: (S:) several, however, assert that الضِّيح is correct: (MF:) [and the author of the K, who disallows it in this art., authorizes it in art. ضيح, q. v.:] Kr, also, is related to have said that الضِيحُ signifies “ the sun ” and “ its light; ” and is said to signify “ what is exposed to the sun: ” and a poet says, وَالشَّمْسُ فِى اللُّجَّةِ ذَاتِ الضِّيحِ [And the sun in the abyss of sunlight]: Aboo-Mis-hal, moreover, mentions, in his “ Nawádir,” the saying, اُسْتُعْمِلَ فُلَانٌ عَلَى الضِّيحِ وَالرِّيحِ [meaning (assumed tropical:) Such a one was employed as manager of much property]. (TA.) مَاتَ عَنِ الضِّحِّ وَالرِّيحِ, occurring in a trad., is rendered agreeably with the explanation of the saying in a trad. mentioned above, and means (tropical:) He died leaving much property. (TA.) And it is said of the Prophet, in a trad., يَكُونُ فِى الضِّحِّ وَالرِّيحِ He will be exposed to the heat of the sun and the blowing of the winds; meaning, accord. to Hr, (assumed tropical:) he will be attended by, or in the midst of, numerous horsemen and military forces. (TA.) ضَحْضَحٌ: see ضَحْضَحَةٌ: A2: and ضَحْضَاحٌ.

ضُحْضُحٌ: see what next follows.

ضَحْضَحَةٌ and ↓ ضَحْضَحٌ and ↓ ضُحْضُحٌ The running of the سَرَاب [or mirage, along the surface of the ground, like water: see R. Q. 1]. (K.) ضَحْضَاحٌ Shallow water; (S, A, TA;) and hence metaphorically applied in a trad. to (tropical:) a shallow part of hell-fire: (TA:) or water little in quantity; as also ↓ ضَحْضَحٌ: or water reaching to the ankles: or reaching to the middle of the skin: or in which there is no being drowned: (K:) or water little in quantity, in a pool left by a torrent, &c. (TA.) b2: And Many, or much; in the dial. of Hudheyl; (AA, O, K;) not known to others: (TA: [see also ضَحْلٌ:]) accord. to As, it is applied to sheep or goats, and to camels, as meaning many, or numerous: and also as meaning scattered, or dispersed, over the surface of the land, but, notwithstanding, few. (TA.)
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