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102784. ضايقه1 102785. ضَايِل1 102786. ضَبٌّ1 102787. ضَب1 102788. ضبّ1 102789. ضب3102790. ضَبَّ 1 102791. ضبء1 102792. ضبأ10 102793. ضَبَأَ2 102794. ضَبَأَ 1 102795. ضبا3 102796. ضَبّاء1 102797. ضَبَّائي1 102798. ضِبَاب1 102799. ضُبَاحٌ1 102800. ضُبَارٌ1 102801. ضُبَّاط1 102802. ضَبَّاط1 102803. ضُبَّاطِيّ1 102804. ضَبَّاطِيّ1 102805. ضَبَّاع1 102806. ضِبَاع1 102807. ضُبَاعَةُ1 102808. ضَبَّاغ1 102809. ضَبَّايَة1 102810. ضبب13 102811. ضَبُبَ1 102812. ضَبّةُ1 102813. ضَبَّة1 102814. ضَبَتْه1 102815. ضبث12 102816. ضَبَثَ2 102817. ضَبَثَ 1 102818. ضبثم2 102819. ضَبَجَ1 102820. ضبج5 102821. ضَبْجِي1 102822. ضَبْحٌ1 102823. ضبح15 102824. ضَبَحَ2 102825. ضَبَحَ 1 102826. ضبد4 102827. ضَبَدَ 1 102828. ضَبَرَ1 102829. ضبر17 102830. ضَبِرَ1 102831. ضَبَرَ 1 102832. ضبرز1 102833. ضبرك4 102834. ضبرم4 102835. ضبز6 102836. ضَبَزَ 1 102837. ضبس8 102838. ضَبَسَ1 102839. ضَبَسَ 1 102840. ضَبِسَتْ1 102841. ضبسه1 102842. ضبص1 102843. ضبضب1 102844. ضبط19 102845. ضَبَطَ1 102846. ضبط الاسم المقصور عند جمعه جمع مذكر...1 102847. ضبط حرف المضارعة بالضمّ وحقه الفتح...1 102848. ضبط حرف المضارعة بالفتح أو بالضمّ...1 102849. ضبط حرف المضارعة بالفتح، وحقه الضمّ...1 102850. ضبط فاء «فِعْلة» عند جمعها جمع مؤنث...1 102851. ضبط همزة القطع لأمر الثلاثي المزيد ...1 102852. ضبط همزة الوصل في أمر الثلاثي...1 102853. ضبط همزة الوصل في الماضي المبني للم...1 102854. ضَبَطَ 1 102855. ضبطر4 102856. ضَبَطَهُ1 102857. ضَبطه1 102858. ضَبُعٌ1 102859. ضبع19 102860. ضَبَعَ1 102861. ضَبَعَ 1 102862. ضَبْعَان1 102863. ضِبْعَان1 102864. ضَبَعان1 102865. ضَبْعان1 102866. ضبعت1 102867. ضبعط3 102868. ضَبْعِي1 102869. ضُبْعِي1 102870. ضبغط4 102871. ضبغطر3 102872. ضبك3 102873. ضبل2 102874. ضَبَنَ1 102875. ضبن12 102876. ضَبَنَ 1 102877. ضبنط3 102878. ضبنه1 102879. ضبه3 102880. ضبو5 102881. ضَبُوعَةُ1 102882. ضُبوكُ1 102883. ضبى1 Prev. 100


باب الضاد مع الباء ض ب، ب ض

ضب: الضَّبُّ يُكْنَى أبا حِسْل. والعَرَبُ تقول: الضَّبُّ قاضي الطيرِ والبَهائِم، وإِنَّما اجتَمعَت اليه أوّلَ ما خَلَقَ [الله] الانسانَ فوصفوه له، فقال الضَّبُّ: تَصفُونَ خَلْقاً يُنْزِلُ الطيْرَ من السَّماء ويُخْرِجُ الحُوتَ من الماء، فمن كان ذا جناح فليطر، ومن كان ذا حافرٍ فليَحْفُرْ. والضَبَّةُ: حديدةٌ يُضَبَّبُ بها الخَشَب، [والجميع الضِّباب] . والضَّبُّ: الغِلُّ في القلبِ، وهو يُضِبُّ إِضباباً من العَداوة، قال:

وفي صَدره ضَبٌ من الغِلِّ كامِنٌ

والتَضَبُّبُ: السِّمَنُ حين يُقبِلُ. والضَّيبةُ: سَمْنٌ ورُبٌ يُجْعَلُ للصَّبيِّ، وتقول: ضيبوا لصبيكم. وأَضَبَ القومُ: تَكَلَّمُوا، [وأضَبّوا اذا سَكَتوا، وزَعَمَ أنَّه من الأضداد] . وأضَبَّ على الشيء: أشرف عليه. والضَّبُّ: داءٌ يأخُذُ في الشَّفَة فَتَرِمُ. والضَّبُّ والضُّبُوبُ: سَيَلان الدَّمِ من الشِّفاهِ. وأَضَبَّتِ السَّماءُ: من الضَّبابِ، وهو الذي يبدو كالغُبارِ يغْشَى الأرض بالغَدَواتِ، وسَماءٌ مُضِبَّةٌ، وأضَبَّ يومُنا يُضِبُّ. وامرأةٌ ضِبْضِبٌ، ورجلٌ ضُباضِبٌ: فَحّاشٌ جَريءٌ. (ورجل ضُباضِبٌ أيضاً أي قصير سَمينٌ مع غِلَظٍ) .

(وفي الحديث: إِنَّما بَقِيَتْ من الدنيا ضُبابَةٌ كضُبابة الإناء

يعني في القِلَّةِ وسُرْعة الذَّهاب.

بض: امرأةٌ بَضَّةٌ تارَّةٌ، مُكْتَنِزة اللَّحْم في نَصاعةِ لَونٍ. وبَشَرَةٌ بَضَّةٌ بَضيضةٌ، وامرأة بَضَّةٌ بَضاضٌ، قال رؤبة:

لو كانَ خَرْزاً في الكُلَى ما بَضَّا


كلُّ رَداحٍ بَضَّةٍ بضباض  وبَضَّ الحَجَرُ اذا خَرَجَ منه الماءُ، وما خَرَجَ منه بُضاضَتُهُ . [وبِئْرٌ بَضُوضٌ: يجيءُ ماؤها قليلاً قليلاً] . والبَضْباض: قالوا: الكَمْأَةُ وليستْ بمَحضَةٍ) .
ضب: الضَّبُّ: يُشْبِهُ الوَرَلَ، الواحِدَةُ والأُنْثى ضَبَّةٌ. ولُعْبَةُ الضَّبِّ: مَعْرُوْفَةٌ. وضَبِبَ البَلَدُ: كَثُرَ ضِبَابُه.،ارْضٌ ضَبِبَةٌ. والمَضَبَّةُ: الضِّبَابُ. وفي المَثَل: " تُعَلِّمُني بضَبٍّ أنا حَرَشْتُه ". ويقولونَ: " أحْيَرُ من ضَبٍّ " في الحَيْرَةِ. و " أقْصَرُ من إبهام الضَّبِّ ". والضَّبَّةُ: حَدِيْدَةٌ يُضَبَّبُ بها الخَشَبُ. والضَّبُّ: الغِلُّ الكامِنُ في القَلْبِ، أضَبَّ الرَّجُلُ على حِقْدٍ. وأضَبَّ القَوْمُ إضْبَاباً: تَكَلَّمُوا. والإِضَبَابُ: الإِدَامَةُ وتَتَابُعُ الصَّوْتِ. وأضَبُّوا: سَكَنُوا، وهو من الأضْداد. وكذلك إذا نَهَضُوا في الأمْرِ جميعاً. وضَبَّ النّاسُ عليه: اجْتَمَعُوا عليه. والضَّبُّ: داءٌ في الشَّفَةِ فَتَرِمُ وتَجْسُو، والضُّبُوْبُ: سَيَلانِ الدَّمِ من الشِّفَاهِ، يُقال: ضَبَّتْ لِثَتُه دَماً، والضَّبُّ دُوْنَ السَّيَلانِ. وهو أيضاً: وَرَمٌ في خُفِّ البَعِيرِ، ناقَةٌ ضَبّاءٌ: خَرَجَ في فَرْسِنِها الضَّبُّ، وبَعِيرٌ أضَبُّ. وهو أيضاً: داءٌ يَأْخُذُ الشاةَ في أُذُنَيْها حَتّى تَهْلَكَ، يُقال: شَتةٌ مَضْبُوْبَةٌ. وقَرْحَةٌ تَاْخُذُ في الكِرْكِرَةِ. والحَلَبُ بالكَفِّ كُلِّها، ضَبَبْتُها أضُبُّها ضَبّاً. وناقَةٌ ضَبُوْبٌ: ضَيِّقَةُ الإِحْلِيلِ. والضَّبُوْبُ: الذي يَأْكُلُ بِيَدَيْه مَعاً. ورَجُلٌ ضَبٌّ: مُنْكَرٌ، وامْرِأَةٌ ضَبَّةٌ. وضَبَّبَ الرَّجُلُ على الشَّيْءِ تَضْبِيْياً: إذا لَزِمَه. والتَّضْبِيْبُ: الإِمْسَاكُ. وشِدَّةُ القَبْضِ أيضاً. والتَّضْبِيْبُ في الصِّرَاع: الادِّرَاعُ نَفْسُه. والضَّبَابُ: نَدىً كالغَمَامِ يَغْشى الأرْضَ بالغَدَواتِ، أضَبَّتِ الٍَّمَاءُ فهي مُضِبَّةٌ، وأضَبَّ يَوْمُنا. وأضَبَّتِ الأرْضُ: كَثُرَ نَبَاتُها. وكذلك الشَّعرُ. وأضَبَّ القَوْمُ: تَفَرَّقُوا وتَفَرَّدوا. وأضَبَّ النَّعَمُ إضْبَاباً: إذا أقْبَلَ وفيه بَعْضُ التَّفَرُّقِ. وضَبَّ فَمُه: إذا يَبِسَ من الجَهْدِ والعَطَشِ. ويقولونَ في المَثَل: " جاءَ فلانٌ تَضِبُّ لِثَتُه " أي من الحِرْصِ. وأضَبَّ السِّقَاءُ: ذَهَبَ لَبَنُه. وضَبَّةُ: حَيٌّ. والضَّبِيْبَةُ: سَمْنٌ ورُبٌّ يُجْعَلُ في العُكَّةِ للصَّبيِّ، ضَبِّبُوا صَبِيَّكُم. والتَّضَبُّبُ: السَّمْنُ حِيْنَ يُقْبِلُ. وإذا اسْتَغْنى الوَلَدُ عن أُمِّه وتَرَعْرَعَ قيل: ضَبَّبَ تَضْبِيْباً. والضُّبَاضِبُ: الجَمَلُ الضَّخْمُ، وقيل القَوِيُّ. وكذلك الرَّجُلُ. وقيل: هو القَصِيْرُ. وقال النَّضْرُ: هو الشَّيْخُ الذي قد اضطَرَبَ لَحْمُه واسٍتَرْخى. وتَضَبْضَبَ: أي تَشَنَّجَ. وفُسِّرَ على البَخِيْلِ أيضاً، من قَوْلِهم: أضَبَّ على ما في يَدِه: أي أمْسَكَ. ويُقال لِجَلَبَةِ الإِبلِ: ضَبَاضِبُ وظَبَاظِبُ. والضِّبَابُ: الطَّلْعُ، واحِدَتُها ضَبَّةٌ. والضَّبَبُ: تَغْطِيَةُ الشَّيْءِ. وضَبَّتْ يَدُه: زَمِنَتْ.


1 ضَبَّ, aor. ـِ (K,) inf. n. ضَبٌّ, (S, K,) He, or it, clave to the ground: (S, * K:) [like ضَبَأَ:] this is the primary signification. (S.) b2: And, aor. and inf. n. as above, It flowed: (K, TA:) like بَضَّ: or it flowed gently, or scantily; as blood when it does not drop, or issue in drops, so as to require the repetition of the ablution for prayer: (TA:) or it is only said of blood and of saliva: (K:) or, aor. as above, inf. n. ضَبِيبٌ, said of water and of blood, it flowed. (S.) and ضَبَّتْ شَفَتُهُ, aor. as above, inf. n. ضَبٌّ and ضُبُوبٌ, His lip flowed with blood, from a tumour &c. (TA. [See also another meaning in what follows.]) And ضَبَّتْ لِثَتُهُ دَمًا His gum flowed with blood: (S:) or ضبّت بِالدَّمِ: and in like manner, يَدُهُ [his hand or arm]: (A:) and تَرَكْتُ لِثَتَهَ تَضِيبُّ مِنَ الدَّمِ, inf. n. ضَبِيبٌ, I left his gum flowing with blood. (TA.) ضَبَّتع لِثَتُهُ, aor. as above, inf. n. ضَبٌّ, means His gum watered, or flowed with saliva. (TA.) And one says, جَآءَ فُلَانٌ تَضِبُّ لِثَاتُهُ (tropical:) [Such a one came with his gums watering] (S, A *) لِكَذَا وَكَذَا [for such and such things], (A,) when the person spoken of is vehemently eager, or greedy, for a thing, (S, A,) or when he is affected with very inordinate desire to eat, or with vehement lust, or carnal desire, or with vehement eagerness, or greediness, for the accomplishment of an object of want. (L, TA.) Bishr Ibn-Abee-Kházim says, وَبَنِى تَمِيمٍ قَدْ لَقِينَا مِنْهُمُ خَيْلًا تَضِيبُّ لِثَاتُهَا لِلْمَغْنَمِ (assumed tropical:) [And the sons of Temeem, we have found, of them, horsemen whose gums water for spoil]: in which تَضِبُّ is said by AO to be formed by transposition from تَبِضُّ. (S.) [See another ex. in a verse cited voce أَزْمَلٌ.] Another poet says, أَبَيْنَا أَبَيْنَا أَنْ تَضِبَّ لِثَاتُكُمْ عَلَى خُرَّدٍ مِثْلِ الظِّبَآءِ وَجَامِلِ (assumed tropical:) [We disallow, we disallow, that your gums should water for virgins, or bashful virgins, like gazelles, and for camels]. (TA.) One says also, ضَبَّ فَمُهُ, aor. as above, inf. n. ضَبٌّ, meaning His mouth watered, or flowed with saliva: (TA:) and يَضِبُّ فُوهُ (tropical:) [His mouth waters] is said of him who is vehemently eager, or greedy, for a thing. (A, TA.) b3: ضَبَّتِ الدَّابَّةُ, aor. as above, inf. n. ضُبُوبٌ, means The beast staled while running. (TA.) A2: See also 4, in five places.

A3: ضَبَّ said of a boy, or male child, He became a youth, or young man; he attained to the state termed شَبَاب. (TA.) A4: ضَبَّتِ الشَّفَةُ, aor. as above, (Msb, K,) inf. n. ضَبٌّ and ضُبُوبٌ, (K,) The lip became affected with the disease termed ضَبّ. (Msb, K. [See also another meaning in what precedes.]) A5: ضَبَّ, (S, K,) sec. Pers\.

ضَبِبْتَ, (TA,) aor. ـَ inf. n. ضَبَبٌ, said of a camel, He became affected with the disease termed ضَبّ (S, K) in his فِرْسِن [i. e. in his foot, or the extremity of his foot]. (S.) A6: ضَبِبَ البَلَدُ, (ISk, S,) or ضَبِبَتِ الأَرْضُ, aor. ـَ and ضَبُبَت; (K;) [instances of reduplicative verbs preserving their original forms;] and ↓ أَضَبَّ, (S,) or أَضَبَّت; (Msb, K;) The country, or land, abounded with [the lizards called] ضِبَاب, pl. of ضَبّ. (S, Msb, K.) A7: ضَبَّ النَّاقَةَ, aor. ـُ (S, O,) inf. n. ضَبٌّ, (O, K,) He milked the camel with five fingers [i. e. with his thumb and four fingers together]: (S, O:) or with the whole hand: (K: or this mode of milking is termed ضَفٌّ: TA:) or by putting his thumb upon the teat and turning the fingers over the thumb and the teat together: (Fr, S, O, K: this is done when the teat is long: when it is of middling length, the mode termed بَزْمٌ is adopted, with the joint of the fore finger and the extremity of the thumb: and when it is short, the mode termed فَطْرٌ, with the extremity of the fore finger and the thumb: TA:) or by taking the two teats together in the hand: (K: [or this mode of milking is termed ضَفٌّ:] and the milking with a hard squeezing is termed ↓ ضَبَّةٌ: TA:) or by contracting the hand upon the udder, and putting the thumb in, or upon, (فِى,) the middle of the palm. (L, TA.) A8: [ضَبَّ and ↓ ضبّب, each probably followed by عَلَى, seem to signify sometimes It covered a thing, and became intermixed with it: the inf. ns. الضبب (which I think to be a mistranscription for الضَّبُّ) and التضبيب are expl. in the TA as signifying “ the covering a thing, and the entering of one part, or portion, of it into another: ” see two explanations of each of these verbs, followed by عَلَى, voce أَضَبَّ.]2 ضَبَّّ see above, last sentence: b2: and see 4, in two places.

A2: ضبّب عَلَى الضَّبِّ He moved about his hand at the mouth of the hole of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, in order that it might come forth tail-foremost, and he might lay hold upon its tail. (TA. [See also مُضَبِّبٌ.]) A3: ضبّب البَابَ, (S, Msb, K, * TA,) and الخَشَبَ, (TA,) (tropical:) He put [or affixed] a ضَبَّة [q. v.] upon the door, (S, Msb, K, * TA,) and upon the wood. (TA.) And ضبّب الإِنَآءَ (assumed tropical:) He made a ضَبَّة for the vessel. (Msb.) and ضبّب أَسْنَانَهُ بِالفِضَّةِ (assumed tropical:) He clamped his teeth (شَدَّهَا) with silver. (Mgh.) b2: [تَضْبِيبٌ also signifies The putting the numeral or &c. over each of two words, to indicate that the latter of those words in connected with, or refers to, the former of them.]

A4: ضبّب الصَّبِىَّ He fed the child with ضَبِيبَة [q. v.]. (S, K.) 4 اضبّ عَلَى شَىْءٍ He kept, or clave, to a thing, and did not quit it: (TA:) and اضبّ فُلَانًا He kept, or clave, to such a one, and did not quit him: (K:) and اضبّ عَلَيْهِ He retained him, detained him, or held him in custody: (Az, K, TA:) and اضبّ مَا فِى يَدَيْهِ He grasped, or kept hold of, that which was in his hands; like أَضْبَأَ and أَضْبَى. (TA in art. ضبأ.) And the first of these phrases, (TA,) inf. n. إِضْبَابٌ; (K, TA;) as also ↓ ضَبَّ, [aor. ـِ (TA,) inf. n. ضَبٌّ; (K, TA;) and ↓ ضبّب, (TA,) inf. n. تَضْبِيبٌ; (K, TA;) signifies اِحْتَوَى عَلَيْهِ [i. e. He grasped it; got, or gained, possession of it; took it, got it, or held it, within his grasp, or in his possession: or it comprised, comprehended, or contained, it]: (K, TA:) and عَلَى شَىْءٍ ↓ ضَبّ, inf. n. ضَبٌّ, He took, seized, or grasped, a thing with the hand: (TA; but only the inf. n. in this case is there mentioned:) and عَلَى شَىْءٍ ↓ ضبّب, inf. n. تَضْبِيبٌ, He took, seized, or grasped, a thing violently, or firmly, lest it should escape from his hand. (ISh, O, TA. [See also 1, last sentence.]) b2: [It is said that] اضبّ عَلَيْهِ also signifies He was at the point of getting possession of it, namely, a thing (O, K) that he sought, or desired. (K.) [But it seems from a passage in the TA, in which is an evident mistranscription, that this is a mistake, originated by Lth, for أَضْبَى.]

A2: اضبّ السِّقَآءُ The skin shed, or poured forth, its water, from a seam, or suture, (خُرْزَة,) therein, (K, TA,) or from a cut. (TA.) [And اضبّ app. signifies He had a bleeding of the gums: for] ما زال مضبًّا [app. ↓ مُصِبًّا] occurs in a trad. said of one whose gums bled [incessantly] when he spoke. (TA.) b2: اضبّ فِى الغَارَةِ He arose, and made a hostile incursion: (TA:) or اضبّ, alone, he made a hostile incursion. (K.) And اضبّ القَوْمُ The people, or party, rose, or rose and hastened and went forth, all together, to do a thing. (O, K.) b3: اضبّوا لِفُلَانٍ They dispersed themselves to seek such a one: and اضبّ القَوْمُ فِى بَغِيَّتِهِمْ The people, or party, dispersed themselves in search of their stray beast. (T, TA.) And اضبّ النَّعَمُ The camels, or cattle, approached, or came, in a scattered state. (K.) b4: اضبّوا عَلَيْهِ They multiplied against him. (S, O.) b5: اضبّت الأَرْضُ The land became abundant in its plants, or herbage. (K. [But the only meaning of this phrase commonly known is one which will be found indicated below.]) Accord. to Ibn-Buzurj, (TA,) one says, اضبّت الأَرْضُ بِالنَّبَاتِ, meaning The land put forth all its plants, or herbage. (O, TA.) And اضبّ الشَّعَرُ The hair became abundant, or much. (K) A3: أَضْبَبْتُهُ I made it to flow; namely, water, and blood. (S.) And اضبّ لِثَتَهُ He made his gum to flow [with blood]. (S, O.) b2: And اضبّ He spoke; (Az, S, O, K;) as though meaning he made speech to issue: (S, O: [in both of which it is implied that it is app. from what here next precedes:]) or he spoke uninterruptedly: (TA:) or he talked loudly; as also ↓ ضَبَّ [aor. ـِ (AA, TA in art. هضب: [but it will be seen in what follows that both of these verbs have also a contr. meaning:]) and he called out, or cried out, (K, TA,) and raised a clamour, or confused noise. (TA.) And اضبّ القَوْمُ The people, or party, spoke, one to another: (TA:) or spoke; and entered, or launched forth, into discourse, or were profuse therein: (AHát, TA:) or spoke all together. (Har p. 543.) and اضبّ مَا فِى نَفْسِهِ He uttered, or expressed, what was in his mind. (As, TA. [See also the same phrase with عَلَى after the verb in what follows.]) b3: Also, (TA,) inf. n. إِضْبَابٌ; (K, TA;) and ↓ ضَبَّ, (TA,) [aor. ـِ inf. n. ضَبٌّ; (K, TA;) He was silent. (K, TA. [Thus both of these verbs have two contr. meanings.]) And اضبّ القَوْمُ The people or party, were silent, and abstained from talking. (AHát, TA.) And اضبّ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ, and ↓ ضَبَّ; and اضبّ بِهِ; He was silent respecting the thing [and concealed it]: like

أَضْبَأَ. (TA.) And اضبّ عَلَى مَا فِى نَفْسِهِ He was silent respecting that which was in his mind: (As, S, K:) like أَضْبَأَ. (S.) And اضبّ عَلَى غِلٍّ

فِى قَلْبِهِ He concealed rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, in his heart. (S, O.) And اضبّ الشَّىْءَ He hid, or concealed, the thing. (K, * TA.) b4: اضبّ الغَيْمُ The clouds covered [the earth]. (TA.) b5: And اضبّ said of a day, (S, O, Msb, K,) and اضبّت said of the sky, (A, TA,) It became cloudy, or misty, with ضَبَاب [q. v.]. (S, O, Msb, K, TA.) A4: اضبّ البَلَدُ and اضبّت الأَرْضُ: see 1, latter half.5 تضبّب (assumed tropical:) He (a child) became fat, and his armpits became chapped, or cracked, (اِنْفَتَقَتْ,) [in the creases,] and his neck became short: (S:) or (tropical:) he (a child) began to grow fat: (A, TA:) and accord. to AHn, it is said in this sense of a camel as well as of a human being. (TA.) 10 خُذْ مَا اسْتَضَبَّ Take thou what is easily attainable; what offers itself without difficulty. (AA, TA in art. ندب.) R. Q. 1 ضَبْضبَ He bore rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite; or hid enmity, and violent hatred, in his heart. (O, TA.) ضَبٌّ [A species of lizard; termed lacerta caudiverbera, from its habit of striking with its tail; (see جَرَشَ;) Forskål (Descr. Animalium, p. 13,) terms it lacerta Aegyptia; referring to Hasselquist, p. 302; and adds the following description: “ femora teretia sine verrucis: cauda verticillata non longa: squamæ patentes, subconicæ mucronatæ: corpus nudum, rugosum: ”] a certain reptile, or small creeping thing, (S, TA,) of those termed حَشَرَات, (TA,) well known; (K, TA;) resembling the وَرَل [q. v., but not so long]: (TA:) or resembling the حِرْذَون [q. v.]; of which there are two species, one of the size of the حرذون, and one larger: (Msb:) accord. to 'Abd-El-Káhir, of the size of a little young crocodile; having a tail like the tail of the latter: it assumes various colours when exposed to the sun, like as does the chameleon; lives seven hundred years; drinks not water, being satisfied with the air; voids one drop of urine in every forty days; its teeth consist of one curved piece; when it has quitted its hole it knows it not; and it lays eggs, like a bird: so say IKh and Dmr and others: AM says, the وَرَل is of a lank make, with a long tail; the latter resembling that of a serpent; and the length of some exceeds two cubits; but the tail of the ضبّ is jointed, and its utmost length is a span: the Arabs deem the ورل a foul and filthy thing, and do not eat it; but they are eager to hunt and eat the ضبّ: this animal has a rough tail, serrated with jags resembling vertebræ; its colour inclines to a blackish dusty hue; and when it becomes fat, its breast becomes yellow; it eats nothing but [the locusts called] جَنَادِب, and young locusts before their wings have grown (دَبًا), and herbage, not venomous or noxious reptiles; whereas the ورل eats scorpions and serpents and chameleons and beetles: its flesh is an antidote against poisons, and women grow fat upon it: (L, TA:) it is the longest, of the animals, in retaining the remains of life: (O:) [see also مُطَبِّخٌ:] the fem. is with ة: (S, O, Msb, K:) and the pl. [of pauc.] is أَضُبٌّ and [of mult.] ضِبَابٌ (S, O, Mgh, Msb, K) and ضُبَّانٌ, (K,) which last Lh particularizes as used to denote a great number, but ISd sees no reason for this distinction, (TA,) and [quasipl. n.] ↓ مَضَبَّةٌ, (O, K,) like as مَشْيَخَةٌ is of شَيْخٌ, (O,) this last on the authority of As, as heard by him from more than one of the Arabs. (TA.) Hence one says رَجُلٌ خَبٌّ ضَبٌّ (tropical:) [A very deceitful or mischievous, and] an abominable, guileful, ireful man: (TA:) or a very deceitful or mischievous or wicked, and guileful man: (S:) likened to the [lizard called] ضَبّ on account of his guilefulness: and in like manner, اِمْرَأَةٌ خَبَّةٌ ضَبَّةٌ. (A, TA.) And أَخْدَعُ مِنَ الضَّبِّ More guileful than the ضبّ: (A, TA:) a prov. (TA.) And أَعَقُّ مِنْ ضَبٍّ [More undutiful to kindred than a ضبّ]; because the ضبّ often eats its حُسُول [or young ones when they have just come forth from the eggs]: another prov.: (S:) أَبُو حِسْلٍ is a surname of the ضبّ. (TA.) One says also أَطْوَلُ ذَمَآءً مِنَ الضَّبِّ, another prov. [expl. in art. ذمى]. (O.) And أَحْيَرُ مِنْ ضَبٍّ, which is likewise a prov. [expl. in art. حير]. (Har p. 166.) and أَتُعْلِمُنِى بِضَبٍّ أَنَا حَرَشْتُهُ, another prov. [expl. in art. حرش]. (TA.) And لَا أَفْعَلُهُ حَتَّى يَحِنَّ الضَّبُّ فِى إِثْرِ الإِبِلِ الصَّادِرَةِ [I will not do it until the ضبّ utters a yearning cry at the heels of the camels returning from water]: and لَا أَفْعَلُهُ حَتَّى

يَرِدَ الضَّبُّ [I will not do it until the ضبّ comes to water: i. e. I will never do it:] because the ضبّ does not drink water. (S, O.) كَفُّ الضَّبِّ [means The paw of the ضبّ]: to this the Arabs liken the hand of the niggard when he fails to give: (TA:) and it is also applied by way of comparison to (tropical:) a niggard himself: and to denote (tropical:) shortness and littleness. (A, TA.) b2: [Hence also,] (tropical:) Rancour, malevolence, malice, or spite, (S, A, O, Msb, K, TA,) latent in the heart; (A, TA;) like the [lizard called] ضبّ hiding itself in the furthest extremity of its hole: (A:) and anger, wrath, or rage: (K:) or rancour, &c., or vehement rancour, &c., and enmity: (TA:) and ↓ ضِبٌّ signifies the same: (K:) the pl. is ضِبَابٌ, and [app. ضِبَبٌ also, for] the phrase كُلٌّ مِنْهُمَا حَامِلُ ضِبَبٍ لِصَاحِبِهِ [Each of them a bearer of latent rancours &c. towards his fellow] occurs in a trad. (TA.) A2: Also A certain disease in the lip, (S, O, Msb, K,) in consequence of which it flows with blood, (S, O, Msb,) or swells, and becomes hard, or dry and hard, and flows with blood. (TA.) b2: And A tumour in the breast of a camel. (O, K.) b3: And A tumour (S, O, K) in the خُفّ, (so in copies of the K [i. e. foot], in the TA انف [which is, I doubt not, a mistranscription],) or in the فِرْسِن, [which means the same, or the extremity of the foot,] (S, O,) of the camel. (S, O, K.) b4: And A disease in the elbow of a camel; (K, TA;) said to be its cutting into his skin [by rubbing against it]; or its being distorted, and falling against his side, so as to gall it. (TA.) b5: And A chapping, or cracking, (اِنَفِتَاقٌ,) [in the crease] of the armpit [of a child, or of a camel], and abundance of flesh: (S, O, TA:) El-'Adebbes El-Kinánee gives the same explanation, and says that this is what is also termed ضَاغِطٌ. (TA. [See 5.]) A3: Also The طَلْع [i. e. the spadix, or the spathe,] of the palm-tree: pl. ضِبَابٌ: (S, O:) or ↓ ضَبَّةٌ signifies, (K, TA,) and so ضَبٌّ, (TA,) [but the latter seems to be a coll. gen. n., and the former its n. un.,] a طَلْعَة [meaning spathe of a palm-tree] before it cleaves open (K, TA) from [around] the غَرِيض [or spadix]. (TA.) ضِبٌّ: see the next preceding paragraph, latter half.

ضَبَّةٌ [an inf. n. un. of ضَبَّ: as such signifying] A single bleeding of the gum [&c.]. (Ham pp. 28 and 274.) b2: See also 1, last sentence but one.

A2: Also A single [lizard of the species termed]

ضَبّ [q. v.]. (S, O, Msb, K.) b2: And The skin of a [lizard of the species termed] ضَبّ, tanned for clarified butter (K, TA) to be put into it. (TA.) b3: And (tropical:) A broad piece of iron with which a door (or wood, TA) is clamped or strengthened (يُضَبَّبُ): (S, Mgh, O, K, TA:) or a piece of iron or brass or the like, with which a vessel is repaired: (Msb:) [a word still used in these senses; commonly applied to a flat piece of iron or the like, which is nailed across a crack in a wooden vessel or a similar thing: and a band of metal which is affixed around a cracked vessel: (see an ex. voce عَصَبَ:) also to a kind of wooden lock, figured and described in the Introduction to my work on the Modern Egyptians:] what is first described above is so called because it is broad, like the reptile so termed; and also كَتِيفَةٌ, because it is broad, like a كَتِف [or shoulder-blade]: (AM, TA:) pl. ضَبَّاتٌ (A, Msb, TA) and ضِبَابٌ. (A, TA.) The ضَبَّة of a knife is The جُزْءَة [thereof; app. meaning a ferrule, or similar thing, affixed around the handle, next the blade, like the band of metal thus called which is affixed around a cracked vessel (as mentioned above); though جُزْءَةٌ generally means the “ handle ” itself]: thus called because it strengthens, or binds, the handle (تَشُدُّ النِّصَابَ). (A, TA.) b4: See also ضَبٌّ, last sentence. b5: and see ضَبِيبٌ.

أَرْضٌ ضَبِبَةٌ: see مَضَبَّةٌ.

ضَبَابٌ [Mist; i. e.] moisture (نَدًى), (A, Mgh, Msb, K,) like clouds, (A, K,) or like dust, covering the earth in the early mornings: (Mgh, Msb, TA:) or thin clouds, like smoke: (A, K:) or thin clouds; so called because they cover the horizon: n. un. with ة: (TA:) or pl. of ضَبَابَةٌ, [but it is rather a coll. gen. n., and ضَبَابَةٌ is its n. of un.,] (S, Mgh, O,) and this latter signifies a cloud that covers the earth, resembling smoke: (S, O:) or a vapour rising from the earth in a rainy, or cloudy, day, like a canopy, preventing vision by its darkness. (TA.) ضَبُوبٌ A beast that stales while running. (K.) b2: And A ewe, or she-goat, having a narrow orifice to the teat, (O, K,) whose milk will not come forth but with difficulty. (O.) ضَبِيبٌ The point, or edge, (syn. حَدّ, [in an. ex. in the O, the former is meant by it,]) of a sword; (O, K;) and so ↓ ضَبَّةٌ. (El-Khattábee, TA.) ضَبِيبَةٌ Clarified butter, and rob (رُبّ), which are put into a skin (عُكّة), for a child, that he may be fed with it. (S, K.) بنات ضبيبة [app. بَنَاتُ ضُبَيْبَةٍ; the latter word, dim. of ضَبَّةٌ;] A species [or variety] of the [lizards called] ضِبَاب [pl. of ضَبٌّ]. (Ham p. 61.) ضِبْضِبٌ Fat, as an epithet; (K;) and so [without ضُبَاضِبٌ] applied to a woman: (TA:) and ↓ ضُبَاضِبٌ, applied to a man, short and fat. (S, O.) And Very foul or obscene, and bold or daring; as also ↓ ضُبَاضِبٌ: (K:) the latter thus expl. by IDrd: (O:) the former applied to a man, and with ة applied to a woman, accord. to Az, bold, or daring, in deed: (O, TA:) and proud; or bold, or daring, in wickedness: and with ة, a woman bold, or daring; who glories over her neighbours. (TA.) ضُبَاضِبٌ: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. Also, applied to a man, Strong; (IDrd, O, K;) and so بُضَابِضٌ: (IDrd, O:) or short, and very foul or obscene: or hard, or hardy, and strong: (K:) and sometimes applied as an epithet to a camel. (TA.) أَضَبُّ, fem. ضَبَّآءُ, A camel affected with the disease termed ضَبّ (S, K) in the خُفّ (K) or in the فِرْسِن. (S.) [See ضَبٌّ.]

مُضِبٌّ: see 4, in the former half.

A2: أَرْضٌ مُضِبَّةٌ: see the next paragraph.

مَضَبَّةٌ A piece of land abounding with [the lizards called] ضِبَاب [pl. of ضَبٌّ]: pl. مَضَابُّ: you say, وَقَعْنَا فِى مَضَابَّ [We found ourselves in pieces of land abounding with ضِبَاب]. (S, O.) and أَرْضٌ مَضَبَّةٌ, (K,) or ↓ مُضِبَّةٌ, (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb,) and ↓ ضَبِبَةٌ, (S, K,) the last being one of those [reduplicative] words that preserve the original form, (S,) A land abounding with ضِبَاب. (S, IAth, Mgh, Msb, K.) A2: See also ضَبٌّ, [of which it is a quasi-pl. n.,] in the former half of the paragraph.

مُضَبِّبٌ A hunter of the [lizard called] ضَبّ, who pours water into its hole, in order that it may come forth and he may take it: (S, O:) or one who seeks to catch the ضَبّ by moving about his hand at its hole in order that it may come forth tail-foremost and he may lay hold upon its tail. (K.)
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