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102655. ضءز1 102656. ضءط1 102657. ضءل2 102658. ضءي1 102659. ضآء1 102660. ضأ1102661. ضَأَ 1 102662. ضأب3 102663. ضأَبل1 102664. ضأبل2 102665. ضأَد1 102666. ضأد5 102667. ضَأَدَ 1 102668. ضأدَه1 102669. ضَأزَ1 102670. ضأز6 102671. ضأزه1 102672. ضأض1 102673. ضأضأ8 102674. ضَأْضَأَ1 102675. ضأط2 102676. ضأَط1 102677. ضأك3 102678. ضأَل1 102679. ضأل13 102680. ضَأَلَ1 102681. ضَأَلَ 1 102682. ضَأنٌ1 102683. ضأن11 102684. ضَأْن1 102685. ضَأَنَ1 102686. ضَأَنَ 1 102687. ضأى1 102688. ضَأى1 102689. ضأي2 102690. ضؤل1 102691. ضئضئي1 102692. ضَئِطَ1 102693. ضئط1 102694. ضَئِيدَةُ1 102695. ضَئيدَةُ1 102696. ضاء1 102697. ضاءل1 102698. ضَائِف1 102699. ضَائِقة1 102700. ضَائِمة1 102701. ضَابِئ1 102702. ضابحه1 102703. ضابعه1 102704. ضابق1 102705. ضَابِيَة1 102706. ضاجَ1 102707. ضاج1 102708. ضاجِعٌ1 102709. ضاجعه1 102710. ضاجه1 102711. ضَاح1 102712. ضَاحة1 102713. ضاحت2 102714. ضَاحِكٌ وضُوَيحِكٌ1 102715. ضاحكه1 102716. ضَاحي1 102717. ضَاحِية1 102718. ضاخٌ1 102719. ضَاخِيَة1 102720. ضاد1 102721. ضاداه1 102722. ضاده1 102723. ضار1 102724. ضارِبُ السَّلَم1 102725. ضاربه1 102726. ضَارِجٌ1 102727. ضَارِح1 102728. ضارحه1 102729. ضارس1 102730. ضارعه1 102731. ضَارَهُ1 102732. ضاره2 102733. ضاز1 102734. ضازَ1 102735. ضَاسَ1 102736. ضَاسٌ1 102737. ضَاضِي1 102738. ضاطَ1 102739. ضَاعَ2 102740. ضاعَ1 102741. ضاعفه1 102742. ضاعَهُ1 102743. ضَاعِي1 102744. ضاغطه1 102745. ضاغنه1 102746. ضاف1 102747. ضَاف1 102748. ضَافَ الله1 102749. ضاف وظاف1 102750. ضافره1 102751. ضافنه1 102752. ضَافِي1 102753. ضَافِيَة1 102754. ضَاقَ1 Prev. 100





ضُؤْضُؤٌ: see the next paragraph but one, in two places.

A2: Also The bird called أَخْيَل [q. v.]: (O, K:) so says ISd: but IDrd doubts its correctness. (TA.) ضِئْضَأٌ: see the next paragraph.

ضِئْضِئٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ ضِئْضِىْءٌ and ↓ ضُؤْضُؤٌ and ↓ ضُوْضُوْءٌ (O, K) and accord. to ISd ↓ ضِئْضَأٌ, which is of an extr. measure, (TA,) Origin, root, race, or stock; syn. أَصْلٌ: (S, O, K:) and the place in which a thing originates; syn. مَعْدِنٌ: (K:) hence, in a خُطْبَة of Aboo-Tálib, الحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِى جَعَلَنَا مِنْ ذُرِّيَّةِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَزَرْعِ إِسْمَاعِيلَ وَضِئْضِئِ مَعَدٍّ وَعُنْصُرِ مُضَرَ i. e. [Praise be to God, who made us to be of the offspring of Abraham and of the seed of Ishmael and] of the stock of Ma'add [and of the race of Mudar]: and يَخْرُجُ مِنْ ضِئْضِئِ هٰذَا, occurring in a trad., i. e. There shall spring from the stock, or race, of this; or, as some relate it, it is [صِئْصِئ,] with the unpointed ص, which means the same: and you say ضِئْضِئُ صِدْقٍ and صِدْقٍ ↓ ضُؤْضُؤُ [An excellent origin or race]: (TA:) [see an ex. voce بُؤْبُؤٌ, in art. بأ: and see also ضِنْءٌ:] or ضِئْضِئٌ &c. signify multitude, and abundance, of offspring or breed; (K, TA;) whence the ضِئْضِئ of sheep. (TA.) ضَأْضَآءٌ, [in the CK الضَأْضَأُ is erroneously put for الضَّأْضَأءُ,] as also ↓ ضَوْضَآءٌ (O, K, TA) and ضَوْضًى, (CK,) [which belong to art. ضو and the last of which is mentioned in the K in art. ضوض,] The voices, cries, or shouts, of men, (AA, O, K, TA,) in war, * or fight. (O, K, TA.) ضَوْضَآءٌ: see the next preceding paragraph.

ضُؤْضُوْءٌ: see ضِئْضِئٌ.

ضِئْضِىْءٌ: see ضِئْضِئٌ.

مُضَوْضِئٌ or مُضَوْضٍ, (accord. to different copies of the K,) the former app. the original of the latter, [which is mentioned in the K in art. ضوض, but in the CK there written مَضَوْضِىٌّ,] (TA,) applied to a man, Crying out, shouting or clamouring. (K.)
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