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101084. صُخَيْرات1 101085. صَخِّيف1 101086. صدّ1 101087. صَدَّ1 101088. صَد1 101089. صد5101090. صَدَّ 1 101091. صدء1 101092. صَدَأَ2 101093. صدأ14 101094. صدئ1 101095. صدا1 101096. صَدَا1 101097. صَدّاء1 101098. صُدَاء1 101099. صُدَّاد1 101100. صَدَّاد1 101101. صُدَارٌ1 101102. صَدَارَة1 101103. صُدَاصِدٌ1 101104. صِدَاق1 101105. صَدَاقَة1 101106. صداقة1 101107. صداقة حَقَّة1 101108. صَدَاقِي1 101109. صِدَاقِي1 101110. صِدَام1 101111. صَدَّام1 101112. صَدْجَان1 101113. صَدَحَ1 101114. صدح12 101115. صَدَحَ 1 101116. صَدَدٌ1 101117. صَدُدَ1 101118. صدد14 101119. صدر22 101120. صَدْرُ1 101121. صُدَرُ1 101122. صَدُرَ1 101123. صَدْر1 101124. صَدْرُ الأنَام1 101125. صَدْرُ الحُسْن1 101126. صَدْر الدِّين1 101127. صَدَرَ من1 101128. صَدَرَ 1 101129. صَدْران1 101130. صُدَرِي1 101131. صُدْرِي1 101132. صَدَرِي1 101133. صَدْرِي1 101134. صدصد2 101135. صدع20 101136. صَدَعَ1 101137. صَدَعَ 1 101138. صدعه1 101139. صَدْغ1 101140. صِدغ1 101141. صدغ16 101142. صَدَغَ2 101143. صَدَغَ 1 101144. صَدَفُ1 101145. صدف20 101146. صَدِفَ1 101147. صَدَفَ 1 101148. صُدْفَة2 101149. صَدَفَة1 101150. صَدَفو1 101151. صَدْفورَةُ1 101152. صَدَفِيّ1 101153. صُدْفِي1 101154. صَدَّقَ1 101155. صَدُق1 101156. صدق20 101157. صَدَقَ1 101158. صدقُ الخَبَر1 101159. صَدَقَ 1 101160. صَدَقَات1 101161. صَدْقَان1 101162. صُدَقاوِي1 101163. صِدْقاوي1 101164. صَدَقَةُ1 101165. صدقة1 101166. صَدَقَة1 101167. صَدُقَة1 101168. صَدَقَة الْفطر1 101169. صَدَقة الفطر1 101170. صدقه1 101171. صَدَقِي1 101172. صِدْقِيّ1 101173. صَدُقِي1 101174. صَدْقي1 101175. صدل6 101176. صدم16 101177. صَدَمَ1 101178. صَدَمَ 1 101179. صَدْمَة1 101180. صدن8 101181. صَدَنَ 1 101182. صدو3 101183. صَدُور1 Prev. 100


عَنهُ صدا وصدودا أعرض وَمِنْه صدا ضج وَأعْرض وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {وَلما ضرب ابْن مَرْيَم مثلا إِذا قَوْمك مِنْهُ يصدون} وَفُلَانًا عَن كَذَا صدا مَنعه وَصَرفه وَفِي التَّنْزِيل الْعَزِيز {فصدهم عَن السَّبِيل} فَهُوَ صَاد من قوم صداد وَهِي صادة من نسْوَة صواد
باب الصاد والدال ص د، د ص يستعملان فقط

صد: تقول: صَدَّ يصِدُّ صَدّاً وهو شِدَّة الضَّحِكِ والجَلَبة، قال اللهُ- عزَّ وجَلَّ-: إِذا قَوْمُكَ مِنْهُ يَصِدُّونَ

اي يَصدّون ويضحَكُون. وصَدَدتُه عن كذا أصُدُّه صداً أي عَدَلْتُه عنه وصَدَدْتُ عنه بنفسي صُدُوداً. والصَّديدُ: الدَّمُ المُختلطِ بالقَيْح في الجُرْحِ، وتقول: أَصَدَّ إصداداً أي صارَ فيه الصَّديدُ والمِدَّةُ. وهو في القرآن، ما سال من أهل النارِ. ويقال: بل هو الحَميمُ أُغْلِيَ حتى خَثُرَ. والصُّدّادُ: ضرب من الجُرْذان، ويقال: من دواب الأرض، [وأنشد: اذا ما رأى أشرا فَهُنَ انطَوَى لها ... خَفِيُّ كصُدّاد الجديرةِ أطلَسُ]

والصَّدَدُ: ما استقَبَلَكَ، وهذه الدّارُ على صَدَدِ هذه أي: قبالتها. وصدصد: اسْمُ امرأةٍ.
صَدَّ يَصِدُ صَداً: وهو أشَد الضحكِ في جَلَبَةٍ، وفي القرْآنِ: " إذا قَوْمُكَ منه يَصيدوْنَ " أي يَضْحَكُونَ.
وصَد يَصُد صُدُوْداً: أعْرَضَ، وَيصِد أيضاً. وصَدَدْتُه عن وَجْهِ كذا: عَدَلْتَه عنه. وصَدَ السبِيْلُ: إذا اسْتَقْبَلَكَ عَقَبَةٌ صعبَةٌ فَتَرَكْتَها. ويقولون: لا صَدَدَ لي دُوْنَه ولا حَدَدَ: أي لا مانِعَ. وصَدَّه عن الأمْرِ وأصَدَه: مَنَعَه. وأصْدَدْتُه إصْدَاداً: بمعنى صَدَدْته. والصدِيْدُ: الدَّمُ المُخْتَلِطُ بالقَيْحِ، أصَدَّ الجُرْحُ. وقيل: هو ما سالَ من أهْلِ النار. وقيل: الحَمِيْمُ أُغْلِيَ حَتّى خَثُرَ. وهو - بِلُغَةِ أهْل اليَمَنِ -: الثَّوْبُ الأبْيَضُ.
والصدّادُ: ضَرْبٌ من الجِرْذَانِ.
والصدّادُ: نَحْوُ سام أبْرَصَ، وجَمْعُه صَدَادِيْدُ. وقيل: هي الحَيةُ. وقيل: هو الحِرْذَوْنُ الأسْوَدُ. والصَدَدُ: ما اسْتَقْبَلَكَ، هذه الدارُ على صَدَدِ هذه: أي قُبَالَتها. ومنه قَوْلُهم: تَصَدَّدَ فلان لفُلانٍ: أي تعَرضَ له.
وصَدْصَدُ: اسْمُ امْرَأةٍ.
وصُدا الوادي: ناحِيَتَاه.
والجَبَلُ: صَد وصد. والصدانِ: شَرْخا الفُوْقِ وهُما زَنَمَتَاه. وحائطا السكةِ: صُداها. والصدَدُ: مَفَاصِلُ الأرْضِ بَيْنَ الرمَالِ وبين الجَلَدِ. والصدُوْدُ: ما دَلَكْتَه على مِرْآةٍ ثُمَّ كَحَلْتَ به عَيْنَكَ. وصَداءُ: اسْمُ رَكِيَّةٍ عَذْبَةِ الماءِ، ومنه المَثَلُ: " ماءٌ ولا كَصَداء " فَعْلاء، وُيقال: صَدْءاء - بوَزْنِ حَمْراء -.
الصاد والدال

الصِّفْرِدُ طائِرٌ أعظمُ من العُصْفورِ وفي المَثَلِ أحْبَنُ من صِفْردٍ والفِرْصِدُ والفِرْصيدُ والفِرْصَادُ عَجْمُ الزَّبيبِ والعِنَبِ والفِرْصَادُ التُّوتُ وقيل حَمْلُه والفِرصاد الحُمْرَةُ قال الأسودُ بن يَعْفَرَ

(يَسْعَى بها ذو تُومَتَيْنِ مُنَطَّقٌ ... فَنَأَتْ أَنَامِلُهُ مِنَ الفِرْصَادِ)

والصِّمْرِدُ من الإِبِلِ القليلةُ اللَّبنِ والدَّرْمَصَةُ التَّذلّلُ والصَّنْدَل خَشبٌ طَيِّبُ الرِّيحِ وحِمَارٌ صَنْدَلٌ وصُنادِلٌ عَظيمٌ شديدٌ ضَخْمُ الرأس وكذلك البعيرُ ضَخْمٌ رأسُه والدِّلْفَصُ الدَّابّةُ عن أبي عَمْروٍ والصِّلْدِمُ والصُّلادِمُ الشَّديدُ الحافرِ والأنثى صِلْدِمةٌ وصُلادِمَةٌ وعَمَّ به بعضُهم وهو ثلاثيٌّ عند الخليلِ وقد تقدَّم والصِّلْدامُ الشديدُ كالصِّلْدِم قال جَريرٌ

(فَلَوْ قال مَيْلٌ مِن تَميمٍ عليكُمُ ... لأَمَّكَ صِلْدَامٌ من العيسِ قَارِحُ)

والدُّلَمِصُ والدُّلامِصُ البَرَّاقُ وامرأةٌ دُلِمَصَةٌ بَرَّاقةٌ أنشد ثعلبٌ (قد أَغْتَدِي بالأعْوَجِيِّ التَّارِصِ ... مِثْلَ مُدَقِ البَصَلِ الدُّلامِصِ)

يريد أنه أشهبُ نَهْدٌ ودَلْمَصَ الشيءَ بَرَّقَهُ والدُّمَلِصُ والدُّمالِصُ كالدُّلَمِصِ والدُّلامِص قال يعقوبُ هو مقلوبٌ من الدُّلَمِصِ وقد تقدّم ذلك في الثلاثيِّ لأن الدُّلامِصَ عند سيبويه فُعَامِلٌ فكلُّ ما اشْتُقَّ مِنْه أو قُلِبَ عنه ثلاثيٌّ أيضاً


1 صَدَّ عَنْهُ, (S, M, K, &c.,) aor. ـُ (S, M, A) and صَدِّ, (M,) the latter only agreeable with analogy, (MF,) [but the former, which is the more common, explainable on the ground that وَجْهَهُ or the like is understood,] inf. n. صُدُودٌ (S, M, A, K) and صَدٌّ, (M,) He turned away from, avoided, shunned, and left, him, or it; he was averse from him, or it; (S, M, A, Msb, K;) he turned away his face from him [or it]: (Ham p. 89:) and صَدَّهُ also, aor. ـُ inf. n. صَدٌّ, he forsook him, and turned away his face from him. (L.) One says, أَرَى فِيكَ صُدُودًا [I see in thee aversion]. (A.) And لَا صَدَّ عَنْ ذَاكَ [lit. There is no evading that], meaning truly thou didst that. (Lh, M.) صَدَّ السَّبِيلُ (tropical:) [The road, or way, turned aside] is said when a difficult road up a mountain, (A, L,) or some other obstacle, (A,) presents itself before thee, and thou leavest it, and takest another way. (A, L.) b2: And صَدَّهُ عَنْهُ, (S, M, K, &c.,) aor. ـُ (Msb,) inf. n. صَدٌّ; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ اصدّهُ, (S, M, K,) inf. n. إِصْدَادٌ; (TA;) and ↓ صدّدهُ; (M;) He averted him; turned him, or sent him, away, or back; or caused him to return, or go back, or revert; from it: (S, M, Msb, K:) prevented, or hindered, him from doing it: (S, A, Msb, K:) or did so by gentle means: and so ضَدَّهُ. (L in art. ضد.) A2: صَدَّ, aor. ـِ (T, S, M, A, K,) agreeably with analogy, (MF,) and this is the more approved form, (T,) and صَدُّ, (T, S, K,) inf. n. صَدِيدٌ (S, A, K) and صَدٌّ, (M,) He cried out, vociferated, or raised a clamour, (T, S, M, A, K,) مِنْ كَذَا [at, or by reason of, such a thing]. (A.) b2: and صَدَّ, aor. ـِ (Lth, M, Msb,) inf. n. صَدٌّ, (M,) He laughed, مِنْ كَذَا [at such a thing]: (Lth, Msb:) or he laughed violently, or immoderately. (M.) 2 صدّدهُ عَنْهُ: see 1.

A2: And صدّد, (T, TA,) inf. n. تَصْدِيدٌ; for which one says صدّد, inf. n. تَصْدِيَةٌ, (T, M, * K, * TA,) changing one of the دs into ى, (T, K, TA,) like as one says قَصَّيْتُ

أَظْفَارِى, which is originally قَصَّصْتُ; (T, TA;) and صَدَّى بِيَدَيْهِ; (TA in art. صدى;) He clapped with his hands; (T, M, K;) because, in the action of clapping the hands together, the صَدّ, i. e. “ face,” of one hand fronts that of the other; or, accord. to Aboo-Jaafar Er-Rustamee, التَّصْدِيَةُ is from صَدًى meaning “ a sound ” [or “ an echo ”]; but the former derivation is the more probable: (TA:) [see art. صدى:] also he raised his voice, or called out, or cried out. (M, TA.) It is said in the Kur [viii. 35], وَمَا كَانَ صَلَاتُهُمْ عِنَدْ الْبَيْتِ إِلَّا مُكَآءً وَتَصْدِيَةً And their prayer at the House [of God] is nought but whistling, and clapping with the hands: (M, * TA:) meaning, they do thus instead of praying as they have been commanded to do. (Jel.) A3: See also 4.3 صَادَّهُ وَضَادَّهُ [He treated him with aversion and opposition]. (A.) 4 اصدّهُ عَنْهُ: see 1.

A2: اصدّ said of a wound, (S, M, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِصْدَادٌ; (TA;) as also ↓ صدّد; (M, TA;) It contained, or generated, matter, (S, M, Msb, K,) such as is termed صَدِيد: (M, Msb:) or ran with such matter. (A.) 5 تصدّد لَهُ, for which one says تَصَدَّى له, [changing the last د into ى, as in the case of صَدَّدَ, q. v.,] from الصَّدَدُ, meaning “ the place, or part, that is before, in front, facing, or opposite; ” (Az, L;) He addressed, or applied, or directed, himself, or his regard, or attention, or mind, to him, or it; [as though he set himself over against the object to which the verb relates:] and he asked him, or petitioned him, for a thing that he wanted: syn. تَعَرَّضَ لَهُ; (L and K * in the present art., and S and M and K in art. صدى;) and أَقْبَلَ عَلَيْهِ; (L;) and تَضَرَّعَ لَهُ: (M in art. صدى:) he inclined to him, or it: (L:) he raised his head towards it: (M in art. صدى, in explanation of تصدّى:) he raised his head and breast towards it, looking towards it, or regarding it: (TA in art. صدى, in explanation of تصدّى:) the object is one at which you raise your eyes, looking at it: (S in art. صدى, in explanation of تصدّى:) he applied, or gave, his whole attention to it, (meaning an affair,) having his mind unoccupied by other things; syn. تَفَرَّغَ لَهُ وَتَبَتَّلَ. (Msb.) One says also, تصدّى لِلرَّدِّ عَلَى المُصَنِّفِ [He addressed, or applied, himself to reply against the author]. (TA in art. حزب, &c.) And تصدّى

لِلْمَعْرُوفِ وَطَلَبَهُ He addressed himself, or applied himself, to obtain favour, or bounty; and sought it; syn. تَعَرَّضَ لَهُ [and تَبَرَّى له]. (Msb in art. عرض.) And أَنْتَ لَهُ تَصَدَّى, [in the Kur, lxxx., 6,] originally تَتَصَدَّدُ, (L,) and accord. to one reading تَصَّدَّى, (Jel,) means To him thou addressest thyself, or directest thine attention, and inclinest; syn. تَتَعَرَّضُ لَهُ, (L,) and تُقْبِلُ عَلَيْهِ, (Zj,) and تَمِيلُ إِلَيْهِ; (L;) or تَتَعَرَّضُ لَهُ بِالْإِقْبَالِ عَلَيْهِ: (Bd:) or addressest thyself, &c., and humblest thyself: (M in art. صدى: [in which, however, this explanation is not given with express reference to the above-cited phrase in the Kur:]) or it may signify thou seekest to bring thyself near to him, or to advance thyself in his favour; from الصَّدَدُ as signifying القُرْبُ. (T.) [See also art. صدى.]8 اصطدّت She (a woman) covered herself with a صِدَاد [q. v.], i. e. سِتْر. (Nawádir el-Aaráb, O, K.) R. Q. 1 صَدْصَدَةٌ The beating of the sieve with one's hand. (TA.) صَدْ a Pers\. word [app. used by the Arabs] signifying A hundred. (TA.) صَدٌّ: see صُدٌّ, in four places. b2: Also The face, or front, of the hand. (TA.) صُدٌّ (M, A, L, Msb, K) and ↓ صَدٌّ (K) The side of a valley, (M, A, Msb, K,) or of a شِعْب [i. e. the kind of water-course so called, or a ravine], and of a mountain where it forms a ravine, (M, L,) and (tropical:) of a road: (A:) pl. [of pauc.] أَصْدَادٌ and [of mult.] صُدُودٌ. (TA.) And ↓ صَدٌّ (L) and ↓ صَدَدٌ (M, L) signify [in like manner] A side; a lateral, or an adjacent, part, quarter, tract, or the like; syn. of the former جَانِبٌ, (L,) and of the latter نَاحِيَةٌ. (M, L.) اِنْضَمَّ عَلَيْهِمُ الصُّدَّانِ [lit. The two sides of the road confined them] means (tropical:) they occupied the middle of the road. (A.) And الصُّدَّانِ signifies also (tropical:) The two edges, or extremities, or cusps, of the notch of an arrow, between which is the place of the bow-string; syn. شَرْخَا الفُوقِ. (O. [In the K, erroneously, شَرْخَا الفَرْقِ.]) b2: Also صُدٌّ and ↓ صَدٌّ A mountain: (AA, S, M, L, Msb, K:) and so سُدٌّ and سَدٌّ: (AA, S, M:) pl. أَصْدَادٌ and صُدُودٌ. (M, L.) b3: And ↓ صَدٌّ [or صُدٌّ] A cloud, or collection of clouds, rising high, and appearing like a mountain: and so سَدٌّ [or سُدٌّ (q. v.)], which is the more approved word. (M, L.) صَدَدٌ: see صُدٌّ. b2: Also i. q. قُرْبٌ [used as a n. of place, meaning Vicinity, or a near place or sport; as in phrases here following]: (ISk, S, M, A, Msb, K:) and the place, or part, that is before, in front, facing, or opposite. (ISk, * T, S, * M, A, * L, K. *) One says, دَارُهُ بِصَدَدِ المَسْجِدِ [His house is in the vicinity of, i. e. near to, the mosque; or his house is opposite to the mosque]. (Msb. [The former meaning is there indicated; but no meaning is expressed.]) And أَخَذْتُهُ مِنْ صَدَدٍ i. e. مِنْ قُرْبٍ

[I took it from a near place or spot]. (A.) and دَارِى صَدَدَ دَارِهِ, (ISk, S, A, K,) in which صدد is in the accus. case as an adv. n. of place, (S, K,) and بِصَدَدِهِ, (ISk, A,) and عَلَى صَدَدِهِ, (Lth, ISk,) My house is opposite to, i. e. in the place, or part, that is in front of, his house: (ISk, S, A, K:) and in the vicinity of, or near to, his house. (K.) And هٰذَا صَدَدَ هٰذَا, and بِصَدَدِهِ, This is in front of, or opposite to, this. (M.) b3: [Hence, app.,] لَا حَدَدَ لِى دُونَهُ وَلَا صَدَدَ There is no impediment to me in the way of it, nor any obstacle. (A.) b4: And هُوَ صَدَدَكَ i. q. قَصْدَكَ [i. e. He, or it, is tending, or looking, in the direction of thee; or is before thee, or before thy face: see art. قصد]. (Sb, M.) b5: And أَنَا بِصَدَدٍ مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ [I am directing myself, or my attention, to this affair]. (A.) [نَرْجِعُ إِلَى مَا نَحْنُ بِصَدَدِهِ, meaning We will return to that subject to which our attention is directed, is a phrase of frequent occurrence after a digression.]

صِدَادٌ A woman's سِتْر [app. meaning veil, or covering]. (Nawádir el-Aaráb, O, K.) b2: See also what next follows.

صَدُودٌ i. q. مِجْوَلٌ [app. meaning A kind of garment for women or for young girls, which is thus called]; (O, K; in the CK مِحْوَل;) as also ↓ صِدَادٌ; so says Th. (O.) صَدِيدٌ an inf. n. of صَدَّ [q. v.] in one of its senses. (S, A, K.) A2: Also The ichor, i. e. thin water, [or watery humour,] of a wound, (S, A, Mgh, K,) mixed [or tinged] with blood, (S, A, Mgh,) before the matter becomes thick: (S, A:) or matter, or pus, like water, in which is a mixture of red and white: (M:) or matter, or pus, like water in thinness and like blood in its having a mixture of red and white: (Az, Msb:) and some add that when it has thickened, it is مِدَّة: (Msb:) or matter, or pus, mixed with blood, (Lth, Mgh, Msb,) in a wound. (Lth.) In the Kur xiv. 19, it means What flows from the skins of the inmates of Hell: (M:) or what flows from their insides, and is mixed with matter and blood: (Jel:) or hot water (حَمِيمٌ) boiled until it thickens. (M, K.) b2: And hence, as being likened thereto, صَدِيدُ الفِضَّةِ i. e. ذُوَابَتُهَا [app. meaning What is melted of silver]. (M.) صُدَّى A species of fig, white without, black within, and very sweet. (AHn, M, TA.) صُدَّادٌ A road to water. (S, K.) A2: And الصُّدَّادُ The serpent: (K:) and (K, TA, in the CK “ or ”) a certain small animal (دُوَيْبَّة, S, K) of the kind of the [field-rats called] جِرْذَان: (S:) or [a species of lizard;] what is called سَامُّ أَبْرَصَ [q. v.]; (Az, S, M, K;) used in this sense by Keys: (Az, S:) or, accord. to Yaakoob, the [lizard called] وَزَع: or, as some say, a species of the [field rats called] جِرْذَان: (M:) pl. صَدَائِدُ, (S, M, K,) which is anomalous. (S, M.) صَادٌّ Turning away, avoiding, shunning, and leaving; or averse: fem. صَادَّةٌ: pl. of both صُدَّادٌ; and of the fem. صَوَادُّ also. (M.) مَصْدُودٌ [pass. part. n. of صَدَّهُ, q. v.]. One says, فُلَانٌ مَصْدُودٌ عَنِ الخَيْرِ [Such a one is turned away from, or prevented from attaining, what is good, or prosperity]. (A.)
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